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lesson oneWord

  法律英语 何家弘 Word

  Lesson One Legal System

  Background (背景) 自从哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)于1492年航 行至美洲后,大批欧洲人便开始涌向这片“新大陆”。 不过,人们通常把第一批英国定居者(the first English settlers)于1607年到达弗吉尼亚 (Virginia)的詹姆斯顿(Jamestown)视为美国法律 制度的起点。美国法制史可以大体上分为两个时期, 即英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。虽然美国的法律制度是在英国的法 律传统的基础上形成和发展起来的,但是在近四百年 的历史进程中,美国的法律制度也形成了一些不同于 英国法律制度的特点,如公诉制度(public prosecution)等。

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  Lesson One Legal System

  美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)国家,其法 律制度有两个基本特点:其一是以分散制(decentralization)为 原则;其二是以判例法(case law)为主体。美国除联邦政府外, 还有州政府、县政府、市政府、镇政府等等,而且这些政府都是 相互独立的,各自在其管辖范围内享有一定的立法权和执法权。 因此,有人说美国是“一个有许多政府的国家”(a country of many governments);而美国的法律体系则是一个“零散的无 系统”(fragmental no-system)。诚然,美国现在也有很多成 文法(written law)或制定法(statutory law),但是其法律制度 仍是以判例法为主体的。换言之,“遵从前例”(stare decisis) 仍然是美国司法活动中最重要的原则之一。以上两点对于理解美 国的法律制度具有重要意义。

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  Part One: Features and Characteristics

  The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States.

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  Part One

  美国既是一个很新的国家,又是一个富 含历史的国家。与许多其他的国家相比, 她是一个新的国家,而且,随着新的人 口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,从这 个意义上说,她也是新的。

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  Part One

  But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the “new ” nations----the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self-government of any nation.

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  Part One

  但是从其他意义上说,她是富含历史的。 她是新生国家中最早的――第一个从旧 大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。与其他任 一国家相比,她有最早的成文宪法和持 续的联邦制,她还是最早实行政府自治 的国家。

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  Part One

  One of the most interesting features of American’s youth is that the whole of its history belongs in the period since the

  invention of the printing press.

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  Part One

  美国的年轻性最有趣的特征之一是:她 的全部历史存在于印刷机发明之后的时 代。

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  Part One

  The whole of its history is, therefore, recorded; indeed, it is safe to say that no other major nation has so comprehensive a record of its history as has the United States, for events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are part of the printed record of the United States.

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  Part One

  因此,她的历史被全部记录下来了。的 确,可以肯定地说,没有任何大国能像 美国一样有如此包罗广泛的历史记录, 因为就像那些在意大利、法国或英格兰 过去的传说中湮没的事件,也是美国有 文字记载之历史的一部分。

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  Part One

  And the American record is not only comprehensive; it is immense. It embraces not only the record of the colonial era and of the Nation since 1776, but of the present fifty States as well, and the intricate network of relationships between States and Nation.

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  Part One

  并且美国的记录不仅包罗广泛,而且极 其庞大。她不但包括了殖民地时期和自 1776年建国后的记录,而且还包括现在 50个州以及各州与联邦之间错综复杂之 关系网络的记录。

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  Part One

  Thus, to take a very elementary example, the reports of the United States Supreme Court fill some 350 volumes, and the reports of some States are almost equally voluminous; the reader who wants to trace the history of law in American is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases.

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  Part One

  voluminous :adj.卷数多的, 大部分的, 著书多的, 容积大的, 体积大的, 丰满的, 长篇的, 庞大的。 由此,举一个很简单的例子,美国最高 法院的判例汇编占了约350册,而一些州 的判例汇编几乎有同样多的册数。想探 寻美国法律历史的读者将面对超过5000 巨册的法律案例。

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  Part Two

  judiciary (1) adj 审判员的,法官的,法 院的,司法的。 (2)n (大写)司法部,所有法 官,审判人员,法院(系统),司法机关。然而,在15世纪,衡平法和衡平判例法发展成 为一个独立的法律制度和司法机关(衡平法 院),


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  Part Two

  Special characteristics of equity law include: relief in the form of specific performance (in contrast to the common law award of compensatory damages ), the injunction (a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act ), the development of so-called maxims of equity law which permeated the entire legal system and in many cases explain the origin of modern legal concepts.

