
当前位置: 查字典文档网> 所有文档分类> 论文> 其他论文> 松嫩平原地下水氟、砷的富集规律及影响因素研究




【摘要】 本论文依托中国地质调查局“东北地方病严重区地下水勘查及供水安全示范工程”和吉林省地调局“吉林省西部高氟、高砷区生态环境地球化学评价”项目。松嫩平原地下水原生水质不佳,是我国地方性氟、砷中毒病区。长期以来由于水质问题导致该区地下水资源紧缺,严重制约了社会经济的发展。因此,为保证区域饮水安全,合理开发利用地下水资源,开展地下水中氟、砷中毒的研究十分必要。在资料收集、野外调查、样品采集及测试分析的基础上,应用水文地质学、水文地球化学的基本理论和方法,借助野外调查、测试分析及数据分析技术等,结合地质、地貌特点,开展了松嫩平原地下水氟、砷的分布特征及相关的水化学特征研究。在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,结合项目组实测数据及对比国内氟、砷中毒地区,分析了研究区地下水氟、砷的来源,归纳总结了影响两者富集的因素,提出了典型区地下水氟、砷的富集特征进行了分析,建立了富集影响因素评价指标体系。在区域宏观分析的基础上,选取典型地区进行地下水中氟、砷富集特征及影响因素的总结。

【Abstract】 Songnen Plain is rich in groundwater resources,but the complexity of the problem of water quality,poor raw water quality,generally high fluoride area in diving is to the higher incidence of fluorosis in the world.In recent years,also found in the southwestern region of arsenic poisoning,the above-mentioned problems of water resources has fur- -ther exacerbated the contradiction between supply and demand.Therefore,for the rati- -onal development of groundwater resources and the prevention of endemic diseases,to carry out ground water fluoride,arsenic enrichment research imperative.In this paper,to participate in China established by the Board emphasized the "seri- -ous endemic area northeast of groundwater exploration and water safety demonstration project" and emphasized the Bureau of Jilin Province,"the western Jilin Province,high fluoride,high-arsenic geochemical evaluation of ecological environment," based on the completed project.In data collection,field investigation,sample collection and testing based on the analysis,the application of hydro-geology,hydro-geochemistry of basic theories and methods,using analytical techniques of mathematical statistics,3S tech--nology, analysis of the Songnen Plain groundwater fluoride,arsenic distribution cha--racteristics and chemical characteristics of water,combined with the project team compared the measured data and is similar to the domestic area,an analysis of the study area ground water fluoride,arsenic sources,summarized the impact of the two enrich--hment factors.Finally,select the typical area,extracted three typical fluoride,arsenic-rich characteristics and analyzed.The concentration of fluoride and arsenic in the well to explain the phenomenon,in turn,verified the rationality of argumentation in this article.Application of Kriging interpolation method,combined with geographic inform--ation systems and mapping software MapGIS6.7 software Suefer8.0,rendering the Songnen Plain groundwater fluorine,arsenic distribution and its characteristics are des--cribed. Songnen Plain groundwater fluoride content in the distribution of visible ban--ding, that is,from the basin center to the edge of the basin,from the shallow dive into deep water pressure,fluorine concentration by the high prevalence of low rule.Arsenic in groundwater exceeded the phenomenon is different from the universality of excessive fluoride,only to have the special characteristics of the geological environment in some areas,and focus on the 20~30m aquifers.Combination of geological,geomorphological characteristics,as compared with fluorine,arsenic concentration in different types of water chemistry characteristics, obtained with fluorine,arsenic-related chemical composition of the main water and related to each other.Found that correspond to the high-arsenic groundwater with high concentrations of total iron,re-carbonate,low sulfate concentration,and a greater Na /(Cl + SO

