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Major in 为专业

Tutor  导师

Set a good example to 某人树立了榜样

Be strict with 严格要求

Be hard on 苛刻

Give up 放弃

Except 除了   improve 提高 belief 信条  share 分享

Belief 信条: No end to learning


Spare 的用法

Spare 专门抽出/拿出时间干…/钱干

Spare sb sometime 抽时间给某人

A must 必须

get to know 不是一般了解,是渐近的了解经过一个过程

Come /get /learn to know

Easy going 随和平易

Energetic 充满能量

Fall of energy 充满能量

Promise 承诺、誓言

Learn by heart 记住、背过、记在心里

Instructive 具有教育意义

Bright future光明前途

Intense 激烈的

Well prepared 准备充分

Action 行动

Learned to result 得知了结果

Were you satisfied ? 你满意吗?

in low spirits 低谷,心情低落,郁闷

vivid 形象的,栩栩如生的    dull 傻了

to further your study  接本

Unless 除非    ideal  理想的

Self-reliant 自我实现     Rely on oneself 依靠自己

To support your parents  孝顺你的父母

Imagine 想象     Ambitious 有雄心,有理想  industrious 勤奋的

Determined 坚持信念 Persistent 坚持不懈的,执意的

insist on sth /doing sth  坚持

persist in

you well make it .

take your seat .回到座位。  Take one’s seat . 就位

look forward to doing sth. 期待

accuse sb of 指控某人犯罪         charge sb with 指控某人犯



With pleasure给别人帮忙时很高兴

That is all right/ never mind

若问题是do you mind ,介意是yes/no


前肯后否  通汉语

前否后肯  实事求是的回答 是回答yes ,不是回答NO

Eg: You are not a teacher , are you ?

No , I am not (是的,我不是)

Yes ,I am (不是,我是)


Let us go ,with you ?

Let’s go ,shall we ?


Let us 是不包括发布命令的人

否定的转移  think , believe , suppose (猜测)

Eg:I do not think you are wrong,are you ?

一 、语音

-ed  清辅音结尾加-ed ,读/t/。如ask-----asked .

浊辅音/元音音节结尾加-ed /d/ 。如stay---stayed

以字母t e结尾加-ed /id/

ar    /a:/

/w/+ar →/ɔ:/   →/ɔ:/ ɔ  told , cold , fold

ʌ/ ×      /ə/ √  且重音在前

字母u 在非重读音节中读/ə/

Worth/worthyth →/θ/清辅音   /ð/ 浊辅音

Be worth doing 主动表被动

Mouth →/θ/         mouths→/ðz/

Clothes 中的e 不发音  /ðz/

▲ reward ,  award , forward

debt bt在一起时词尾不发音

doubt b 不发音

climb  刷子   b 不发音

X    →/ks/gz/

Exist ,  exam , exact , /gz/(重读音节) 重音在x

exit   →/ks/   重音在e

X 在两个元音字母之间是重读音节。

如:experience    exist  expect  except





音节   一个音节是由一个元音或一个元音加上一个辅音构成。

Isolate    I so late      多音节

Worker  双音节

Sit 单音节


In’crease     v.         ’increase   n.


tion 结尾,ic结尾的多音节单词的重音放在倒数第二个音节。

Experimen’tation       charate’ristic

Bea/ u/ ti/ful                ne/ce / ssa/ry

Ne’cessity        ter’rfic


Student  /st/sk/      school    /sk/sg/


Skirt    /sk/ sg/


以清辅音结尾(除了字母t之外)+ed之后   ed----/t/

Stop ----stopped    /t/      ask------asked  /t/

以浊辅音结尾(除了字母d以外以及元音音节结尾)  ed----/t/

Clean ----cleaned    /d/       clear-----cleared   /d/

Stay-----stayed     ay ---/ei/   stayed-----/d/

/t/,和/d/结尾加ed ------/ id/

Want----wanted /id/

TionSion 的读音  正常读 /ʃən/

Tradition   , addition , discussion


Question  suggestion , digestion , conjestion

( decision , invasion , conclusion , television )中的Sion /ʒən/


字母组合ing 有两个读音 ①/ŋ/鼻音   ②/ng/

Long ------/ŋ/

Ng 在词尾读   /ŋ/      ng 在词中读    /ŋg/

Indy finger  食指    Indy   索引

sing -------/ ŋ/          singer------/ŋg/

Al -------/ɔ:/ ɔ: l/e /

Al 在词尾---------/ɔ: /

Talk  walk  chalk

Alt 在一起时读--------/ɔ: lt/

Alter   改变     although  salt


B , h , k , t , w有时候不发音

字母b , 当bt / mb (词尾)时不发音。

Debt , doubt , subtle(微妙的)

Comb (刷子)   tomb(坟墓)  climb (登山)

Number lumber (木材总称)中的mb都发音,因为mb 不为于词尾。


hour , honest , honor , forehead (前额)exhausted (如此累) exhi’bition  , e’xhibit  字母k ,kn


know , knowledge , knife , kneed , knot ()


Sten / ten 不发音   stle 不发音

t------sten / ten / stle

listen fasten(挤紧,系紧) often glisten 闪耀

hasten (匆忙)   haste (匆忙)

谚语;Haste makes waste .欲速则不达。

Whistle (打口哨)     castle(城堡)

字母W--------wh-------/ h /

Who , whom , whose

C , g , s , x , 发两个音

部分辅音字母两个音,如c, g , s , x

C -----/ s/ k /      g ------/ g /dʒ /      s------/ s/ z /    x ------/ ks / gz/

Celebrate    crinite    civilization   case   bicycle


字母c 后跟I , e , y 时读/s /

字母c后跟a , ou 时读/k /

g-----/ g/ dʒ/

s------/ s / z /

x-----/ks / gz /

g --------/ g / dʒ/

字母g 后面跟  I ,e , y 时读 / dʒ/

Giant 巨大的  geography 地理    geology 地质学

Glisten green grasp

字母s 词首,双写,清辅音前后时读清辅音/s /

Sword , sister , maps , glass

字母s 位于浊辅音后或两个元音字母之间


To meet the needs / to satisfy the needs   满足需求

Design   n.(两个元音之间)     assign (×)

Resume  n. 简历   resume 中断之后,从新开始


字母X ,在两个元音之间,并且是重读音节,读浊辅音/ g z/

Exam   exist   exact   (√)

Exit  中的X不读/ gz / / ks/

Exhausted 筋疲力尽    exhibition  n.     exhibit   v.

