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PETS 5模拟试卷1答案


PETS 5模拟试卷1答案

  PETS 5模拟试卷(1)

  Section Ⅰ Listening (15 minutes)

  Section Ⅱ Use of English (15 minutes)

  Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading.(31) ____probably will.That’s one of the(32)____for doing it.Most of US have been taken in by the notion that speed of (33) is a measure of our intelligence.There is(34) ____such things as the fight(35) ____for intelligent reading.Some things should be(36) ____quickly and effortlessly,and some should be read (37) ____and even laboriously.The sign of intelligence(船) ____reading is the ability to read (39) ____things differently according to their worth.In the(40) ____of good books,the point is not to see how many of them can you get through,(41) ____how many Can you get through them--how many you Can (42) ____your own.A few friends are(43) ____than a thousand acquaintances.If this be your goal, (44) ____it should be,you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a great book than a newspaper(45) ____.

  You may have another objection to(46) ____books.You Can’t lend them to your friends(47) ____ nobody else call read them(48) ____being distracted by your notes.What’s more,you won’t want to lend them because a(49) ____copy is a kind of intellectual diary,and(50) ____it is almost like giving your mind away.

  If your friend hopes to read your Shakespeare,or The Federalist Papers,tell him,gently but firmly,to buy a copy. You will lend him your car or your coat——but your books are as much a part of you as your head or your heart.

  Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (50 minutes)

  Part A:Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A,B,C or

  D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  Text 1

  Gene therapy and gene based drugs are two ways we could benefit from Our growing mastery of genetic science. But there will be others as well.Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years.

  While it’S true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human,most of those instructions are inactivated,and with good reason:the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churning out stomach acid or your nose to turn into a kidney.The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy.when so-called stem cells haven’t begun to specialize.

  Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine.Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells-brain cells in Alzheimer’s,cardiac cells in heart disease,pancreatic cells in diabetes,to name a few;if doctors could isolate stem cells,then direct their growth,they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue.

  It was incredibly difficult,but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to grow into neural,gut,muscle and bone cells.The process still can’t be controlled,and may have unforeseen limitations;but if efforts to understand and master stem cell development prove successful,doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power.

  The sanle applies to cloning,which is really just the other side of the coin.True cloning,as first shown with the sheep Dolly two years ago,involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within,resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state.Once that happens,the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full—fiedged animal,genetically identical to its parent.

  For agriculture.in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in a hog have real

  Dark Ages to modern New York City.Multiplayer options include local area network and Internet play as well as the ability to make and run your own stories for other players.The manual is beautiful and helpful,a rare combination.Clearly,the designers took their cue from White Wolf,as evidenced by the clarity of text and carefully chosen illustrations.Though Redemption is really worth playing,gamers should be warned that the save—game feature is irritating and often beyond the player’s control and that the installation requires at least 720 MB(and up to 1.3 GB!).Despite these flaws,the game is still wicked fun and merits plenty of praise.


  Counter-Strike,the world’s most popular online action game and first-person shooter for the PC,makes its console debut exclusively on Xbox and Xbox Live.Counter-Strike for Xbox features single-player missions, taking place over a gritty realistic counterterrorist world.It allows garners to challenge other players in team.based multiplayer games on Xbox Live and System Link.

  Counter-Strike for Xbox will be the most graphically advanced version of the game to date,showcasing the technical prowess of Xbox,including immersive and intense multiplayer action on Xbox Live.In addition,players will benefit by strategizing and communicating with their teammates via the Xbox Live Communicator headset.


  Intense Xbox Live multiplayer action:Gamers call battle real players throughout the world with Xbox Live,strategizing and communicating with up to 15 0ther players.A unique player—ranking system will allow gamers to select games with equal—caliber opponents,while Xbox Live helps ensure cheat—free playing fields.

  Xbox enhancements and exclusives:Players will be treated to new graphically enhanced missions from Counter-Strike:Condition Zer0,as well as new,exclusive content designed only for Xbox.

  Realistic counterterrorist experience:Players will experience a deep and involving counterterrorism world,where danger abounds.Lead an elite team through the jungles of Asia,the cold regions of Eastern Europe,and the unbearable humidity of Colombia.

  Real-life weapons and gadgets:Players can choose from more than 25 real—life weapons,including shotguns,sniper dries,pistols,and other military artillery.

  Downloadable content:New downloadable content will be available via Xbox Live.

  Section IV Writing

  (40 minutes)

  Some people claim that television is good for children because it gets children cleverer by watching it,while others think that television is bad for children.Write an article to express your point of view on this topic.

  You should write no less than 250 words.Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.


