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教师用书unit 2


教师用书unit 2

Unit 2Care and Concern The Old Man and the DogCatherine Moore 人间最大的幸福莫如关爱和纯真。 ——卢梭·J·J Schema Building Open to discussion.Detailed Study of the Text 1. “The Old Man and the Dog” is a touching story which tells of an old man, who is the writer's Dad. The old man was once a hardworking lumberjack, enjoying being outdoors and reveling in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. But after he had a heart attack at his old age, he was getting gruff and grouchy, suffering a chronic depression. Something inside him died and his zest for life was gone. The writer tried every means to soothe her Dad's troubled mind but in vain. Advised by some sympathetic friends, she got her Dad a dog as his company. The dog was unclaimed and looked like a bag of bones. To the writer's surprise, her father showed great concerns for the dog and started a warm and intimate friendship with the dog. They explored the community together, walking down lanes, attending Sunday services. It was a wonder that her father's troubled mind was dramatically improved. His gruffness faded and his peace of mind was restored. Both the old man and the dog had sympathy for each other and became inseparable from each other. Even they died very closely in peace. That is why the story is entitled with “The Old Man and the Dog,” which conveyed the writer's feeling and her theme. By narrating the story, the writer shows us that “Life is short and lost time can never be found.” and that “Live while we are alive, laugh hard, love truly and forgive quickly.” The whole text can be divided into three parts: Part 1 (Paras. 18) is about the father's gruffness and the writer's efforts to soothe her Dad's troubled mind; Part 2 (Paras. 913) narrates how the writer got an unclaimed dog to restore her Dad's peace of mind; Part 3 (Paras. 1415) states the central theme of the text. Actually the story may come to its end at the thirteenth paragraph, for the narration of the events is all over. But the writer gives two paragraphs for the purpose of reinforcing her theme. 2. broad side: crash into the side of another vehicle 3. A lump rose in my throat as I averted my eyes. I was strongly resented as I turned away my eyes from him. avert: v. turn away one's look from sth. or sb. 4. My voice was measured and steady. I tried to control myself and spoke in a calm and low voice. 5. collect my thought: make an effort to remain calm and think clearly and carefully 6. Dark, heavy clouds hung ...to echo my inner turmoil. With dark and heavy clouds in the sky, it seems to rain; my confused and troubled mind at this moment is like t he deep sound of distant thunders. 7. lumberjack: n. someone whose job is to cut down trees for wood 8. He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. He would like to stay outside doing physical work. pit one's strength/ability/power

against sb. or sth.: compete with sb. or sth. to test your strength 9. grueling: adj. very tiring 10. ...that attested to his prowess. ... that showed his techniques or skills. 11. CPR: a shortened form of “cardiopulmonary resuscitation,” a method of helping someone who has stopped breathing and whose heart has stopped beating 心肺复苏 12. But something inside Dad died. His zest for life was gone. Father has lost his hopes for life and has not so much interest in life as he had before. 13. turn aside: turn down, refuse, ignore 14. thin: v. get less or fewer 15. moody: adj. unhappy and easy to lose temper 16. Soon I was taking my pentup anger out on Dick. I got angry with my father but it is hard for me to control this feeling and now I have to let it off at Dick. pentup: adj. controlled 17. bicker: v. argue about sth. unimportant 18. pastor: n. a Christian priest in some protestant churches, also minister in American English 19. clergyman: n. a general word for a male priest in the Christian church, also the clergy cf. priest: n. someone in charge of the prayers, services, etc. for the people who attend a particular church, especially in the Roman Catholic Church vicar: n. a priest who is in charge of a church in the Church of England chaplain: n. a priest who looks after the religious needs of an organization such as a university, a hospital, etc. padre: n. a priest who looks after the religious needs of soldiers in the army, navy, etc. 20. The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us. The clergyman decided to come for a talk with my father every week. 21. soothe: v. make sb. calmer, less anxious, upset, etc. 22. But the months wore on and God was silent. Time passed by, but my father was not getting better. 23. Yellow Page: a directory 电话簿 24. I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered in vain. I made calls to other people for help; they could do nothing but expressed their sympathy for us. do sth. in vain: fail to do sth. 25. chronic depression: remain unhappy or sad all the time 26. pointer: n. a hunting dog that stands very still and points with its nose to where birds or animals are hiding 指示猎犬 27. Years had etched his face and muzzle with shades of gray. As time went on, there appeared some lines on its face and hair on its nose and mouth turned gray. etch: v. cut lines or patterns 28. behold: v. look at 29. sink in: get clear for sb., e. g. For a moment his words didn't sink in. 30. in disgust: with a strong feeling of dislike, very angrily, e.g. Sam threw down his book in disgust and ran out of the hou se. 31. And I would have picked out a better specimen than that bag of bones. If I wanted a dog I would choose a better one rather than that skinny dog. 32. It squeezed together my throat muscles and pounded into my temples. I was much overwhelmed with anger. 33. wobble: v. move unstea