Exhaust   v. 用尽,耗尽

Exhausted 用尽了的,耗尽了的

Exhibition   n. 展览


A , e , I , o ,u



Take , late , lake , behave , have (×),love

闭音节读    a-------/ æ /

区分/ æ // e /把食指放在嘴里读/ e/ ,把两个手指放在嘴里读/ æ /

字母a 后跟sk , sb , ss , st , 时字母a / a: /

Ask , glass , fast , grasp

读音 /w / 后加字母a 时,读/ ɔ /

Quality -------qu ----------/ks /

Watch , want , wish , water 中的water / ɔ: /

细水长流  water 中的a 是长音

字母e /e /      bed  , test , text

字母I / I / sister

字母o / n/ u/       but , put

元音字母在多音节词中  a  e  I o u


A , e , I, o , u 在非重读音节中都可以读  / ə /

a  中   a’go   ’ordinary

a 可能读   /i/

village    /I /       palace   /I /

e   silent  student e / ə /

字母 I 非重读音节中 / ə /     possible ------/ ə /      holiday -------/ ə /

字母o 读  / ə /  bottom    / ɔ / ə /

字母u 读   / ə /   sug’gestion   读  / ə /     ’industry / ə /

Eg: She showed them a paper bearing an official seal.bear 是含有的意思。

Seal 海豹 , 印章

Bear----born  born 的原型是bear 熊生产生育,

EgThere is no tree,but bears  fruit.没有不结果的树。


Eg: The third Reich survived Hitler by a week. 第三帝国比希特勒多存在一周。

字母组合的读音:ED-----/ei/ i:/ e/ i ə/

/ei/       great  break steak

/ i:/       heat  leave  leaf

/ e/       head  bread  breakfast

▲ breath   n.  / e/ 呼吸       out of breath 上气不接下气

Breathe     v.  中的eath也发生变化,ea ------/ i:/  th----/θ/

Bath       v.     bathe   n.   /ei/   /θ/

Ea 读     /iə/         real  theatre

Ou------/u:/ /u/  /əu/ /au/

/u:/----soup group

/u/ ----could  should

/au/---- mouth

Mouths----/θz/ clothes  southern

/əu/--soul  shoulder

字母oo组合---- /u:/ /u/ /ʌ/

Classroom---/u:/        book cook /u/

Flood blood ----/ ʌ/

字母ai---------/ ei/ / i/

Ob’tain   comp’lain mountain    con’tain  fountain exp’lain

Ai的重读音节读/ ei/  非重读音节读/i/










在主语从句中表示是否只能用whether     Do as I say .

Like 是介词 ,向一样。    As 一样(连词)  like 后不加句子

Tell it as it is . 实话实说。

Oftenten在一起不发音。同样的还有 listen


(一) 动词不定式   to do 不定式有时态的变化 ,语态的变化

(二)动名词     doing

(三)分词 :现在分词,过去分词


1.、动词to 是符号

To do 的派生词to be doing (进行时)/to have ved (完成时)

Eg: It is said that they are having English classes .

to be having English class.

It is said that Mr. smith has gone to USA .

Mr. smith is said to have gone to USA .

Our handout is said to be being  printed .   我们的讲义正在被印刷。

Our handout is said to have been printed .    我们的讲义被印刷完了。



Eg : decide , choose , want , plan , promise , determine , (决定) + to do

Intend to do (打算)      afford (买得起,负担的起)

关于attend , tend , intend 的对比

Attend 接宾语或名词

Tend to /intend to

Tend 趋向于,倾向于    intend 目的是


Eg: ask sb to do

动词+ 疑问词+不定式

Eg: know .wonder , explain , learn

疑问词) to answer your question .

I learned how to do it .

I do not know what to say .



▲ there to be 结构是there be 结构的不定式

eg: I did not expect there to be so many people there .

▲ For ( 目的) there to be there be 句型不定式)no mistakes he cheeked it

I did expect there were so many people (×)

(4) 主语/ 表语



Eg: To learn English well in such a short period is difficult .   (头重脚轻)需要借用形式主语it

It is difficult for us to learn English well in such a short period .加入for us 才非常完整 For us to learn 的逻辑主语 逻辑主语)of you to do me a favor .

for 还是用of 取决于形容词

动词不定式可以带自己的逻辑主语,引导逻辑主语通常用介词for ;如果形容词是表示人的品行,品德或者特证的时候必须用of 引导逻辑主语。

Consider considerate  体贴的,考虑周到的

Considerable  相当大的,可观的(指数量)


条件后置 :动词不定式作名词 的宾语要后置


修饰a hotel

To live in a hotel 不能说 to live a hotel

As a captain (船长)


6)作状语    表示目的。条件、元音

Eg: 目的状语 To go to USA he works hard at English ,To be a college teacher you must have doctor’s degree.

作状语的5 种形式


Enough to

In order to / so as to

▲ so…as to …

▲ …only to …


In order to 目的是,为了

若把目的放在句首只能用in order to 不可用so as to

若目的在句中,则in order to / so as to 均可

▲ …so …as to … so …that … 意思差不多。结果状语

So…that …后接句子

So…as to …如此以至于  as to 后接动词原形

She is so lovely as to be liked by everyone .

▲…only to … 重点考察 only   出乎意料

only to 表示出乎意料的结果和前面的初衷相反。

(二)、动名词    动词的名词形式   ving

Eg: Seeing is believing .  动名词可以做主语/ 表语。


Eg:  avoid 后必须用动名词doing 做宾语。

Eg: mind , avoid , enjoy , escape , appreciate , delay , postpone , consider 动名词可以做介词的宾语,动名词具有名词的特点。

Eg: I

介词 in , on , of , after 好判断, to 不好判断。

▲ to 加原形构成不定式是不定式符号

to 加名词/ 动名词时是介词

to 在固定的结构中作介词使用

eglook forward to / be used to 习惯于,后接名词/ 动名词


I am used to getting up early .

Used to 过去常常作 后+ 动词原形。To 是动词不定式符号。

Lead to to 是介词。导致产生引起

Prefer …to …  中的To 是介词。喜欢胜过

Eg: I prefer coffee to tea .

Prefer to 后接动词原形,to 是不定式符号,宁愿做某事

Devote oneself to…献身于

Object to 中的object 反对中的to 是介词+名词/ 动名词

UFO 中的Uunidentified  F是fly,  Oobject

Identify  v 动词词尾是Y/ ai/

名词词尾是Y/ i/

Beautify   / ai /         technology   / i/         satisfy  / ai/

Eg:  a sleeping baby 现在的分词

a sleeping car  (卧铺车厢) 动名词




Begin / start (不考)

有些动词既可以跟动词不定式和动名词意思略有不同,如 like

Eg: I like smoking ,but I don’t like to smoke now .

Like doing 表示习惯。          Like to do 表示具体的动作


Stop , go on , remember , forget , regret , mean

Stop doing 停下来现在做的事情

Stop to do 停下来现在做的事情去做别的事情

Regret doing 后悔做了某事

Regret to do 遗憾的去做某事

Remember doing 记得做过

Remember to do  记得去做

Try doing 试着做某事

Try to do 努力做某事

Go on doing 继续做原来的事

Go on to do 继续做另一件事

Mean doing 意味着

Mean  to do 打算

Need , want , require 需要,都可以接动名词和不定式。

Eg  : These flowers need watering / to be  watered .

用动名词时 是主动表示被动,用不定式时是被动表被动。

Worth , worthy

Worth + v-ing (动名词)  主动表被动

Be worthy of + 动名词 主动表被动

Worthy  to be done 主动表被动


使役动词, let ,make , have , 让某人做,使得

感官动词   see, hear , watch , smell , fell , 3个常用,使役动词或感官动词作谓语后的不定式做宾补时,应当省略to .

Eg ; I saw the thief steal money in the shop .


Have sb / sth    do (省略to 的不定式)

Doing (让某人一直…)


如果用省略to 的不定式,表示的是动作。如果用动名词doing 表示的是动作的持续,如果用过去分词作宾补,是让某人做某事,但不提出是谁做的,表示被动或完成。

Eg:    He wants to believe nothing but to take the medicine .

He has no choice but to wait .

doto,没do to ,(but 后面加不加to ,取决于其前面的那个词,其中do do , does , did 表示实义动词则没哟to )

eg:逻辑主语)smoking here ?


winning the game 赢得比赛的希望


Eg: The girls being educated in such a good school.主语相当于一个完整的句子,is


I have difficulty / trouble in doing 有可能省略in  没有in 也用doing

②have a good / hard time (in )doing

③It is no good / point(意义) / use(有用) / sense(意义) (in) doing sth

Eg: It is no point asking him for help ,because he is selfish .

