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  1. 最糟的是,我不能告诉任何人发生了什么事。

  The worst of it is (=the worst part of the situation is) , I can't tell anyone what's happening.

  2. 自传体小说

  an autobiographical novel (=one based on the author's own experiences)

  3. 转向高端市场的品牌

  A brand that’s moved upmarket(=one based on the author’s own experiences)

  4. 重要的是要有一致的目标

  The important thing is to have agreed objectives

  5. 政府必须纠正用于黑人儿童和白人儿童方面的开支不平衡。

  The government must redress the imbalance in spending on black and white children

  6. 真相终于大白

  Eventually the truth emerged.

  7. 这种蜥蜴被归为濒危物种。

  The lizards are classed as an endangered species.

  8. 这些指控令首相及其头痛。

  The allegations have been an acute embarrassment to the Prime Minister.

  9. 这些土地已耕作很多年了。

  These fields have been under cultivation for years.

  10. 这是私事,她不想和记者谈论它。

  It was a personal matter, and she had no intention of talking to any journalist about it.

  11. 这句台词里,哈姆雷特说Saw时用了双关的意思

  In the line. Hamlet puns on the meaning of ‘saw’.

  12. 这个家族有哮喘病史。

  Asthma runs in the family

  13. 这场改革成为其他共产主义国家的范例。

  The reforms served as a model for the rest of the Communist world.

  14. 这部影片荣获五项奥斯卡奖。

  The film won five Oscars.

  15. 这本书的前几页是序言。

  There’s an introduction at the front of the book.

  16. 长有多刺叶子的植物。

  A plant with prickly leaves.

  17. 赞美诗的曲调。

  A hymn tune

  18. 在早上。

  In the morning

  19. 在晚上。

  In the evening

  20. 在她患病期间,她的朋友都来帮助她。

  Her friends all rallied round when she was ill.

  21. 有没有人负责计分?

  Is anybody keeping score ?

  22. 用于信息技术的支出减少了。


  Spending on information technology has declined.

  23. 已定罪的谋杀犯。

  A convicted murderer.

  24. 医疗福利。

  Medical benefits

  25. 一群鸟儿。

  A flock of birds

  26. 一瓶免费葡萄酒,让假日有个良好开端。

  A free bottle of wine to get your holiday off to a great start

  27. 一派胡言!

  What arrant nonsense !

  28. 一连下了五个星期的雨。

  Five weeks of continual rain.

  29. 一本正经的守旧男子。

  A rather priggish, old-fashioned man.

  30. 野生动植物繁多的地区。

  An area that is richly endowed with wildlife.

  31. 性生活活跃的年轻人。

  Young people who are sexually active .

  32. 五十人参加了会议。

  Fifty people attended The meeting.

  33. 我丈夫现在戒了酒,换了个人似的。

  My husband is now off the booze and he is a different person.

  34. 我要求把钱还给我!

  I demand my money back !

  35. 我在想在储蓄账户内存款。

  I’d like to make a deposit into my savings account .

  36. 我能找主管的人谈谈吗?

  Could I speak to someone in authority please ?

  37. 我们已经吃过了。

  We’d already eaten

  38. 我们闲坐着聊了一会。

  We sat around for a bit, chatting .

  39. 我们对她期望很高,她很有天赋。

  We have great hopes of her ,and she’s very talented .

  40. 我们的爱始终不渝。

  Our love will never die.

  41. 我当然不会告诉任何人!你以为我是什么人?

  Of course I won’t tell anyone !what do you take me for ?

  42. 我把公寓转租给姐姐,将行李装了车,西行而去。

  I sublet my apartment to my sister, packed my van, and headed west.

  43. 为当地餐厅提供付费电话的为期三年的合同。

  A three-year contract to provide pay telephones at local restaurants

  44. 危害儿童罪的指控。


  Charges of child endangerment

  45. 望子成龙心切的母亲。

  Mothers who are highly ambitious for their children

  46. 退货保证。

  A money-back guarantee

  47. 停止敌对行动。

  A cessation of hostilities

  48. 调查进行到一半的时候,所有参与者都又一次接受了面谈。

  At the midpoint of the study , all those taking part were interviewed again.

