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毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 计算机系 析Access2007关系型数据库 中英文对照


  浅析Access 2007关系型数据库

  Paul Morrison

  Access 2007关系型数据库管理系统是Microsoft公司的Office办公自动化软件的一个组成部分。它可以有效地组织、管理和共享数据库的信息,并将数据库信息与Web结合在一起并通过Internet共享数据库信息提供了基础平台。随着信息技术的发展,信息技术平台的选择常常是建立或重新建立应用系统时的关键问题,而数据库正是其中需要做出选择的关键平台。Access2007作为一种关系型数据库管理系统,是中小型信息管理系统的理想开发环境,在当前数据库领域,已有越来越多的人使用。它是一个功能强大的数据库管理系统的MIS系统开发工具。

  Access2007 就是关系数据库开发工具,数据库能汇集各种信息以供查询、存储和检索。Access2007 的优点在于它能使用数据表示图或自定义窗体收集信息。数据表示图提供了一种类似于 Excel 的电子表格,可以使数据库一目了然。另外,Access2007允许创建自定义报表用于打印或输出数据库中的信息

  关键词:关系型数据,Access 2007

  Access2007数据库管理系统是Microsoft公司的Office办公自动化软件的一个组成部分。它可以有效地组织、管理和共享数据库的信息,并且将数据库的信息与Web结合在一起,并通过Internet共享数据信息提供了基础的平台。伴随着信息技术的发展,信息技术平台的选择往往是建立或者是重新建立应用系统的重要问题,而数据库正是它们要做出选择的关键平台。Access2007是一种关系型数据库管理系统,是中小型企业管理系统的最理想的开发环境,在当前的数据库领域,已经有越来越多的人在使用。它是一个功能非常强大的数据库管理系统的MIS系统开发工具。数据库是存储在一起的相关数据的集合,这些数据是结构化的,数据库是一种用来存储数据并且对数据进行管理的工具。数据库的作用就在于组织和表达信息,简单来说,数据库就是不同信息的集合。计算机的数据库可以分为两大类:非关系型的数据库(flat-file)和关系型的数据库(relational)。关系型的数据库中包含了多个数据表的信息,数据库含有各个不同部分的术语,像记录等。关系型的数据库管理系统曾经处于技术主流而且独领风骚,但是这种传统的数据库管理系统因为采用了两维的数据模型,而且存在着本身固有的约束和限制。难以适应现在迅速变化的业务需求,以及新技术的发展。信息技术的飞速发展,数据处理不仅在数量上需要越来越大,而且在质量上也要求越来越高,数据库所管理的数据已经发生了根本上的变化。这样一个变化给数据库技术带来了巨大的挑战,数据库管理的对象已经不再局限于文本数据等一些简单的数据类型,而是需要描述和保存大量多媒体非结构化的复杂数据,以及数据之间的关系。 另外,随着热门网站访问数量的逐渐增加,对数据库本身的存储机制、大量并发用户的使用需求、存储空间的使用效率、以及数据的完整性和安全性等方面都提出了更高的要求。而这些都不是传统关系数据库中,用二维表简单结构就可以满足需要的。

  Access2007 就是关系型的数据库开发工具,数据库能够汇集各种信息以供查询、

  存储和检索。Access2007 的优点在于它能使用数据表示图或自定义窗体来收集信息。数据表示图提供了一种类似于 Excel 的电子表格,可以使数据一目了然。Access2007也提供了数据储存库,可以使用桌面数据库文件把数据库文件置于网络文件服务器中,与其他网络用户共享数据库。Access2007 是一种关系型的数据库工具,关系数据库是已经开发的最常用的数据库之一。综上所述,Access2007作为关系型的数据库开发具备了很多优点,可以在一个数据包中同时拥有桌面数据库的便利和关系型的数据库的强大功能。在Access2007中,用户具有的数据库访问权限有两种类型:显式权限和隐式权限。显式权限是指直接赋予某一用户账号的权限,这是该用户账号专用的,与其他用户无关。隐式权限是指授予组账号的权限,即用户加入到该组中的同时被赋予的组的权限。假如一个用户同时具有上面两种权限,当该用户对设置了安全性的数据库进行访问时,那么,他所具有的权限就是两种权限的交集。在Access数据库中,对组和用户访问数据库权限的设置工作,只能通过管理员来完成。设置的权限包括:“打开/运行”,读取设计、修改设计、管理、读取数据,更新数据、插入数据和删除数据。