④There is no good / point / use / sense / (in )doing sth

() 分词

a developing country  发展中国家  表示正在进行

a developed country   发达国家    表示已经完成


the touched audience

ing 还是用ed 取决于主语。

Have sb doing 让某人一直做某事

Have sb done                    分词作宾语的补足语

▲ eg: Having not heard from his son for a long time ,the father want to see him,(×)


No having heard from his son for a long time ,the father want to see him.(√) 独立主格结构


名词/ 代词+ 现在分词/ 过去分词 v-ing / v-ed  独立主格做状语) we’ll go fishing tomorrow .

If weather permits we’ll go fishing tomorrow (完整的条件状语从句)


Weather 是主语,permitting 是谓语但不是主谓结构而是独立主格形式。


1、 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,他独立存在 2、 独立主格结构的名词或代词和紧随其后的分词构成的主谓关系,但不是主谓结构。

3、 独立主格结构和主句一般用逗号隔开,逗号连接的不可是完整的单句。

Eg: My bike ________I have to go to school on foot .

A . is being repaired

B. being repaired

C. has been repaired

D. repaired


名词/代词+adj / 副词/ 不定式to do / 介词

He his ears 主语不同  ,red 是形容词 主语(动词不定式) . 介词)his hand .

With+n. + 其他成分(表示伴随的独立主格)

Eg : He was brought to the court (法庭) with his hands tied behind his back .

as / like   一样

只能用whether 表示是否

在主语从句和表语从句中表示是否只能用whether .

Eg: Whether he is coming to my party is not known (主语从句)

The question is whether he is coming to my party.(表语从句)

谓语动词是discuss wonder时宾语从句表示是否只能用whether

介词后面表示是否只能用whether .

They are talking about whether he is coming to my party .

or not 连用时只能用whether

Whether …or  not

Eg: I do not know if / whether he is coming to my party .


Like 当动词讲是喜欢,当介词讲是像一样

As 当连词讲像一样,后接句子。

Like 当介词讲像一样,后接名词。

Eg: Like father ,like son . 有其父必有其子。

▲ as 当连词讲,像一样,除了接句子,还可以接介词结构,以及过去分词。 Eg: Like in large cities ,net bars also popular in small village .中把like换为as才正确。

As motioned in the last paragraph ,net bars should be banned . as 一样

As 之后接的是过去分词

Like当动词讲是喜欢 ,反义词是dislike 不喜欢

Unlike 是不像

Eg: Unlike her brother bill ,Mary was quite .

Likely , unlikely likely  是可能的,unlikely是不可能的。

Eg : He is unlikely to come to my party .

Be likely to 很有可能的


定语从句分为限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句。区分在于有无逗号隔开。  没有逗号隔开的叫限制性定语从句。




常用的关系代词,5个。 Who , whom , whose , that , which

特殊关系代词, 5个。 As, than , but

关系副词 , 3个, when , why , where

Who ,  whom , whose

Who , whose 都指人,who 做主语, whom 作宾语。

Eg : Do you know the boy who is standing here ?

Do you know the boy whom they are talking about ?whom 修饰名词作定语。

Eg: Do you know the boy whose father is VIP .whose 修饰father

The tree whose branches (树枝)are almost bare (光秃秃) is 500 years old.

Whose 可以指人的所属关系,也可以指物的所属关系。

Which 只能指物不能指人,可以做主语也可以做宾语。 中的which 指前面的句子。 本句中的which 可以用as 替换

若放在句首时只能用as 不可用which

▲ _____is known to everyone ,she is married to a foreigner .   (C)

A It     B That   C As     D Which

It is known to everyone that she is married to a foreigner.

Eg: The mother showed more love for the younger son ,which made others jealous (嫉妒)。 本句中which 不可被as 替换。

① which 引导非限制性定语从句指代前面的整个句子,如果定语从句的谓语是系动

词,那么可以用as 替代which ,并且可以放在句首,只能用as 不能用which

如果定语从句的谓语是行为动词,则不能用as 替代which,也不能放在句首 That 既可以指人也可以指物

必须用that时,指人时可用who, 指物时不可用which

① there be 句型中,定语从句只能用that引导 当先行词为数量词或者表示含有数量的词,定语从句只能用that引导       what = all that     At will 随意


Something  anything  everything  nothing

Somebody  anybody   everybody   nobody

Someone    anyone    everyone    none

当先行词被形容词的最高级,序数词以及the only the very 修饰的时候,只能用

that 引导定语从句。

Eg: This is the film which / that I like .

This is the most interesting that I like .





Eg: This is the movie which / that I am interested in .

In this is the movie which I am interested

In 提前到句首时不可用that


Eg : We need a monition  in whom we have confidence 中的in 取决于confidenceLiving in the desert has its problems (of) which getting fresh water is the most serious .

whichproblems of 表示范围

As than but 重点as

The same as / the same that

Eg : She showed me the same book as (that ) the teacher showed me .

特殊的关系代词as , than , but

Eg: She showed me the same book as (that ) the teacher showed me .

本句中在结构上as that 都符合

as 指一模一样的两本书,用that 指 同一本书

The same as 一模一样的两个东西

The same that 同一个东西

Eg: You must the same boy this morning as (that) I met yesterday . 中用that

Than 用特殊关系代词是比较结构

Eg: He called his father and asked for (请求 Was的主语是than  .

Than 在定语从句,than was needed 作主语


Eg: There is no one but likes money .like的主语是but,本句中but可以换为that…not…    结果)

Bear ------born 出生   born原形是bear

关系副词引导定语从句   when , why , where

▲where 等同于in while   why =for which

When =on which

Eg: The days ________we lived/ spent in the village were unforgettable .

先行词为the days

① the days spent的宾语,所以所添加的词应代替the days 作宾语,应用关系代

that/ which

若用lived时应用when live 是不及物动词后面没有宾语,句中缺状语,故用


Eg: The reason that / which he gave for his lateness was unacceptable .

先行词是The reason 定语从句的谓语是否及物。

The reason why he was late for work was unacceptable .

定语从句he was late for work 完整,句中缺原因状语

补充:The reason why …because (×)    …的理由因为

如果说The reason why …is because (×)

The reason why …is that …(√)    …的理由是因为

Order 秩序  out of order 乱七八糟

Order   n. 命令  ,点菜

Place an order for sth  下订单

Reserve 订  book

Decide against

Be on guard against 提防    against 反对

Eg: Some people are against falling love on campus .

Against 做谓语须加are

After talking the matter over we decided against the plan .


Eg: Is it advisable (明智的) that collage ,students are exposed (接触)to violence and sex movies?

If I were a millionaire ,I would give all my money to the poor .

Be exposed to 被暴露于,接触

Ex  pose pose  放置     ex  外面

Compose 组成   cocom 意思相同是together 的意思

Composition  作文   impose 强加于     dispose 处理





Eg: If you work hard (you will make it )真实条件句。


1、 于现在相反的

结构if +主语+ v----ved (行为动词)/ be -----were    条件句

主语+would/ should / could / might +v.

Eg: If I know his number ,I would call him.

Could 表示将来 , should 表示应该 , could 表示能够  might表示也许

Eg: If I were a millionaire I would give the money to the poor .