  49. 条约将于今晚12点整开始生效。

  The treaty will come into force on the stroke of midnight tonight

  50. 提升社会阶层的工作和机会。

  Jobs and opportunities for upward mobility.

  51. 太空旅行的历史。

  The history of space travel.

  52. 她走出离婚的阴影,变得更坚强了。

  She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.

  53. 她自己的需要让位于她家庭的需要。

  Her own needs had been subjugated to the needs of her family.

  54. 她在花园里跪着除杂草。

  She was on her knee weeding the garden

  55. 她是自然死亡吗?

  Did she die a natural death ?

  56. 她上了本月杂志的封面。

  She’s on the front of this month’s magazine.

  57. 她忍不住瞟了他一眼。

  She couldn’t resist a sidelong glance at him.

  58. 她决定在审判时进行自我辩护。

  She decided to represent herself during the trial

  59. 她觉得自己很讨厌他的语调。

  She felt herself prickle at his tone of voice

  60. 她给霍尔曼亨特和密莱司当过模特儿。

  She sat for Holman Hunt and Millais

  61. 她改变主意,决定留下来。

  She had a change of heart and decided to stay

  62. 她的男朋友大多数都没能和她维持多久。

  Most of her boyfriends don’t stay around very long

  63. 她的百岁生日

  Her hundredth birthday

  64. 他坐着,一边大口喝啤酒一边抽烟。

  He sat swigging beer and smoking

  65. 他纵酒痛饮了五天。

  He’s been on the booze for five days.

  66. 他想尽办法,但脑子里仍摆脱不掉那件事。


  Try as he might, he could not get the incident out of his mind

  67. 他说他的家人接到这个组织的恐吓电话。

  He says his family received phone threats from the group

  68. 他深更半夜去游泳了。

  He’s gone for a midnight swim

  69. 他们需要权衡一下规章制度的利弊。

  They need to weigh up the costs and benefits of regulation

  70. 他们会花上几小时讨论各种汽车的细节问题。

  They would spend hours discussing The finer points of various cars.

  71. 他们怀疑他一直在搞欺诈勾当。

  They suspected he was on the fiddle all along

  72. 他闷闷不乐地看着地板。

  He stared morosely at the floor

  73. 他买的价钱远远超出了其实际价值。

  He bought it for a price that was far beyond its real value

  74. 他堕落到吸毒的地步

  His descent into drug abuse

  75. 他的讲话是公众情绪的准确反映。

  76. His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood

  77. 他承认错误了吗?

  Did he admit his mistake ?

  78. 他把纸翻过来,在背面写了起来。

  He flipped the paper over and started writing on the back.

  79. 随着地壳板块的互相挤压

  As these plates grind against each other

  80. 苏格兰近岸的一座小岛

  A small island off the coast of Scotland

  81. 四人遇害的凶杀案

  A quadruple murder

  82. 斯托克利头部严重受伤,生命垂危。

  Stockley is fighting for his life , with serious head injuries

  83. 税前利润激增 16%

  A 16% leap in pre-tax profits

  84. 谁要是有时间愿意提供帮助,可以和莫伊拉联系。

  Anyone who has time to spare and would like to help can contact Moira

  85. 谁要是认为养育孩子容易,那他会大吃一惊的。

  Anyone who thinks that bringing up children is easy is in for a big shock

  86. 谁获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖?

  Who got the Oscar for best actress ?

