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一 江泽民处理传统文化与现代化关系的背景


二 江泽民对传统文化与现代化关系的理性思考


江泽民眼中传统文化的现代价值。从江泽民对传统文化的论述中,我们可以解读出它的现代价值。第一,传统文化具有极强的凝聚力和生命力,是民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。传统文化是中国各民族在中国这一共同地域内共同创造的物质文明和精神文明成果,是中华民族共同的财富,是中华民族凝聚力最深刻的渊源。第二,传统文化是中国特色社会主义建设最深刻的历史根源。传统文化作为一种文化习惯和文化积淀,已深深融进中华民族的思想意识和行为规范之中,渗透到社会政治、经济特别是精神生活的各个领域,成为制约社会历史发展、支配人们思想行为和日常生活的强大精神力量,是中国国情的重要组成部分,是中国特色社会主义建设最深刻的历史根源。 “对今天中国人的价值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。” [1]第三,蕴涵着丰富的治国安邦的经验。中华民族传统文化是一个取之不尽、用之不竭的知识宝库,其中蕴涵着丰富的治国安邦的经验。江泽民多次倡导干部特别是领导干部要学习中国历史,要善于借鉴和运用历史经验解决现实问题。第四,传统文化是弘扬民族精神的重要载体。中国传统文化中蕴涵的中华民族精神,是树立民族自尊心、自信心和自豪感的主要基础和重要来源。弘扬和培育新时代的中华民族精神, 必须继承和发扬中华民族优秀传统文化,把民族传统文化作为承载体,使中国传统文化精神适应时代发展,实现形式和内容的创新与转换。第五,传统文化是抑制市场经济“负效应”的良药。市场经济是一种效益驱动经济,具有优劣双重性。传统文化以其源远流长、博大精深的历史底蕴和丰富内涵能对市场经济的负面效应起到理性批判和抵制纠偏的功效。




三 江泽民处理传统文化与现代化关系的实践探索






注释:[2] 中共中央文献研究室编.十三大以来重要文献选编(下)[C].北京:人民教育出版社, 1991.1643-1644.

[3] 江泽民.论党的建设[M].北京:中央文献出版社,2001.173.

Thesis Summary

Jiangzeming’s Theory and Practical Inquiry of handling the Relationship Between Traditional Culture and Modernization

Traditional culture is the cultural heritage of material progress and spiritual civilization that accumulate in long-term social work of nationality. It is a tie that maintains national sentiments and cohesiveness. It is the spiritual carrier that the nationality survives and develops too. Modernization is an enormous change of human civilization. It indicates that the agricultural civilization is transformed into industrial civilization. Achieving modernization that can construct a new life style of Chinese nation is the solemn and stirring theme of China's historical process. It has agglomerated the Chinese thinking and strive, honor and dream of several generations since the Opium War.

First, the background of Jiang Zemin dealing with traditional culture and modernization

The key content of China's traditional culture and classical status had never received people's suspicion and wavering before making the transition in the society. It once absorbed and merged outside culture successfully in history and combined the national culture of ethnic minority effectively. However, on modern eve, China has been already last phase of feudal society. The national power is on the decline. Under the force of Western imperialist powers, the whole nationality faces the crisis of the final and decisive juncture. Advanced Chinese have been looking for the road of getting rid of crisis. It went through from implements to system then deepen national culture psychological course of aspect roughly, seeking the modernized road of China, then drawn traditional culture and modernization relation question. However, because of the limitations of objective condition, explored by several generations' hardships, still this immature the historical subject is still not finished.

Since the May Fourth Movement, the Communist Party of China became leading strength and leading nucleus of modernization of China gradually. Two generations of leading collectives from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, from new-democratic revolution to socialist modernization drive and reform and opening-up, they never stop the exploration to traditional culture and modernization relation. They have proposed a lot of penetrating and correct thought theories. It becomes the historical and logic starting point that we solve this problem.