2、 与过去事实相反

If + 主语+ had ved (过去完成式),主语+ would/ should / could / might+have ved (现在完成式)

Eg:If you had not helped me ,I could not have passed CET4.

3、 与将来事实相反

If +主语+ should v / were to v (to do ) + 主语+ would / should / could / might +v.

Eg: If it were to rain tomorrow ,we would not go to Beijing .(与将来事实相反)将来发



1、 非真实条件句可以省略if ,但必须把助动词或者系动词提前。

Eg: Were it to rain tomorrow ,we would not go to Beijing .

若无助动词或系动词时if 不可省略。

2、 含蓄虚拟语气

(常考)  but for 要是的话,要不是的话

Or , otherwise , 否则

(常考)but for , (其次)otherwise 3、混合虚拟语气就是指两个动作分别于两个不同时间的动作相反,做题时着重看时间状语。 主语) .  从句中的虚拟   四种从句,五类动词 , 10个形容词

’adjective   n.  意思是形容词  重音在前

Suggest 选取建议的意思

Eg: What you said suggested you did  not love her .


1、  .

主 谓          宾语从句


I suggest he (should ) stay at home tonight.中  should 省略

2eg:My suggest is he (should ) at home tonight . (表语从句)

省略should 的动词原形。

3eg: He accepted my suggestion he (should )stay at home tonight (同位语从句)

4It is suggested he (should ) stay at home tonight(主语从句)




建议   suggest , advice , propose

命令   order , commend , direct   v.(给指令)

要求     require , demand , request , ask (请求)

推荐    recommend

坚持   insist

Direct    v.   给指令

10个形容词   仅限于主语从句

① necessary important , essential , vital

② imperative 命令的祈使    advisable 明智的,可取的。

③ strange  奇怪     odd  古怪的

④ natural 自然     urgent 急迫的

eg: It is advisable that collage students be exposed to violence and sex movies.


1wish 但愿  与现在事实相反   ved / were

与过去事实相反   had ved (过去完成式)

与将来事实相反   should / were to +do

2as if / though 好像,似乎

eg: She spends money as if she were a millionaire.(与现实相反)  there .(与过去事实相反) He always sounds as if he would help you .(与将来事实相反)

3If only 虚拟   要是就好,要是该多好

Only if 引导的真是条件句  只要

4Eg : would rather

Would sooner       (最常用) 宁愿

Would just as soon Would rather 当宁愿讲后跟动原do 此时和虚拟语气没有任何关系,是宁愿做… Eg: I would rather stay at home tonight .

Would like②后跟句子时,此时句子应用虚拟语气,后面句子和前面句子的主语不同 Eg: I would rather he stayed at home tonight .



一般疑问词  would not you rather

5It is high / about time that + 过去式(一般过去式) (不改变结构)

Is not it high time that +一般过去式

6It is the first time that (次数) +现在完成式

Eg; It is the first time that I have been here (现在完成式)

It was the first time that +过去完成式



When you see him ,please tell him the news .

九种状语从句 ,其中五种是重点,四种不考











重点 : 常用状语引导词的用法,特殊引导词的用法


引导词: when , after , before , as soon as , not…until , while , since (常用的时间状语引导词)

When before 的特殊用法

When 通常情况下是当

Eg: I was about to go to bed when the phone rang .中的when 是突然,就在这时。

Be about to do sth when

Be doing sth when

when 是突然,就在这时

Hardly…when…   固定结构    一


Scarcely / barely / hardly …when …  

No sooner …than …hardly …when…基础上提到的  ,一, 等同于hardly …when…


Eg: I think it over ,before you wake the final decision . 中的before 是然后。

Eg: It will be a few more years ,before you know it .


中的before 指没来得及

He had run out of the classroom before I could stop him .


the moment    考过①③

the minute    连词引导的句子表示as soon as

the instant      三个短语的结构一样

出题时的选项为  , a moment , moments , the moments .

every time

each time   连词,连接状语从句,每当的时候

eg: My Bf always buys me some delicious food every time he comes to see me .

immediately …           副词连词


eg: The police went into action immediately / directly they heard the alarm.(警报)



1) 常用引导词 if , only if , as / so long as , (只要)unless除非,否则 ,in case

Unless  除非,否则

Eg: I will not go with you to the KFC unless you pay .

2) 特殊引导词

Give  that 假设,假定

Given that X is 2 ,than (x+1)2 is 9.

provided that

providing   that   假如,倘若

on condition that 前提条件是

eg: I’ll go with youn to kfc on condition that you pay .


Since , as , for , because

Because 语气最强回答why 提出的问题

Because since 语气相同

For 介词  为了

For  引导的是根据情况可以做出肯定的推测或判断

Eg: He must be ill for he is absent today .


▲ now that / in that 既然

since 是连词  since that

now that 既然

eg: Now that everyone is here ,let’s begin / start .

now that 引导原因状语从句放在句首引导

in  that 则放在中间,意思是原因在于

考试考过: Liquids (液体) are just like solids in that they both have definite volume(体积)Volume ①体积音量成套的选集


1)同级比较     (2) 比较级



B. …not so …as…

C. 同级比较的肯定或否定形式中间应当使用adj或副词的原级原形。

D.到底用adj. 还是副词取决于谓语动词,如果谓语是行为动词应当用副词的原形,如果谓语是系动词或连系动词应当用形容词的原形。

Eg: She speaks English as good as the British .

修饰动词应当使用副词故good 不对,应当用well.

Eg: The dish tastes as well as the one much looks.中的taste为系动词,修饰系动词应当用形容词,故应当用good

连系动词  感觉feel , smell , taste

变化过程  get , turn , become

似乎,好像   seem , appear

Appear 行为动词,出现  连系动词 ,显得好像



Eg: The river is 2 times as long as that one she has 3 times as many friend as I do.



Eg: The salary of a taxi driver is higher than a teacher’s .

He likes his wife better than I .

Eg : He likes his wife better than I .




英语中有部分形容词本身就含有比较的含义,没有比较级的形式,如果接比较对象不能用that 必须用介词to

Super , inferior

Senior , junior       +to 接比较对象


Superiorinferior 相反的词

Superior to 优越,比高级

Inferior to  低级,比低略

Senior 高级,比年长

Junior 级别低,比年幼

Prior 先,比

prefer…to …  中的to 是动词不定式符号,to 后接名词或动名词。

Prefer to 中的to 是动词不定式符号,to 后接动词原形


Complete  完全地   prefect 完美的     excellent 优秀的

Much better 好得多

比较级前可以用much far still even a lot 修饰表达含义是的多


Amore and more 越来越

Bthe more …the more …  


Although / though 但后面不用But



A. 尽管他努力了,动词提前


B.    副词提前

C. Young (adj. ) as she is 形容词提前

D. Girls (n. ) as she is 名词提前

Girls 用单数不能用a girl 也不能用复数

Students as they are


Eg: Much as he likes her ,he sometimes gets angry with her . 尽管他非常喜欢她,但有时候也会对他发火

Object as he may 尽管他可能反对。


地点状语从句where  wherever

EgWhere there is a will,there is a way .(有志者事竟成)

Wherever you go I will follow you .


As ,as if , as though  引导

As 引导,正如

As I said 正如


目的状语从句so that in order that

Eg: Please say it again so that everyone can catch you .

