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  1. High _____ can be very damaging to your health causing a variety of serious health problems.

  A. cholesterol 胆固醇

  B. enzyme 酶

  C. lipoma 脂肪瘤

  D. hypertension 高血压

  2. _____ could injure the patient’s liver, and be spread to other victims.

  A. Sinusitis 鼻窦炎

  B. Appendicitis 阑尾炎

  C. Hepatitis 肝炎

  D. Myocarditis 心肌炎

  3. In ancient times, _____ was almost incurable, and caused large amount of deaths. However, with the discovery of antibiotics, this pulmonary disease can be treated nowadays.

  A. meningitis 脑膜炎

  B. tuberculosis 肺结核

  C. osteoporosis 骨质疏松

  D. hypertension 高血压

  4. Almost all governments provide free _____ to prevent pertussis, diphtheria, and polio.

  A. statin 抑制素

  B. tetanus 破伤风

  C. regimen 养生法

  D. vaccine 疫苗

  5. Those whose GPA is lower than 4 have no _____ to apply for that particular scholarship.

  A. eligibility 资格

  B. power 权力

  C. ability 才能

  D. allocation 配给

  6. To improve your work efficiency, it is necessary to make lists of what to do and _____ your tasks.

  A. prioritize 优先处理

  B. simulate 模拟

  C. emulate 仿真

  D. randomize 随机排列

  7. The symptoms would _____ if the Jackson keeps on smoking 2 packages of cigarettes a day.

  A. increase 增加

  B. pontificate 自以为是

  C. exacerbate 加重

  D. decrease 减少

  8. Patients’ uncooperative attitudes towards drug taking increase the chances of _____.

  A. occurrence 遭遇

  B. appearance 外貌

  C. relapse 复发

  D. recure 痊愈

  9. _____, which developed in 20th century, studies the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to control of health problems.

  A. Epidemics 流行病

  B. Epidemiology 流行病学

  C. Biochemistry 生物化学

  D. Pathology 病理学

  10. No one is _____; we’re all ignorant about something.

  A. all-present 目前所有的

  B. omniscient 无所不知的

  C. omnipresent 无所不在的

  D. omnipotent 无所不能的

  11. I promised (him) to _____ the matter promptly.

  A. attend up 参加

  B. attend with 带来

  C. attend upon 照顾

  D. attend to 注意

  12. More governmental _____ is needed to improve deteriorating food safety.

  A. survey 检查

  B. guidance 领导

  C. surveillance 监督

  D. inspection 检验

  13. _____ refers to structures systems, and facilities serving the economy of a business, industry, country, city, town, or area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.

  A. Infrastructure 基础设施

  B. Structure 建筑结构

  C. Construction 建筑物

  D. Equipment 设备

  14. The _____system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease.

  A. immunological 免疫学的

  B. immune 免疫的

  C. metabolic 新陈代谢的

  D. circulatory 循环的

  15. Infectious agent such as a virus, bacterium prion, or a fungus, could be _____ if it caused diseases on living creatures.

  A. pathological 病理的

  B. pathogenic 引起疾病的

  C. pathogenesis 发病机理

  D. pathogen 病原体

  16. News about government officials’ corruption often _____ and becomes hot topics

  among the mass public.

  A. attack the headline 攻击头条

  B. hit the headline 成为头条

  C. occupy the headline 占据头条

  D. dominate the headline 支配头条

  17. Smoking and drinking would cause _____, whose major symptom include waking at night with upper abdominal or upper abdominal pain that improves with eating.

  A. gastric ulcer 胃溃疡

  B. dental ulcer 牙源性溃疡

  C. influenza 流感

  D. panacea 万应灵药

  18. If you have a particular _____, you become ill or get a rash when you eat smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill.