  87. 双方还是有一丝希望达成协议。

  There’s still a faint hope that the two sides will reach an agreement

  88. 事件的准确描述

  An accurate description of the event

  89. 事故后他接受了几个星期的牵引治疗。


  He was in traction for weeks after the accident

  90. 似乎没有办法能够解决目前的经济危机

  There seems to be no way out of the current economic crisis

  91. 市场对这则公告反响良好。

  The market reacted favourably to the announcement

  92. 史密斯听了医生的建议,决定提前退休。

  On her doctor’s advice Smith decided to take early retirement

  93. 石油价格对中东危机的消息反应强烈。

  Oil prices reacted sharply to news of the crisis in the Middle East

  94. 圣诞节购物热潮

  The Christmas rush

  95. 生活总是令人厌烦地重复着。

  Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself

  96. 稍有些不一样的做事方法

  A slightly different way of doing things

  97. 山区丰富的金矿床

  Rich deposits of gold in the hills

  98. 山坡上全是种植水稻的梯田。

  Terraces for rice cultivation covered the hillsides

  99. 如果有人这样对我,我就会向经理投诉。

  If anyone treated me like that, I should complain to the manager 100. 如果你需要什么帮助,可以打我办公室的电话。

  Should you need any help , you can always phone me at the office 101. 如果没人要补充什么,我们就进行投票表决吧。

  Unless anyone has anything to add , we’ll take a vote

  102. 人口数量的猛增

  A quantum leap in population levels

  103. 全部费用将近 10 万美元。

  The total cost was getting on for $100,000

  104. 去年他父亲被癌症夺去了生命。

  He lost his father to cancer

  105. 清楚自己要的是什么有好处。

  It helps if you have a clear idea of what you want

  106. 起初我不同意,但经过一番考虑后,我意识到她是对的。

  At first I disagreed, but on reflection , I realized she was right 107. 企业信心的增强

  An improvement in business confidence

  108. 骑自行车和徒步旅行的小路

  Trails for bikers and hikers

  109. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试

  An assault on Mt Everest

  110. 欧洲订单占了去年我们销售额的 30%。

  European orders represented 30 percent of our sales last year 111. 欧盟给予了慷慨的捐款。


  There have been generous donations from EU funds

  112. 农业耕种和重视资源保护的不平衡现状

  The current imbalance between farming and conservation interests 113. 纽约一家最为时髦豪华的夜总会

  A New York nightclub that was the height of sophistication 114. 你在我的办公室里到处乱翻想干什么?

  What were you doing nosing around in my office ?

  115. 你愿意响应我们的慈善呼吁捐款吗?

  Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal ? 116. 你有什么购买证明吗?

  Do you have any proof of purchase ?

  117. 你应该随身携带会员卡。

  You should carry your membership card with you at all times 118. 你要尽量如实地说明情况。

  Try to keep your account of events as factual as possible 119. 你喜欢这个国家吗?

  Do you like this country?

  120. 你能抽出一点时间和我私下谈几句吗?

  Could you possibly spare me a few moments in private ? 121. 你会喜欢我哥哥的。

  You’ll like my brother

  122. 你的小女儿现在多大了?

  How old’s your little girl ?

  123. 你的电视在保修期内吗?

  Is your TV under guarantee ?

  124. 你猜得太离谱了,他其实是三十八岁。

  Your guess was way out , he’s actually thirty-eight

  125. 能够迅速而又果断行动的天赋

  A talent for quick decisive action

  126. 那家人现在住在伦敦。

  The family now live in London

  127. 那幅油画属于我们家族已有 200 年了。

  That painting has been in our family for 200 years

  128. 目前的不景气是由一些因素引发的。

  There are a number of factors at play in the current recession 129. 米歇尔不得不要钱时觉得极其难堪。

  Michelle was acutely embarrassed at having to ask for money 130. 门廊与房子的其他部分不成比例。

  The porch is out of proportion with the rest of the house 131. 美元在国际货币市场上的坚挺程度

  The strength of the dollar on the international money markets 132. 美国和英国的不同之处

  Dissimilarities between the US and Britain

  133. 每天都有成千上万的人死于饥饿。


  Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day

  134. 每次的身体运动都需要复杂的肌肉系统活动。

  A complex system of muscles is brought into play for each body movement 135. 麦当娜的艺术生涯与雪儿的相似。