结果状语从句  so…that… ,  such…that…

So such 后接不同,so后接形容词/ 副词+名词

Such 直接接名词

▲   so long a girl

such a lovely girl



③       ③    ②

Past    now    further

过去完成时,过去进行时, 一般过去时

现在完成时,现在进行时, 一般现在时

一般将来时, 将来完成时

完成时(常考) 将来完成时

现在完成时  结构  have / has +ved



Eg: The lights in the classroom have been turned off.



现在完成时的标志词  so far , since , for


Eg: By the end of last week 到上周末为止we had finished (过去的过去)all.


Eg:I had hardly got home when the phone rang .



Eg: By the end of 2020,we will have finished it .


Eg: I will go to hong kong next week .

When I got to HK ,He will have left for USA .


① be going to 事先考虑或打算要做的事情;有迹象表明要发生

② be about to  很快就要发生,通常接when

③ be doing 现在进行时表示将来

④ be to do 根据命令或按照要求即将发生的情况

行为动词表示将来   动词一般现在时表示将来

Eg : What are you going to do when you grow up?

The sky is covered with clouds, It is going to rain .

Be about to do sth when 正要做突然


Come , go , leave , die

Eg: It is 11 O’clock I am leaving .我要走了

Die   eg: How about the old man , He is dying .

If +主语+were to do…

Eg: After class you are to assemble in front of the building .

Assemble  ①集合组装



Schedule   time  table

Eg: The train for BJ leaves at 10:00.

主从复合句中,主句用一般将来时,从句可以用一般现在时表示将来。 ▲(考点,祈使句加and 后面的) make it


不可用 if you work hard 代替  work hard 六、情态动词

1can’考点)+ adj.

Eg: While driving a car ,you can’t be too careful .


2can’t agree with… 再同意不过了,很同意

▲3may (might ) as well do…  不妨做,还是做的好

Eg: You may as well stay at home 。最好呆在家里。

As do…sth  如同做动原) it to him

4can’t help doing sth 情不自禁

5、 情态动词+现在完成时

Can’t have ved 对过去的情况进行否定的推测

▲ must have ved 对过去情况进行肯定的推测意思是一定

should have ved 应当做而没有做

needn’t have ved 没有必要做而做了

can’t have ved 对过去的情况进行否定推测的意思,是不可能的

eg: Mr wang has gone to USA you can’t have seen him in his office this morning .

The ground is wet ,It must have rained last night (06)

七、倒装 倒装 全部倒装:整个主谓语颠倒 ,如:here comes the bus .


谓   主   谓

(一) 全部倒装


Out (副词表示方向)rushed a man with a gun .


At the foot of the mountain stands a village .

3、 存在句中(there be 句型,主谓语完全颠倒)

There is  a teacher and 100 students  in the classroom .



常用的否定词 never , no , not , neither , nor


Hardly , barely , scarcely, little , few

I hardly got home when the phone rang .

Hardly had I got home when the phone rang .

▲3so …that …;such…that …在结果状语从句中,so such 放在句首中必须倒装 She is so lovely a girl that …

So lovely a girl is she that …

▲4only  +状语从句/ 介词结构后面的句子中用倒装。

Only when you are old enough can you get married .

Only in this way you make it




(三) 就近一致


(一) 语法一致

1、单个不定式/ 动名词/ 句子的主语,必须用单数

Falling love on campus is common


United states--------is         physics ------is

The Niagara falls (尼加拉瀑布)---------is

4、 表示时间,距离,金钱等名词复数,谓语用单数形式

25 years is a long period

() 意义一致

1、集体名词:family , class , team要依据具体情况而定

My family is a happy one .

My family are having supper.

2new 消息(不可数)(单数)means 方式,方法

Pieces of news 指多条消息+are

Every means --------单数

All means ----------所有的手段----------复数形式


1there be 主语---------就近原则

There is a teacher and 600 students.

(2) not only …but also…

Neither …nor …

Either …or …都为就近原则

Either you or he is right .


主语后有附加成分,谓语和主语一致,不受附加成分的影响   主       附加成分

常用引导附加成分的结构as well as ,along  with, together with , accompanied by , (伴随着,在陪伴下)  in addition to , besides

(五)A and B

Bread and butter

And 连接2部分用4种情况而定


The teacher and the student are

2and 连接2部分,指同一个人或同一件事,用单数

The teacher and the friend is

3and 连接2部分,指不同的物,但根据习惯往往同时出现,谓语用单数。

Knife and fork ,bread and butter

Law and order 法律秩序

4and连接2个可数名词的单数形式,且前面都有many a ,each, every ,no的时候,谓语动词用单数形式。

Many a boy and many a girl ------谓语用单数

Many a + 可数名词单数形式=many+该名词的复数形式

Many a boy =many boys

谓语用单数  谓语用复数


This / a +kind / sort / type + of 单数或短语,谓语必须用单数,指一类

▲a series of -------谓语用单数

more than one boy 不止一个男孩   谓语用单数

More boys than one 不止一个男孩   谓语用复数

He is one of the students who have passed CET4.

He is the one of the students who have passed CET 4 .

He is the only one of students who has passed CET4.


It is +强调部分+that…

Eg:It is you that he hates .

It was after 8 o’clock last night that we got home .

It was after my family had finished supper that I got home .

It is that 去掉后看句子是否仍然完整。

Eg:It was 8 o’clock that we got home .×


It was at 8 o’clock that we got home .(√)



限定词,定冠词(不定冠词),形状,年龄, 色, 国籍, 材料


A long white French silk dress


Women doctors 女医生

Hundreds of 数以百计的




A  university

Keep an eye on 帮忙留意

All of a sudden

星期,季节,月份,球类,名次 ,头衔,职位,称号,节日前零冠词。乐器前必须用冠词。  不用  came the first

The smiths 全家,一家人

Egtake her by hand 身体的某个部位有接触点用the不用所有格

Hit him on the face (√)

Hit him on his face (×)

上升或下降的百分比用by ____%

Eg :When I was away traveling my landlady helped herself to my clothes.


By oneself  独立  on one’s own 独立

Help oneself  to  未经允许擅自使用,to 是介词

Enjoy oneself=have a good time  玩的愉快

Out of use  不再用   out of the way 绕道

Out of fashion 过时了

Out of place 杂乱无章的

Dating 异性约会   appointment   公事约会

It is occurred sb that

Believe it or not

Quit (放弃) + doing

It never occurred to sb that 我从来没有想到

On account of 由于

Worth ①adapt to /②adopt  ①适应采纳收养

Economic/economical ①经济的和经济有关节约的

A number of /the number of ①谓语用复数谓语用单数

Come up with 想出

The more …the more   

In that 引导元音状语从句   原因在于… all that /all what ①×②√

先行词表示数量的时候只用that . what=all that

重点词汇   四个类型


adapt/adopt /adept (考研形容词熟练的)


economy  imagine /imaginary (虚构的,非真实的)/ imaginative(有想象力的,想象力丰富的) / imaginable(可以想象到的)


disappear 消失     vanish 消失    fade  消失

Disappear  从某人的视线里消失,但可能到了别人的视线

Vanish 消灭,灭绝,彻底消失,不存在

Fade 无形的东西慢慢的消失


Accuse sb of  指控某人 Take on  雇佣     take for 当成


put up with 忍受,容忍

keep up with 跟上 ,保持不落下

catch up with 赶上追上某人

put up ①建起来招待,安排某人的食宿举起来

put up =set up 建起来

▲ catch 抓住,理解听清楚别人所说的话

eg: I did not ______you ,will you please repeat it ?(catch )

catch 22. 第二十二条军规。

run out 用尽,耗尽,用完(主语是用尽,用完的东西)

run out of 用尽,耗尽,用完(主语是人用完的物放在of 之后)

eg: My money has run out .

