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PETS5 常用固定搭配详解(word版)


PETS5 常用固定搭配详解(word版)



  1.Abide by 遵守,履行

  If you join the club, you must abide by its rules.如果你加入这个俱乐部,你必须遵守他的规定。 They have always abided by their promises.他们总是遵守诺言。

  2.Abound in (with) 盛产,富于

  Our country abounds in oil resources.我国有丰富的石油资源。

  This area abounds in natural wonders. 这地区充满了自然奇观。

  3.above all 首先,最重要地

  A clock must above all be exact.钟表最重要的是时间精确。

  Above all, you should cherish your time.最重要的是你要珍惜自己的时间。

  4.according to 依照,按照

  According to the Bible, Cod created the world in six days.


  According to the news, sixty people died in the air crash. 根据新闻,60 人死于空难。

  5.accuse of 指控,谴责

  They accused him of taking bribes.他们指控受贿。

  The country was accused of having violated the treaty.这个国家被指控违反条约。

  6.adapt to适应

  We adapted ourselves to the cold weather.我们习惯了寒冷的天气。

  The new teacher is very slow to adapt to the usual rules of the school.


  7.add up to 加起来,总计

  The figures add up to 100. 这些数字加起来是 100。

  The rain, the crowded train and the lack of suitable accommodation all added up to a very unpleasant trip.


  8.after all 毕竟,终究

  Rumors, after all, cannot conceal truth. 谣言终究掩盖不了事实。

  He was worried about the exam, but he passed it after all.他担心考试,但最终及格了。

  9.all but/except 除了……都

  All but one were present. 除了他一个人以外,其他的都到了。

  All but he fled.除了他所有的人都逃了。

  10.appeal to 呼吁,要求,对……有吸引力

  The conference appealed to all the member states for still closer unity.



  The song appeals to Chinese children.这首歌为中国的孩子们所喜爱。

  11.approve of 赞成,同意

  I cannot approve of her staying up.我不赞成他熬夜。

  We do not approve of divorcing theory from practice.我们不赞成理论脱离实际。

  12.arrive at 到达,达到(想法,结论)

  We arrived at the station at midnight. 我们半夜抵达车站。

  We arrived at the conclusion that he was a spy. 我们得出结论,他是个间谍。

  13.as…as 像……一样

  I can run as fast as he. 我和他跑的一样快。

  I am as interested as you in this matter. 我与你一样对此事感兴趣。

  14.as a result (of) 结果,由于

  As a result of traffic jam, he arrived late at the station.


  As a result of land reform, the economic base of feudalism was destroyed in China. 由于土地改革,中国封建制度的经济基础被摧毁了。

  15. as a whole 整体来说

  The climate of Beijing is mild as a whole.北京的气候总体来说是温和的。

  We must consider those matters as a whole. 我们必须总体考虑那些问题。

  16.as far as…be concerned就……而言

  As far as the weather is concerned, I don't think it matters.


  As far as I am concerned, I do not approve of the proposal.就我而言,我不赞成揭议。

  17.as if /though 仿佛,好像

  It looks as if it was going to snow. 看上去好像要下雪。

  He cleared his throat as if he had something to say. 他清了清嗓子好像有话要说。

  18. at all costs/at any cost 无论如何,不惜一切代价。

  This right must be protected at all costs.要不惜一切代价保障这项权利。

  The border must be defended at any cost.必须不惜一切代价保卫边疆。

  19.at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何

  We should, at any rate, tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.


  At any rate, I will do nothing without further direction.


  20.at least 至少,最少

  This trip will at least take a week. 这趟旅行至少要用上一周时间。

  You should sleep at least 8.hours a day.你应该一天至少睡 8 小时。

  21.at present 目前,眼下


  At present, I don't want to go aboard. 眼下我不想出国。

  He is at present serving his life sentence. 他眼下在服终生监禁。

  22.attribute to 把……归因于

  He attributed his success to good luck.


  Air pollution has been partly attributed to cars.


  23. aware of 明白,意识到

  I am not aware of his intentions. 我不明白他的意图。

  I was not aware of my danger. 我没意识到危险。


  24.base on/upon 以……为基础,基于

  The novel is based on the historical facts. 这部小说是根据历史题材写成的。 The belief is based upon practical experience. 这信仰来源于实践经验。

  25.be able to 能,会

  Since his accident, he hasn't been able to leave the house.


  The frog is able to jump 3 meters at one time.这只青蛙一次能跳三米远。

  26.be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于

  She was absorbed in the book. 他全神贯注地读书。

  He was so absorbed in his work that he rarely.


  27.be composed of 由……组成

  The class was evenly composed of boys and girls. 这班级由男生与女生平均组成。 What is water composed of? 水是由什么组成的?

  28.be concerned with 关于,与……有关

  This book is concerned with computer technology. 这本书是关于计算机技术的。 He is always concerned with state affairs. 他总是关心国家大事。

  29. be fit for 适合

  The book is fit for children。这本书适合孩子。

  The houses are now fit for human habitation. 这些房子适合人类居住。

  30.be/go on a diet 节食

  I mustn't have chocolate. I am on a diet. 我不能吃巧克力,我在节食。

  Going on a diet is not the best way to reduce weight. 节食不是减肥的最佳办法。

  31.be related to 与……有关,涉及

  This article is related to the international situation. 这篇文章讲的是国际形势。 Painting is related to art. 绘画与艺术有关。


  32.be/get tired of 对……感到厌倦

  I am tired of exams. 我厌倦了考试。

  I am tired of eating the same food every day. 我厌烦了每天吃同样的食物。

  33. be/get used to 习惯于

  We are used to the cold weather here. 我们适应了这里的寒冷天气。

  We are used to the cold weather here. 我们习惯了一起工作。

  34.bear/keep…in mind 牢记在心

  Bear in mind what I am saying. 记住我说的。

  Please bear in mind the instructions the doctor has given you. 记住医生给你的指示。

  35.because of 因为

  Because of his laziness, he failed the exam again. 因为懒惰,他考试再次不及格。 Because of his bad leg, he could not walk as fast as others.


  36.begin/start with 以……开始

  The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter.


  Knowledge begins with practice. 理论来源于实践。

  37.before long 不久,很快

  The storm will be over before long. 风暴很快就会过去。

  The book will be published before long. 这本书不久之后就出版。

  38.believe in 信任,相信

  I don't believe in ghosts. 我不信鬼。

  Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. 马克思主义相信物质第一性。

  39.belong to 属于

  The land belongs to a big family. 这片土地属于一个大家庭。

  The future belongs to a big family. 未来属于年轻的一代。

  40.benefit from 从……获益

  I benefited a lot from his advice. 我从他的建议中受益非浅。

  He will benefit from the new way of doing business.


