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姓名:池翔 班次:13法二 学号:201342401212 第一次作业:


Directions: There are 10 statements in this part. If it is true according to the texts put a “T”; if it is false put a “F”.

1. Treaties can be regarded as the most important source of international.

2. Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is the most authoritative statement about the sources of international law.

3 Treaties are known by many different names, including convention, pacts, etc.

4. Treaties are not binding to the contracting parties.

5. In terms of function treaties can be divided into law-making treaties and treaty -contracts.

6. Law making treaties are intended to have binding effect on small number of states.

7. Generally speaking a treaty is not binding on non-contracting parties.

8. The material element is one of the components for an effective customary rule.

9. The psychological element is one of the components for an effective customary rule.

10. WHO is not a subject of international law.

1 _T__2__T__3__T__4__F__5_T__6__F__7__T__8__T__9__T__10__F__


Choose the proper answer. (only one right answer)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked a),b),c) and d). Choose the one that is right.

11.Non-self-governing territorial entities include the following except( D ) a. colonies.

b. protectorates.

c .protected states.

d. independent states

12. The protective principle of jurisdiction means a state can exercise jurisdiction over offenses committed ( C ) :

a. outside its territory.

b. within its territory

c. outside and within its territory .

d. everywhere.

《国际法学》试卷 第1页 共6页

13. The passive personality principle of jurisdiction means a state can exercise jurisdiction over offenses committed abroad and have affected or will affect( B ): a. its national securities.

b. its nationals .

c. its national interests.

d. the state itself.

14. The following can enjoy immunity from jurisdiction except( B ) :

a. foreign states.

b. foreign students .

c. foreign military personnel .

d. diplomats of foreign states.

15. ( C ) immunity, the theory of which declaims the sovereign is completely immune from foreign jurisdiction.

a. Restrictive

b. Relative

c. Absolute

d. Full

16. The following are theories about the basis of diplomatic immunity except( D ) :

a. personal representation

b. extraterritoriality

c. functional necessity

d. good faith.

17. The premises of the diplomatic mission are( B ):

a. violable .

b. inviolable

c. accessible freely to people

d. open to the public.

18. The diplomatic bag ( B )

a. can be opened freely by the receiving states

b. should be protected according to international law.

c. can not enjoy immunity from jurisdiction .

d. can be treated as ordinary bag in every aspect

《国际法学》试卷 第2页 共6页

19. Consuls ( C ):

a. can not enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the receiving state.

b. can enjoy full immunity from jurisdiction of the receiving state.

c. can enjoy limited immunity from jurisdiction of the receiving state.

d. can enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the sending state.

20. In practice , the UN ( B ):

a. can not enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the host states..

b can enjoy immunity from jurisdiction of the host states.

c is not a subject of international law.

d. has no international personality. .



Choose the proper answers. (no less than two right answers)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked a),b),c) and d). There are more than one right answer; choose the right ones.

21 State responsibility means that ( AC ):

a. states must be leally responsible for a breach of international obligation. b. states must be morally responsible for a breach of international obligation. .

c. states must be legally responsible for a breach of international binding treaty. .

d. states must be morally responsible for a breach of international binding treaty. .

22. Wrongful act of a state means( AC )

a. conduct consisting of an action which is attributable to the state under international law

b. conduct consisting of an omission which is attributable to the state under international law

c. conduct constituting a breach of an international obligation of the state. d. conduct constituting a breach of a national obligation of the state. .

23. The conduct of a person shall be considered as an act of the state if ( AC ): a. such person was in fact acting on behalf of that state.

b. such person was not in fact acting on behalf of that state.

c . such person was in fact exercising elements of governmental authority. d. such person was in fact acting on behalf of some companies.

《国际法学》试卷 第3页 共6页

24. In practice, a state ( AB ):

a. is not responsible for unlawful riots .

b. is not responsible for unlawful civil conflicts.

c. is responsible for unlawful riots . .

d. is responsible for unlawful civil conflicts.

25. The way of satisfaction includes( AB ):

a. official apologies.

b. punishment of guilty minor officials .

c . punishment of unguilty minor officials .

d. punishment of state organs.

26. The treaties are agreements made between( AB ): a. states

b. sates and international organizations

c. states and companies.

d. international organizations and companies

27. Prescription as a means of acquisition of territory requires:AB a. the control over territory should be peaceful.

b. the control over territory should be continuous c. the control over territory need not be peaceful.

d. the control over territory need not be continuous

28. Treaties are : BD

a. an expression of dissenting wills b. an expression of concurring wills

c. an intention to produce moral effects

d. an intention to produce legal effects

29. Reservation to treaties ( AC )

a. is a unilateral statement

b is a bilateral statement

c .purports to exclude the legal effect of certain provisions d purports to include the legal effect of certain provisions .

30. Treaties can bind third states( AC )

a. if the third party express consent

b. if the third party dissent

c. if the third party becomes a party to the treaty

d. if the third party act against the treaty

《国际法学》试卷 第4页 共6页

21____AC____22____AC______23_____AC_____24_____AB_____25__AB____ 26____AB____27_____AB_____28_____BD_____29_____AC_____30______AC______


Blank filling Directions: There are 10 brackets in the following passage. Fill the brackets with right answers. ( each bracket should be filled by one word or number)

(31) The ( ) Convention on Offenses Committed on Board Aircraft 1963 is a convention to prevent threats to aviation security. (32) The law of the ( ) governs the marine areas within or without the coastal states’ jurisdiction.

(33) The waters on the landward side of the baseline are ( ) waters. (34) If the baselines are drawn from the outer rocks the baselines are ( ) baselines.

(35) ( ) zones are established to prevent infringement of customs, immigration or sanitary laws of the coastal states.

(36) ( ) pursuit is a principle which allows the warships of coastal states to pursue a foreign ship and to arrest it on the high seas.


《国际法学》试卷 第5页 共6页






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