I have run out of money .


in return  作为回报

eg : They did us a favor in return I give they some money .

do sb a favor 帮忙    give sb a hand 帮忙


at one time 曾经


in time  及时/on time 准时

From time to time 时常时而

目前暂时眼下=at the moment

In time =sooner or later 迟早,早晚

Later 后来  latter /lætə/两者中的后者

The former  前者      the  latter 后者

Latest 最新的刚刚出现的     latest news

Live 现场直播

From  door to door  挨门挨户    from person to person 因人而异

▲look up to 仰慕尊敬

▲live up to   不辜负

Add up to 加起来,总计,达到多少


① up to 后面若跟数字  up to 的含义是多达

turn up 出面,露面

▲ ②be up to sb to do sth  有某人决定做取决于某人做

③ be up to sth 能够胜任

look down upon 瞧不起

look up 往上看,抬头看,查字典


arise 不及物动词  出现,发生

rise 不及物动词  升起,上升

▲ raise 及物动词  提高,支起来 ,抚养,饲养,募捐筹钱,提出问题

Take more money in case some difficulties arise .

Sun rise 日出    sun set 日落

Eg : The sun is setting .

The sun also rises . 太阳照常升起。

Raise pets  养宠物         raise= bring up 抚养

Raise questions 提出问题

them .

Another   另外的任意一个

Other   剩余其它的多个

The  other   后面必须有名词

Every other 每隔

The  others 后面没有名词

The other  在确定的范围内,没有范围确定的用other

Some people …others …

Every other week 每隔一周


in case of 万一(后面接名词短语是介词)

in no case 决不

▲refer  to …as

think of  … as    当作

look upon …as

… aso

refer to ①谈及提到参考查阅咨询打听

eg: The man you referred to yesterday is my teacher .

look up 后的定语是要查的词。

Refer to 后接的是字典。

be bound for 交通工具开往或驶向 (火车或轮船)

▲be bound to do 必定,一定

Bound 是固定的

Eg : The train bound for BJ loaves in 2 mines .

If you follow my advice ,you are bound to make it.

rather than 不是…    相当于 instead of

other than 除了以外

rather than 用于句首直接接动词原形。

Eg : Rather than risk breaking up the marriage ,he told his wife everything .

Rather than go to the net bar  ,he went home after class.

Other than Libin no one would like to do it .

Every other 每隔相隔

Look up①抬起来查阅信息

Look out 看外面,小心(常用)当心,留意

Look for 寻找的动作 寻找   find 找的结果

Look into 调查  investigate(调查)

Look out 在做当心讲时,后面可加介词for

FBI  federal (联邦)    boreal()   investigate (调查)


inspect 视察,检查

pectspect 都可以当look

export 出口    import 进口

Port港口      pork 猪肉

Transport 运输

Tran的意思是from one to another

Transform 改变   transplant 移植

Isolate 使孤立 ,使隔离    i so late 重音在前

Innocent   cent 美分      清白无辜的

Change  chang  e     hollow 中空的,空心的

Retrospect     retors   backward   pect look

Subtitle 地铁     subconscioucness   n.   潜意识

Submarine 潜水艇     sub  …的下面

adj 字面的,表面的

liberal  自由的

literate 有文化的         literary  文学的

字面含义       implied meaning 暗含

rain cats and dogs =rain heavily   下大雨

eg: You are being pretty to day .

statue of liberty 自由女神

illiterate 没有文化的

be faced with  都表示面对面,面临


face 是及物动词,后面可以直接接宾语

be faced with 表示一种状态

eg: When we are faced with difficult.

be afraid of   of 介词,介词后面加名词。害怕

be afraid to    to 后面接动原,因为害怕而不敢做某事

eg: Are you afraid  of snakes .

I am afraid to go out at night in village .


Respectful  尊敬他人的

Respective  各自方方面面的


eg : After school all the students went home respectively .放学后各自回家。

reserve 英式英语,预留,预订   book 预订

reverse  颠倒,倒转

preserve   保存,保护好

防腐剂    additive   添加剂

by oneself 靠自己 单独独立的

on one’s own 靠自己

必须by , one’s  own on

catch fire 着火强调的 是动作

on fire 着火强调状态

put out 灭火

set fire to 放火 , 点着

fire 名词火 ,动词开火,开枪,射出解雇

dismiss ①解雇解散

EgYou are dismissed .体育课解散。

Lay out / off / down

Lay 放置 lay out 布局摆放   lay off 解雇

Laid –off workers 下岗工人

Lay down ①放下制定方针,政策

Volunteer  n. 志愿者   v.   volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事

Eg : lay down your arms 放下枪

Arms race 军备竞争

Be armed to teeth 全副武装

Lay 来自于lie , ①说谎,过去式lied ,过去分词lied

躺, 过去式lay , 过去分词 lain ,现在分词lying

Lay 的过去式laid 过去分词 laid

Lay ①下蛋,产卵

A white lie 善意的谎言

by the way 顺便说一下  后引导较重要的事情

under way  正在进行

under discussion 正在讨论

eg: The project under way

The problem under discussion

Under constriction 正在建设=under building

put off 推迟   postpone 推迟

call off 取消   cancel 取消

pay off 还清债务

write off  一笔勾销

leave off/ out

postpone doing sth 推迟做某事 回报取得成功)

leave for 离开

leave 遗漏遗忘,忘掉,不经意,不故意

eg: The sentence is wrong ,because you left out the subject .

omit 省略或略去,这个省略是故意的。

Leave off 中止,停止

Eg : Where did we leave off last time ?

in a word 总之,一句话

in other words 换句话说

have a word with 谈谈聊聊

have words with 和某人争吵

▲ eg : Word came that obamma was coming to visit our campus next week .消息传来下周奥巴


word 消息,命令


正常顺序,word that come obamma was coming to visit our campus next week .   Result in 导致,引起

Result from 来源于

As a result 因此

Result in / from result 的词性是动词

Eg: Your laziness resulted in your failure .

Your failure resulted from your laziness .

As a result 中的result 是名词

As a result of  作为的结果


be tired of 厌恶

be tried from 因为而疲劳


① ②④表达的含义是一样的

Seasick  晕船   airsick 晕机   homesick 想家

Fed 原形feed 喂养  breast feeding 母乳喂养

Feed on 以吃为生,以为食

Be fed up with 厌倦

set out

set about

set off

set about about 是介词后面接doing (动名词)

set out out 是副词后面接to do (不定式)

set out

set off 都是当出发起程讲,当出发启程讲时,set out

set off 没有区别。 ▲count on 指望

count in / out 包括在内/ 排除在外

account for 解释说明大约占比例

eg : Do not count on him to help you he is quirt selfish .

account   n. 账户,账号

open an account 开户

density money 存钱

draw money 取钱

cash 现金支付  cacique 支票   credit 信用卡  mortgage 抵押

In cash / by cacique / on credit card

On account of 由于

Take into account 纳入考虑

Eg: Taking all the above into account we can safely reach the conclusion that …



As follows 如下

in the first place 第一,首先

in the second place 第二

last but no least 最后一个,但不是不重要的

for one thing 其一

for another thing 其二


draw on 利用动用


be particular about 挑剔

particular  adj. 特别的,尤其

in particular 尤其特别

on doing


break into  破门而入,突然闯入

break up 拆散,打破,打碎

break down 放下,制定政策,方针

volunteer   n.志愿者   v.志愿

broke down  出故障 抛锚

inquire after 等同于ask after 问候某人的健康

inquire  into  等同于look into 调查

investigation  n.       investigate   v.   调查


reward   n. 回报, 报酬, 酬谢(个人行为)

award (官方的决定行为)

promise a reward  颁奖仪式,ceremony




look forward to 期待   be used to 习惯于     object to 反对

名词后跟的to 是介词

Access 通道,进入, 渠道

Decode 解密    code 密码   access   进入

The key 钥匙, 关键, 答案 后面的介词用to

Solution to 解决问题的方法

若名词answer / reply 后面同样用介词to引导

Approach 是名词方法途径,后面的to 是介词

Approach to

Approach 当动词讲是接近靠近,或者来临

Around the corner 接近靠近

Object to 反对    object to 中的to 是介词   object  v.