  41.blame…for 为……责备……,归昝

  Who is to blame me for that; it wasn't my fault. 谁为失败负责?

  You mustn't blame me for that; it wasn't my fault.


  42.bring about 产生,引起,带来

  Science has brought about great advances in human civilization.



  What has brought about the misunderstanding between them?


  43.bring up 抚养,养育

  He was brought up in poverty. 他在贫困中长大。

  She brought up her children to be considerate of others.他教育孩子要体贴他人。

  44.by accident/chance 偶然,碰巧

  They met each other by accident. 他们碰巧遇见了。

  I found these things by chance. 我碰巧发现了这些东西。

  45.by means of 借助……手段

  He succeeded by means of investing in insurance.


  I translated the lyric poems by means of dictionary.


  46.by mistake 弄错……

  I took his book by mistake. 我错拿了他的书。

  She put salt into her cup of tea by mistake. 她错把盐放入了茶中。


  47.catch up with 赶上,跟上

  She must work hard to catch up with her class.


  We must catch up with the latest technology. 我们必须跟上最新技术。

  48.charge…with 指控…(犯罪)

  I shall charge him with forgery. 我指控他犯有伪造罪。

  The offence with which he is charged carries a heavy penalty.


  49.close down 关闭,倒闭

  The owner had to close the shop down. 店主不得不关闭商店。

  Many small plants in that country closed down for lack of fuel.


  http://www.wendangwang.come/get in (to) contact/touch with 接触到

  I feel at ease when I come into contact with the well-educated.


  We should come into touch with different kinds of books to widen our horizon. 我们应该接触不同的书籍来扩大视野。

  http://www.wendangwang.come into effect/operation/practice 生效

  This treaty will come into effect next year. 该条约明年生效。

  The revised work schedule comes into effect next week.




  Books are compared to friends. 书被比作朋友。

  Poets have compared sleep to death. 诗人把睡眠比作死亡。

  http://www.wendangwang.compare…with 与……相比

  Compared with many women, she was lucky.与许多女人相比,她算是幸运的。 The output of our factory has increased by 30% as compared with last year's. 与去年的产量相比,我厂的产量增加了 30%。

  http://www.wendangwang.compensate for 补偿

  Money cannot compensate for the loss of health.钱不能之补偿失去的健康。 Industry and loyalty sometimes compensate for the lack of ability.


  http://www.wendangwang.compete against 与……竞争

  They try to compete against other countries in sports.


  Too much urge to children t compete against the clock may lead to bad consequences. 过渡的催促孩子与时间赛跑会导致不好的结果。

  http://www.wendangwang.complain about/of 抱怨,埋怨

  He complained to the manager about the bad food served.


  He complained of being short of medicine.他抱怨的缺乏药物。

  57.concentrate on/upon 集中精力于,致力于

  If you don't concentrate on your work, you will be dismissed.


  You'll solve the problem if you concentrate on it.如果你全神贯注,你就会解决问题。

  58.consist of 组成,包括

  The committee consists of teachers and linguists.这个委员会由教师与语言学家组成。 Our team consists of 15 members. 我们的队由 15 名队员组成。

  59.contribute to 有助于,贡献

  His hard work contributed to his success. 他的辛勤工作促成了他的成功。 Drink contributed to his ruin. 饮酒促使他毁灭。

  60.cope with 应付,对储,妥善处理

  The transport department is taking steps to cope with the holiday rush.


  Self-confidence is what we need in coping with the difficulties.


  61.count on 指望,期待


  You can count on me.你可以信赖我。

  In building our nation, we should first count on ourselves.



  62.deal in 经营,买卖,从事,忙于,参与

  The shop deals in men's clothes.这家商店经销男式服装。

  The small store deals in articles of daily use. 这家小商店经营日用品。

  63.deal with 处理

  She deals with all the difficult problems alone. 她独自处理一切棘手问题。

  How shall we deal with the difficulty?我们应该如何克服困难?

  64.depend/rely on/upon 依赖,信任,视……而定

  We're depending on you to finish the job on time. 我们相信你能按时完成工作。

  Where we go for our holiday depends on how much money we have.


  65.derive form 来自,源于

  Many English words derive form French. 许多英文单词来自法语。

  His judgment derived from his observation. 他的判断处自于他的观察。


  They have devoted all their time to helping the sick.他们把时间都奉献来帮助病人。 He devoted all his life to the research of plats. 他把毕生精力献给了植物研究。

  67.differ from 不同,有异

  China differs greatly from other countries in customs.中国与其他国家在习俗上有很大的差异。 My views differ from his. 我的观点与他的不同。

  68.divide into 分开,划分

  This book can be divided into three parts. 这本书可以分为三部分。

  The world can be divided into different groups. 世界可以被分为许多阵营。

  69.do away with 废除,去掉

  Government should do away with laws out of date. 政府应该废除过时的法律。

  The death penalty has been done away with in many countries.许多国家已经废除了死刑。

  70. due to 由于,因为

  The late arrival of the train is due to the heavy snow. 火车晚点是因为大雪所致。

  Changes in society are chiefly due to the development of the internal contradictions in society.社会变革主要是由于祄内部矛盾的发展引起的。


  71.each other 互相,彼此

  They help each other in work. 他们在工作中互相帮助。

  They congratulated each other on their success. 他们互相庆祝成功。


  72.either…or 或……或,不是……便是

  The letter may arrive either today or tomorrow. 信或者今天或者明天到。

  Either he or you are right. 不是他就是你对了。

  73.engage in 从事,忙于

  He is engaged in writing a book. 他忙着写一本书。

  He is engaged in writing a letter of invitation. 他在忙着写邀请信。

  74.enjoy oneself 玩得愉快,感到快乐

  Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 聚会过的愉快吗?

  We enjoyed ourselves heartily at the dance. 我们在舞会上玩的十分愉快。

  75.even if/though 即使,纵然

  I will go even if it rains cats and dogs. 即使下大雨我也去。

  You won't mind even if he doesn't come. 即使他不来,你也不要介意。

  76.expert in 擅长

  She is expert in playing the piano. 他擅长弹钢琴。

  Hi is said to be expert in English speech. 据说他擅长英文演讲。


  77.familiar with 熟悉,通晓

  Make yourself familiar with the foreign customs soon. 要尽快熟悉外国的风俗。

  Only practicing more can help you to be familiar with your work.只有多实践,你才会熟悉工作。

  78.far from 远离,完全不,反而

  The railway station is far from here. 火车站离这儿很远。

  The result of the experiment is far from satisfactory. 实验的结果不尽如人意。

  79.feel like 想,想要

  We all feel like a cup of coffee. 我们都想来杯咖啡。

  After a day's work, I felt like having a good rest.


