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historic trip to China 对中国进行历史性的访问

instrumental 关键性的

imperative 必不可少的,势在必行的

vexing challenges 棘手挑战

counter proliferation 制止核扩散

address 应对 meet /respond to

illustrate 突显

people-to-people exchanges 民间交往活动

grow more connected 日益紧密相连

strategic priorities 战略重点

critical component 关键部分

propel 激励

level the competitive playing field 创造公平竞争的环境

implement 落实

broaden 拓展

score achievements of historic proportions 取得了历史性的成就

lend a strong impetus 促进

new chapter 新局面

painstaking and resourceful efforts 付出大量心血和智慧

chart the course 指明了方向

sound interactions 良性互动

to this end 为此 in this connection

step up

intensify 加强

We share the view that 我们认为

ensure growth, adjust structure, promote employment 保增长、调结构、促就业

make concerted efforts to tide over difficulties 同舟共济共克时艰

pool our efforts, meet challenges head-on 协力同心、迎难而上

bright spots 亮点

uphold 维护

in the field of human rights 人权事业

there is always room for improvement when it comes to 没有最好只有更好

take seriously 把…放在心上,高度重视

concrete 切实的

a pioneering endeavor with great and far-reaching significance 一项具有重要和深远意义的开创性工作 cultivate 建设

business community 工商界

acute 严重的(突出的问题)

deserve high attention值得高度关注


volatility persists 动荡不已

Rising inflationary pressure confronts emerging markets. 新兴市场国家通胀压力加大

on the notable increase明显增多

Global economic recovery is fraught with greater instability and uncertainty. 世界经济复苏的不稳定性不确定性上升

new changes are underway 出现新变革

keep up with the evolution of the global economic landscape 适应世界经济格局变化

fresh progress has been made 取得新进展

meet the urgent need to shift the economic growth model 满足转变经济发展方式的迫切要求

new breakthroughs have been achieved 孕育新突破

growth drivers 经济增长点

identify 准确把握

under the current circumstances 在当前形势下

we must be firmly committed to 我们必须坚定不移地

observation 看法

improve the mechanism 完善机制

global partnership for development 全球发展伙伴关系

increase the representation and voice of 增加代表性和发言权

as their capability permits 力所能及的

inclusive 包容

independently 自主

dissemination 传播

strive for simultaneous progress in environmental protection, trade and development 努力实现环境、贸易、发展共赢

build innovation capacity 提高创新能力 build up

promote industrial application of scientific and technological achievements 推动科技成果产业化

be charged with the heavy responsibility of 担负着重任 fulfill/shoulder

firmly oppose and jointly resist 坚决反对和共同抵制

make the multilateral trading regime a balanced and inclusive one that benefits all 均衡、普惠、共赢的多边贸易体制

tariff item 税目

the Comprehensive Economic Partnership for East Asia 东亚全面经济伙伴关系

the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement 跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定

main force 主力军

power economic recovery 引领经济复苏

explore opportunities 拓展商机

achieve win-win progress /result 实现共赢

it is opening much wider to the world 对外开放水平迈上新台阶

pose a major challenge 问题突出

institutional hurdles hindering /hampering economic and social development制约经济社会发展的体制机制障碍 adopt the Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development 制定了国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要

We will continue to pursue development in a scientific way and give priority to speeding up the shift of growth model. /redouble efforts to shift the growth model. We will deepen reform and opening-up, ensure and improve people's livelihood, and promote sustained, steady and fairly fast economic growth and social harmony and stability. 我们将坚持以科学发展为主题、以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,深化改革开放,着力保障和改善民生,促进经济长期平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定。

▲improve government functions, establish clearly defined responsibilities among government departments, improve government structure and raise efficiency 转变职能、理顺关系、优化结构、提高效能

service-oriented and law-based government 法治政府和服务型政府

administrative review and approval system 行政审批制度

grow a green economy and promote the conservation culture 大力发展绿色经济,提高生态文明水平 pursue...on a priority basis 以…为重点

investment in the environmental sector 环保投资

vast market 广阔市场

make China a country driven by innovation 推进创新型国家建设 an innovation-driven country

with a focus on making home-based innovation and breakthrough in key areas 以自主创新、重点跨越为核心 bring in high-caliber and innovation-minded professionals from overseas 引进海外高层次创新人才

