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  1. It was reported that more than one million people ______ light showers on May 2, 2008 to cheer the Olympic torch relay in Hong Kong.

  A. had ignored B. ignored

  C. ignore D. have ignored

  2. He can speak English because he once lived in London.

  Really? How long ______ there?

  A. does he live B. is he living

  C. has he lived D. did he live

  3. When do you know Beijing Olympic tickets can ______ online?

  From April, 2007. And I am sure that tickets for the 110 meters hurdles will ______ well.

  A. be booked; be sold B. book; be sold

  C. be booked; sell D. book; sell

  4. The other day, Johnny returned to his house after a holiday only to find that it ______.

  A. is broken into B. has been broken into

  C. had broken into D. had been broken into

  5. Dont take the picture-book away. It ______ me.

  A. belongs to B. is belonged to

  C. was belonged to D. belonged to

  6. Jane, look at the clouds! It ______!

  A. is about to rain B. is going to rain 

  C. rains  D. is to rain

  7. Dont forget to buy me an MP4, Dad.


  A. I dont B. I wont

  C. I didnt D. I havent

  8. You were not at home yesterday evening. Did you go to see a film?

  Yes. I ______ seeing films.

  A. have liked B. had liked

  C. liked D. like

  9. Have you got your test result?

  Not yet. I believe that the papers ______.

  A. are correcting B. have not corrected

  C. are still being corrected

  D. had not been corrected

  10. Mary mentioned that the dog ______ her daughter more than once.

  A. had attacked B. attacks

  C. has attacked D. would attack

  11. So difficult ______ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Lily for help.

  A. do I find B. did I find

  C. would I find D. have I found

  12. Oh, Mr. Wang, I forgot the textbook again.

  You ______ something.

  A. have left B. are always leaving

  C. left D. did leave

  13. What ______ when I phoned you yesterday?

  I ______ my work, and I was going out.

  A. have you done; finished

  B. were you doing; finish

  C. did you do; had just finished

  D. were you doing; had just finished

  14. No sooner ______ to the office than she got down to writing the report.

  A. has she got B. did she get

  C. does she get D. had she got

  15. Lisa ______ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.

  A. was writing B. wrote

  C. had written D. has written

  16. How are you planning to travel to Beijing?

  I ______ yet, but I ______ taking a train.

  A. didnt decide; am considering

  B. havent decided; consider

  C. havent decided; am considering

  D. hadnt decided; have considered

  17. Have you finished the article?

  No, but I ______ it all this week.

  A. write B. had written

  C. have written D. have been writing

  18. We first met in 1998, and from then on we ______ good friends.

  A. are B. will be

  C. have been D. had been

  19. Did you notice our head teacher just now?

  No, I ______ of something else.

  A. was thinking B. thought

  C. had thought D. have thought

  20. I left my dictionary on the desk by the window, but now its gone.

  Who do you think ______ it?

  A. will take B. has taken

  C. takes D. had taken

  21. All of the students ______ by 7:30, but their headmaster ______ until 20 minutes later.

  A. had arrived; hasnt turned up

  B. arrived; didnt turn up

  C. had arrived; didnt turn up

  D. arrived; hadnt turned up

  22. I promise the matter will ______.

  A. be taken care B. be taken care of

  C. take care D. take care of

  23. The little girl is generally healthy, but every now and then she ______ a cold.

  A. has caught B. is catching

  C. will catch D. does catch

  24. Has Mr. Zhang returned from America yet? Id like to see him.

  Im very sorry, but he ______ back here only last weekend and is now in Canada.

  A. has been B. would be

  C. is D. was

  25. Mr. Li, I should tell you this is the fifth time you ______ me for my twin sister.

  A. have mistaken B. mistake

  C. had mistaken D. mistook

  26. Jack woke up from a terrible dream, only ______ in another world, one that was real.

  A. finding him B. found himself

  C. be found D. to find himself

  27. ______ around the lab, the visitors were taken to the playground.

  A. Having shown B. Having been shown

  C. Being shown D. To be shown

  28. The students are not allowed, unless they have special passes, ______ after 10:30 pm.

  A. to stay out B. staying out

  C. stay out D. stayed out

  29. I think that more attention should be paid ______ the students abilities.

  A. to developing B. developing

  C. to develop D. develop

  30. ______ on Main Street, the market is busy every day.

  A. To locate B. Locate

  C. Located D. Locating

  31. My teacher advised the dictionary ______ be bought in three days.

  A. refer to B. referring

  C. referred to D. to refer

  32. Sorry, sir, I cant answer this question.

  Well, youre supposed ______ this part of history.

  A. reading B. having read

  C. to have read D. to read

  33. She seemed ______ who I was, so I had to introduce myself.

  A. to not recognize B. not to recognize

  C. to have not recognized

  D. not to have recognized

  34. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ______ after drinking.

  A. never to drive B. to never drive

  C. never driving D. never drived

  35. My computer wants _______. Its out of control.

  A. to repair B. being repaired

  C. repaired D. repairing

  36. I asked my employer to get me ______ whats going on in my office while I was away on holiday.

  A. informed B. informed of

  C. informing of D. to be informed

  37. It remains ______ when well have the next meeting.

  A. to decide B. to be decided

  C. deciding D. decided

  38. We only have little time together, so we try ______ it wisely.

  A. spending B. spend

  C. to spend D. having spent

  39. Many students expect there ______ no exams in the future.

  A. be B. to be

  C. being D. been

  40. Its no use ______ you just need ______ the test again later.

  A. complaining; to take B. to complain; to take

  C. to complain; taking D. complaining; taking

  41. The teacher was the last ______ the _______ classroom.

  A. to leave; falling B. left; fallen

  C. having left; falling D. leaving; fallen

  42. Many businessmen attended the Boao Forum because they knew what ______ from it.

  A. getting B. to be got

  C. got D. to get

  43. Having been shaken by the big earthquake, ______.

  A. doctors came to their rescue

  B. the tall building collapsed

  C. an emergency measure was taken

  D. warning was given to the tourists

  44. What worried the child most was ______ to visit his mother in hospital.

  A. his being not allowed

  B. not allowing

  C. his not being allowed

  D. not allowed

  45. Mrs. Brown was disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ______ went wrong again.

  A. to repair B. being repaired

  C. repaired D. repair

  46. Once your business becomes international, ______ constantly will be part of your life.

  A. to fly B. fly

  C. to be flying D. flying

  47. Everything ______ into consideration, they believed themselves more.

  A. taken B. to take

  C. taking D. to be taken

  48. In that situation, they couldnt do anything but ______.

  A. sitting and waiting B. sat and waited

  C. sit

  and wait D. to sit and to wait

  49. He pushed his way through the crowd, ______ Excuse me.

  A. to say B. say

  C. said D. saying

  50. ______ the fare, I got out ofthe taxi and dashed into the station.

  A. To pay B. Paid

  C. Having paid D. Paying


  1-5 BDCDA 6-10 BBDCA 11-15 BBDDA 16-20 CDCAB

  21-25 CBDDA 26-30 DBAAC 31-35 CCDAD 36-40 BBCBA






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