  80.fight with/against 和…作战,为反对…而斗争

  We shall have to fight against various temptations.我们应与各种各样的诱惑作斗争。

  England fought with Germany in the First World War.在第一次世界大战中,英国与德国作战。

  81.first of all 首先

  One will be judged by one's speech first of all. 先察其言而知其人。

  You should first of all listen to good English as often as possible.


  82.fit into 把…安插进去,安插在…之中。

  Can you fit this item into the programme? 你能把这个节目安排进去吗?

  This episode fits into part three of the novel very well.



  83.focus on 集中于

  He focused his attention on this problem. 他集中精力处理这问题。

  Public attention is focused on the problem of industrial relations.


  84.for example/instance 例如

  There are languages more difficult than English, for example, Latin and Greek.


  For example, she would not come here whenever it rains.例如,一下雨她就不来了。

  85.for short 简称,缩写

  The United Kingdom is called U. K. for short. 大不列颠联合国被简称为王国。

  We call him Jim for short.我们简称他吉米。

  86.free of/from 不受…影响,免于

  My room is free from the outside noise. 我的房间不受外部噪音影响。

  To be free form all the temptation is hard.摆脱诱惑是很难的。

  87.from time to time 有时,不时

  He called at my house from time to time. 他有时来拜访我。

  He will seek my advice from time to time. 他不时地征求我的意见。


  88.gain/have access to 可以使用,接近

  Students can have access to the library. 学生可以使用图书馆。

  Only few people have access to the top-secret information.只有少数人可以接触机密文件。

  89.gain/give/get/have an advantage over 胜于,比……有利

  He gained an advantage over his opponent.他胜出了他的对手。

  You have an advantage over me. You can make a dress. 你比我强。你还会做衣服。

  90.generally speaking 一般说来,通常来说

  Women, generally speaking, live longer than men. 一般说来,女人比男人寿命长。

  Generally speaking, it's quite damp in the southern part of China while in the northernpart it's rather dry. 一般说来,中国的南方气候潮湿,而北方则相当干燥。

  91.get along with(on)进展,过活,对付

  How are you getting along with your English study? 你的英语学习进展如何?

  He is not getting on very fast with his job. 他工作进展不快。

  92.get/learn by hear 熟记,能背出

  She has got the poem by heart. 他熟记了这首诗。

  You got to learn all these English word by heart. 你必须记住这些英语单词。

  93.given that 考虑到

  Given that they're inexperienced, they've done a good job.



  Given that she is ill, her performance is good enough.



  94.had better do 最好还是,应该

  He'd better stop taking those pills. 他最好停止服那些药丸。

  He'd better listen to others' advice. 他最好听一下别人的建议。

  95.hand down 把……传下去

  These paintings have been handed down from generation to generation.这些画世代相传。 These ceremonies have been handed down through the centuries.


  96.hand in 上交,递交

  Don't forget to hand in your answer sheet before you leave.别忘了在离开前把答题纸交上来。 The minister handed in his resignation. 部长递交了辞呈。

  97.have a bearing on 与……有关,对……有影响

  The motion picture has a bearing on children. 电影对孩子有影响。

  His speech has a bearing on me. 他的演说对我有影响。

  98.have/take/show an interest in 对……感兴趣

  The children have an interest in watching advertisement on TV.孩子爱上电视上的广告。 He takes an interest in repairing radios. 他喜欢修收音机。

  99.have nothing/anything/something to do with 与……毫无关系,有关系

  Diligence has something to do with success. 勤奋与成功有关。

  A good pronunciation has something to do with constant practice.


  100.help oneself to 请随便用

  Help yourself to some apples. 请随便吃点苹果。

  101.hit on/upon 偶然找到,忽然发现

  By a stroke of luck, I hit on this dictionary in a second-hand bookstore.


  After many experiments, he's finally hit upon a solution to the problem.



  102.impose on/upon 把……强加给,强迫接受

  Don't impose your opinion on me. 别强加你的观点于我。

  The present trouble was imposed on him. 他目前面临困境。

  103.impress on 给……留下深刻印象

  His image has been strongly impressed on me. 他给我留下深刻印象。

  He had the powers to impress his opinions on others.



  104.improve on/upon 改进,超过

  Our techniques are already advanced and being improved on daily.


  The girl improved on her previous record. 这女孩刷新了以前的记录。

  105.in a moment 立即,马上

  The dinner will be ready in a moment. 晚饭马上就好。

  He hesitated in a moment and then stepped forward.他犹豫了一会儿,然后向前走了。 106.in a sense 从某种意义上说

  In a sense, the most intelligent are often the most successful.


  What you said is true in a sense. 从某种意义说来说,你说的话是对的。

  107.in a way 从某种程度上,有几分

  The two persons look alike in a way. 这两个人看上去有点像。

  The result was satisfactory in a way. 从某种程度上来说,结果还是令人满意的。

  108.in addition 并且,另外

  Dr York is a professor. In addition, he is a writer.约克博士是位教授,另外他还是位作家。 The girl has collected many Chinese stamps and some foreign stamps in addition.


  109.in addition to 除了……之外还,加之

  In addition to swimming, I like playing basketball. 除了游泳,我还喜欢打蓝球。

  He did your work in addition to his own. 除了自己的工作,他把你那份也做了。

  110.in advance 预先,事先

  Phone me in advance if there is a meeting. 如果有会请打电话提前通知我。

  You should know this truth in advance. 你应事先懂得这一道理。

  111.in brief 简言之

  In brief, I think we should take his advice. 简言之,我想我们应该接受他的建议。

  This, in brief, is the view of the trade-unions. 总之,这就是工会的意见。

  112.in case 万一,假设

  In case it should rain, you'd better take a raincoat with you.万一下雨,还是带件雨衣吧。

  In case anybody calls for me, I'll be back at one o'clock.万一有人找我,告诉他我一点钟回来。 113.in conclusion 最后,在结束时

  In conclusion, I'd like to express my thanks for your help.最后,我想表达对你的帮助的谢意。 In conclusion he appealed to the delegates of all countries to support the draftresolution. 最后,他呼吁所有国家的代表支持决议的起草。

  114.in contrast to/with 与……形成对照

  This appears small in contrast to that. 与那个相比这个子小点儿。


  In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I know that we shall succeed.


