美国华盛顿特区11街道大桥公园设计竞赛 / 竞赛
11th St. Bridge Park
Anacostia Crossing,
1 交流的场所
来自河流两岸的道路宛若跳板——逐渐上升的斜坡让游客能够最大限度地利用观景平台来欣赏任何一边的地标景观。阿纳卡斯蒂亚河道路在河流上方延伸,连接形成环状,接纳来自海军船厂的道路,以单一的姿势与对面的河岸相连。大桥的最终形态构建了一处标志性的交锋,一个容易识别的 “X”型成为河流的新形象。
2.2 环保教育中心
3 活动
3.1 多样化项目活动
预计第11街大桥公园的建设,将提供超过150个新就业机会,带来700万-1 000万美金的零售消费。我们设计的灵活活动空间,可以满足长期和过渡时期的需要,比如表演中心、咖啡馆、流行艺术家表演和零售空间,还有根据经济和社区发展要求举办的各种临时展览。
2 生态
2.1 河流生态和种植
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美国华盛顿特区11街道大桥公园设计竞赛 / 竞赛
3.2 一个休息的场所
5.2 城市农业花园和咖啡馆
3.3 一个受人欢迎的学习环境
6 旅游胜地
3.4 嬉戏游玩和探索空间
六、七、八选区且能体现社区对生命的新品质要求的居民的健康状况。我们的设计方案在原有阿纳卡斯蒂亚河两边沿岸的散步道上,进行扩建和连接,为公众进行休闲娱乐和科普探索提供了一个新场所。活动项目同时也在二期的设计方案得以延续,我们将提供通往阿纳卡斯蒂亚历史区的踏步石,以鼓励居民去探索发现这个城市中的新场所。3.5 聚会的独特场所阿纳卡斯蒂亚渡口为人们提供了很多聚会空间。咖啡馆提供了可全年进行就餐和活动的中心。午餐花园和城市农业地区聚集在阿纳咔什广场,该广场提供了一个俯瞰阿纳卡斯蒂亚河的灵活空间,可用于各种功能。另外,一个300座位的阶梯表演空间隐藏在阿纳卡斯蒂环线的延伸狭长地带中,可在此进
4 连接
5 福祉
5.1 改善健康和提高居民福祉
一。从半英里环线到经过改善的阿纳卡斯蒂项目设计:OMA 与欧林事务所联合体撰文:OMA 与欧林事务所联合体翻译:章健玲图片来源:第11街道大桥公园设计竞赛组委会
美国华盛顿特区11街道大桥公园设计竞赛 / 竞赛
1 A Place of Exchange
Our design for the 11th Street Bridge Park-the Anacostia Crossing-is a place of exchange. The park at Anacostia Crossing will connect two historically disparate sides of the river with a series of outdoor programmed spaces and active zones that will provide an engaging place hovering above, yet anchored in, the Anacostia River.
Paths from each side of the river operate as springboards—sloped ramps that elevate visitors to maximized look out points to landmarks in either direction. Extending over the river, the Anacostia paths join to form a loop, embracing the path from the Navy Yard side and linking the opposing banks in a single gesture. The resulting form of the bridge creates an iconic encounter, an “X” instantly recognizable as a new image for the river.
While the bridge is a unique and iconic structure, its character and essence are rooted in making this river landscape accessible to the community. Through programmed activities the bridge will showcase the region’s unique cultural and natural history. To encourage visitors to spend time on the bridge and neighboring communities throughout the year, amenities for comfort and refreshment (restrooms and food), mitigation of climate extremes (shade and warmth), and opportunities for seasonal programming are provided along the entire length of the bridge. The bridge provides a gateway to events with strong roots in the adjacent communities.
At the intersection of the two sides, an open plaza that provides a flexible space for gathering and events framed by the continuation of the paths on either side. Markets, festivals, and theatrical performances held throughout the year will make this park a hub of activity within the city of Washington. These extended arms, continuing at a 5% slope, create a sequence of zones designated for play, relaxation, learning and gathering. They form elevated platforms that provide shade and sheltered areas for the café on the southeast side and the performance space and hammock grove on the northwest side.
At the elevated ends, each also forms a place to view the Anacostia River, the activities on the bridge, and the prominent landmarks within
Washington,DC and Anacostia. At each side, a waterfall marks their terminus and reconnects them to the river below. On the east side, this waterfall is linked to an active filtration system that-together with new wetland areas adjacent to the bridge piers-works to actively clean the river around the Anacostia Crossing.
Much like the waters of the nearby Chesapeake Bay estuary, where salt and fresh water mix to create a rich biological diversity, the Anacostia Crossing creates a place for sharing the rich cultural diversity of communities on both sides of the river. The full integration of architecture, landscape and infrastructure allows for the creation of a socially sustainable civic experience.
The activated zones and multiple levels of the Anacostia Crossing also bring visitors down to the river itself. A series of voids along the bridge provide spaces for play and access down to the river itself. The performance space and café are each partially carved into the body of the bridge, creating intimate zones with views to the waters below. Together, these areas allow visitors to engage the river from multiple vantage points, from above to take in its majesty, or engaging with the waters for boating and recreation.
lost much of its original hardwood forest cover, grassland meadows and tidal wetlands due to the treatment of this landscape by those that lived here as a commodity and not a valued resource.
Anacostia Crossing will be a beacon that illuminates the challenged health of the River as well as highlights the possible solutions demonstrated by numerous ongoing efforts to clean the river, build community and educate our next generation of river stewards and engaged citizens. Our design will serve as a catalyst to improve the ecological integrity of the Anacostia River through demonstration and education on ecosystem enhancement as well as restoration shoreline plantings making it once again one of our Nation’s greatest waterways.
3 Activation
3.1 Programmatic Diversity
Anacostia Crossing will facilitate a variety of uses and appeal to abroad audience from both sides of the river. Large interior areas at the café and environmental Education Center, as well as large shaded areas adjacent to them, ensure the potential for year-round use.
The shape and scale of the bridge expands into a wedge shape toward the Anacostia side of the river, provided space for larger programs and anchors that will create new amenities for visitors to the Anacostia Park and attractions to draw visitors across the bridge from the opposite side of the river.
It is estimated that over 150 new jobs and $ 7-10 million in new retail spending will result from the 11th St. Bridge Park. The flexible program and event spaces are designed to accommodate both long-term and transitional uses such as a performance venue, café, pop-up artist and retail space and temporary exhibits that can respond dynamically to economic and community opportunities.
2 Ecology
2.1 River Ecology & Planting
A Multi-functional landscape, our proposal captures the daily cycles and seasonal rhythms of the magnificent Anacostia watershed. Along the Anacostia Park shore the design locates a water taxi landing, boardwalk, “beach”, and canoe and kayak rental. On top of the bridge, deck waterfalls allow the public to engage with water and revel in its delight as it makes calming sounds and sparkles in the sunlight. Native plantings reflecting the ecozones of the larger landscape, both uplands and lowlands are proposed both on the bridge and on the adjacent land both to the west and east of the river.
3.2 A Place to Relax
Anacostia Crossing offers many moments for people to come and simply relax. The Great Lawn, which is proposed for the highest point of the Bridge Park, has amazing vistas of the US Capitol building, the Washington Monument, the Frederick Douglass House, and surrounding areas.
2.2 Environmental Education Center
The Environmental Education Center will provide a variety of programs which tell the rivers 400 year history of how the Anacostia watershed
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