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JLR E108 Branding Directive


JLR E108 Branding Directive

Updated Version to include Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Reform 1 June 2010 E108 Automotive Parts and Accessories Branding Directive 汽车零件及配件商标指示

此指示文件的目的是确定捷豹及路虎的零配件乮部件乯商标的负责人及实施方法。具体覆盖捷豹和路虎 商标下车辆生产及售后中所用零配件的开发、采购及供应过程丆并说明了此指示实行中捷豹和路虎处乮以下称为“公司”乯的主要活动。The purpose of this Directive is to establish responsibilities and practices regarding the branding of Jaguar and Land Rover parts and accessories (“components”). Specifically, it covers the development, procurement and supply of parts and accessories used for production and servicing of JAGUAR and LAND ROVER branded vehicles and sets forth the responsibilities of the principal activities at Jaguar and Land Rover (each "the company") involved in the implementation of this Directive. 背景(描述了印商标的意义乯丗提高市场竞争力以及防止伪制品

The branding of parts and accessories with the JAGUAR or LAND ROVER trademark (which is understood to include the words "JAGUAR" “LAND ROVER”, the "JAGUAR leaper" and "LAND ROVER Oval" and / or other authorised JAGUAR or LAND ROVER brands) is an economically valuable marketing tool, especially in the highly competitive component aftermarket. The presence of the JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark indicates to customers that a component has been manufactured with the company's authority and meets the company’s stringent quality standards. The JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark is an essential element in taking action against illegal activities such as counterfeiting or unauthorised selling of JAGUAR / LAND ROVER components. 零件商标指示

The company’s Parts Branding Directive requires that all JAGUAR and LAND ROVER components used in either producing or servicing JAGUAR or LAND ROVER vehicles permanently bear the following markings: 根据公司的零件商标打印指示丆要求用于捷豹或路虎车辆生产及维修的所有捷豹路虎部件要

永远带着以下标记。 (1) the LAND ROVER Oval device or JAGUAR leaper trademark, (or other approved mark); 路虎的椭圆形商标或捷豹商标丆乮或其他批准的标记乯

(2) the part number; and 零件号丟及(3) the Supplier code, 供应商代码


July 2010

except where: 除了以下情况丗

the size or nature of the component does not permit the application of all the three required marks; 部件的尺寸或类型不允许印上所需的三种标记

the application of the required marks would adversely affect the performance or appearance of the component; 印上所需的标记会对部件的性能或外观产生不良影响

the application of the required marks would result in an unacceptable cost increase and alternative sources of supply are not available. (In determining whether an increased cost is “unacceptable”, the projected loss to LAND ROVER / JAGUAR in aftermarket sales of the trademarked part over the lifetime of the part (ten to twenty five years) should be balanced against initial start up costs); or 印上所需的标记会导致的成本过高且没有替代方案乮判定增加后的成本是否“无法接受”, the item is Black box, as supplied by a supplier to other VMs. 路虎/捷豹零件寿命期中乮10-25年乯在售后市场的带商标零件销售上预计承受的损失和原先实行的成本持平。乯零件是供应商供给其他VMs的密封组件 In all the above instances, an exemption needs to be submitted unless the part is classified as hardware. Special consideration needs to be applied to items such as connectors as these are key fitting components. 在上述情形中丆除非零件被归类为五金件丆需要提交免除申请。要特别考虑到类似连接管的关键安装部件 The JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark has priority over all other [E108] markings and should be applied as a priority over the other two. 捷豹/路虎商标优先于所有其他标记丆印的时候要优先考虑。 The guiding principle is that only the three markings as detailed in this directive should appear on components used either in producing or servicing LAND ROVER or JAGUAR vehicles. The JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark should always be visible after components have been installed, providing that functional or styling requirements are not compromised. 指导原则是只有本指示上详细

说明的3种标记应出现在捷豹或路虎车辆生产及维修所用的部件。在不危害功能及样式要求的前提下丆捷豹/路虎的商标在部件安装后也In cases where a supplier's trademark or trade name is required by law or contract, then both the 总是可见。JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark and the supplier's trademark or trade name will appear on the component, to the extent required by law or contract. In these cases however, the JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark must appear with equal or greater prominence to the mark of the supplier. No other supplier markings are acceptable, e.g. Supplier part numbers should not be applied. 如果法律或合同要求有供应商的商标或名称丆则部件上将同时出现捷豹/路虎的商标及供应商的商标或名称。但是在这种情 况下丆捷豹/路虎的商标必须和供应商的同等或比供应商的标记更突出。不允许出现其他供应商标记丆如丆不能 采用供应商的件号。

Where it is proposed to omit the JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark from a component, or to deviate from this branding directive in any other way, a formal branding exemption must be submitted to Parts Brand Protection by email to jlrbpg1@http://wendang.chazidian.com. The form to be used for seeking such an exception is attached. 当建议取消某部件上的捷豹/路虎商标丆或与此商标指示的任何一方面出现偏差的时候丆都必须正式向零件商标保护部 提交免除申请乮以原文中邮件地址乯。并附上检查异常的表格。

