Brave to live
Brave to live
Brave to live
The Robinson Crusoe is a famous masterpiece. The first time I read this book I just 10 years old, I thought Robinson is very powerful to survive on a desert island. Now I go back to read the book, I discover it have very profound meaning.
Before Robinson to the sea adventure, his parents communicate with him for a long time, because of they did not support his plan. And then they suggest he consider it carefully. His father said about the middle section have more happiness. This class between the two extremes, but I think it makes such a class are often slack complacency. However, Robinson he set out, in order to achieve his strong faith, he ventured to go. As a child, we often do these cases and we rarely listen to the views of adults, We persist in willfully and arbitrarily, finally we will suffer. Don't act on impulse in handling things.
I admire Robinson who is a full of labor enthusiasm and determination to change of scene. He was lucky to have survived, and finally able to return to their homeland. He tried to make himself live in the island, he faced the dilemma never give up, He fought hard with the natural conditions and harsh environments that to survive spirit make us shocked. Finally, Robinson was on the island grow rice and wheat, grapes do collect raisins and successful wine, sheep enclosure to ensure the food source, but also to make pottery, the day was good. So by virtue of his pay, and he has only to wait until the last chance to return home. I can not imagine, if today's kids in the community living on the island how to survive. They can be like Robinson, like a kind of suffering endured decades of a person to endure days of life? Of course, I am also very curious that when he lived for Robinson to leave this island for 28 years, he paid so much, whether it be nostalgia in this island? As the "Little Prince" Small fox said to the little prince's words, "Your roses are so important is because you are watering it day and night."
In my opinion,a person must have had to go to several conditions adventure. First, you are ready at any time to be dangerous, and you have strong willpower, no matter what happens can continue to insist that no difficulties after easily retreat. Second, you can hard-working, self-reliant, independent, not drag your partner. Third, you have the ability to live independently in the wild, if an accident occurs, you can own its own strength to survive. Faced with the beast, dangerous creatures, you can brave fight with them. Finally, you also have to endure a lonely heart, a person can endure loneliness, but also to feel the joy in nature. If you lack these conditions, then you should not blindly take risks lightly. You want to have the same like Robinson legendary course, you have to have the advantage of him, because otherwise you will regret your decision. The God of destiny will not patronize those who enjoy no ability of the human body.
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