Objection后同样加to ,to 同样是介词

Entitled en title 构成  sub title   副标题

Title  ①标题头衔,官衔军衔

En-   给某人让某人

Entitle 授权,给予

Be entitled to 为被动  其主动表示享受

Eg : With the ticket ,you are entitled to a free lunch in the 5 star hotel .

类似于entitle 的构词法的词

Joy -----enjoy       danger -------endanger使处在危险中,危急

Courage -----encourage 给人鼓励

v)   把当奴隶,奴役,压迫

Lie in 位于里面, 小的点在大的范围内

Lie  on 相邻,挨着

Lie  to  没有相邻的挨着,范围以外

躺  lay  lain

Lay    laid  laid

说谎    lied   lied

Keep  an eye on 留意,帮忙看着(单数)

Be  on guard against 提防

v. 保护捍卫   n.   卫兵

Red guards 红卫兵

Eg: Be on guard against pickpockets.   提防扒手。

talk sb into 劝说某人做说服某人做

persuade sb to do 劝说某人做

persuade   劝说,后跟动词不定式

tell   A from B 区分AB

distinguish A from B 区分A和B

distinguish 区分, 区别

tell   A from Bdistinguish A from B  互换

distinguish between A and  B

be involved in 被涉及 ,被卷入

be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于

be engaged in 忙于, 参与, 从事

involved 卷入,涉及


drop the case 放弃案子

eg: He was absorbed in watching Tv that he did not notice when I entered .

engage   be engage to 订婚     be married to 结婚中的to 不可写为with  get rid of 摆脱

do away with 废除(制度等不合理的东西) 消除





不及物动词接宾语时,需要加for .


rough①粗糙,不光滑的②rough sea 波涛汹涌③rough idea 粗略的,大概的

tough 指人严厉,指物棘手的,待解决的

EgHave you ever felt the hand of your father ?

Calm sea 风平浪静

Rare          表示罕有罕见(本来就很稀少)

Scarce       原来有但是现在变少了

Rare scarce 都表示少

At  will   随意,任意

At  random 随机

At large 自由自在,逍遥法外,不受法律约束的

At length ①at last 最终,最后②in detail  详细的

Eg: Where there is a will , there is a way

Economical   节约

Random 随机,形容词

Eg: The subjects(研究对象) are selected(选择) at random  

凶手) is still at large .

Superset   n.   凶手      superset   v.   怀疑


Rough  idea 粗略的



be concerned with 一样,和有关联

be concerned about 担心,焦虑

as far as…,be concerned 而言,对来说


the concerned doctors 焦虑的医生

the doctors  concerned   有关的医生

使用as far as…,be concerned 中的be 要适时改变。

be made up of


consist of

其中的①②用被动语态  用主动

Expose 常使用被动语态    be  expose with 接触

Dispose 本身是不及物动词后不能直接接宾语,先接介词of 后接宾语。

Consist in 在于

Eg: You success consist in your hard work .

Make up 主动    be made up of 被动

Make up①组成编造捏造

Eg: Many ladies spend a long time making up before going out .

Be kept busy 节奏很快

in a sense 在某种意义上

make sense 有意义,讲的通

make sense of 理解明白领会

It is no good / use / point / sense doing sth 没有意义

Six sense 第六感觉= intuition      language sense   语感

Sense group 意群

Sense派生出的形容词  sensible 明智   sensitive 敏感

Sensitive to   敏感

Eg: What you said does not make sense to me ?

n. 合同契约    v.  签合同,收缩变小

n. / v.   n. 联系连接  v.  联系,接触

contract 作动词重音后移,con’tract

expand 膨胀  shrink 变小缩水(毛棉)

extend 延伸,延长,扩展(单一方向)

find out 弄清楚,弄明白

work out 解决问题,找到问题的解决方法

rule  out     rule   v.排除

single  out 挑出来


raw material 原料,材料


原材料用raw    原油用  crude

▲ qualify  v. 给某人一资格,某人具备资格

quality   质量

qualify  sb  for sth 使某人具有资格

qualified teachers   有资格的老师

qualification   n. 资格

be keen on 热衷,着迷

be crazy about 疯狂

▲ accuse sb of  指控某人犯罪

charge sb with       控告某人犯罪


Be  accused of / be charged with 被动语态

In charge of  负责掌管

In the charge of 负责,掌管

Free of charge 免费的    中的charge 是收费

Charge    v. 索价,要钱

Eg : How much did they charge you ?

Over charge 多收费,被宰了

Bargain 讨价还价

Over sleep 睡过了

Bargain 便宜货,物美价廉

Charge  v. 充电    n.  

Rechargeable    可以反复充电的

中的to 是介词

中的to 是不定式


eg: The book is due to tomorrow .

over due 过期

pay a fine 支付罚金    中的fine 指罚金

renew  续借

pay due (应该) attention to…  给予应有的关注

pay attention to 关注, 注意

be due to 由于

eg : Your failure is due to your laziness .

be due to + v. =due 表示预期,预计


Bound for 开往,驶向

In after 均可以表示多次之后,若表示从你说话那个时刻算起,多次以后应当用in ,若表示过去的某一时刻之后或将来的某一时刻之后用after .

等同于turn up 出现露面

show off 炫耀


talk show 脱口秀

raising pets  养宠物

in company 和大家在一起,有人陪着,不是一个人的

in private    一个人的时候

company 伙伴,伴侣

in private in public 互为反义词

see to

see about    负责处理某事

see to it that 确保保证

see to see about 中的to about 是介词

see to it that to that 可能是考点

egSee to it that everyone knows it .

assemble 组装 ,集合

resemble   v. 长得像,和一样

assembly   line

eg: The girl resemble her father .

go in for 喜欢,从事

go for 适用,适用于

eg: This is a new law and goes for everyone

interfere in 干涉干预

interfere about 妨碍

inter (互联)  net ()    inter之间) national

interfere   vi.   不及物,必须加  in 才能接宾语

be different from 不同,不同于

be indifferent to    冷漠

indifferent different 意思上没有关系  indifferent 冷漠的,漠不关心的

be dependent on 依靠

be independent  of 独立于

depend on 依靠  dependent   adj      independent 独立

by chance

by accident    偶然的

by mistake 由于错误

altitude   v.  海拔

attitude    态度

latitude   纬度

outline   提纲纲要

deadline  最后期限

headline 标题

underline  下划线

B  bold   加粗      bald  adj.  秃的 Bold   adj. 勇敢的,大胆的

Italicize 使倾斜

Escape / avoid 避免后接doing sth

Shift 上档键 生活中值班的班次   day shift 白班

Capitalize 大写键    capital 首都资本

Delete  删除键   clear  清除

In sight 看得见

Out of sight 消失

At the sight of 看到的时候

▲ on  seeing

at the first sight 看第一眼

fall in love at the first sight 一见钟情

egThe sight of blond makes her sick 晕血。

Sight 视线视力      view 景色

Eg; When the village was in sight you become excited

At the sight of blond she became sick .