The key content of China's traditional culture and classical status had never received people's suspicion and wavering before making the transition in the society. It once absorbed and merged outside culture successfully in history and combined the national culture of ethnic minority effectively. However, on modern eve, China has been already last phase of feudal society. The national power is on the decline. Under the force of Western imperialist powers, the whole nationality faces the crisis of the final and decisive juncture. Advanced Chinese have been looking for the road of getting rid of crisis. It went through from implements to system then deepen national culture psychological course of aspect roughly, seeking the modernized road of China, then drawn traditional culture and modernization relation question. However, because of the limitations of objective condition, explored by several generations' hardships, still this immature the historical subject is still not finished. Since the May Fourth Movement, the Communist Party of China became leading strength and leading nucleus of modernization of China gradually. Two generations of leading collectives from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, from new-democratic revolution to socialist modernization drive and reform and opening-up, they never stop the exploration to traditional culture and modernization relation. They have proposed a lot of penetrating and correct thought theories. It becomes the historical and logic starting point that we solve this problem. Before Chinese Modernization is coming, radicalness and conservatism, tradition and modernity are a gulf that Chinese people can’t detour. The reality requires the Chinese Communist Party to answer it.

In addition, the impact of globalize, the objective demand of socialist practice and the need of seeking the spiritual home, the contradictions of traditional culture and modernization appear in front of compatriots more toweringly, demanding prompt solution. As the core of the third generation of leading collective, Jiang Zemin undertakes the important task of history, to think, answer and solve the problem of traditional culture and modernization in the process of leading national people to build well-off society in an all-round way.

Second, Jiang Zemin's rational thinking of traditional culture and modernization

Jiang Zemin is familiar with the spirit of traditional culture, quoting the classics and applies them skillfully. He has carried on rational thinking to traditional culture and modernization during the process of leading the people to build the well-off society in an all-round way.

The modern value of traditional culture in Jiang Zemin's eyes:

We can understand its modern value from Jiang Zemin argumentation of traditional culture.

First, traditional culture has extremely strong cohesiveness and vitality and it is the firm ties of national unity and unification of the motherland. Traditional culture is material progress and spiritual civilization achievement that the Chinese various nationalities create together in this common region of China. It is Chinese nation's common wealth; it is the deepest origin of the Chinese national cohesion.

Second, traditional culture is the deepest historical origin of socialist construction of the distinct Chinese characteristics. As a cultural habit and culture accumulation, traditional culture has already been circulated in the ideology and behavioural norm on Chinese nation deeply. It permeates each field of politics, economy especially cultural life as a piece of strong spiritual strength restricting social historical development, controlling people's thought behavior and strong spiritual strength of daily life. It is the important components of the China's actual conditions and it is the deepest historical origin of socialist construction of the distinct Chinese characteristics. "It deeply influents the Values, life style and Chinese development path that Chinese to today."

Third, containing the abundant experience of running a country. Chinese nation's traditional culture is a repository not exhausted with abundant experience of running and stabilizing a country. Jiang Zemin advocates the cadre especially leading cadre's to study China's history many times, so that they are good at using historical experience to solve the realistic problem.

Fourth, traditional culture is an important carrier, which carries forward national spirit. The spirit of Chinese nation contained in China's traditional culture is main foundation of establishing national pride, self-confidence and sense of pride and important source. Carrying forward and fostering the spirit of Chinese nation, we must inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture and make it as the body so that it can adapt to era development and finish the innovation and conversion of content.

Fifth, traditional culture is the good medicine to suppress " negative effects " of market economy. Market economy is a kind of benefit drives economy. It has good and bad dual natures. Traditional culture can produce an effective role on criticizing and resisting to the negative effect of market economy.

The basic principle of Jiang Zemin treating traditional culture:

Jiang Zemin treats traditional culture with analyze scientifically, correct attitude towards, select the essence, discard the dross, grow with each passing hour, weed out the old and bring forth the new, the self- principle learning wildly from other's strong points that have a foothold. This is a prerequisite of handling traditional culture and modernized relation well. Jiang Zemin points out: "The culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics must be regarded Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as guidelines. It can't practice the pluralism in the guidelines. It must insist on the direction of serving the people and socialism and the policy of ‘ hundreds flowers blossoming, hundred schools contending '. Prosperous and develop socialist culture; inhibit the thing that poison the people, and pollute the society or anti-socialism overflows. It Must succession develop nationality's outstanding traditional culture and fully reflect the socialist spirit of the times, basing on this country and fully absorbing the outstanding achievement of world culture, against the national nihilism and totally westernizing. We should hold the basic demand of the culture firmly, which shows socialism with Chinese characteristics, to improve the thought morals of the whole nation and scientific and cultural qualities greatly, and to promote the development of socialist material progress and spiritual civilization. "This is a basic program of socialist cultural construction. In this basic program, it has reflected the basic principle of Jiang Zemin treating traditional culture.