  A. allergen 变应原

  B. allergic 过敏的

  C. allergy 过敏性反应

  D. allergenic 引起过敏反应

  19. An increased _____ of Parkinson’s disease in Australia has led to a reform in diet in the past few years.

  A. relevance 相关性

  B. relevant 有关的

  C. prevalent 普遍的

  D. prevalence 流行程度

  20. If there are no _____, the doctor says that she’ll be able to come home within two weeks.

  A. contractions 收缩

  B. regression 衰退

  C. contradictions 矛盾

  D. complications 并发症


  1. _____ is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

  A. Pharmacology 药理学

  B. Physiology 生理学

  C. Oncology 肿瘤学

  D. Biochemistry 生物化学

  2. Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction that can be life-threatening. Doctors use skin and blood tests to diagnose _____. Treatments include medicines, immunotherapy, and avoiding the substances that cause the reactions.

  A. antibodies 抗体

  B. allergic 过敏的

  C. allergies 过敏症

  D. antigen 抗原

  3. When applying for a loan, you might come across a situation that your client may ask

  you to provide a financial _____ from a third party.

  A. support 维持

  B. reimbursement 退还

  C. guarantee 保证

  D. efficacy 效力

  4. Video cameras with night vision can be _____ by movement.

  A. animated 有生气的

  B. activated 有活性的

  C. acted 表演

  D. auctioned 拍卖

  5. Recent medical studies confirm the _____ of a healthier lifestyle, which is symbolized by more social activities and less screen obsession.

  A. efficiency 功效

  B. efficacy 疗效

  C. effect 效果

  D. affection 情感

  6. Successful completion of a _____ program is a requirement to obtaining an unrestricted license to practice medicine in many jurisdictions, which may be followed by fellowship or ‘sub-specialty’ training.

  A. resident 常驻的

  B. residency 高级专科住院实习期

  C. intern 住院实习医生

  9. Although Kodak anticipated the _____ rise if digital photography, its corporate culture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future.

  A. suitable 适当的

  B. inevitable 不可避免的

  C. vital 至关重要的

  D. vulnerable 易受攻击的

  10. I am quite convinced that the Iraq War of 2003 was a trillion-dollar error that provokes far deeper anti-American _____.

  A. emotion 情绪

  B. hostility 敌意

  C. hospitality 款待

  D. dispute 争端

  11. Several _____ for global warming have been suggested, all of which needs to be further proved.

  A. ideas 观念

  B. evaluations 估价

  C. hypotheses 假说

  D. prerequisites 前提

  12. _____, originated in China is a treatment for pain and illness in which special needles are put into the skin at particular positions.

  A. Frolics 嬉戏

  B. Yoga 瑜伽

  C. Massage 按摩

  D. Acupuncture 针灸

  13. I know you’re feeling sea sick, but if our boat sinks, _____ will be the least of your problems.

  A. nausea 恶心

  B. vomit 呕吐

  C. asthma 气喘

  D. rehabilitation 复原

  14. All her pleasure and satisfaction _____ playing the violin.

  A. sheds light on 为…提供线索

  B. falls victims to 成为…的牺牲品

  C. derives from 来源于

  D. originates for 起源于

  15. Nutritionists at university based research centers have also been _____ about the so-called master’s secrets in keeping fit.

  A. receptive 善于接受的

  B. prestigious 受尊敬的

  C. irritable 易怒的

  D. skeptical 怀疑性的

  16. According to the latest research, news stories about public health can _____ third-person effect.

  A. fall victim to 成为…的牺牲品

  B. fall pit to 掉进坑里

  C. fall hearsay to 道听途说

  D. fall definition to 变得明确

  17. Many fairy tales _____ history are fabricated instead of based on real historical events.

  A. derived of 导出

  B. were derived of 被导出

  C. derived from 采自

  D. were derived from 被采自

  18. _____ is necessary for surgery; however, it does not deliver any direct therapeutic benefit.

  A. Anesthesia 麻醉

  B. Euthanasia 安乐死

  C. Antibiotics 抗生素

  D. Rehabilitation 修复

  19. An American Journal of Epidemiology study in 1990 found that _____ was a common condition affecting approximately 6.7% of females and 8.6% of males. Individuals of any age may be affected, with the highest incidence occurring in the teens and twenties.