  115.in debt 欠债,负债

  He is in debt now. 他现有负债累累。

  No matter how much money he earns, he is always in debt.无论他赚多少钱,他总负债累累。 116.in detail 详细地,逐条地

  Tell me your study method in detail. 请详细地告诉我你的学习方法。

  The patient told the doctor his history of illness in detail.病人详细的向医生讲述了他的病史。 117.in difficulty 处于困境

  I'm in difficulty over paying my rent. 我付不起房租了。

  Whenever I am in difficulties, I turn to him for help.我一陷入困境就向他寻求援助。 118.in effect 事实上,实际上

  The two methods are in effect identical. 事实上,这两种方法相同。

  These rules continue in effect. 这些制度仍然有效。

  119.in fact 事实上,总之

  In fact, I am at a loss as to what to do. 事实上,我茫然失措。

  In fact, I can do nothing for you. 事实上,我帮不了你什么忙。

  120.in future 从今以后,未来

  In future be careful not to make the same mistake again.从今以后,注意别再犯同样的错误。 In future, I will do better than that. 今后,我会做得更好。

  121.in general 一般来说,总之

  In general, the climate hers is mild. 一般说来,这儿的气候温和。

  In general, my reaction is favorable. 大体上,我的反应是好的。

  122.in honor of 为庆贺,为纪念

  The ceremony was held in honor of his anniversary.


  A dinner was held in honor of his safe arrival. 为庆祝他的平安达到,举行了宴会。 123.in name 名义上的,有名无实的。

  He is a scholar in name but not in fact. 有是个有名无实的学者。

  He is an actor in name only; he paints pictures all day.他当演员只是有挂名,他整天都在画画。 124.in order to 为了,以使

  He ran in order to catch the bus. 他跑着赶车。

  Let's walk faster in order to keep warm. 我们走快些让身子暖和起来。

  125.in other words 换言之,也就是说

  In other words, she doesn't intend to go. 也就是说,她不想去。

  In other words, much thinking yields wisdom. 换句话说,多想出智慧。

  126.in particular 特别,尤其


  I have nothing in particular to add to what he said.就他说过的话,我没有什么特别添加的。 My little brother is interested in stories in general, and in detective stories inparticular. 我的小弟弟对多数小说感兴趣,尤其对侦探小说。

  127.in person 亲自,本人

  I can't attend the meeting in person. 我本人不能出席会议了。

  You' better go and ask him in person. 你最好亲自去问他。

  128.in/with regard to 关于,涉及

  In regard to the weather tomorrow, it's going to rain. 关于明天的天气,要下雨了。 In regard to the test tomorrow, it is postponed. 关于明天的测验,已经延期了。 129.in return 作为回报

  In return for his many years of hard work, he got promoted.


  He is entitled to a holiday in return for his many years of work at this company.


  130.in short 简单地说,总之

  In short, we must be prepared. 总之,我们必须准备妥当。

  The man, in short, cannot be trusted. 总之,这个人不值得信赖。

  131.in spite of 不顾,尽管

  They went out in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,他们还是出去了。

  In spite of all their differences, Joan and Ann remained friends.


  132.in terms of 从……角度,在……方面

  In terms of population, China is a large country. 从人口角度说,中国是个大国。

  In terms of stellar distances a journey from the earth to the moon would appear veryshort. 从星际距离的角度来说,从地球到月球的路程是很短的。

  133.in that 因为

  I prefer studying in library in that it is quieter. 我喜欢在图书馆学习因为那更安静。 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.


  134.in the distance 在远处

  We saw a light in the distance. 我们看到远处有灯光。

  I made out three figures moving in the distance.我隐约看见远处有三个移动的人影。 135.in the end 最后,终于

  He tried many ways to solve the problem. In the end, he made it.


  All will come right in the end. 最后一切都会好。

  136.in the long run 最终,从长远考虑


  It pays to buy goods of high quality in the long run.从长远来看,买质量好的商品划算。 Real ability will win in the long run. 真正的才能最终会使人获得成功。

  137.in time 及时,最后

  A stitch in time saves nine. 及时一针省九针

  It will become crystal clear to you in time .你迟早会清楚的。

  138.in turn 依次,轮流,反过来

  Each of you must speak in turn. 你们每个人必须依次发言。

  The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner. 男孩们依次被召见那位考官。 139.incline to 倾向于

  I incline to your suggestion.我倾向于你的建议。

  The leaders are inclined to approve of this proposal.领导们倾向于批准这个建议。 140.independent of 于,独立于

  He is independent of his teachers in thought. 他在思想上独立于他的老师。

  The job made her independent of her husband. 这工作让她独立于她的丈夫。

  141.indifferent to/toward 对……不关心

  She is indifferent to others’ attitude toward her.她对别人对她的态度不以为然。 The explorers were indifferent to the discomforts and dangers of the expedition.


  142.inferior to 次于,比……差

  The cloth is inferior to real silk. 这纺织物比真丝差。

  Foreign mutton is inferior to home-grown mutton in flavor.进口的羊肉比国内的味道差。 143.influence on/upon 对……的影响

  Philosophy has a great influence on people's ideology.哲学对人的思想影响很大。

  Many a woman has had a civilizing influence upon her husband.许多妇女对丈夫有感化力。 http://www.wendangwang.comrm of 告诉,通知

  We should be informed of the latest information. 我们应该知道最新近的信息。 Did you inform them of the progress of the work? 你通知他们了工作的进展了吗? 145.insits on/upon 坚持

  He insisted on going with me. 他坚持与我同去。

  He insisted on his innocence. 他坚持自己无罪。

  146.invest in 投资于,花时间于

  He invested in insurance. 他投资于保险业。

  Everyone should invest some time in community service.每个人都应花时间做社区工人。 147.involve in 卷入,陷入

  They are deeply involved in this scandal. 他们深深地卷入丑闻之中。

  Don't involve yourself in unnecessary expense. 不要乱钱。



  148.join in 参加,加入

  Students join in the school activities actively. 学生们积极参加学校活动。

  He took off the coat and joined in the work. 他脱掉上衣加入到工作中去。

  149.just now 眼下,目前,刚才,不久前

  He left just now. 他刚离开。

  He is learning painting from a well-known artist just now.他现在正跟一个著名的画学家绘画。


  150.keep an aye on 留意,照看

  Keep an eye on the child while I am out. 我出去时麻烦照看一下这孩子。

  Please keep an eye on my flowers in my absence. 我不在时帮我照看一下花。

  151.keep one's word 遵守诺言

  He always keeps his word. 他总是遵守诺言。

  We must keep our word even if we should lose by it.即使守信吃亏,我们也必须遵守。 152.keep pace with 与……齐头并进,与……并加齐驱

  You must read the papers to keep pace with the times. 你必须阅读报纸来跟上时代。 His mental development kept up with the growth of his body.


  153.know about/of 听说,了解

  I know of him, but I've never met him.我听说过他,但从未见过他。

  I didn't know about her father's death until last week.直到上周我才得知她父亲去世的消息。


  http://www.wendangwang.comugh at 因……而笑,嘲笑

  We laughed at that funny-looking dog. 我们看到那长得有趣的狗都笑了。

  They all laughed at the joke. 他们听了笑话后都笑了。

  155.lead to 引起,导致

  These words lead to misunderstanding. 这些话引起误解。

  All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

  156.learn from 向……学习,从……学习

  We learnt a lot from that teacher. 我们从那位老师那儿学到了许多。

  We learn from life. 我们从生活中得到知识。

  157.learn about/of 听说,获悉

  I learnt of his death in the newspaper. 我从报上得知了的死讯。

  His mother learned of her son's success from the newspaper.


