摘 要
Internet的蓬勃发展,使新闻传播方式发生了巨大的变化,人们开始更多的关注网络新闻。由于互联网所容纳的信息量大、内容丰富、信息及时、准确,更有相关信息的全面介绍与比较,大大地方便了人们的阅读. 本设计在此基础上运用 asp.net2.0技术实现了网上新闻的发布和信息检索。
关键词: 新闻发布;网站; asp.net2.0;友情链接
Press Release System Design and Implementation
Development of the Internet boom, the news dissemination form has undergone tremendous change, People began to pay more attention to the network news. Due to the Internet to accommodate the large amount of information, rich content, the information timely, accurate and relevant information on the more comprehensive presentation and comparison, greatly facilitate peoples reading. The design on this basis asp.net2.0 use Internet technology to achieve a new news releases and information retrieval.
The city was designed with the network, the automatic release system design principles, Administrators can use the system to the structure of news organizations, the news add, modify and delete. The system main daily news of the latest releases and management, Users of the system can visit the home page of the industry news and information related to the news headlines. Further information can check the relevant details; In addition, the design also provides a comprehensive news station search functions, as well as other websites Links.
Keywords : Press Releases; Website; Asp.net2.0;Links
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