dily 34. Confusion replaced the anger in his eyes. My father got confused rather than angry. 35. It was the beginning of a warm and intimate friendship. Since then both my father and the dog remained friendly to each other and got comfort from each other. 36. Together he and Cheyenne explored the community. Both my father and the dog always walked around the community together and got involved in the activities in the community. 37. They spent reflective moments on the banks of streams, angling for tasty trout. They spent some time now and then along the bank of the stream with them reflected in the water and hoped to get some tasty trouts. angle for: try to get sth., e.g. She was angling for an invitation to the party. 38. Sunday services: religious ceremonies on Sundays 39. serene: adj. very calm and relaxed; very peaceful 40. eulogy: n. a speech or a piece of writing in praise of sb. or sth. 41. tribute: n. sth. you say, give or do in order to express your respect or admiration for someone 42. Hebrews: possibly referring to the Old Testament of the Bible 43. drop into place: get clear 44. Forgive now those who made you cry. Forgive those people who once did something wrong with you. Information Surfing 1. Refer to Note 10, Note 17, Note 22, Note 25, Note 38, Note 42. 2. Omitted. Text Understanding A. Literal comprehension 1. (1) T(2) T(3) F(4) F(5) F(6) F(7) T(8) T(9) T(10) T 2. (1) I was strongly resented as I turned away my eyes from him. (2) He would like to stay outside doing physical work. (3) Father has lost his hopes for life and has not so much interest in life as he had before. (4) I got angry with my father but it is hard for me to control this feeling and now I have to let it off at Dick. (5) I made calls to other people for help; they could do nothing but expressed their sympathy for us. (6) As time went on, there appeared some lines on its face and hair on its nose and mouth turned gray. (7) If I wanted a dog I would choose a better one rather than that skinny dog. (8) Since then both my father and the dog remained friendly to each other and got comfort from each other. (9) They spent some time now and then along the bank of the stream with them reflected in the water and hoped to get some tasty trouts. (10) The morning of Dad's funeral was cloudy and somber. B. Inferential comprehension Refer to Note 1. C. Text awareness 1. Rrefer to Note 1. 2. Open to discussion. 3. Open to discussion. Language Building Vocabulary A. 1. crashed into2. controlled 3. confusion4. strenuous 5. trying hard6. easy to lose temper 7. unspoiled8. quarrel 9. favorite10. travel ed around 11. ugly kind12. move unsteadily 13. skills and strength14. peaceful B. 1. are reserved2. echoed 3. is up4. dropped into place 5. revel in6. to sink in 7. is angling for8. turned aside 9. seeking out10. strained Translation A. 1. Mark Twain's reputation is attested by the

fact that his works have been translated into many languages all over the world. 2. Abundant rainfall promises a good agricultural harvest this year. 3. Although the people in disaster area suffered a lot, they still have zest for new life. 4. She keeps shaking her fingers at the young man to dare him to attack. 5. The police tried to climb up the ladder to save the girl on the top of the house but in vain. 6. It dawned on me that what the teacher said was right. 7. People in the street were thinning as dusk fell. 8. It is a good tribute to your departed parents that you work hard and become successful. 9. The tragedy could have been averted if the stewards had followed the safety regulations. 10. The students left the hall in disgust when they heard the speaker's nonsense. B. 我开车回家,一路上狗狗就坐在副驾驶座上。 一到家门口我连按两声喇叭。刚把宝贝抱出车子,就看见父亲挪着脚步走到了门廊。 “嗨!老爸!”我兴奋地打着招呼,“你看我给你带来了什么!”父亲瞅了一眼,皱了皱眉头,一脸不快地说:“如果我想养狗,自己早就弄一条了,而且会比你带回的这包骨头好得多!你自己养着它吧!我不稀罕!”父亲不屑一顾地挥了挥手,转身朝屋里走去。 我一股火气骤然上来,直冲喉头,撞击着脑门。 “它一定得留下来!你还是慢慢适应它吧。”父亲爱理不理。 “你听到了没有?老爸!”我大声说。一听我吼叫,父亲也来气了。他双手叉腰,眯着的眼睛喷射出一股怒火。 我俩死死盯着对方,像是要决斗似的。突然狗儿从我的手里挣脱开来, 摇摇晃晃向我父亲跑去,然后坐在他跟前,小心翼翼地慢慢举起前爪。 父亲盯着那抬起的爪子,下颌微微颤抖着, 两眼露出不安的神情,那莫名的怒火早已熄灭了。 狗儿耐心地期待着。 父亲跪了下去紧紧把它搂在怀里。从此他们开始了温馨友好的相伴生活。 Words and expressions 1. adolescents: n. adults 2. fluke: n. sth. that happens by chance or because of luck 3. premise: n. a statement that you accept as a base for developing other ideas 4. chastise: v. criticize severely 5. condescending: adj. behaving as if you are superior to others 6. let sb. down: disappoint sb. 7. prank: n. a trick to make sb. look silly 8. baffle: v. puzzle Critical thinking 1. By narrating his experience, presenting his research results and citing some examples, the writer conveyed the message that brotherly and sisterly chats can make people happier; the more often we talk, the happier we will be. 2. Sisterly chats can create friendly relations, reinforce connections with brothers and sisters, and also provide comforts. 3. Judy Dunn found that old adults who had grown up with at least one sister tended to be happier and more optimistic. 4. In Paragraph 20 the writer drew a conclusion that the reason having sisters make

s people happier is that they talk to their brothers and sisters more often rather than talk with emotions only. 5. (1)F(2)F(3)T(4)T(5)F(6)F(7)F(8)T Inductive Skills (2) Open to discussion and practice.






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