  158.leave for 动身到

  He left for Shanghai yesterday. 他昨天动身去了上海。

  He left for seeking new experience. 他去寻求新的经历去了。


  159.lie in 在于

  The secret of good golf lies in the wrist action. 高尔夫的秘诀在于腕部的动作。 Success lies in diligence. 成功在于勤奋。

  160.little by little 逐渐

  Little by little, he learnt to write Chinese characters. 渐渐地,他学会了写汉字。 The infant crawled little by little. 这个婴儿一点点地向前爬。

  161.lvie on 以……为生

  He lives on pension. 他靠养老金为生。

  It must be very hard to live on such a low salary.靠这样的低工资维持生计必定很艰难。 162.long for 渴望,极想

  Children long for holidays. 孩子们都盼望着假期。

  People all over the world long for peace.全世界人民渴望和平。

  163.look after 照顾,照看

  Look after your own affairs and don't interfere in mine. 少管闲事。

  I looked after her child in her absence. 她不在家时,我照看她的孩子。

  164.look down on/upon 轻视,看不起

  His views are looked down on by his fellow students. 他的观点被他的同学们轻视。 He looks down upon people like that. 他看不起那种人。

  165.look for 寻找,期待

  She is looking for her lost dog. 她在找她丢失的狗。

  He spent days looking for a job.他花了数日找工作。

  166.look forward to 期待,预期

  People are looking forward to a new era. 人们期待着新世纪的来临。

  I am looking forward to seeing you again. 我盼望再次见到你。

  167.look into 调查,观察

  The manager promised to look into my complaint. 经理承诺调查我的投诉。

  The police are looking into the matter thoroughly. 警察在彻夜调我的投诉。

  168.look through 浏览,温习

  Look through the questions before you answer them. 先浏览一下问题再回答。 He looked through the catalogue, but did not find the book he wanted.



  169.make a/the difference 有关系,很重要

  Forests make a difference to the environment. 森林对环境意义重大。

  Your help will make a difference to my son. 你的帮助对我儿子意义重大。

  170.make sure/certain 弄明白,确定

  I'll phone him to make sure he has been notified.我会给他打电话确定他已被通知到了。


  Make sure that you bring the books you promised to lend me.


  171.make the best/most of 充分利用

  We must make the best of this opportunity. 我们必须尽是利用这次机会。

  We must learn to make the best of a bad job.我们要学会在不利的情况下尽量减少损失。 172.make up one's mind 决定,下决心

  She couldn't make up her mind ad to which book to buy. 她决定不了买哪本书。

  Once you make up your mind, do not stop trying. 一旦下定习心,就不要停止努力。 173.make use of 利用,使用

  Students can make use of the school library. 学生可以利用学校的图书馆。

  Make use of your time when you are young. 趁年累要充分利用时间。

  174.match with 与……符合,与……相配

  The song matches with my mood. 这歌符合我的心境。

  This tie matched with this suit. 这条依赖与这套西服配套。

  175.may/might as well 还不如,不妨

  You may as well stay home if you are not feeling well.如果身体不适最好留在家里。 You may as well tell us what you really want to do.你不妨告诉我们你打算做什么。 176.meet/satisfy one's needs 满足……的需求

  He had not been able to meet her simplest need. 他连她最基本的需求都没满足。 Teachers must try their best to meet the students' need for knowledge.


  177.mistake for 错拿,错认

  I mistook his raincoat for mine. 我错拿了的雨衣。

  The traveler mistook the house for a hotel. 旅行者错把这间房子当作旅馆。

  178.more or less 或多或少,多少有些

  I was more or less tired after the trip. 旅行后我多少有些疲倦。

  Jane is more or less beautiful. 简有点漂亮。

  179.mroe than 多于,很,不仅仅

  More than 100 people attended the meeting. 100 多人参加了这次会议。

  I am more than content with your progress. 我非常满意你的进步。


  http://www.wendangwang.com after 以……命名

  The child was named after his grandfather. 这个孩子以他祖父的名子命名。

  The machine is named after its inventor. 这机器是以它的发明者命名的。


  Neither he nor she is interested in this film.他和她对这部电影都不感兴趣。

  He came just on time, neither too early nor too late.他来得正是时候,不早也不晚。


  182.next to 与……接邻,仅次于,几乎没有

  My house is next to his. 我的房子与他的相邻。

  I know next to nothing about French. 我对法语几乎一无所知。

  183.no longer 不再,不已

  Men are no longer at the mercy of nature. 人类已不再受自然的摆布。

  He no longer lived in this city. 他不在这城市居住了。

  184.no sooner than 一……就

  No sooner had he stepped into the room than it began to rain.他一进屋就开始下雨了。 No sooner said than done. 说到就做到。

  185.none other than(不是别的)正是

  The man over there is none other than our principal. 那边的人正是我们的校长。 He was none other than the famous scientist. 他正是那位著名的科学家。

  186.not only…but also 不仅……而且

  He is not only a scientist, but also an artist. 他不仅是科学家而且还是艺术家。

  He visited not only Beijing but also Shanghai.他不仅游览了北京而且还游览了上海。 187.nothing but 只有,只不过

  He had nothing for breakfast but a piece of bread. 他早餐不吃了一片面包。 Nothing but miracle can save her. 除了奇迹,什么也救不了她。

  188.now and then 时而,偶尔

  He studies now and then. 他偶尔学习。

  Every now and then, she would glance up at the clock. 她不时地抬头看看钟。 189.now that 既然

  Now that the rain has stopped, we can go out.既然雨停了,我们可以出去了。 Now that you know how he feels about it, what do you plan to do?



  190.object to 反对,不赞成

  I objected to the impractical plan. 我反对这项不实际的计划。

  I object very much to the wet weather. 我非常讨厌潮湿的天气。

  191.occur to 浮现在脑海中,想起

  It never occurs to her that she would be a well-known actress.


  His name just didn't occur to my memory. 我就是想不起他的名字。

  192.of course 当然,没问题

  Of course you know what that means. 你当然知道那意味着什么。

  The rain poured down and of course the Sports-meeting was cancelled.



  193.on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

  They are preparing for war on a large scale. 他们在大规模地备战。

  He has started a business on a small scale. 他从小规模的事业起家。

  194.on account of 因为,由于

  She retired on account of poor health. 她因身体不好退休了。

  The game was put off on account of rain. 由于大雨,竞赛被延期。

  195.on an/the average 一般说来,平均我们

  On an average, we receive 3e-mails a day. 我们平均一天收到三封邮件。

  On an average, rent does not exceed 5% of the wage. 房租平均不超过工资的 5%。 196.on behalf of 代表

  The chairman signed the document on behalf of the company.