(一看到) police the pickpocket began to run .

On + doing (动名词)   

On hearing   on learning   一了解



in spite of  尽管

although   连词


Eg: Despite the fact that we don’t like it .

In spite of 后面也不能接句子

Although 后面可以直接接句子

Although but 不可同时出现


At intervals 间隔

At the cost of cost 为代价,以为代价

At the mercy of 任由某人处理摆布

Interval 间隔时间间隔空间间隔

At regular intervals 定期干

At an interval of 10 days    每隔十天


Staff    全体人员


Faculty 全体但是适用范围较窄

crew 致全体,但仅限于全体机组人员和船上的全体船员


settle for 勉强接受

settle down  在某地,长期居住下去,定居

settle 摘定    settle 解决

eg: Neither the settle nor the buyer wanted to give in they settled for a medium(中等的) price  (价位)。


out of place 反义词,   不合适的


take the place of

eg: In the last decade ,great have taking place in china .

happen 当发生讲也是不及物动词

eg: What has happened to her ?

happen to , to 是介词时不是固定短语+n . 发生身上

happen to 是短语时  happen to +do 碰巧

eg: When I went shopping yesterday is happened to be raining heavily .

out of stock stock指库存   没有库存,缺货

out of order 乱七八糟

out of fashion 过时

fashion model  时装模特

place on order for 下订单

high highly     close closely    freefreely

wide widely     deepdeeply    late , lately

straight , straightly


Speak highly of 中的highly 是高度的,高度评价

Eg: The bird is flying high. (副词)高高的

Wide 做副词时,空间宽度开得很大,口开得很大

Eg: When he got home ,he found the door widely open .

Widely 副词 广泛

Straight 本身笔直,形容词,笔直的,副词,笔直地

Straight 副词相当于directly  直接的

Close近     closely 仔细的

Eg: She is sitting close to the teacher .

Deeply 深深地    deep  副词

Eg: Many people were deeply touched by the movie.

He pushed the stick deep(表深度) into moods .

Late  autumn  深秋   lately 副词,最近相当于


Free 免费   freely 副词自由地,无限制的

Eg: You can eat free(副词) in it .

Speak freely 畅所欲言

v.   影响(消极的)    effective (adj. )

n.   影响,结果  v. 产生结果,引起结果 efficient (adj.)

Influence (对人的思想意识形态的影响

①have an effect on 有影响

Effect =impact 冲击影响

② take effect 生效,产生效果

③ come into effect 法律关系生效

④ side effects  副作用

effective 有效果的

efficient 效率

take effective measures 采取有效措施


except 除了之外

except for 对前面句子的否定    只是要不是

besides(包括)Libin, we all went to BJ .除了李斌去,我们都去北京。

Except(不包括)libin ,we all went to BJ .除了李斌不去,我们都去北京。


=call off


隐藏,覆盖   conceal the facts 覆盖事实


reveal the end of the movie 揭示电影的结局

back maid 弱智

turn on / off /

turn up =show up 出现露面

turn out ①=produce 生产②prove to be 证明是,结果是


break down 出故障

eg: The factory can turn out 1000 cars every month .

What you said turned out to be true .

give in 屈服,让步

give up 放弃,投降

yield   v. ①=produce n. 产量    the produce of …的产量②give in屈服让步,yield to 屈服,让步

give in to   屈服,让步

eg: Never will I give in to my wife at home .

be  familiar to 所熟悉的

be familiar with 某人熟悉的东西,了解的东西

familiar  熟悉的

be known as 被称为东西

be known for 因为而闻名

be known to 所知

eg: Works are familiar to all .

As is known to all 众所周知

Do sb a favor 请求别人帮忙

Give sb a hand 主动给某人帮忙

Give sb a lift 让别人搭你的车

In favor of 赞同,支持   favorite  最喜欢

In one’s favor  对某人有利

Lift   n.电梯

In hand 被控制

On hand 在手边

By hand 用手,手工的

by virtue 由于

on account of 由于

in light of 依据,根据,按照

all of a sudden 突然

as a matter of fact 事实上

▲ call for / of 要求取消

ask for 向某人要求

stand for 代表(某个符号,代表含义)

stand out 突出,突显

ask parents for money 向父母要钱

eg : women have been calling for equality 。女性要求平等。 Taking all the above into account …  综上所述

Once in a while 偶尔有时候

Once and for all 一劳永逸

For good =forever 永远

by means of 通过方法,通过途径

by all means 想尽,千方百计, 用尽一切方法

by no means 决不

means  手段,途径,财力

mean doing 意味着

mean to do 打算

beyond one’s means 超出某人的财力

eg: You are bound to (决定)reality your dream by means of hard work. I really want to buy a BMW ,but it is beyond my means.

not that …but that …不是而是

Dreams will come true in the future .

Realize ①实现,realize dream 实现梦想意识到


on average =on the average 平均


on day shift 白天值班

off duty 下班

below the average 中等偏下

above the average 中等偏上


in vain 徒劳,白费,无结果

in detail 最终

at length 最终,最好

at large 自由自在的,逍遥法外的


try to do sth but in rain

generally speaking 总的来讲  in a word 总之

in brief 简而言之 =in short

be short of

manage to do 设法做到了(成功了)

on schedule 正点,准时   有2个读音

behind schedule 晚点

ahead of schedule 提前

be to do 根据命令要发生,  under way  正在进行

under discussion 正在讨论

exhausted 筋疲力尽的    persist 坚持

further专指程度的递进  for further study

farther 距离远近,二者都可以

eg:I am too tired to go to any further / farther .

far 的比较级farther , further

far from =not …at all

far from 远离   far from +adj.  一点也不

eg: He is far from happy .

He lives alone but he is far from lonely .

in the future 将来

in future 今后

some time 一段时间

sometime 某一时候

sometimes 有时

keep pace (节奏,步伐)with 跟上节奏,跟上步伐

Keep in touch with 保持头脑冷静

Keep one’s head 保持头脑冷静

Lose one’s head 冲昏了头脑

Keep in mind 记在心里

Learn …by heart

Out of sight ,out of mind .眼不见,心不烦。

Go out of my sight before I lose my temper.

suspend ,vacant , unique

sustain , stain , attraction

reluctant , spoil , resort

suspend 悬挂,吊销

eg:You need two trees from which to suspended you tent .   You ran against the traffic lights and get away .

The police would have your license suspended (吊销)

Empty 容器是空的    bare 表面被覆盖     blank 空格,空白 Hollow 空心的     vacant 座位职位没有被占用

Bare foot doctor 赤脚医生

Unique 独特独一无二的

Sustain 维持或支撑    sustainable  可持续性的

Stain   n./ v.     n  污渍污点    v. 弄脏

Stainless  没有污点的,没有污渍的

Stainless   steal  不锈钢

Attraction  吸引力

Reluctant 不情愿,不愿意

Be reluctant to 不情愿做

Spoil 破坏,溺爱,宠坏

Resort  v.   resort to 求助于,起诉于,诉诸于

Summer resort避暑胜地

Resort  本身是胜利

Appeal to  呼吁,吸引,   相当于 attract

属于,to 是介词






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