  Section II Use of English(每小题1分。共计20分。权重10%)







  31.It 【解析】此空上一句意为“你可能会说阅读时做标记会减慢你的阅读速度。”本句意为“?可能会。”由这两句可以推测,此空所填单词应指代上一句话,应填It。

  32.reasons【解析】本句中的“doing it”指代slow down your reading,本句意为“这是阅读速度减慢的原因之



  34.no 【解析】由上一句可推测本句意为“没有聪明阅读速度这种事情。”承上启下可知应填no。

  35.shed 【解析】解析同34题。

  36.read 【解析】由本句中的“and some should be read”可知此空应填read。

  37.slowly 【解析】由本句中的“even laboriously”可知此空应填slowly。

  38.in 【解析】“阅读时的智商体现”英语表达为“the sign of intelligence in reading”,介词应用ill。

  39.different【解析】由此空后面的“things differently according to their worth”可知此空应填different。

  40.case 【解析】in the case of意为“就?来说,至于”,是固定短语。

  41.but 【解析】not?but?意为“不是?而是?”。

  42.make 【解析】make your own此处意为“使之成为你自己的”,此句意为“至于好书,重要的不是看你能看多少本,而是看你能理解多少本,即有多少能变成你自己的东西。”

  43.better 【解析】此句意为“几个朋友强过成千泛泛之交。”

  44.as 【解析】as it should be意为“这也应当是你的目标”,此句意为“如果这是你的目标——这也应当是你的目标,那么花比读一份报纸更多的时间和精力去读一本好书,你就不会感到不耐烦了。”

  45.does 【解析】解析见44题。does指代takes time and effort。

  46.marking【解析】由短文第一句话可知,此空应填marking,此句意为 “你可能还有反对读书做标记的另一个理由。”





  Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(共计35分。权重35%)

  Part A(每小题1分。共计l5分)

  Text 1





  第三段的第一句“Yet this un?tapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine”,意为“然而这种没被开发的潜能对医学有极大的好处”,作者在全文的最后一句又呼应了这一观点。故应选B。


  53.A【解析】由第四段“?the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells?”可知,虽然研究很困难,但这所大学还是在去年秋天设法分裂了干细胞。故应选A。

  54.A【解析】文章后面指出其实基因治疗的原理和克隆的原理两者完全是可以通用的,具体的解题点在于文章的第五段第一句话“the same applies to cloning”。故应选A。


  困难,但科学家们正在谈论克服困难的办法而且非常努力,并且作者最后说道“That could prove to be a true‘miracle cure”’,当真正使用克隆技术为人类治疗的时候,那将会是真正的“神奇医疗”。故应选C。

  Text 2




  56.B【解析】由第四段第一句“To make the caterpillar move forwards,Saga moves a magnetic field backwards along the caterpillar.”可以看出,磁场会向后移动,从而使机器虫移动。故应选B。

  57.C【解析】由第三段倒数第二三句“Each capsule is linked to the next by a pair of rubber rods.”可以得出,囊与囊之间由一对橡胶棒连接。故应选C。

  58.C【解析】根据第三段的“the rhythmic contraction that moves food down your intestine”可以推断出peristalsis就相当于crawling,意思是“有节奏的蠕动”。故应选c。

  59.D【解析】根据文章最后一段“wheeled robots require a smooth surface and are difficult to miniaturize”,作者说轮式的机器人在救人的时候,需要一个光滑的平面,而且很难稳定。文章并没有说它不能救人。故应选D。

  60.A【解析】文章一开始就说“A robotic caterpillar that burrows its way through debris.”这种新型的机器人在瓦砾中寻找幸存者。接下来,则介绍了它的工作原理,说明它为什么能够进入沙砾中去救人。故应选A。

  Text 3




  61.B 【解析】文章的第二句中“Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March,the price of crude oil has jumped to almost$26 a barrel,?”,说明油价上涨是由于石油输出国组织最近的减少供应导致的。故应选B。

  62.D【解析】文章第三段第二、三句“In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the l970s.In Europe?.”指出原油价格只是汽油价格中的一小部分,以欧洲的例子说明税收高达汽油零售价的五分之四,所以汽油税上升会造成油价的大幅度上涨。故应选D。

  63.D【解析】文章第四段第五句“The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that.its oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year,...this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25—0.5%of GDP.”说明现在这种情况下,油价的上涨所带来的影响只是在0.25—0.5%之间。这表明在富裕国家石油价格的变化不会对GDP(国内生产总值)产生重大影响。故应选D。

  64.A【解析】文章第三段第一句话“Yet there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences now to be less severe than in the1970s.”表明这次的油价上涨不会像以前那样带来严重的后果。从文章最后一段“0ne more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that,?”来看,我们不会为石油价格的上涨而失眠,也说明了这次的上涨影响不会很大。故应选A。

  65.A【解析】文章第三段第一句“Yet there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences now to be less severe than in the l970s.”和第四段第一句都指出“Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were,and SO less sensitive to swings in the oil price.”也就是说各国有很好的理由盼望现在的经济前景会比二十世纪七十年代的情况乐观。发达国家对石油的依赖性较以前有所下降,因而对石油价格变动的敏感度也降低,这些都表明作者是持有乐观态度的。故应选A。

