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  314. 作为一家具乐部,我们尽量鼓励有体育精神的行为。

  As a club , we try to encourage sportsmanlike behaviour

  315. 作为一个政党,他们一直支持家庭观念。

  As a party , they had always been pro family

  316. 作为一个小组,女性在这次测试中的表现胜过男性。

  As a group , females performed better on the test than males

  317. 作为一个领导,他不被人信任,甚至让人畏惧。

  As a leader, he was distrusted and even feared

  318. 作为演员和母亲,她都得到了满足。

  She succeeded in fulfilling herself both as an actress and as a mother

  319. 作为演员,她从配角演起,慢慢地演出比较重要的角色。

  As an actress she has graduated from small roles t more substantial part

  320. 作为研究对象的小组,其组成由研究者的兴趣而定。

  The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the research 321. 作为我们遗产的一部分的漂亮古建筑

  Beautiful old buildings which are part of our heritage

  322. 作为网球运动员他已过了黄金时期。

  He’s past his peak as a tennis player

  323. 作为她这样年纪的女性,她的听力可不一般。

  She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age

  324. 作为说明,这里只举个简单的例子。

  For illustrative purposes , only a simply example is given here

  325. 作为守门员,比尔大有希望。

  Bill shows great promise as a goalkeeper

  326. 作为实习记者,她把大部分时间都投入到富有人情味的故事里。

  As a trainee reporter, she spent most of her time on human interest stories 327. 作为商务部长,里德利策划推行了私有化。

  Ridley , as commerce secretary , masterminded the privatization

  328. 作为骑师他曾十度驾驭获胜赛马。

  As a jockey he rode 10 winners

  329. 作为评论家,他太主观了。

  As a critic, he is far too subjective

  330. 作为朋友珍妮很喜欢西蒙,但她不想让这种关系加深。

  Jeanne liked Simon as a friend but she didn’t want the relationship to deepen 331. 作为科学家,他得到人们的赞扬和尊敬。

  He has achieved recognition and respect as a scientist

  332. 作为考试的一部分,驾驶员必须参加笔试。

  Drivers have to take a written exam as part of their tests

  333. 作为捐款的回报,他想见总统。

  In return for his donation , he wanted face time with the President

  334. 作为教师,你应视自己有代尽父母的责任。

  As a teacher , you should regard yourself as being in loco parentis

  335. 作为继母,根本别想和孩子的母亲争夺他们的爱。

  As a stepmother , don’t even try to compete with the children’s mother for their love


  336. 作为记者,他有机会与政界所有的大人物打交道。

  As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big names in politics 337. 作为记者,决不能容忍报道失实。

  As a journalist you simply cannot tolerate inaccuracy

  338. 作为吉祥物的马蹄形金挂坠

  A small gold horseshoe worn as a lucky charm

  339. 作为寡妇,她是家里唯一养家糊口的人。

  Awidow , she is the sole provider for her family

  340. 作为歌手他水平不高。

  He’s no great shakes as a singer

  341. 作为对我们的教导,教士提醒我们“责任”的意义。

  For our edification, the preacher reminded us what ‘duty ’meant 342. 作为对他所犯罪恶的补赎

  As a penance for his sins

  343. 作为低薪的兼职工人,这些妇女挣得很少。

  As part-time , low-paid workers , the women earned very little 344. 作为惩罚我被打发上床睡觉。

  I was sent to bed as a punishment

  345. 作为惩罚,他被禁止离开家。

  He was forbidden to leave the house , as a punishment

  346. 作为惩罚,不允许她参加学校的任何活动。

  As a punishment ,she was not permitted to attend any school activities 347. 作为成功尺度的成绩

  Results that are used as a benchmark of success

  348. 作为报纸出版商,他很清楚印刷文字的厉害。

  As a newspaper publisher he understood the power of the printed word 349. 作品的水准下降了。

  The standard of work has declined

  350. 作决定之前要仔细考虑。

  Think it over carefully before you make a decision

  351. 作决定之前获得一些专业性建议是有好处的。

  It pays to get some professional advice before you make a decision 352. 作家的观察力

  A writer’s powers of observation

  353. 作家比较了两位总统的相似之处。

  The writer draws comparisons between the two presidents

  354. 作过防水处理的攀缘用具

  Climbing gear proofed against water

  355. 作出这个决定的依据是什么?

  What is the reasoning behind this decision ?