  A. appendix 阑尾

  B. appendicitis 阑尾炎

  C. appendectomy 阑尾切除术

  D. appendage 附属器官

  20. Master of Doctor graduates must also be numerate, because most medical researches involve _____ methods and statistics.

  A. quality 定性

  B. qualitative 定性的

  C. quantity 定量

  D. quantitative 定量的


  1. Most people do not have to be _____ for asthma or pneumonia. They can take home remedy and get recovery gradually.

  A. hospitalized 送…住院

  B. exhaled 呼气

  C. coaxed 哄劝

  D. articulated 有关节的

  2. My definition of a good _____ is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die.

  A. anemia 贫血症

  B. veteran 退伍军人

  C. hospice 安养院

  D. columnist 专栏作家

  3. It’s simply _____ to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.

  A. dialysis 透析

  B. curative 药品

  C. tenet 信条

  D. unethical 不道德的

  4. _____ is an accepted branch of medicine. It deals with mental or emotional disorders.

  A. Medication 药学

  B. Psychiatry 精神病学

  C. Physiologist 生理学者

  D. Purview 范围

  5. Gender equality and women’s _____ are fundamental to the global mission of the United Nations to achieve equal rights and dignity got all.

  A. empowerment 授权

  B. autolysis 自溶

  C. sue 起诉

  D. transgression 违法

  6. I hold to the _____ that theory should be united with practice.

  A. transgression 违法

  B. terminal 终点站

  C. tenet 原则

  D. transition 过渡

  7. The doctor is being _____. He’s deciding what information the patient needs to know.

  A. pulmonary 肺部的

  B. paternalistic 专断的

  C. curative 医疗的

  D. abnormality 畸形

  8. His _____ instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.

  A. symposium 座谈会

  B. infertility 不育

  C. surgeon 外科医生

  D. surgical 外科手术的

  9. He gained the medal through his painful _____.

  A. travail 痛苦

  B. travale 开发

  C. transition 过渡

  D. transient 短暂的

  10. A trained _____ designs a treatment protocol based on the needs and particular behavioural problem of an individual patient.