  Madonna’s career is not dissimilar to Cher’s

  136. 妈妈,这事你别掺和。不关你的事。

  You keep out of this , Mum . it’s no concern of yours

  137. 轮胎都磨平了,在这湿的路面上没有了摩擦力。

  The tires were bald and lost traction on the wet road

  138. 轮船沉没,彼得在海上遇难。

  Peter was lost at sea when his ship sank

  139. 两国间激烈的边界争端

  The bitter border dispute between the countries

  140. 雷有足够的钱来尽情享受昂贵的葡萄酒。

  Ray has enough money to indulge his taste for expensive wines

  141. 老师说她的写作能力远低于平均水平。

  The teacher said that her writing skills were far below average

  142. 来自外太空的生物

  Creatures from outer space

  143. 喇叭里传来声音说航班误点了。

  The voice over the loudspeaker said the flight was delayed

  144. 口对口人工呼吸

  Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

  145. 肯尴尬地朝她咧嘴一笑。

  Ken gave her an embarrassed grim

  146. 克劳迪娅本想拒绝,可是她不敢。

  Claudia would have liked to refuse, but she didn’t dare

  147. 经进一步检查,这设计有很多问题冒了出来。

  On closer inspection, a number of problems emerged with the design 148. 尽量把你的工作减少到较易处理的量。

  Try to reduce your tasks to more manageable

  149. 将就此进行一次全市范围的投票表决。

  There will be a citywide vote on the matter

  150. 几包香烟

  Several packets of cigarettes

  151. 即使在节食,也可以偶尔吃点你想吃的东西。

  Even if you’re dieting ,you can indulge yourself once in a while

  152. 后来情况明朗了,那个法官雇用了一名非法移民。

  Later it emerged that the judge had employed an illegal immigrant

  153. 河水漫过堤岸,变成一片汪洋,淹没了城镇。

  The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town 154. 和病人有直接接触的员工

  Staff who have direct contact with the patient

  155. 好像要下雨了,我们进屋吧。


  It looks like rain, so let’s go inside

  156. 好几个国家声称拥有这些岛屿的主权。

  Several countries claim authority

  157. 官员们称这种化学物质不会造成实际的威胁。

  Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat

  158. 观察大自然的人

  An observer of nature

  159. 工作岗位之间和地区之间的劳动力流动性更大了。

  There is greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas

  160. 高得惊人的婴儿死亡率

  An appallingly high infant mortality rate

  161. 愤怒的市民走向市政厅,要求警察局长辞职。

  Outraged citizens marched on City Hall , demanding the police chief’s resignation 162. 非洲的河流在旱季会变成干硬的泥地。

  African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season

  163. 电影没有如实表现他的生活。

  The film is not an accurate

  164. 蒂姆跪下来开始祷告。

  Tim fell to his knees and started to pay

  165. 第一个进入太空的美国人是谁?

  Who was the first American in space ?

  166. 地方报纸的即将停刊

  The imminent demise of The local newspaper

  167. 低价是其主要卖点之一。

  The low price is one of its main selling points

  168. 当地图书馆里有公文的复印件供查阅。

  Copies of the documents are available for inspection

  169. 当地妇女缺席会议,众目昭彰。

  Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting

  170. 戴着自己最好的帽子、穿着自己最好的外套的她显得拘谨不安。

  She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat

  171. 打得某人落花流水

  Defeat them easily

  172. 答复将在网站上公布。

  Responses will be posted on the website

  173. 床位的摆放可以让病人看到进进出出的访客和医务人员。

  Beds are arranged so that patients can watch the comings and goingsof visitors and staff 174. 穿上外套,不然你会感冒的。

  Put your coat on , otherwise you’ll get cold

  175. 丑闻让政府更加头痛。

  The scandal was a further source of embarrassment to the government

  176. 车辆在靠近事故现场时慢慢停了下来。

  Traffic ground to a halt as it approached the accident site

  177. 车间工人纷纷传言还会有更多的裁员。


  There’s been a lot of talk on the factory floor about more layoffs 178. 草莓季节一般在 6 月初开始。

  The season for strawberries usually starts in early June 179. 布雷特大步走出办公室,砰的一声摔上了门。

  Brett marched out of the office , slamming the door behind him






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