  用关系型的数据库的两维表数据模型,可以处理在大多数事务处理应用中的典型多维数据,但它的结果通常是建立和使用大量的数据表格,仍然很难建立起能够模拟现实世界的数据模型。并且在数据需要作报表输出的时候,又要反过来将已经分散设置的大量的两维数据表,再利用索引的技术进行表的连接后,才能找到我们所需要的数据,而这又将会影响到应用系统的响应速度。 关系型的数据库在目前是各类数据库中最重要、最流行的数据库。关系型的数据库系统支持关系模型的数据库系统,关系模型由关系数


  Access2007是一个中、小型数据库管理系统,使用非常方便、功能非常强大,与其它的数据库有良好的接口。通过Access2007功能强大的工具,用户可以方便的使用和管理数据库,如创建和编辑数据表、设计和使用各种查询工具进行查询操作、设计和使用窗体、制作和打印报表、设计和使用宏设计和使用Web页等。还可使用Visual Basic6.0A(Visual Basic6.0 for Application)开发高级应用程序。Access2007具有完整的数据库应用开发工具,用户可以方便的设计、修改、浏览一条记录数据的基本表;可以在表数据中进行各种筛选和查询操作;可以设计和使用各种窗体以实现数据显示和操作;可以根据表数据设计打印各种报表;可以设计和使用宏,对表进行一系列特定的操作。Access2007内有强大的操作向导,为用户提供了丰富的数据库基本表模板。用户只需要简单的操作就可建立数据库中所使用的各种基本表、窗体和报表。在Access2007中,可以设定、修改基本表之间的关联,从而实现在多个相关表之间的关系查询。 Access2007中的宏可以实现操作的自动化,使操作更加简单、快捷。 Access2007增强了网络功能,用户可以轻松自如地完成网页发布等。Access2007不仅可以处理自身的数据库文件,还可以处理其它一些数据库系统管理软件所建立的数据库文件,能识别Base、FoxBASE、FoxPro、Paradox等数据库格式文件,并且支持开放式数据库互连性标准(ODBC)的SQL。Access2007能与工作站、数据库服务器或主机上的各种数据库互相连接,并可用于建立客户/服务器应用程序中的工作站部分。






  Access 2007 Relational Database

  Paul Morrison

  Members of the Office family, the people of Access2007 understanding, often limited in its interface, for the database management function is still at the establishment table, data entry, Use Form guide Reporting Wizard, Data Access2007Page Wizard and other simple applications. In fact, the functions of the Access2007 is a powerful and beyond your imagination. It is released from Microsoft Access2007functions since most comprehensive, Windows and the Internet more closely with the database software, is a very powerful, and simple, easy-to-use database management system (DBMS) that the database storage, processing and management system. Access2007 relational database management system is Microsoft Office Public automation software as an integral part. It can effectively organize, manage and share the information in the database, and database information with the Web together. Through the Internet to share database information with the basic platform. With the development of information technology. Information technology platform is often the choice of establishing or re-establishing applications of the key issues, the database is part of the need to make a choice as a key platform.

  Access2007 as a relational database management system small and medium- sized information management system ideal development environment, the current database in the field, there are more and more people use. It is a powerful database management system MIS development tools.

  The database is stored together a collection of relevant data, the data is structured. The database is a data storage and data operation of the tool. The role of the database is to organize and present information, in short, the database is a collection of information. Computer database can be divided into two categories: non-relational database (flat-) and relational database (relational).

  Relational database contains a number of data tables, databases containing various parts of the terminology, like records. Relational database management system has the

  technological dominance of the mainstream, but this traditional database management systems by using two-dimensional data model, and there are inherent limitations and restrictions. It difficult to adapt to today's rapidly changing business needs, and the development of new technologies.

  With the rapid IT development, data processing, not only in quantity increasingly demanding, but also the quality of increasingly high demand, database management data has been a fundamental change. This change to the database technology has brought tremendous challenges, Object database management is no longer limited to text data and other simple data types. And the description and the need to preserve a lot of complex unstructured multimedia data, and the relationship between the data. Furthermore, in the wake of popular websites surge in the number of visits to its own database storage mechanism, a large number of concurrent users to the demand, storage efficiency in the use of space, and data integrity and security, and other aspects of higher demand. These are not traditional relational database, the use of a simple two-dimensional table structure of the meet.