  Part B(每小题2分。共计10分)




  66.C 【解析】文章第二段讲的是“In the teenage years”的事,故第三段顺理成章应讲“In adulthood?”。


  68.A【解析】由此空上一段的“?one friend said?”可知此处应为:Another衔end?。



  Part C(每小题1分。共计l0分)


  A 本文介绍了一种新的赛车游戏——摩托穿越疯狂2号,堪称最为有趣的摩托模拟。新游戏的赛车环境、游戏模式、线条绘制都比以前的版本更进一步。给玩家以无限的刺激感。而新游戏的缺点是它对于硬件的要求比较高,三维显卡、高频率、大内存都是必备的条件。但是,各种新的玩法、身,临其境的感觉、弯道场景的设计使人爱不释手。大空间、高特技、开放环境、挑战式的弯转动作使得新游戏有了以前版本无可匹敌的优越之处。

  B 本文介绍了模拟城市游戏的新版本。这种畅销游戏的新版本中加入了新的个性化图案,可以重现世界各地的城市。玩家可以任意组合、建造自己的城市。同时,新游戏还提供了新的毁灭方法。这种三维建筑程序允许用户建造他们梦想的城市。如果不喜欢自己创建城市,用户还可以到模拟城市交流站上下栽别人的小东西,这种游戏会使人迷恋其中。

  C 本文介绍了一种名为化妆舞会救赎的游戏,白狼游戏制作室制作的这一游戏是第一个以骰子和纸为基础的电脑角色扮演游戏。虽然比起书上的记述来说游戏中吸血鬼的门徒有很多缺点,比如活动不方便、变形困难等,但是这些缺点却丝毫不影响游戏的进行,游戏的声音、图像和情节都能带来吸血鬼故事中的恐怖感。单玩家模式可以使您投入克里斯托弗的故事情节中去,多玩家模式可以通过当地局域网络和因特网来完成。而且你还可以让其他玩家进入你的故事当中。虽然这个游戏对于硬盘空间要求较大,但是游戏本身却充满乐趣,值得追捧。

  D 本文介绍了一种最流行的网络动作游戏一反恐。这种游戏可以让游戏者单独完成某项反恐任务,也可以组队来完成。Xbox提供目前最逼真的地图视觉游戏,展示了高科技水平,同时,游戏者还可以通过Xbox Live的通讯系统或耳机来与队友组织交流战略。逼真的反恐场景。真实的装备使游戏更富吸引力。新版游戏还可以通过Xbox Live下栽。


  71.B【解析】B中第一句提到“?the bestselling game?”。

  72.D【解析】由D特征的第一条最后“A unique player—ranking system will allow garners to select games with equal-caliber opponents”可知。

  73.C【解析】C第一段最后一句为“?they evoke the mood of gothic horror that...”。

  74.B【解析】B第一段提到“?has four more devastating disasters than the old version”。

  75.C【解析】c第二段提到“?often beyond the player’s control?”。

  76.A【解析】只有A “has no easy track for the game”。

  77.B 【解析】B第一段提到“...serve up hundreds of new buildings that...”。

  78.A【解析】由A最后一段可知A “has detailed and spectacular racing environments”可知。

  79.C 【解析】由c中第二段可知C “enables players to make up their own stories”可知。

  80.D 【解析】由D的第一段最后一句话“It allows gamers to challenge other players in team-based multiplayer games on Xbox Live and System Link”可知。

  Section IV Writing(计25分。权重25%】

  One possible version:

  People have different opinions on the effect of television on children. Some think that it is good for children to watch

  TV while others believe that television is bad for children. In my opinion, most of the effect TV has on children is bad.

  By the time children reach school, they have spent up to one-third of their waking hours in front of the television. Because they just sit back and let things happen to them while watching TV, they become passive. As we all know, children are inventive and they have the ability to imagine a whole world of their own. But what happens when their imagination is not needed, when TV does all the imagination for them? Obviously, these kids are not going to grow up as inventive and imaginative as their parents, for they have been robbed of creative impulses by television watching.

  On one hand, TV watching also forces kids into becoming consumers and then tricks them. They are surrounded by ads for dangerous toys, mind-less games, and unhealthy foods. They force their parents to buy them, for the children themselves are not wise enough to detect the falsity of so much advertising. On the other hand, by watching too much TV, children are over ex-posed to violence. They watch programs like murders, fights and many other crimes for hours every week, with no adult around to tell them that life is not like that. The effect of the heavy dose of violence is to suggest kids that violence is an ordinary way of life, and that slugging, shooting and cheating are ways to succeed.

  The total effect of TV on children is dangerous. It is time for parents to take charge and supervise their children's play instead of parking them by the tube and hoping it will act as a baby-sitter. The influence of TV is so important that parents will have to be on their guard to make sure that their children are not being harmed by exposure to it.






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