  356. 作变动之前他在反复考虑这些建议。

  He’s mulling over the proposals before making any changes 357. 作案人始终逍遥法外。

  The perpetrators were never caught


  358. 佐伊有点害怕回到那幢房子里。

  Zoe was half afraid to go back in the house

  359. 佐伊为克服自己的羞怯而说话过多,真是矫枉过正。

  Zoe overcompensates for her shyness by talking a lot

  360. 佐伊看着我,表情木然。

  Zoe looked at me with a blank expression

  361. 佐伊兼职做点自由摄影。

  Zoe does a bit of freelance photography as a sideline

  362. 佐薇通常是个不轻易流露感情的人。

  Zoe is normally an unemotional person

  363. 佐夫起初被看成是怪人,但是后来他的理论变得非常有影响力。

  Zoff was originally dismissed as a crank , but his theories later became very influential 364. 左翼政党联盟

  A coalition of leftist parties

  365. 左翼游击队员

  Left-wing guerrillas

  366. 左翼民兵团体

  A left-wing militia group

  367. 左翼几乎完全折断了。

  The left-wing had been almost completely sheared off

  368. 左手用的剪刀

  Left-handed scissors

  369. 左前轮挡泥板被撞碎,蹭到了轮子。

  The front left fender was smashed and rubbing against the wheel

  370. 左边方框内简要介绍了这场战役的经过。

  The box on the left gives a short history of the battle

  371. 左边的地面往下倾斜,让人能看到屋顶。

  On the left the ground dropship away, giving a view over the rooftops

  372. 左边的车头灯坏了。

  The headlight on the near side isn’t working

  373. 昨晚这支球队又奉献了一场令人目眩的精彩表演

  Last night the team turned in another dazzling performance

  374. 昨晚这些数学题我一道也做不出,太难了。

  I couldn’t do any of the maths last night – it was solid

  375. 昨晚有一家五口在家中被活活烧死。

  A family of five were burned alive in their home last night

  376. 昨晚有人严重警告说会发生内战。

  Last night there were dire warnings of civil war

  377. 昨晚有没有人看见或听见什么?

  Did anyone see or hear anything last night ?

  378. 昨晚有个小孩被车撞倒后进了医院。

  A child was in hospital last night after being knocked down by a car

  379. 昨晚一定下了很大的雨。


  It must have rained quite hard last night

  380. 昨晚消息渐渐从孟买传开了。

  The news gradually filtered through from Bombay last night 381. 昨晚我做了个特别怪异的梦。

  I had a really weird dream last night

  382. 昨晚我一整夜牙疼得厉害。

  I had terrible toothache all last night

  383. 昨晚我一夜都没合眼。

  I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night

  384. 昨晚我们在帐篷里都冻僵了。

  We were freezing cold in the tent last night

  385. 昨晚我们全都喝得酩酊大醉。

  We all got completely slaughtered last night

  386. 昨晚我们喝得酩酊大醉。

  We got completely mashed last night

  387. 昨晚我们都去海滩了—真好玩啊。

  We all went to the beach last night – it was a really good laugh 388. 昨晚我们呆在家里看电视。

  Last night we stayed at home and watched TV

  389. 昨晚我们吃了一顿非常美味的晚餐。

  We had a really good meal last night

  390. 昨晚我和公司的姑娘们出去了。

  I went out with the girls from work last night

  391. 昨晚特里和警察有个小小的误会。

  Terry had a little misunderstanding with the police last night 392. 昨晚汤姆和我发生了小争吵。

  Tom and I had a bit of a set-to last night

  393. 昨晚他发高烧,但现在好像已经好了。

  He had a fever last night , but he seems to be over it now 394. 昨晚气温降到了零下十摄氏度。

  Temperatures dipped to -10 last night

  395. 昨晚气温降到了零下好几度。

  It was well below freezing last night

  396. 昨晚你看电视播出的比赛没有?

  Did you see the game on TV last night ?

  397. 昨晚难民营再次遭袭。

  The refugee camp came under assault again last night 398. 昨晚那顿饭花了一大笔钱。

  That meal last night cost an absolute fortune

  399. 昨晚零下五度。

  It was five degrees below zero last night

  400. 昨晚两名持枪男子抢劫了市中心一家售酒的商店。

  Two armed men held up a downtown liquor store last night 401. 昨晚肯第一次把他的感受原原本本地说了出来。


  Last night was the first time that Ken had opened up about his feelings 402. 昨晚军队发动了数次越境袭击。

  The army launched several cross-border raids last night

  403. 昨晚发生严重的火车相撞事故,民众要求制定新的安全措施。

  New safety measures were being demanded after last night’s horrific train crash 404. 昨晚发生了一件非常奇怪的事。

  A really weird thing happened last night

  405. 昨晚发生的事我还是不谈为好。

  I’d rather draw a veil over what happened last night

  406. 昨晚的演出比以前任何一场都好看。

  Last night’s show was better than ever

  407. 昨晚的投票结果如何?