For parts common between Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles, the solid line versions of the two trademarks should be applied in place of one primary brand. Both the Jaguar and Land Rover marks should be of equal size with the space in-between the two marks set at 50% of one of the marks. 对于在捷豹和路虎车辆间通用的零件丆应印上两个实线型的商标来替代一个突出的商标。捷豹和路虎的商标大小应该以上丆

中间间隔尺寸丗一个商标的50% E.g. Jaguar mark 20mm wide, space 10mm wide, Land Rover mark 20mm wide 如丆 捷豹商标20mm宽丆 间距10mm宽丆路虎商标20mm宽

Where, for reasons of size, it is not practical to apply logos, the Jaguar and Land Rover words only (rather than the solid line versions of the marks) may be used with a space between, again set at 50% of one of the marks. However, if a business case proves that the primary brand should be applied (instead of both brands), then this course of action remains open to use, subject to obtaining the necessary exemption. 在由于尺寸而无法印上商标的地方丆可以只印上Jaguar和Land Rover i而不是实线 型的商标乯丆之间的距离也是其中一个尺寸的50%。但是丆如果商业活动中确认应

只印上主要商标乮而不是两个都印乯丆 在获得必要的免除权之后丆也可以按照这种 方式进行。


Engineering Activities are responsible for specifying the location of the trademark, part number (where applicable) and vendor code on all components released for service and for ensuring that no other trademarks or trade names are specified, except as required by law or contract or permitted by this Directive. 工程丗负责规定所有维修用零件上商标、零件号乮如适用乯及供应商代码的位置丆并保证

没有规定其他的商标及名称。 除非法律、合同上有要求丆或本指示已经批准。 Purchasing Activities are responsible for procuring components that are branded in accordance with the Engineering specification and reflect this Branding Directive. 采购丗负责采购根据工程规范及本指示印上商标的零件。 If a supplier does not comply with this Directive, then re-sourcing to competitive suppliers may be examined as an alternative but Engineering and Purchasing must ensure that such suppliers' components are compliant with this Directive to achieve sign off. This also applies to tier 2 and tier 3 sub-suppliers who may be responsible for the supply or service of detailed components of a 如果供应商没有达到此指示的要求丆作为替代方案可能要重选供应商丆但是工程部和采购部larger production assembly. 要确保供应商符合此指示。这条同样适用于2级和3级子供应商丆这些供应商可能负责为 更高一级的生产装配提供更小的组件。Purchasing Activities are also responsible for ensuring that any sub-contract with a supplier, third party partner and/or a tier 2 or tier 3 sub-supplier of a tier 1 supplier conforms with this Branding Directive. 采购还负责确保外包给供应商丆第三方合作伙伴/或一级供应商的二级、三级子供应商的产品符合此指示。

Quality Control Activities are responsible for ensuring that all parts and packaging, on receipt, meet approved branding requirements and are in line with the engineering specifications or parts branding exceptions to this Directive. 质量控制丗负责确保受到的所有零件及其包装能达到批准要求丆符合工程规范或此指示中零件商标异常处理的要求。 Company Affiliates and Joint Ventures This Directive applies to all Jaguar and Land Rover affiliates and joint ventures that source parts for Land Rover and Jaguar branded vehicles. 适用于捷豹路虎所有的子公司及合资公司。

General Responsibilities 通用职责内容乮主要叙述了捷豹路虎的管理人员对此标准的评审丆监督执行等其他职责乯Each activity of Jaguar and Land Rover is responsible for reviewing its existing systems and procedures and for revising them in accordance with this Parts Branding Directive, as appropriate. Each National Sales Company, affiliate, and joint venture is requested to do the same. All executives and managers of Jaguar and Land Rover and of their National Sales Companies, affiliates and joint ventures are requested to bring the contents of this Directive to the attention of the affected personnel. Specific implementation and application procedures within affected areas should be sent for review and concurrence to other interested activities as described above, prior to their publication, to ensure that the objectives of this Directive are properly pursued. Questions relating to this Directive may be addressed to the Jaguar / Land Rover Parts Brand

Parts Trademark Exemption Request 零件商标免除申请

Date: 日期

Save file and send to jlrbpg1@http://wendang.chazidian.com

Originator Name: 发起人姓名丗发起人职责丗电话号码丗



Originator's Title: Telephone No.: Supplier Name: Supplier GSDB Code: Part Description: 零件描述丗



STA: 供应商GSDB编码丗

Engineering Part Number: Date Tooling Last or Next Refurbished? 最后一次加工或下次磨光的日期丠 车辆应用年数&模型丗


Vehicle Application Year(s)& Model(s): Estimated Usage Time in Production: Final Assembly? 最终装配丠 预估的生产中使用时间

Component Part? 零部件丠

Exemption Request (check all that apply): No trademark on part免除零件上商标




No part number免除零件号

No supplier code免除供应商代码

Supporting Rationale:


Parts Brand Protection Use Only Approved 批准


Temporary, expires: 临时丆有效期丗 备注


Application No.:







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