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  Part Two

  衡平法的特殊性包括:合同或协议的强 制履行(与普通法的损害赔偿金判决形 成对照),强制令(临时或最终发出的 为或不为某一特定行为的命令)以及所 谓的衡平法原则的发展,这些原则渗透 至整个法律制度并在许多案例中说明了 现代法律概念的起源。

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  However, equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate. 然而,只有当普通法救济不充分的时候, 衡平法上的救济才相应地出现。

  Part Two

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  Part Two

  For instance, specific performance for the purchase of real property will be granted because common law damages are deemed to be inadequate since they cannot compensate the buyer in view of the uniqueness attributed to property.

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  Part Two

  Deem vt. (formal) believe consider. in view of 鉴于, 由于 Attribute (to). 认为是…的属性;是…的 结果或来自…;归因于…例如,鉴于不动产的特定性,普通法损 害赔偿因无法给予购买者补偿从而被认 为是不充分的,因而针对购买不动产的 强制履行令将会被准许。

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  Part Two

  As the common law, equity law became part of American law either through judicial acceptance or through express statutory provision. 如普通法一样,衡平法通过司法机关实 施或通过明确的制定法条例,成为了美 国法律的一部分。

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  Part Two

  普通法 衡平法

  Today, both legal systems have been merged in many American jurisdictions (beginning with New York in 1848), with the result that there is only one form of civil suit in these jurisdictions as well as in federal practice.

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  Part Two

  Merge vt, vi. –(inintowith) 合并,消失而变 成….逐渐融入… Jurisdiction n. 管辖(权、区、范围),司法 (权),裁判权,审判权,权限,控制。今天

  ,这两种法律体系已经在许多美国司法地 区被合并起来了(在1848年开始于纽约),结 果是在这些司法地区和联邦的诉讼中只有一种 形式的民事诉讼。

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  美国纽约州立法机构于1848年通过了 由戴维 菲尔德起草的《菲尔德民事 程序法典》,稍后更成立了一个“法 典化委员会”来“将纽约州的全部法 律简化为成文的、系统化的法典”。

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  Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court. 独立大法官法庭(衡平法院)

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  Part Two

  Nevertheless, the reference to the historical development is important because, on the o n e h a n d , i t ex p la in s t h e o r i g i n a n d significance of many contemporary legal concepts (for instance the division of title in the law of property ) and, on the other hand, it is still relevant for the decision of such questions whether, for instance, there is a right to trial by jury (only in the case of common law suits, in other cases only before the judge).

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  Part Two

  Reference =Significance 意义 Title n.物权,产权(关系),物(产)权证明 (证书、凭证),(法律或法律文件的)名称, 标题,(法律或法典的)章节,权利,资格, 职称,头衔。然而,该历史发展意义重大,因为:一方面它 说明了许多现代法律概念的起源和意义(例如, 财产法中的物权分类),另一方面,它也与诸 如陪审团是否有权利(参与)审理和判决案件 (只有普通法诉讼案中是如此,在其他案件中 只由法官裁决)等问题的决定相关。

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  Part Two

  In addition, the differentiation will determine whether the “ordinary” common law relief of damages applies or whether the “extraordinary” equity remedy of specific performance is available. 另外,这种区别还决定着“普通的”的普通法 损害赔偿救济是否适用,以及“特别的”强制 履行的衡平法救济是否有效。

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  Part Two

  “Case law” describes the entire body of judge-made law and today includes common law and equity precedents. Precedent n. 先例 adj 先例的,在前 的,在先的,优先的。 “判例法”是指整个法官制定法体系, 现今包括了普通法和衡平法的先例。

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  Part Two

  In imprecise and confusing usage the terms “common law” and “case law” are often used synonymously, with the term “ common law ” in this usage connoting judge-made law in general as contrasted with statutory law.

  Synonym n 同义词 -ous, adj . -ly adv

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  Part Two

  Connote vt, (除本义外)含有 … 是意义, 有…的含义。 Contrast (1)vt, vi contrast(withand) 比较,对 比,成对照。(2) in contrast 与…成对比在笼统、模糊的用法中,“普通法”和“判例 法”两个术语常被当作同义词使用,这里的 “普通法”通常意味着

  与成文法相对应的法官 制定法。

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  Part Two

  “Case law” always connotes judge-made law, while “common law” in contrast---depending on the meaning intended---describes either the judge-made law in common law subject matters or, more extensively, all judge-made law. “判例法”总是指法官制定法,而普通法(的 含义)却不同――取决于使用者的用意――既 可以指普通法问题上的法官制定法律,也可以 在更广泛的范围内指所有的法官制定法。

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  重点词汇United States Supreme Court Common law legal systemCivil law legal system Case law

  Statutory law classical Roman law

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  private law binding interpretation itinerant judges English royal court Enforcement,claim,action,writ writ upon the case

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  civil suit Jurisdictions title trial by jury judge-made law

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