  What are the returns from last night’s voting ?

  408. 昨晚的骚乱过后,街道又恢复了平静。

  The streets are calm again after last night’s disturbances

  409. 昨晚的派对真是棒极了!

  That was some party last night

  410. 昨晚的聚会太棒了!

  That was one radical party last night !

  411. 昨晚达拉斯牛仔队大败水牛城比尔队。

  The Dallas Cowboys clobbered the Buffalo Bills last night

  412. 昨晚,那个小女孩未能战胜死神。

  The little girl lost her fight for life last night

  413. 昨天早上我才见到她。

  I only met her yesterday morning

  414. 昨天在激烈的街头抗议中有三人死亡。

  Three people died yesterday in violent street protests

  415. 昨天员工投票赞成罢工行动。

  Staff balloted for strike action yesterday

  416. 昨天有人告诉了我这件事。

  I was told about it yesterday

  417. 昨天已经确认了史密斯为俱乐部新经理。

  Smith was confirmed as the club’s new manager yesterday

  418. 昨天一名囚犯越狱后,监狱方面被勒令加强安全措施。

  The prison was ordered to tighten security after a prisoner escaped yesterday 419. 昨天一名女子的汽车冲出公路,险些酿成大祸。

  A woman had a narrow escape yesterday when her car left the road

  420. 昨天一名 34 岁的囚犯从治安官办公室里逃走了。

  A 34-year-old inmate broke loose from the sheriff’s office yesterday 421. 昨天宣布利率下调 1%。

  A cut of 1% in interest rates was announced yesterday

  422. 昨天我在街上看到菲奥娜,而她装着没有看到我。

  I saw Fiona in the street yesterday and she looked straight through me 423. 昨天我在 A40 号干线公路上超速行驶被逮到。


  I got caught speeding on the A40 yesterday

  424. 昨天我像大家一样开着法拉利穿过商业区,在影院外看见了一位老同学。

  I was driving a Ferrari through town yesterday – as you do – when I saw an old schoolfriend outside the cinema.

  425. 昨天我们没有受到邀请就去参加了乔的派对。

  We crashed Joe’s party yesterday

  426. 昨天我看到了那个人。

  I saw you know who yesterday.

  427. 昨天我和凯茜大吵了一场。

  Cathy and I had a real bust-up yesterday.

  428. 昨天我给她发了封电子邮件。

  I sent her an email yesterday.

  429. 昨天我感觉很糟,不过谢天谢地,现在我不晕船了。

  I felt awful yesterday. But, thankfully, I've found my sea legs now.

  430. 昨天我的手指让后门夹了一下,现在还痛。

  I shut my finger in the back door yesterday and it still hurts.

  431. 昨天晚上真的很冷。

  It was really cold last night.

  432. 昨天晚上有哪位忘记拿夹克衫了吗?

  Did anybody leave a jacket behind last night?

  433. 昨天通货膨胀率的再次下降对 274 万失业人员而言起不了安慰的作用。

  Another drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort yesterday for the 2.74 million jobless 434. 昨天他从电话里得知自己被任命的消息。

  He learned about his appointment by telephones yesterday

  435. 昨天深夜工会会员正式发出罢工通知。

  Union members served strike notice late last night

  436. 昨天切尔滕纳姆的赛马场地很泥泞。

  The going was heavy at Cheltenham yesterday

  437. 昨天欧文的一个超级入球为联队赢得了激动人心的胜利。

  A superb goal by Owen earned united a dramatic victory yesterday

  438. 昨天你做了什么?

  What did you do yesterday ?

  439. 昨天伦敦股价大跌。

  London share prices fell sharply yesterday

  440. 昨天克罗夫特在四分之一决赛中落败,她的复出计划落空了。

  Croft’s comeback hit the skids yesterday when she lost in the quarter-finals

  441. 昨天交易商等待公司发布业绩,股市交投淡静。

  The Stock Market was becalmed yesterday as dealers waited for company results 442. 昨天花粉计数很高。

  The pollen count was high yesterday

  443. 昨天公司股票下跌 26 便士,因为其利润低于伦敦金融界的预期。

  Shares in the company dropped 26p yesterday, as profits fell short of City expectations 444. 昨天对该地区空投了救援食品。

  Air drops of food aid were made to the region yesterday

  Residents were evacuated when fire broke out in a block of flats yesterday 454. 昨天,一位居民和死神进行了搏斗,从大火中逃了出来。

  A resident was fighting for his life yesterday having escaped the blaze 455. 遵守限速规定。

  Keep to the speed limits

  456. 遵守教规的犹太教徒

  Observant Jews

  457. 遵纪守法的公民

  Citizens who are obedient to the law






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