  A. clinical 临床的

  B. clinician 门诊医师

  C. paternalistic 专断的

  D. radiologist 放射线学者;

  11. It provides the physician with information that enables him to provide you with very _____ treatment.

  A. personification 拟人化

  B. personalized 私人化

  C. personate 扮演

  D. personal 个人的

  12. Adolescence is the _____ period between childhood and manhood.

  A. transition 过渡

  B. constrain 约束

  C. underlie 构成…的基础

  D. grapple 搏斗

  13. Almost half the population are _____ to vote in today’s election.

  A. gesticulated 做手势示意或强调

  B. travail 痛苦

  C. unethical 不道德的

  D. eligible 合格的

  14. Recently, the Sixth International _____ on oral health and AIDS was held in Beijing.

  A. Referral 转诊病人

  B. Symposium 座谈会

  C. Metastasis 转移

  D. Oncologist 肿瘤学家

  15. When you feel depressed, you’d better talk with close friends and family, a _____ or a coach about what is going on.

  A. counselist

  B. counselor 顾问

  C. radiologist 放射线学者

  D. expertise 专家评价

  16. The human brain needs to be without oxygen for only four minutes before _____ damage occurs.

  A. halfhearted 不认真的

  B. evidence-based 基于证据的

  C. referral 指引

  D. permanent 永久性的

  17. His work promotes marine _____ conservation and contributes to developing best practices for wildlife management.

  A. medication 药物治疗

  B. mercury 精神

  C. mammal 哺乳动物

  D. measles 麻疹

  18. He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from _____ cancer.

  A. tenet 原则

  B. terminal 终端

  C. travail 痛苦

  D. transgression 违反

  19. He will be attending next week’s American Grammy Awards in feverish _____.

  A. abnormality 畸形

  B. abdominal 腹肌

  C. anticipation 期待

  D. agitation 兴奋

  20. You greatly calm your mind and actions along with releasing stress and tension with each long slow _____.

  A. excrete 排泄

  B. exhale 渗出

  C. expenditure 耗费

  D. expertise 鉴定


  1. Anyone with heart, lung or _____ problems should seek medical advice before flying.

  A. circulation 血液循环

  B. justification 辩解

  C. jurisdiction 管辖权

  D. explication 说明

  2. She accused them of leaking _____ information about her private life.

  A. arrayal 排列

  B. generalizable 可概括的

  C. confidential 秘密的

  D. beneficial 有益的

  3. The judge exempted them from all _____ in these matters.

  A. humanity 人类

  B. histo-compatibility 组织相容性

  C. autism 孤独症

  D. liability 责任

  4. A _____ panel reviewed the surgical specimens obtained from participants who underwent resection.

  A. pathology 病理

  B. prescription 处方药

  C. transfusion 输血

  D. affiliated 隶属的

  5. The college has two _____ hospitals and 24 teaching hospitals in long-term cooperation.

  A. transfusion 渗透

  B. affiliated 隶属的

  C. meningitis 脑膜炎

  D. neurosurgeon 神经外科医生

  6. Her speech showed great maturity and _____. No wonder she received so much compliment from the public.

  A. deprivation 剥夺

  B. unduly 过度地

  C. conceive 怀孕

  D. humanity 人性

  7. He treated us as _____ individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds abour important issues.

  A. coerce 威胁

  B. autonomous 自治的

  C. infirm 体弱的

  D. pediatric 儿科的

  8. Clark was so bossy. He had somehow been able to _____ Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.

  A. diminish 缩小

  B. forgo 放弃

  C. amend 改良

  D. coerce 威胁

  9. Strict quality control ensures product quality and stability, which _____ the interests of our customers.

  A. transfuse 输血

  B. maximize 最大化

  C. exempt 豁免

  D. designate 指明

  10. The most important political _____ is to limit the number of casualties.

  A. beneficence 慈善

  B. formulation 配方

  C. imperative 命令

  D. implement 执行

  11. Sleep _____ can result in mental disorders.

  A. deprivation 剥夺

  B. diabetes 糖尿病

  C. dementia 痴呆

  D. defer 推迟

  12. Hilary Clinton addressed the audience in an _____ speech.

  A. eligible 合适的

  B. extravagant 过度的

  C. embed 深留(记忆中)

  D. eloquent 动人的

  13. Journalists are obliged to be _____, skeptical and fair to all sides of the debate.

  A. innermost 最隐秘的

  B. inquisitive 好问的

  C. interim 暂时的

  D. interplay 相互作用

  14. Trees _____ his vision; he couldn’t see much of the Square’s southern half.

  A. scabbed 有疙瘩的

  B. blistered 水疮状的

  C. obscured 掩盖

  D. underserved 服务不周到的

  15. Every few minutes, one of the nurses would use a miniature _____ to check his heartbeat.

  A. microscope 显微镜

  B. telescope 望远镜

  C. skeptic 怀疑论者

  D. stethoscope 听诊器

  16. Consequently, he bears penal liability instead of civil tort liability, and is _____ in the light of PRC’s penal code.

  A. culpable 应受谴责的

  B. curative 医疗的

  C. cutting-edge 最前沿的

  D. correlate 相关的

  17. For Beijing 2008, _____ energy, lighting and water treatment solutions were implemented based on new technologies.

  A. histo-compatibility 组织相容性

  B. cutting-edge 最前沿的

  C. malady 疾病

  D. chatter 唠叨

  18. He has forfeited a _____ job, feeling his well-being more important.

  A. itchy 发痒的

  B. hearsay 小道消息

  C. lucrative 获利多的

  D. blister 水疱

  19. _____ and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.

  A. Diploma 毕业文凭

  B. Disparity 悬殊

  C. Rarefy 精炼

  D. Precaution 预防

  20. This conference in Emergencies in _____ focuses on many of the dilemmas facing children health care professionals.

  A. Ethics 伦理学

  B. Pathology 病理

  C. Pediatrics 儿科学

  D. Pharmacology 药理学






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