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Writing (作文) (共 20分)

Write at least 60 words about the topic "Learn to smile" (以 " 学会微笑"为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)

Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

1. What do you think of smile?

2. Do we need to smile to ourselves? Why?

3. Why do we need to smile to others? (at least 2 reasons)

Learn to smile

Smile is an attitude towards life. As we all know, life is not always smooth and something sad will happen to us, such as failure in the exam. However, we should learn to smile to ourselves. Smile makes us feel more confident. If we smile to the others, we will be much closer to our friends. Smile is the common language throughout the whole world that everyone can understand. Therefore, in order to make life better, just keep smiling to ourselves as well as to everyone around us.


Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "Great Changes In Our Life". ( 以 "我们生活中的巨变”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


Use the following points as a guide.

Give some examples to show the changes in your life or in your family and so on.

In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our life.

First, our living conditions have been improved greatly. We used to live in small apartments, now many families have moved into bigger apartments, because a lot of high-rises have been built in the city. Secondly, traffic is getting better. Several bridges have been built over the Huangpu River, and it means people can spend less time travelling from the west side of the river to the east. More than ten metro lines have been completed and it enables us to reach almost every place in the city easily and conveniently without having to worry about traffic jams. What's more, every family has got household appliances, like TV, fridge, computer and so on. Many families can afford to travel abroad in holidays. In a word, our life is changing for the better.


Dear Ken,

I'm glad to know that you're coming to Shanghai this summer holiday. I'm sure you will enjoy your trip.

Shanghai is really an interesting place. You can go to many places to visit, such as Yu Garden, the Bund, Nanjing Road and so on. And if you want to enjoy the delicious dishes, you can go to visit Yu Garden. If you go there, you can eat many different tasty local snacks like Xiaolong and Yuanxiao etc., then you can go to Nanjing Road for shopping. You can also go to the Bund. The night views there are really beautiful and amazing. You can see the Huangpu River and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower there. I hope you will have an unforgettable trip in Shanghai.

Best wishes



Dear Betty,

I'm glad to hear that you will visit Shanghai. Shanghai is an international city which has many magnificent places. I have some advice for your two-day trip. First of all, I highly recommend the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world. If you reach the top of it, you can enjoy the view of the city of Shanghai clearly. 1 am sure you will be attracted by the amazing scenery. Besides you shouldn't miss Yu Garden when you are in Shanghai. You can learn about the history of Shanghai and taste various local snacks. What's more, the Bund is a good place which is worth visiting. There you can see buildings of different architectural styles. By the way, the underground is the most convenient in Shanghai. You can travel to almost every place, but you'd better not take an underground during rush hours because it is always very crowded at the time. Hope you will have an unforgettable experience in Shanghai.


Like most teenagers, I like watching TV. However, I think it is necessary for me to have a

TV-turnoff week, because spending too much time on TV has already caused many problems. My eyesight is becoming worse and I can't concentrate on my school work. I don't have much time for outdoor activities and it is not good for my health. So it's time for me to change and a TV-turnoff week is a good idea. In fact, there are many things I can do after school instead of watching TV. I plan to spend some time with my family. I can keep grandparents company by chatting with them about my school life and I can help my mother with housework like washing dishes or sweeping the floor. Besides, I will go out more to breathe the fresh air and smell the sweet flowers rather than sit in front of TV. Being close to nature may help me to reduce stress. If I have time, I may also invite friends to play ball games. It is a great way ' to strengthen friendship. In brief, a TV-offweek will mean a colorful and healthy life. I'm looking forward to it.


I think students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.

First, students need phones to get in touch with their parents. For example, if they need to go somewhere after class, they can call parents easily and let them know it. Secondly, as the owner of the mobile phone,

students should decide what they want to do with it. School can advise students to leave phones at home, but it can not order students not to bring it to school. Besides, not allowing phones on campus is not the solution to all the problems at school. For some students, without phones, they will find something else to do like reading novels or drawing pictures. So I think not allowing mobile phones at school is not a good idea.


The Internet is one of the most popular and useful inventions ever invented. Nowadays more and more ordinary people, even little children are able to use the Internet.

The Internet makes things easy in many ways. Especially after the iPad appears, communication of information becomes easier and faster. With the help of the Internet, people can easily keep in touch with someone at any time in any place.

All in all, the Internet is so helpful that now we cannot live without the Internet in our daily life.


My attitude toward pocket money

In my opinion, it's a good idea for parents to give children pocket money. Having pocket money can give us a sense of independence. We don't need to keep asking our parents for money if we have pocket money. In addition, we can learn to manage money at early age.

I have an allowance of 100 yuan a month. I spend most of them on books and stationery and save the rest. I hope that some day I can donate my savings to people who are in great need, such as the poor and the victims of natural disasters.