  She went up the platform and accepted the award on behalf of her team.


  197.on business 因公,因事

  No admittance except on business. 非公莫入。

  He went to Beijing on business. 他去北京出差了。

  198.on condition that 如果,在……条件下

  I'll lend you money on condition that you pay it back in two weeks.


  I'll come on condition that he is invited. 如果他被邀请我就来。

  199.on earth 究竟,到底

  What on earth are you saying? 你到底说在说什么?

  How on earth did you manage that? 你究竟怎么成功的?

  200.on foot 步行

  He goes to work on foot every day. 他每天步行上班。

  He stopped his car short of destination and proceeded on foot.


  201.on occasion(s) 有时,间或

  I meet him on occasions at the club or in the bar. 我偶尔在俱乐部或酒吧遇见他。 He lives in the country, though he visits the city on occasions.


  202.on purpose 故意,有意

  I didn't do it on purpose to offend you. 我不是有意触犯你的。

  I came here on purpose to see you. 我特意来看你。

  203.on sale 出售,廉价出售

  I got this hat on sale; it was very cheap. 我打折时买的这项帽子,它非常便宜。


  Will the new product be on sale as early as next month?这批新产品能赶早下月上市吗? 204.on schedule 按预定时间,准时

  The train arrived on schedule. 火车准时到达。

  Despite setbacks, I think we shall manage to complete the work on schedule.


  205.on second thoughts 转念一想,重新考虑

  On second thoughts, he decided to go abroad. 转念一想,他决定出国。

  He had planned to go at once, but on second thoughts he decided to wait for a fewdays. 他本打算马上去,但转念一想,他决定再等几天再说。

  206.on the basis of 根据,以……为基础

  On the basis of what he said, he was an experienced worker.


  Do not judge a person on the basis of appearance. 不要以貌取人。

  207.on the contrary 相反

  He is not lazy; on the contrary, he is quite diligent. 他不懒,相反,他很勤奋。 On the contrary, it is I who am in your debt. 正相反,是我受了你的恩惠。

  208.on (the) ground (of )根据,以……为理由

  He had to retire on the ground of ill health. 他由于健康原因不得不退休。

  She could not meet her students on grounds of health. 他由于健康原因而不能上课。 209.on (the) one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

  On one hand, the food is quite cheap; on the other hand, it was badly cooked.


  On one hand I want to buy this new car, but on one the other hand, I fell it is too expensive. 一方面我想买车,但另一方面我觉得它太贵了。

  210.on the whole 总的看来,大体上

  On the whole, men are stronger than women. 总的说来,男人比女人强壮。

  On the whole, I am inclined to agree with your plan. 总体说来,我赞同你的计划。 211.on time 准时,按时

  We are depending on you to finish the work on time. 我们靠你把工作按时完成。 In spite of our late start, we managed do arrive on time.


  212.or else 否则,要不然

  He must be drunk, or else he is mad. 他一定喝多了,否则就是疯子。

  Do as I told you,or else you will be sorry.照我的话去做吧,否则你会后悔的。 213.other than 不同于,除了,非

  Do you have any books other than novels? 除了小说你还有别的书吗?

  I would not have him other than he is. 我不愿意他改为现状。


  214.out of date 过时的,陈腐的

  These machines are out of date. 这些机器过时了。

  That dictionary was out of date 4 years ago. 那本字典 4 年前就过时了。

  215.out of order 不正常的,出故障的

  The elevator was out of order today. 电梯今天坏了。

  The tape-recorder is out of order and needs repairing. 这台录音机坏了,需要修理。 216.out of the question 毫无可能

  His proposal is out of the question. 他的建议毫无可能。

  The boys had no money, so it was out of the question for them to go to the movies.


  217.owing to 由于,因为

  Owing to poor health, he had to stay home all winter.


  Owing to the unfavorable weather, I was unable to proceed.



  218.participate in 参加,加入

  The students participate in the school active 孩子们积极参加学校的活动。

  They have asked us to participate in the negotiations. 他们已邀请我们加入谈判。 219.particular about 讲究的,挑剔的

  He is particular about food. 他挑食。

  He is very particular about having his breakfast at exactly 8 o'clock.

  他过分讲究,要正好在 8 点吃早饭。

  220.pay attention to 注意,专心

  He never pays attention to anything his wife says. 他对他妻子说的话充耳不闻。

  Students are told to pay attention to their grammar. 学生们被告知要注意语法。

  221.pay for 为……付钱,负担……费用

  I paid $ s for the book. 我花了五美元买了这本书。

  If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child's education. 如果孩子上了私立学校,家长要为孩子的教育费用出钱。

  222.persist in 坚持,固执

  He persists in his opinion. 他固执已见。

  Busy as he is at work,he persists in studying English.尽管他工作很忙,他还是坚持学习英语。 223.paly a/the part/role in 参加,起作用

  He played a great part in the government decisions.在政府的决策中他起了很大作用。 English plays a great role in communication. 英语在与世界的交流中起了很大作用。 224.point out 指出,使注意


  He is always pointing out my mistakes. 他一直在指出我的错误。

  I didn't realize the significance of the event until he pointed it out to me.


  225.prefer to 喜欢……胜过,宁愿……不愿

  He preferred to stay home rather than go with me to the party.


  He prefers blue to green. 他喜欢蓝色而不是绿色。

  226.prepare for 为……做准备

  I am busy preparing for my exams. 我忙于准备考试。

  We should get ourselves prepared for the future. 我们应该为未来做好准备。 227.prevent from 阻止,预防

  We should take action to prevent the polluted waters from spreading.


  The rain prevented us from playing tennis. 雨阻止了我们打网球。

  228.prior to 在前,优先

  The accident happened prior to his arrival. 事故发生在他到达之前。

  Make full investigation prior to reaching a conclusion. 调查之后再做定论。 229.proud of 以……自豪

  He is quite proud of his son. 他为儿子感到骄傲。

  He was quite proud of what he did. 他为自己的所为感到骄傲。

  230.provide for 供给,提供

  The warm-hearted family provided food and clothes for the stranger.


  A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home for the wildlife.


  231.put off 推迟,拖延

  They put off the meeting till next Sunday. 他们把会议推迟到下星期日。

  Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today.今日能完成的事不要推到明天。


  232.qualify for 有资格,胜任

  His past experience qualifies him for the job.他过去的经历让他有资格获得这份工作。 This degree will qualify you for teaching. 这个学位使你有资格教书。

  233.quite a few 相当多

  Quite a few distinguished scholars attended the meeting.


  Quite a few students will listen to the lecture.有不少学生要听讲座。



  234.range form…to 自……至……的范围内变化

  These computers range in price from 5000 to 8000 Yuan.