The basic attitudes of Jiang Zemin dealing with traditional culture and modernization:

Traditional culture and modernization have not only conflicting aspect but also something that agrees with too. There is not only long space-time disparity but also inherent soul that merged. They are a perfect pair that complements each other. The modernization must be based on traditional culture and the traditional culture must regard modernized characters as the goal. So, while we criticize the discard what is not meeting the needs of modernization in traditional culture, we should excavate the positive meaning that carry forward to realizing the modernization and building the material civilization and ideological progress. A country without cultural tradition and nationality are hopeless. " Traditional culture as a kind of national cohesive force, it is a country that can carry on the modernized strong guarantee ".

Jiang Zemin realized traditional culture and modernized dialectical relation clearly. He adopted the attitude that inherits traditional culture to keep the national characteristic and is based on the modernization to promote the modernity conversion of traditional culture. Jiang Zemin thinks that the modernization of any country all implant in the national tradition and be regarded traditional culture as the prerequisite. Only we combine the modernized basic demand with a national traditional culture and adopt traditional culture as heir that we can keep the national characteristic and give the modernization with the national characters. Only such a modernization is real reality, specific, vigorous modernization too. The modernization can't leave in the support of the national traditional culture. No modern civilization is poured in traditional culture; its vitality will be fictitious. It can't keep to lively. Traditional culture is accumulation and crystallization that ancestors of various nationalities innovate. Continual innovate is the decisive factor that the traditional culture extend and develop to meet the modernization. Encouraging cultural innovation and realize the innovation of traditional culture have important meanings to the further development of culture.

Third, the practical exploration of Jiang Zemin dealing with traditional culture and modernization:

Jiang Zemin holded the quintessence of traditional culture. He combined it with socialist modernization program according to the era demand. He carried on innovative practical exploration in many aspects such as the power idea, the development strategy, running a country policy, internal and external policy, and so on.

First, he changed the rational kernel of " the people first " into practice of assuming power for the people. Jiang Zemin inherited the reasonable kernel of " the people first " thought and combine the change of power condition and social environment that Chinese Communist Party face. In order to realize the people master statue and safeguard the people basic benefit, Jiang Zemin proposed new idea of " assuming power for the people ".

Second, he inherit the idea of " harmony between man and nature " and insisting on the sustainable development of the Chinese society. Jiang Zemin inherits the traditional thought of " harmony between man and nature " on development strategy, combining the society, economic development and the world development trend, summarizing the experience and lessons both at home and abroad conscientiously, he has proposed the sustainable development strategy that people and harmonious are naturally developing.

Third, adopting the tradition of " rule of virtue", " run the country with morality ". As Jiang Zemin fully realized the contemporary value of the thought of traditional rule of virtue and summarized the fresh experience of "running and stabilizing a country " in recent years, according to strengthening the era demand of the socialist spiritual civilization, he expounded the strategy of proposing " running the country with morality ". " Running the country with morality " is enriching and developing national theory of Marxism of the third generation of leading collective of Party Central Committee with Jiang Zeming at its core. It is a new state policy puting forward on the basis of summarizing the history and realistic experience of running a country deeply; having reflected China's traditional political culture is combined closely with new era demand.

Fourth, fetching " cosmos " spirit, advance the reunification of the motherland and the world peace and development. Great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics is launched in the domestic and international environment under new historical terms. Jiang Zemin continues carrying out " cosmos " idea on the Taiwan Issue and uses it to promote a peaceful, steady, fair and rational new international political and economic ordering, having offered a good environment for socialist modernization drive.



