摘 要:本文在赋范线性空间的基础上给出内积空间的概念,探讨线性赋范空间和内积空间的关系,随后引进了1族角的概念,证明了这样定义的角中任1个满足某种几何性质的空间1定是内积空间.进而给出了相关正交性的概念和获得的内积空间的特征.
The theory about common inner product space
Abstract: This text accumulate the concept of the space provide , at composing linear foundation of space Fan, probe into linear to compose space Fan and accumulate relation of space inside , introduce clan concept of corner subsequently, angle that prove like this defining the satisfied a certain geometirc space of property will certainly to accumulate space inside. And then the one that has considered the concept of relevant perpendicularity and obtained has accumulated the characteristic of the room inside, and accumulate the new characteristic of the space while providing some subsequently .
Keyword: Compose the linear space of model ; Accumulate the space inside; Angle; Perpendicularity; Suffused with the letter
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