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  180. 不要用多余的话使你的回答显得很高明似的。

  Don’t pad out your answer to make it seem impressive

  181. 边喝咖啡边交谈的用餐客人

  Dinner guests chatting over coffee

  182. 按目前的情况看,要提高报纸的销量还有大量的工作要做。

  On present showing , there’s a lot to do to get the newspapers sales up

  183. 安全部队大量出动,但是没有干预。

  Security forces were out in strength but did not intervene

  184. 艾丽斯很快穿好衣服。

  Alice dressed swiftly

  185. 埃琳娜突然死亡之谜

  The mystery surrounding Elena’s untimely

  186. 20 世纪 50 年代时这个港市开始衰落了。

  The port fell into decline in the 1950s

  187. “你锁前门了吗?”“我想是的,但我最好还是去查看一下。”

  ‘did you lock the front door?’‘I think so , but I’d better make sure ’

  188. “那就是我昨晚在大楼里看见的那个男人。”“你能完全肯定吗?”

  ‘That’s the man I saw in the building last night ’, ‘Are you quite sure about that ?’ 189. 做作的叹息

  An exaggerated sigh

  190. 做这种事真可怕!

  What a horrible thing to do !

  191. 做这种工作你必须准备好承担风险。

  You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work

  192. 做这些事纯粹是闹着玩的。

  It was all done purely in fun

  193. 做这项工作要有专门知识。

  You need specialist knowledge to do this job

  194. 做这项工作不需要什么学历。

  Academic qualifications are not necessary to do this job

  195. 做这件事多奇怪呀!

  What an extraordinary thing to do

  196. 做这个手术使用局部麻醉,能降低感染的风险。

  The operation is performed under local anaesthetic, which lessens the chances of infection 197. 做这份工作有时要到国外出差。

  Some foreign travel is entailed in the job

  198. 做这份工作需要有坚强的意志。

  The job requires nerves of steel

  199. 做这份工作需要有极大的耐心。

  You need the patience of a saint for this job

  200. 做这份工作需要很有耐心。

  The job needs a lot of patience

  201. 做这份工作她具备出色的资历。

  She had excellent credentials for the job


  202. 做这份工作你会遇到很多装腔作势的人。

  You meet a lot of posers in this job

  203. 做这份工作懂一些西班牙语绝对占优势。

  some knowledge of Spanish is a definite plus in this job

  204. 做这份工作必须具备幽默感。

  It’s vital to have a sense of humor in this job

  205. 做这份工作,你的报酬与你付出的努力是成正比的。

  The rewards you get in this job are in direct proportion to the effort you put in 206. 做这道菜,用新鲜香草和大蒜更好。

  For this dish , fresh herbs and garlic are preferable

  207. 做这次手术的外科医生

  The surgeon who performed the operation

  208. 做一些事先计划可以省去很多开销。

  A little forward planning can save you a lot of expense

  209. 做一次演习看看要花多少时间。

  Do a dummy run to see how long it will take

  210. 做些园艺我不反对,但我不挖土的。

  I don’t mind doing some gardening but I draw the line at digging

  211. 做我的情人吧。

  Be my Valentine

  212. 做完后接着做下一道题。

  Go on to the next question when you’ve finished

  213. 做完后将纸放进印有你名字的信封里。

  When you’re done, put your sheet in the envelope marked with your name 214. 做外销并不比做内销难。

  Selling goods abroad is no more difficult than selling to the home market 215. 做头发

  Do your hair

  216. 做手术时手要稳。

  It takes a steady hand to perform surgery

  217. 做事小心点,你洒得到处都是!

  Watch what you’re doing ! It’s spilling everywhere

  218. 做生意填补了妻子死后留给他的空虚感。

  Running the business helped to fill the void after his wife died

  219. 做生意哪能心慈手软!

  There’s no place for sentiment in business

  220. 做生意的目的是赚钱。

  The purpose of conducting a business is to make money

  221. 做什么都比呆在家里好!

