1. 餐饮部经理
A. Director of Food and Beverage B. Food and Beverage Manager C. Cook D. Maitre D’
2. 餐位预订
A. room reservation B. table reservation C. order reservation D. place reservation
3. 新员工
A. new employee B. new comer C. new student D. new supervisor
4. 回头客
A. customer look back B. come back customer C. recome customer D. repeat customer
5. 饮料单
A. menu B. drink list C. drink paper D. drink collection
6. 预订餐位
A. book a room B. book a car C. book a table D. book a reservation
7. 露台
A. marrace B. karrace C. terrace D. ferrace
8. 特殊场合
A. special gift B. special occasion C. special event D. special celebration
9. 外套标签
A. coat tag B. coat sign C. coat mark D. coat tail
10. 提前预订
A. take in advance B. serve in advance C. note in advance D. book in advance
11. 酒单
A. wine paper B. wine collection C. wine list D. wine book
12. 大众菜肴
A. popular dish B. popular cook C. popular recipe D. popular person
13. 筷子
A. spoon B. knife C. chopstick D. chopsticks
14. 中国菜
A. China food B. China dish C. Chinese food D. Chinese cooking
15. 五分熟的
A. rare B. well done C. medium D. well cooked
16. 甜品
A. sweet B. desert C. dress D. dessert
17. 意大利通心粉
A. past B. pass C. pasta D. passta
18. 主菜
A. starter B. appetizer C. dessert D. main course
19. 调味汁
A. soy sauce B. sauce C. tomato sauce D. gravy
20. 醋
A. soy sauce B. vinegar C. mustard D. steak sauce
21. 葡萄
A. grape B. pear C. grape fruit D. passion fruit
22. 果香味
A. lighter B. milder C. fruity D. flowery
23. 伏特加
A. ginger ale B. vodca C. vermouth D. vodka
24. 安古斯图拉苦酒
A. ginger ale B. vermouth C. angostura bitter D. whiskey
25. 加冰块
A. add ice B. add rocks C. on the rocks D. on the ice
26. 苏打水
A. soda water B. tonic C. triple sec D. ginger ale
27. 姜汁无酒精饮料
A. soda water B. tonic C. triple sec D. ginger ale
28. 橙皮甜酒
A. soda water B. tonic C. triple sec D. ginger ale
29. 柠檬水
A. soda water B. lemonade C. triple sec D. ginger ale
30. 卡布基诺咖啡
A. hot chocolate B. chocolate coffee C. coffee latte D. cappuccino
31. 我把托盘放在桌子上,好吗?
A. Shall I put the tray down on the table?
B. Shall I set the tray down on the bed?
C. Shall I put the tray down on the bed?
D. Shall I set the tray down on the table?
32. 你还需要其他的服务吗?
A. Are there anything else you would like?
B. Is there anything else you would like?
C. Are there something else you would like?
D. Is there something else you would like?
33. 如果您不想被打扰的话,可以在餐后将盘碟放在门外,我会来收的。
A. You can leave this tray on the table if you don’t wish to be disturbed. I will come and get it later.
B. You can leave this tray on the desk if you don’t wish to be disturbed. I will come and get it later.
C. You can leave this tray inside the door if you don’t wish to be disturbed. I will come and get it later.
D. You can leave this tray outside the door if you don’t wish to be disturbed. I will come and get it later.
34. 您需要英式早餐还是中式早餐?
A. Would you like to order American or Chinese breakfast?
B. Would you like to order English or Chinese breakfast?
C. Would you like to order American or China breakfast?
D. Would you like to order English or China breakfast?
35. 请问需要几点送餐?
A. What time would you like it to be sent?
B. What time would you like it to be eaten?
C. What time would you like it to be delivered?
D. What time would you like it to be deducted?
36. 不管怎样,非常抱歉,我们不能接受这张纸币。
A. In all the cases, I’m sorry, we cannot accept it.
B. Under any cases, I’m sorry, we cannot accept it.
C. On all the cases, I’m sorry, we cannot accept it.
D. In any case, I’m sorry, we cannot accept it.
37. 请您核实账单,确认无误后在这里签上你的名字。
A. May I ask you to just check the bill and sign here if everything is correct?
B. May I ask you to just correct the bill and sign here if everything is correct?
C. May I ask you to just collect the bill and sign here if everything is correct?
D. May I ask you to just keep the bill and sign here if everything is correct?
38. 在中国不用的,服务费已包含在内了。
A. It is not important in China. The service charge is included.
B. It is not necessary in China. The service charge is introduced.
C. It is not necessary in China. The service charge is interested.
D. It is not necessary in China. The service charge is important.
39. 你们接受信用卡吗?
A. Do you take cash?
B. Do you take credit cards?
C. Do you take check?
D. Do you take bill?
40. 曼哈顿是一道经典鸡尾酒,它包括:加拿大威士忌加苦艾酒以及安古斯图拉苦味酒。
A. A Manhattan is a classic drink. It has ginger ale, triple sec, and angostura bitter.
B. A Manhattan is a classic drink. It has Canadian whiskey, ginger ale, and angostura bitter.
C. A Manhattan is a classic drink. It has Canadian whiskey, triple sec, and angostura bitter.
D. A Manhattan is a classic drink. It has Canadian whiskey, vermouth and angostura bitter.
41. 你有什么配菜可以推荐的吗?
A. What would you recommend to go on it?
B. What would you recommend to go with it?
C. What would you recommend to go put it?
D. What would you recommend to go for it?
42. 如果您需要刀叉的话,请告诉我。
A. If you need fork and spoon, just let me know.
B. If you need knife and spoon, just let me know.
C. If you need fork and knife, just let me know.
D. If you need chopsticks and knife, just let me know.
43. 祝您用餐愉快!
A. Enjoy your breakfast!
B. Enjoy your lunch!
C. Enjoy your supper!
D. Enjoy your meal!
44. 对不起,靠窗的桌子事先订出去了。
A. I am sorry the tables on the terrace were booked in advance.
B. I am sorry the tables in the room were booked in advance.
C. I am sorry the tables on the second floor were booked in advance.
D. I am sorry the tables by the window were booked in advance.
45. 您需要看一下酒水单么?
A. Would you like to see the drink list?
B. Would you like to see the menu?
C. Would you like to see the wine list?
D. Would you like to see the dessert menu?
46. 请问订餐有什么特别的原因吗?
A. Is it a special occasion?
B. Is it a birthday party?
C. Is it a wedding ceremony?
D. Is it a special event?
47. 您大概什么时候到呢?
A. When are you thinking of eating?
B. When are you thinking of paying?
C. When are you thinking of arriving?
D. When are you thinking of leaving?
48. 需要帮您订生日蛋糕吗?
A. May I order a birthday table for you?
B. May I order a cake for you?
C. May I order a birthday cake for you?
D. May I make a birthday cake for you?
49. 能留下你的名字和电话吗?
A. May I write your name and phone number?
B. May I look your name and phone number?
C. May I take your name and phone number?
D. May I leave your name and phone number?
50. 你需要吸烟区还是无烟区?
A. Do you want a table?
B. Do you want a smoking or no-smoking table?
C. Do you want a smoking or non-smoking table?
D. Do you want a smoking or no-parking table?
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