China will raise its opening-up program to a higher level by expanding its scale and broadening its scope. 中国将在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上推进对外开放

place equal emphasis on/give equal importance to 并重

in-bound investment and out-bound investment 吸收外资和对外投资

move faster in pursuing the strategy of 加快实施…战略

is picking up speed 加快

constitute an important force driving economic growth in 是促进…增长的重要力量

China is in a process of industrialization, urbanization, promoting IT application, developing the market economy and pursuing international exchanges. 随着工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化深入发展

thoughtful 周到

mount 愈演愈烈

mounting employment pressure 就业压力加大

turbulence 动荡

exert negative impact on 带来负面影响

expose 暴露

deficiencies 弊端

arduous /daunting tasks 艰巨的任务

It is imperative that we 需要我们…

move beyond short-term considerations 超越一时得失 temporary gain and loss

sustain development 实现发展

demonstrate the spirit of standing together in times of adversity and pursuing win-win cooperation 发扬同舟共济、合作共赢的精神

ensure growth and promote stability保增长、促稳定

ensure people's well-being 保民生

boost production and employment 扩大生产,增加就业

make major efforts to 重点

tax incentives

our respective 各自

fairly 相对

pursue win-win outcome through cooperation 在合作中谋求共赢

grave 严峻

mutually supporting and complementing 相互支持、相互补充的

massive unregulated cross-border flow of capital and other financial risks 跨境资本大规模无序流动等金融风险 keep under control 控制

mitigate pressure 缓解压力

in the course of 在…之中

set out on a historic process 开启了…的历史进程

take note of /take notice of 注意

commodity pricing mechanism 价格形成机制

advance...in a steady manner 稳妥推进

an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply 币值稳定、供应有序、总量可调的国际储备货币体系

be firmly committed to free trade 高举自由贸易旗帜

curb speculation 抑制投机

remain firm in our resolve to advance reform 坚持推进改革的决心不动摇

make continued progress toward building 朝着…不断迈进

durable peace and common prosperity of our world 世界持久和平与共同繁荣

Innovation is an inexhaustible source of human progress. 创新是人类社会发展的不竭动力

macro-regulation 宏观调控

divorce from reality 脱离实际

complement each other 相得益彰

growth in social productivity and improvement in people's living standards will reinforce each other 社会生产能力提高和民众生活改善相互促进

in the final analysis 从根本上看,总之

the inability to 未能

access to resources 资源占有

stimulate aggregate global demand 带动全球总需求扩大

UN and its specialized agencies 联合国及其专门机构

provide…in food aid 提供粮食援助

the bulk of which will go to 主要用于

tariff reduction and exemption 减免关税

at an early date 早日

substantially 大幅

extend a helping hand to 伸出援手

take targeted measures to 有针对性地

with focus on 着力

The Chinese economy is driven more by its internal dynamism than policy stimulus. 经济增长由政策刺激向自主增长有序转变

grow by…year-on-year同比增长

in real terms 实际

over the same period last year 比去年同期

There is a better balance between domestic and external demands in driving economic growth. 经济增长的内外需动力更趋协调

remain unresolved 依然存在

affect the sound performance of China's economy影响经济稳定运行

make earnest efforts to resolve them 认真加以解决

sustain the sound momentum 巩固…的良好势头

▲Putting people's interests first and taking a holistic approach to development, we will work harder to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable development, deepen reform and opening-up, and improve people's well-being.


serve the interest of 对…是有利的

Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 博鳌亚洲论坛2012年年会

This gathering gives all of us a good opportunity to look at our world and learn from each other. 身在博鳌能够“博览天下”、“博采众长”

based in Asia yet with a global perspective 立足亚洲、面向世界

set its eyes on 关注

growth outlook 增长兆头

the underlying impacts of 深层次影响

a long and arduous process 长期艰难曲折的过程

in the offing /on the horizon /afoot正在孕育

admittedly 当然

come to grips with

call for 需要

History recalls that 回顾历史

a large pool of 队伍

unleash 发挥

measured 适度的

robust 强劲

fully tap the potential of consumer spending, technological upgrading and improvement of labor skills. 充分发挥消费的作用,发挥科技进步和劳动者素质提高的潜能

open regionalism 开放的地区政策

draw on each other's strength 学习借鉴

diversity in ethnic structure and cultural heritage 民族和文化多元

distressed groups 困难群体

is largely attributable to 很大程度上得益于






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