4) ratios meq;high fluoride water chemical characteristics of clear water with high concentrations of The TDS,fluoride standards for nearly twice as much water;fluoride, arsenic concentration in groundwater at the same time,compared with other types of enrichment,and there are no special features of the hydrochemistry;high F,high-As groundwater,water chemistry types mostly HCO3 type,HCO3-Cl or Cl-HCO3 type.The study area combined with the geochemical environment and high-fluorine water, the distribution of high-arsenic water location,kind of testing the use of geotechnical data to investigate the groundwater fluoride,arsenic source material is the interpretation of groundwater fluoride,arsenic concentration is the basis of with the key.Songnen Plain source of fluoride in groundwater can be divided into primary sources and secondary sources,is the primary source of rock weathering through release of fluoride,fluoride secondary sources refer to the soil and the leaching of sedimentary rocks,and carbonate analysis balance the release of fluoride.Mineral rocks of groundwater by arsenic is the primary source of arsenic is also a major source;arsenic in the organism and ferromanganese nodules quality secondary enrichment,constitutes a secondary source of arsenic in groundwater,but alsoIs a direct source.Element fluorine and arsenic geochemical nature of the different elements to deter--mine the impact of two factors-rich groundwater,there is obviously different.On chec--king a large number of domestic and foreign literature on the basis of the measured data combined with the project team and contrast the domestic fluorine,arsenic poisoning areas, summarized the impact of groundwater fluoride,arsenic enrichment factor.High fluoride groundwater is in a particular geographical environment of the formation of these elements together for the natural environment,geological environment and the three types of human activities,the formation and distribution of contributions from a variety of factors with a superposition of the control.To date,the causes of arsenic contamination of groundwater was not yet fully recognized the same conclusion,but the impact of arsenic-rich have a common understanding of certain factors,including oxidation-reduction environment and role of microbial adsorption - desorption is a key factor.Available on groundwater fluoride,arsenic enrichment research literature and found that research is limited to spatial scales over most of the serious areas,only a portion of the article has taken over the region and non-comparative study of overweight,but it is limited to a simple comparison of the chemical characteristics of water.In this paper,fluorine, arsenic poisoning typical Tongyu county region Taonan city and its adjacent areas and dry County as an example,in-depth comparative analysis of different regions,different aquifer fluoride and arsenic enrichment,extraction of the three typical features,in source analysis and impact factor analysis on the basis of the study area combined with the specific geological and hydrogeological conditions are analyzed.The conce- -ntration of fluoride and arsenic in the well to explain the phenomenon,in turn,verify the groundwater fluoride, arsenic sources and analysis of influencing factors is reasonable.Compared with previous studies,this article more in-depth studies of the groundwater fluoride,arsenic sources and typical areas of concentration between the two characteristics of the rational development of groundwater resources and the prevention of endemic diseases have a certain significance.Limited to the stage of project work,the study area the lack of analytical data on sediment and rock test data,water chemistry data are also weak, on some of the points argued in this article do not fully take in the future to further validate the work of analysis

【关键词】 松嫩平原; 氟、砷中毒区; 地下水水化学特征; 富集规律; 影响因素


内容提要 4-8

第1章 绪论 8-14

1.1 选题意义 8-9 1.2.1 地下水中氟的富集规律研究 9-10 1.2.3 松嫩平原研究现状 11-12 1.3.1 主要内容 12-13 第2章 研究区概况 14-20

2.1 交通位置 14-15

2.2 地形地貌 15-17

2.2.1 地形 15

2.2.2 地貌 15-16

2.2.3 与氟、砷有关的微地貌 16-17

2.3 气候水文 17-18

2.3.1 气候 17

2.3.2 水文 17-18 第3章 区域地质与水文地质条件 20-30 3.1.1 前第四纪地层 20 3.2 地质构造及新构造运动 21-24 3.2.2 新构造运动 22-24

3.3 水文地质概况 24-26 3.3.2 中部低平原水文地质区 24-25

3.3.3 西部山前倾斜平原水文地质区 25-26

3.4 地下水补给、径流与排泄条件 26-30 3.4.2 中部低平原 27-28

3.4.3 西部山前倾斜平原 28-30

第4章 松嫩平原地下水氟、砷分布及富集特征 30-49

4.1 样品的部署、采集与测试 30-33 4.1.2 样品的采集与测试 32-33

4.2 数据综合分析方法 33-34

4.3 松嫩平原地下水水化学特征 34-40

4.3.1 地下水化学类型 34-35

4.3.2 主要化学组分含量与分布特征 35-37

4.3.3 与氟、砷相关的水化学特征 37-40

4.4 松嫩平原地下水氟、砷的分布特征 40-44

4.4.1 地下水中氟的分布特征 40-43

4.4.2 地下水中砷的分布特征 43-44

4.5 高氟、高砷区地下水氟、砷的富集特征 44-48

4.5.1 典型地区的选取 44

4.5.2 地下水中氟、砷的富集规律 44-48

4.6 小结 48-49

第5章 地下水中氟、砷富集的影响因素及特征分析 49-72

5.1 物源分析 49-54 5.1.2 地下水中砷的来源 52-54

5.2 地下水中氟、砷富集的影响因素 54-66

5.2.1 地下水氟的富集 54-59

5.2.2 地下水砷的富集 59-66

5.3 典型地区地下水中氟、砷的富集特征分析 66-71 第6章 主要结论和存在问题 72-74

主要结论 72-73

存在问题 73-74

参考文献 74-78

攻读硕士期间参与的科研项目 78-79

致谢 79-80

摘要 80-82

Abstract 82-84