  Anything would be better than staying at home

  222. 做任何事情之前都要先请示老板。

  Check it out with your boss before you do anything

  223. 做轮班工作的人

  People who do shift work


  224. 做临时保姆时,一定要有孩子家长的联系电话。

  If you are babysitting , make sure you have a contact number for the parents 225. 做了这么多辛苦的工作后,我想我们应该休息一下了。

  I think we deserve a rest after all that hard work

  226. 做了一上午好事之后他理当休息一下。

  After the morning’s good deeds he deserved a rest

  227. 做了十年的生意,麦克阿瑟现在不想干了。

  After ten years in the business , McArthur is baling out

  228. 做了很长时间,但是从成品看是值得的。

  It took a long time to do , but the finished product was worth it

  229. 做了大量的调查研究工作才发现问题的原因。

  It took a lot of detective work to discover the cause of the problem 230. 做空中踢腿动作的一排舞蹈演员

  A row of dancers kicking their legs in the air

  231. 做好准确的记录非常重要。

  It is vital that you keep accurate records

  232. 做好准确的记录非常重要。

  It is vital to keep accurate records

  233. 做好会议准备可以节省时间。

  Being prepared for meetings will save time

  234. 做好的鱼那味道把她馋得直流口水。

  The smell of the cooked fish made her mouth water

  235. 做好充足准备的重要性怎么强调也不过分。

  The importance of adequate preparation cannot be overemphasized 236. 做工精美的木雕

  An elaborately carved wooden statue

  237. 做工粗糙的台灯

  A chintzy lamp

  238. 做工粗糙的家具

  Badly made furniture

  239. 做钢雕的雕塑家

  A sculptor who works in steel

  240. 做父母的应该坦诚地和子女谈谈吸毒的危害性。

  Parents should talk openly to their children about The dangers of drug abuse 241. 做饭前首先要把手洗干净。

  Having clean hands is one of The cardinal rules when preparing food 242. 做到两者兼顾并非总是很容易。

  It isn’t always easy to strike the right balance

  243. 做出上乘油酥点心的秘诀在于要用很冷的水。

  The secret to making good pastry

  244. 做菜的时候一定要边做边尝。

  It’s always best to keep tasting the food while you’re cooking it

  245. 做编辑工作必须极其细心。

  Editing requires great attention to detail


  246. 做比萨饼的面团要擀得薄薄的。

  Pizza dough should be rolled thinly

  247. 坐直身子,别无精打采的。

  Just sit up straight and stop slouching

  248. 坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。

  Sit up straight , don’t slouch

  249. 坐着不动这么久使她肌肉抽筋了。

  Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles

  250. 坐在我们对面的那些人看上去很面熟。

  The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar 251. 坐在水池边看一本好书就是我理想中的极乐之事。

  Sitting by the pool with a good book is my idea of heaven 252. 坐在汽车后部的乘客

  A passenger travelling in the rear of a car

  253. 坐在路边咖啡馆看着人来人往真是惬意。

  It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk caf and watch people pass 254. 坐椅安全带可以救命。

  A seatbelt could save your life

  255. 坐下来算一算你花了多少钱。

  Sit down and work out just what you spend

  256. 坐下来和家人一起用晚餐感觉真好。

  It was good to be sitting down eating dinner with my family 257. 坐下来放松一下—我来开瓶酒。

  Sit back and relax . Ill open a bottle of wine

  258. 坐下来把详情说给我听。

  Sit down and tell me all about it

  259. 坐下来,暂时忘记你的烦恼。

  Sit down here and forget your troubles for a minute 260. 坐下来,让自己舒服一些。

  Sit down and make yourself comfortable

  261. 坐下来,喝一杯吧。

  Sit yourself down and have a drink

  262. 坐下把你所有的情况都告诉我。

  Sit down and tell me all your news

  263. 坐下!乖狗狗。

  Sit! Good dog

  264. 坐头等舱旅行

  Travel first class

  265. 坐落在山坡上的一座小教堂

  A little church sitting on a hillside

  266. 坐落在法国阿尔卑斯山脚下的一个小村庄

  A tiny village nestling among the foothills of the French Alps 267. 坐轮椅人士的专用停车位

  Special parking for wheelchair users


  268. 坐轮椅的人日常生活中的实际问题

  The practicalities of everyday life for someone in a wheelchair

  269. 坐立姿势问题

  Postural problems

  270. 坐牢的男性人数远远高于女性。

  Men in prison vastly outnumber women

  271. 坐火车旅行的人仍不计其数。

  People who travel by rail still read an immense amount

  272. 坐火车可能更好。

  The train might be a better bet

  273. 坐火车更轻松。

  It’s more relaxing to go by train

  274. 坐好,放松,好好欣赏节目吧!