The first time I understood my mother

It was a rainy day. I argued with my mother. The room was very quiet. I was hungry but I had to cook dinner by myself and did the housework. It was my first time to do these things. I met some difficulties when I was cooking. I felt very tired after I finished doing the housework. At that moment, I realized that my mother was more tired than me. She did all the housework and cared for me. I felt so sorry and I apologized to my mother for what I said. This was the first time I understood my mother. What I have learnt from the story is that we should find out the love around us and never hurt the person who loves us.


The person I admire most should always keep responsibility in mind. So there is no wonder why I think my father is just the one that I always respect. He is very serious about his work all the time because he needs to take charge of the whole department in the company. He never jumps to conclusions or allows his staff members to make any mistakes. Although he is busy nearly every day, he still spares his time with my mum and me. He always says that a peaceful family makes a man an ambitious person. In all, my father takes care of the family and his career for he has a

responsible heart. That's why I admire him most.


An Unforgettable Experience

During the past three years in the middle school, I have had many unforgettable experiences. One of them was when our class prepared for the choir contest. In order to win the contest, we went all out for it. During the week before the contest, we practised singing in our free time. Although it was a hard job, every classmate took it seriously and did their best. Thanks to our efforts, we won the first prize. Hearing the exciting news, we were all wild with joy. The moment we got the prize, an old saying hit my mind— No pains, no gains. It was hard work, but during the course of preparation, we developed friendship, confidence as well as understanding.


There are many things I'd like to do if I am free. I'd like to visit the museums to enrich my knowledge. I'd also like to do some volunteer work like caring for the old and reading books to the children in the orphanage. But what I'd like to do most is to take a trip to Paris. I dreamed of visiting the city the moment I read about it in my English textbook. It would be amazing to see those world famous sights with my own eyes. As a city of fashion, Paris has a lot to offer like perfumes, wine, watches and so on. I will mail postcards to my friends back at home. I'm sure the trip will be one of the most memorable experiences in my life.


What I learned from a past experience

It happened when I was a junior high school student. We had a test alter class. If we didn't pass the test, the teacher would punish us. My classmate who sat behind me begged me to show my answer to him during the test. I really didn't want to do it, so I turned him down. However, I changed my mind and decided to help him because I was afraid of losing his friendship. The test began; I was so nervous that I acted as clumsily as an elephant. Naturally we were caught by the teacher, who looked angrily at the two of us. I sat on my chair, feeling every eye upon me. My face went red and I wished there were a hole in the ground for me to hide. All my classmates knew about this, which made me feel really ashamed. The experience tells me that it is important to say no to what we don't want to do. All we need is a little courage and confidence.


Much water has been polluted and wasted nowadays: Rivers and

lakes become dirty and lots of fish have died because some factories are pouring waste water into them. Many people often waste water by keeping the taps running when they do the washing. If we don't have enough water, land will be dry and crops will die. Water resources on the earth are so limited and meanwhile we can't live without water, so we had a class meeting last week. We would like to try our best and encourage everyone to protect water resources. What's more, we must save water and stop polluting it. If we do that, Things will be much better.



Stress is a common feeling and everyone may experience it at one time or another in their life. As a junior high three student, my stress mainly comes from the worry about my academic

performance/my exam results. The competition to enter a good senior high school is cruel. I feel worried before tests even though I feel well prepared for it because I know a careless mistake can cost me the chance to enter a good school. The expectations of the parents are another source of my anxiety/stress. I'm afraid that I will disappoint them if I don't do well in exams. But I know that stress is a negative feeling and I need to deal with it properly.

When I feel stressed, I will try different ways to calm myself down. Sometimes. I will lie in bed and listen to some light music to help me fall asleep, for I believe enough sleep is the first step to fight stress. Other times I go out for a run, which helps me to forget about my worries for the moment. In addition, sharing feelings with a friend is a great way to

reduce stress. Your friends understand your situations better than anybody else and will comfort and support you. Stress is part of modern life and we must learn to deal with it in a clever way.


As children, swimming may be one of your favorite activities on

hot summer days, because it brings you a lot of fun. However, if you are not careful enough, it can also be very dangerous, or even cost your life. Here are some important rules you should always bear in mind when going swimming. First of all, it's necessary to get your body warmed up before you throw yourself into cool water and always remember not to go swimming with a full stomach. Secondly, you'd better not swim alone in unknown rivers or ponds and it's definitely not wise to jump into the deep-water area unless you are good at swimming. Most importantly, ask adults around for help instead of jumping into the water to save your friends when you see them in trouble. Remembering all the rules above will guarantee you a safe and interesting summer holiday.


Dear Mike,

How are you? I'm really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. In your letter, you mentioned that you would like to know more about Spring Festival. Actually it is the most important traditional festival in our country. It usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, we clean our houses because we think doing some cleaning can sweep any bad luck. We decorate our houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together

and have big meals. Then we watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, we set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get kicky money from, old people. We also visit relatives and friends. How happy we feel during Spring Festival!:






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