  这些计算机的价格在 5000 至 8000 元不等。

  It ranges from nine to fourteen feet in length. 长度在 9 到 14 英尺之间不等。

  235.rather than 而不是,与其……不如

  I would rather die than surrender. 我宁死不降。

  Rather than cause trouble, he left. 为了不惹麻烦,他走开了。

  236.read between the lines 领会言外之意

  You have to read between the lines to fully understand the article.


  Some kinds of poetry make you read between the lines.


  237.ready for 准备好的

  We are ready for the exams. 我们准备好了考试。

  Children are ready for bed. 孩子得准备好了上床。

  238.refer to 提及,谈到,参考消息,引证

  In his letters to his mother, he rarely referred to his school life.


  This matter is sealed, so please do not refer to it any more.


  239.relate to 有关联,涉及

  The review relates to the international situations. 这篇评论涉及到国际形势。

  We are interested in what relates to ourselves. 我们关注涉及自己的事情。

  240.remind for 使……想起

  The picture reminds me of my happy childhood. 这张照片使我想起我快乐的童年。

  You don't need to remind people of their mistakes all the time.你不必总是提醒人们所犯的错误。 241.responsible for 对……负责

  The driver must be responsible for the passengers' safety.司机必须为事故负责。

  The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers' safety.


  242.resort to 求助,凭借,诉诸

  It is pointless to resort to arms to settle disputes.


  He resorted to me for help.他向我求助。

  243.restrain…from 阻止,抑制

  He restrained his son from drinking too much. 他制止他的儿子酗酒

  He restrained his anger from being visible. 他尽量不让自己的愤怒暴露出来。


  244.result form 由于

  Inflation results from an excess of demand oversupply.通货膨胀是由供给过多引起的。 Many illnesses result from lack of exercise. 许多疾病是由于缺乏锻炼引起的。

  245.result in 导致,造成……结果

  The air crash resulted in 109 casualties. 空难导致 109 人丧生。

  The plot of the enemies resulted in failure. 敌人的阴谋以失败告终。

  246.right away 立刻,马上

  He took down what the principal said right away. 他立即记下了校长说的话。

  We will take up a collection right away. 我们马上募捐。

  247. run out 用尽,缺乏

  We have run out of money. 我们的钱用尽了。

  Try not to run out of patience with her. She has enough reason to complain.



  248.search for寻找,搜查

  He is searching for a place to hide. 他正在找藏身之地。

  He glanced around the room, searching for a place to sit.他环顾了一下屋子,想找个地方坐坐。 249.see through 看透,看穿

  We saw through his plot immediately. 我们马上看穿了他的阴谋。

  A double-dealer cannot be seen through easily. 两面派不容易被识破。

  250.see that 确保……发生

  See that you have marked all the papers. 确保你给所有的卷子打分了。

  See that you lock the door before you leave the room. 记得离开前要锁门。

  251.sensitive to 敏感的

  He didn't know how to set about this job. 他对辛辣食品敏感。

  Once they realized what was wrong they set about correcting it.一些女人对香水敏感。 252.set about 着手,开始

  He didn't know how to set about this job.他不知如何着手从事这项工作。

  Once they realized what was wrong they set about correcting it.


  253.set up 建立,树立

  The new building is being set up at the present. 新建筑正在建立当中。

  The students set up tents by themselves. 学生们自己搭起了帐篷。

  254.settle down 定居,安定

  He settled down in Australia to begin his new life. 他定居在澳大利亚开始新生。

  John will settle down after he gets a job. 等约翰找到工作后就会安顿下来。

  255.short of 缺乏,匮乏


  Our campus is short of teachers. 我们学校缺少教师。

  In some mountain areas, children are short of teachers and schools.


  256.solw down 减速

  Slow down before you reach the crossroads. 到达十字路口前请减速。

  The road was slippery, so you'd better slow down your car.路太滑,所以你最好减缓车速。 257.so as to 以便,为的是

  I'll have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.我会准备好一切以便不让你久等。 Let us go a bit faster so as to catch the train. 我们走快些好赶上火车。

  258.so far 迄今为止

  So far, I have learned 8000 English words.迄今为止,我已掌握了 8000 个英语单词。 The workers are doing things no one has so far attempted.


  259.sooner or later 迟早

  Sooner or later, you will be sorry for what you did.迟早你会为你的所为后悔的。

  If you drive like that, sooner or later, you will have an accident.像那样开车,迟早有一天出事的。 260.so that 为的是,结果是

  I'll leave you so that you could decide by yourself. 我离开你好让你自己决定。

  Everybody lent a hand so that the job was finished ahead of time.


  261.spring up 迅速出现,萌生

  Computer stores are springing up all over the place.计算机商店遍及这个地方。

  A great number of factories have sprung up. 新建了许多工厂。

  262.stand for 代表,象征

  The olive branch stands for peace. 橄榄枝代表和平。

  The sign X stands for an unknown number. 符号 X 代表未知数。

  263.stick to 坚持,忠于

  Stick to your dreams and never give up. 坚持你的梦想永不放弃。

  He is the man who sticks to his word. 他是个信守诺言的人。

  264.subject to 易遭受……的,服从……的

  We are all subjected to the laws of nature. 我们都屈从于自然法则。

  The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.这些空军基地遭到了猛烈的突袭。 265.substitute for 替代

  You can substitute A for B. 你可以用 A 代替 B。

  He substituted for the typist in her absence. 打字员不在时由他代替。

  266.succedd in 成功

  I hope you can succeed in solving the problem. 我希望你能成功解决问题。


  I succeeded in getting a well-paid job. 我终于获得了一份高薪工作。

  267.such as 诸如此类的

  We chatted over such topics as literature. 我们聊了像文学这样的话题。

  The farms grow various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton, and soybeans.


  268.suffer from 受害,受损失

  He has been suffering from illness ever since childhood. 他自幼多病。

  He is suffering form losing his sweetheart. 他因失去情人而痛苦不堪。

  269.superior to 比……优越

  The computer is superior in many aspects.这台计算机的性能在许多方面都更优越。 I don't acknowledge I am superior to him. 我不承认我比他强。


  270.take a chance/chances 冒险,碰运气

  When overtaking, it is wise never to take chances.超车时不冒险是明智的。

  We might take a chance. There may be some tickets left.我们可以碰碰运气,或许还有剩票。 271.take action/measures/steps 采取行动,措施

  We should take action to tackle with pollution.我们应该采取行动解决污染问题。

  They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.他们对危险的司机采取严厉的措施。 272.take advantage of 利用,趁……之机占便宜

  You ought to take advantage of this chance, for it might never come again.


  He is good at taking advantage of the mistakes of others.