  Access2007 is the relational database development tools, database pooling information for the inquiry, Storage and retrieval. Access2007 the advantage lies in its ability to use data map or custom windows to collect information. Data provides a map similar to the Excel spreadsheet, database transparent. In addition, the Access2007 allows creation of custom statements to print or export the information in the database.

  Access2007 also provides a data repository. Can use desktop database file to extend the database file at the network file server and other network users to share databases? Access2007 is a relational database tools, database development, is the most common databases. As noted above, as an Access2007 database development possesses many advantages, in a data packet available at the same time facilitate the desktop database and a powerful relational database functions.

  In Access2007, with the user database access permissions are two types: Explicit and implicit powers authority. Explicit authority is granted a direct user account competence, which is the exclusive use of user accounts, has nothing to do with other users. Implicit authority is delegated the authority group account, the user added to the group was given by

  the group's mandate. If a user with the same time these two powers, the right set of user security database for a visit, then He had such authority is the intersection of the two powers. The Access20072007database, the group of users’ access to the database and the authority set up work, completed only through the administrator. Set up the authority include: Open/Run, read design, design modifications, management, read data, update data insertion and deletion of data.

  Relational database management system inherent limitations in the following three aspects:

  Relational database used in the two-dimensional table data model, can not effectively handle the majority of business applications, Typical of multidimensional data. Its inevitable result is that in complex ways, the interaction of the dramatic increase in the number of tables, not very good but also to provide realistic simulation of the data model.

  Relational database as they use more data model, which might lead to a massive storage space and wasting a lot of increase, and cause the system to respond to the declining performance. Furthermore, the data in reality, there are many types of relational database is not well addressed.

  Static applications such as report generation, and the design of the relational database management system after no response and efficient business processing for the optimization process. The result is often some relational database products, in the GUI and Web Services processing, not achieved the desired results. Unless additional hardware investment, but it does not resolve the fundamental problem.

  Relations with the two-dimensional database table data model can deal with the majority of business application of a typical multi- dimensional data, but the results are often the establishment and use of a large amount of data forms, it is difficult to establish a simulation of real-world data model. And the need for data output statements when they, in turn, would have dispersed the large number of two-dimensional data tables. Reuse indexing technology linking the table in order to find all the necessary data, this, in turn, is bound to affect the use of the response speed. Database various databases is currently the most important and the most popular database.

  Relational database system to support the relational model of database systems, relationships between data model structure, relations operation and integrity constraint set is composed of three parts.

  Office Access2007 is the Chinese version of one of the components. Access2007 to the previous version, the Access2007 is not only a more friendly interface, but their functions have also been strengthened, especially network function was improved, Internet Access2007 so that it more closely connected.

  Access2007 is a small and medium-sized database management system, easy to use, powerful, and other databases have a good interface.

  Access2007 through powerful tool, users can facilitate the use and management of databases, such as the creation and editing of data tables, design and the use of various tools inquiries query operation, design and the use of windows, production and printing statements, the design and use of Acer, the design and use of such Web pages. May also be used in Visual Basic6.0A(Visual Basic6.0 for Application)Advanced Application Development procedures.

  Access2007 is a complete database application development tool, the user can design, modify, View a record of the basic data table; in the table data for various screen and query operation; design and use of Window to achieve data and operations; Data tables can design various print statements; design and use of Acer, a series of tables for specific operations.

  Access2007 with a strong operational guide, and to provide users with a rich database table basic template. Users only need a simple database operations can be established by using the basic form, Form and statements.

  In Access2007, can be set, to alter the basic correlation between the tables, thus achieving a number of related tables in the relationship between the inquiries. Access2007-The operation can achieve automation, the operator is more simple and efficient. Access2007 to enhance the network function, users can complete the ease of web publication.

  Access2007 can not only deal with their own database files. Could also address some other database management software system established by the database files, the ability to distinguish Base. FoxBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, database formats, such as documents, and support the open database connectivity standard (ODBC) SQL. Access2007 with workstations,

  servers or databases on the mainframe database interconnected and can be used for building client/server applications of the workstation. And other relational database management systems, Access2007 have the following advantages: Storage single document.

  Access2007 of a database file contains the database of all data tables, query, windows, all statements, and other data manageable.

  Support for long file names and file name can be added to the blank, documents easily comprehensible search.

  Powerful network function can be transmitted through the network data.

  Easy to use, you do not need to understand the programming language can easily design and development of database applications.

  Can handle a variety of data and information, such as text files and other databases of documents.

  From:Paul Morrison.Database Security[M].England: Sams Publishing,2002






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