  Sit back , relax , and enjoy the show

  275. 坐地铁去市中心最快。

  The subway is the fastest way to get downtown

  276. 坐到我旁边来,宝贝儿。

  Come sit by me , precious

  277. 坐到炉火前面来。

  Come and sit in front of the fire

  278. 坐出租车十五分钟就能到机场。

  A fifteen minute taxi ride will take you to the airport

  279. 坐车去城堡很方便。

  The castle is easily accessible by road

  280. 坐吧,埃米,你看上去很累。

  Sit down ,Amy ,you look tired

  281. 作自己妻子代表的丈夫

  A husband acting as proxy for his wife

  282. 作者指引读者参见他的其他书籍。

  The author cross-refers to his other books

  283. 作者在序言里概述了他们的观点。

  The authors summarize their views in the introduction

  284. 作者已收到您的资助,他们表示十分感谢。

  The authors gratefully acknowledge your financial support

  285. 作者为本书第二版新加了一章背景材料。

  The author included a new chapter of background material for the second edition of the book 286. 作者特此声明版权归出版商所有。

  The author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright

  287. 作者给当代消费文化勾勒出了一幅多元的图画。

  The author builds up a useful composite picture of contemporary consumer culture 288. 作者把东、西德和英格兰的南北差异作了比较。

  The author draws a comparison between East and West Germany and the North-South divide in England

  289. 作业太简单,没有让学生充分发挥。


  The work’s too easy . The students aren’t being stretched enough

  290. 作物生产

  Crop production

  291. 作为作家,她的专长是写喜剧。

  As a writer, her forte is comedy

  292. 作为总统的首席顾问之一,他势必成为批评的对象。

  As one of the President’s chief advisers , he’s bound to be in the firing line

  293. 作为主席,我非常希望能够尽可能多地与贝克先生合作

  As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible

  294. 作为长子,他是王位的下一任继承人。

  As the oldest son, he was next in line to the throne

  295. 作为一种主要能源的煤正为天然气所取代。

  Coal has been displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy

  296. 作为一种宣传噱头托德乘坐热气球飞越城市上空。

  Todd flew over the city in a hot air balloon as a publicity stunt

  297. 作为一种通勤服务,渡船已经没有用武之地了。

  As a commuter service , the ferry has out lived itsusefulness

  298. 作为一种身份证明方式的指纹提取

  Fingerprinting as a means of identification

  299. 作为一种讽刺手段的小说

  The novel as a medium for satire

  300. 作为一种表达方式的艺术

  Art as a means of expression

  301. 作为一项政策,它并未产生预期的效果。

  As a policy ,it did not produce the desired effect

  302. 作为一名职业足球运动员,时不时遭人批评是正常的。

  When you’re a professional footballer, you expect people to take a pop at you now and again 303. 作为一名音乐家,凯奇很难归类。

  As a musician , Cage is hard to classify

  304. 作为一名艺术家,他在这里从未像他在美国那样出名,也不像在美国那样受人尊敬

  He’s an artist who has never been as well-known here , or for that matter as well-respected , as he has been in the USA

  305. 作为一名医生,你经常得把个人情感放在一边。

  As a doctor , you often need to lay aside your personal feelings

  306. 作为一名生物学家,我主要的兴趣是人类遗传学。

  As a biologist , my main interest has been human genetics

  307. 作为一名民权领袖,他始终承担着领导责任。

  As a civil rights leader , he was always out front

  308. 作为一名科学家,我对猜测不感兴趣。

  As a scientist , I do not deal in speculation

  309. 作为一名经理人,桑福德深谙公司政治之道。

  As a manager , Sanford was wise in the ways of company politics

  310. 作为一名教育家,他受到人们的高度尊敬。

  As an educationalist , he was held in very high esteem


  311. 作为一名驾车者,我尽量考虑到骑自行车的人。

  As a motorist , I try to be considerate towards cyclists

  312. 作为一名辅导员,应该一直富有同情心,并应处事客观。

  A counsellor should always be sympathetic and non-judgmental 313. 作为一家企业,他们找到了成功之道。

  As a business , they have found a winning formula






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