CRUD in extjs 3.0
CRUD in extjs 3.0
CRUD in extjs 3.0
A quick look at the new
Writer in 3.0
Agenda?? ?
Today I will be sharing notes from my early experiments with
the from extjs 3.0.?
The code I did while looking at it this is available at :
?(find a version done around 2009-06-17 )
Manipulating relational data?? ?
What we usually want to do with data
?Create ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? INSERT
?Read / Retrieve??????????????? SELECT
?Update??????????????????????????? UPDATE
?Delete /Destroy?????????????? DELETE
So far we have only been able to READ data out of the box.
the other operations needed work.
Now extjs 3.0 introduces the It can do the
Introducing the writer?? ?
We declare the writer like this
var settingsWriter = new{
? returnJson: true,
? writeAllFields: true
where writeAllFields identifies that we want to write all the
fields from the record to the database. If you have a fancy
ORM then maybe you can set this to false.
using a Lightweight MVC/REST
We can now define a "settings resource" in the following
manner on the proxy:
var settingsProxy = new{
? api: {
??? read??? : 'app.php/settings/view',
??? create? : 'app.php/settings/create',
??? update? : 'app.php/settings/update',
??? destroy : 'app.php/settings/destroy'
? }
Note that view here is the same as "Read/Retrieve"!
Hooking up the datastore
The Writer and the proxy can be hooked to the store like this?
var settingsStore = new{
? id: 'setting',
? proxy: settingsProxy,
? reader: settingsReader,
? writer: settingsWriter,
relaying information from components
When submitting data using the Ext.writer from components it
can be usefull to have centralized validations running in a
central place. Let's say that we have a SettingsGrid - we can
relay the save and update events like this :
?initComponent : function() {
??? this.viewConfig = {
????? forceFit: true
??? };
??? this.relayEvents(, ['destroy', 'save', 'update']);
??? this.tbar = this.buildTopToolBar();
? },
looking at the restful examples
The extjs 3.0 distro supplies the following examples (and
These examples outline a MVC framework that can map
actions and path information to simple REST resources.
Steven Hiller has provided an example with Ruby on Rails? :
Looking at the php MVC framework?? ?
The framwork consists of the following classes:
Model???????? (contains a simulated ORM in the examples)
Request ? ?? (parses the HTTP request to parameters)
Controller?? (dispatches the action known for the path)??????
Response??? (renders a suitable view (JSON) )
The framework is operated from a single point of entry that
uses dynamic class loading to? dispatch actions through the
controller identified in the url from HTTP request.
Following updated data from the grid
to the server
When the user alters a value in the grid, then a "save" event
occurs (if autosave is true).?
Upon the "save" event the grid determines which cells has
been altered. When we have an altered cell , then the
corresponding record is sent to the server with the 'root' from
the re
ader around it. E.g if we read with root "data", then we
send back with root "data".
We can have several records being sent at once. when
updating to the server (e.g multiple edits).
???? Questions ?
? jacob.andresen@
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