  273.take after 与……长得像,模仿

  He takes after his father. 他们父子长得像。

  The car takes after that one. 这车是仿照那辆车做的。

  274.take care of 照顾,照看

  She took care of the family when her father died.她父亲去世后她照看这个家庭。 Everybody should take care of state property.人人都应爱护国家财产。

  275.take delight in 喜爱,以……为乐

  Children take delight in playing games.孩子们喜欢玩游戏。

  Some people take delight in reading books. 一些人喜欢读书。

  276.take effect/go into effect 见效,生效

  The aspirin took effect quickly, and soon my headache was gone.


  It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took effect.



  277.take into account/consideration 考虑到

  When speaking of pollution, we should take into account the waste discharged from factories.谈及污染时,我们必须考虑到工厂排放的废物。

  Yu have to take into account the additional casts that a baby may incur.


  278.take note/notice of 注意到

  Please take note of what I am going to say. 请注意我要说的话。

  I didn't take notice of when he came in.我没注意到他什么时候进来的。

  279.take part in 参与,参加

  He refused to take part in our discussion. 他拒绝加入我们的讨论。

  It is likely that the president will take part in our discussion.校长很可能会加入我们的讨论。 280.take place 发生,举行

  The accident took place before I arrived.事故发生在我到来之前。

  The may 4th movement took place in 1919. 五四运动发生在 1919 年。

  281.take the place of 代替

  Computers take the place of workers in many factories.在许多工厂,计算机代替了工人。 As she was ill, I took the place of her on the night shift.由于她病了,我替她值夜班。 282.take turns 依次,轮流

  The family took turns at cooking. 这家人轮流做饭。

  Mary and Helen take turns at sitting up with their sick mother.


  283.take up 开始,从事

  She took up collecting coins when she was five.她五岁就开始搜集钱币。

  At the age of sixty, he took up studying Russian. 他 60 岁开始学习俄语。

  284.thanks to 幸亏,由于

  Thanks to the doctor, the boy was saved. 多亏了这位医生,孩子得救了。

  Thanks to your help, we finished the job ahead of schedule.


  285.think about/of 考虑到,思索

  Thinking about the happy days in the past helps her pass time.


  He is thinking about calling a mass rally.他正在考虑召开群众大会。

  286.the same as 与……相同

  She is the same age as me. 她和我一样大。

  287.to some/a great/a certain extent 在某种/很大/一定程度上

  He has been affected by the scandal to some extent.他在一定程度上受了丑闻的影响。 The local economy was influenced by the lack of fuel to some extent.



  288.try one's best 尽力

  He tried his best to solve the problem. 他尽力解决问题。

  He is trying his best to help us. 他在尽力帮助我们。

  289.turn down 拒绝,摒弃,低调,关小

  His proposal was turned down at the meeting.他的建议在会上遭到拒绝。

  The boy who applied to join the army was turned down because he was under age.


  290.turn into 把……变成

  The hard life turned the lovely girl into a bitter woman.


  He is trying to invent a device to turn the sun's heat into electricity.


  291.turn to 转向,求助于

  Whenever I am in trouble, I turn to him for help.每当我陷入麻烦,我都求助于他。 The child trued to his mother for comfort. 孩子向妈妈撒娇。


  292.under control 控制下

  The riot spread from one street to another, and it took several hours for the police tohave the situation under control.骚乱在街道上蔓延,警察花了几个小时才控制局面。

  It was a long time before they got the flood under control.他们花了很长时间才控制住洪水。 293.under the circumstances 在此情况下

  Under the circumstances, we can do nothing but wait.在此情况下,我们只有等待。

  We had no means of transportation to the picnic, so under the circumstances westayed at home. 我们没有交通工具出去野餐,所以在此情况下只好留在家里。

  294.under way 进行中

  The change is under way. 变化在进行着。

  Programs are under way to improve doctors' efficiency and productivity.


  295.up to date 直到最后的,新式的

  These computers are up to date. 这些计算机都是新式的。

  They are equipped up to date. 他们全是最新装备。

  http://www.wendangwang.come up 用完,用光

  We used up all the petrol. 我们用光了所有的汽油。

  Fuel is used up in this area. 这地区的烯料用尽了。

  http://www.wendangwang.comed to 过去常常

  I used to read novels in the park. 我过去常常在公园读书。


  I used to study in the library.我过去常常在图书馆学习。


  298.vary from 与……不同

  The computers vary from each other in price.这些计算机的价格不同。

  People vary from each other in one way or another. 人们彼此之间总有些不同。


  299.wait for 等待

  Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。

  I will wait form you at the gate. 我在门口等你。

  300.watch out (for) 密切注意,提防

  Watch out for cars while crossing the streets. 过马路时小心车辆。

  We should watch out for deceivers. 我们应该小心被骗。

  301.wear out 穿破,耗尽

  I was completely worn out after days of work. 几日的工作后我心力交瘁。 Don't wear yourself out by playing too hard. 不要玩得太累。

  302.whether…or 是……还是,或者……或者

  I don't know whether he will come or not. 我不知他是否来。

  It is uncertain whether he will succeed or fail. 他成功还是失败还不能确定。 303.while away 消磨(时间)

  He whiled away his holiday by fishing. 他钓鱼消磨掉他的假期。

  Don't while away your time by doing nothing at all. 不要无所事事以打发时间。 304.wish for 盼望,企求

  The child wished for a doll for her birthday. 这个小孩子希望生日得到个娃娃。 She has everything a woman can wish for. 她有了女人想拥有的一切。

  305.with reference/respect to 关于,有关

  With reference to what he did yesterday, he should get punished.


  With respect to what he said last week, he is now breaking his word.


  306.with/in regard/relation to 关于,有关

  The food is not sufficient with regard to the growing population in this area.


  With regard to the gas fire, we hardly use it.说到煤气,我们几乎不用。

  307.without question 毫无疑问

  He is an honest man without question. 毫无疑问他是个诚实的人。

  Without question, he is the best man for the job.毫无疑问,他是此工作的最佳人选。 308.work at 从事,做


  He is working at a difficult problem in physics.他在做一道物理难题。

  There is no easy way round the difficulties,we shall have to work at it.


  309.worry about 担心,担忧

  Don't worry about him, he will be ok soon.别担心他;他很快会好。

  Don't worry about the kids; they will be safely home.别担心孩子们;他们会安全到家的。 310.worthy of 值得的

  He is not worthy of my consideration. 他不值得我考虑。

  The suit is worthy of buying. 这套西服值得购买。

  311.would like to想

  I'd like to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

  I'd like to share the book with you.我想与你分享这本书。

  312.would rather…than 宁愿……也不

  He would rather have the small apple than the big one.他宁愿要小苹果而不要大的。 He would rather die than surrender. 他宁死不屈。


  313.yield to 屈从,屈服

  He yields to fate easily. 他轻易地屈服于命运。

  The man will yield to force. 那个人会对武力屈服。









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