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Glaciers are the largest freshwater reservoir on the earth, storing seventy percent of the world‘s freshwater. Global glacier retreat has started since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850, which is a natural phenomenon of climate change.

Data from different areas around the world in the past few decades, however, shows that glaciers are melting at the largest rate on record in more and more areas on the earth. Global glaciers have shown a trend of accelerated melting rate by 1990s, which happens to be the earth‘s warmest decade ever recorded. Glaciers have melted and retreated at an increasingly rapid rate, which means millions of people will face threat of floods, drought, and decline in drinking water.

In China, the impact of glacier retreat, including shortage of water resources, frequent occurrences of floods, degradation of wetlands and decrease in stability of river system, has become increasingly significant. A report from the WWF indicates that the water level in the wetland lakes in Qinghai Plateau has started to decline. Himalayan glaciers feed many of Asia‘s great rives, including Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Nujiang (Salween), Yangtze and Huang He. These rivers ensure water supply to millions of people. With diminishing glacier water flows, nevertheless, the potential of hydropower generation will decline, industrial production will be affected; in addition, agricultural output will be reduced as a result of declining irrigation capacity.


Glaciers are the earth's largest freshwater reservoir, in which 70% of the freshwater is frozen. Since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, they have been retreating worldwide as a result of normal climate change.

However, data from all over the world indicate that glaciers have begun shrinking in every region of the world at rates that cannot be explained by historical trends in the past decades. In fact, glacier melting has accelerated as global warming continued during the 1990s. The shrinking glaciers will lead to floods, droughts, and lack of drinking water for millions of people.

In China, the retreat of glaciers has already had significant impact in terms of water shortages, more frequent flooding, retreating wetlands and unstable river systems. A WWF report reveals that Qinghai Plateau's wetlands have seen declining lake water levels.

The Himalayan glaciers feed into seven of Asia's greatest rivers, including the Ganges, the Indus River, the Brahmaputra, the Mekong, the Nujiang (Salween) River, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, which ensure a year-round water supply to hundreds of millions of people in the Indian subcontinent and China. As glacier water flows dwindle, the energy potential of hydroelectric power will decrease, causing problems for industry, while reduced irrigation means lower crop production.

(The English version is taken from Wings of China, 2006 No.04 with some revision by Jerusha Mccormack) (马会娟 译)

专家点评 中译英


在汉英翻译教学中,我经常发现学生作业中出现这样的问题:如果拿译文对着原文来看的话,译文经常是非常忠实于原文;但是如果把原文放到一边,把译文当作一个独立的英语语篇来审视的话,就很容易发现译文中仍然存在着一些翻译问题。当然,这一现象不局限于学生作业中,在一些正式发表的译文中我们也能看到这样的例子。例如,某企业宣传自己的品牌誉满海内外,其英文译文是“xxx brand with a worldwide reputation in China”,某城市有涉外宾馆38家,标准客房6000多间,可为中外宾客提供优质服务,其译文为“There are 38 hotels for foreign visitors with 6,000 standard rooms, which provide excellent service for both Chinese and overseas guests”.其实,如果我们只读英文,就会发现译文前后矛盾:该品牌既然“with a worldwide reputation”,怎么可能只限于“in China”?既然是 “hotels for foreign visitors”,怎么可能为“both Chinese and overseas guests”都提供服务呢?



译文1 Glacier is the largest fresh water reservoir on the earth, in which seventy percent of the fresh water on the earth is tied up.

译文2 Glacier is the largest fresh water reservoir on earth and 70% of the earth’s fresh water is stored in glacier. 原文重复使用了冰川、淡水、地球(全球)”三个词语,但在英译文中应尽量避免重复词语的使用,因为除非为了讲究修辞或强调,英语中的重复通常情况下要换个说法或省略不用Except for rhetorical or significant repetition, “the words repeated would ordinarily be either varied or left out”( Fowler: the King’s English)】。译文1用定语从句的先行词避免了第二个冰川的重复,但是两个on the earth在同一个句子里连续使用,却难免给英文读者一种罗嗦累赘的感觉(顺便指出的是be tied up用在这里不妥,当 冻结用时,指帐户冻结)。译文2因连续重复使用the earth, glacier,语言就更为罗嗦。

又如这篇文章的最后两句有参赛译者这样翻译: As the flow of glacier water has ever been decreasing, the capacity of hydroelectricity will degenerate and industrial production will degenerate. At the same time, the degeneration of irrigation capacity will lead to deduction of agricultural production. 译文多处使用degenerate 一词,使行文单调呆板,缺乏变化。

另外,需要注意的是,当译者意识到词语重复需要换用一个说法时,还要考虑所换用的词语是否合适。如有的译文为了避免重复使用glacier,用了iceberg;iceberg指的是浮在海洋上巨大冰块,是不能与glacier( a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley)互换使用的。



译文:In China, the effect of glacier retreat becomes more and more obvious, including water shortage, frequent floods, wetlands degradation and river system stability decline, etc.

在翻译上面这句话时,不少参赛译文采用了与中文主语相对应的英文主语the effect of glacier retreat(包括the impact, the influence),然后构建起整个句子。对比原文,上面的译文似乎非常忠实。但是单从英文句子来审视,这句话的问题就显而易见了,可以说是硬译了。因为无论是“effectimpact还是influence”,都不可能与它们后面所跟的including引起的介词短语的内容有包含关系(eg. There were twelve of us, including me and Tom.)。这显然是译者在翻译时受中文句法结构的影响而造成的。但是译者如果在译完后进行自我审校,在发现问题的基础上,更换一下译文的主语,也许能够写出一个能令英文读者接受的好句子。

当然,在译完全文后,译者过一段时间再从英文读者的角度重新审视译文还有一个优点,即自己可以发现译文中那些应该可以避免的错误,如拼写错误、语法错误、专有名词的大小写混用等,对译文的认识有一个新的提高。在这期获奖的译文中,译者如果重新细读一下自己的译文的话,相信他/她们会有收获的。 我们说一篇好文章不是写出来的,而是改出来的。同样,一篇好的译文,是一字一句反复打磨出来的。正如古语说的,如切如磋,如琢如磨。汉译英翻译的标准还是实际一些的好,用庄绎传先生的话来说,就是要让外国人看懂,做到拼法正确,句子平稳,合乎英语的用法。这并不是件很轻而易举的事。但是只要我们在翻译完原文、将译文经过一段时间的冷处理后,再从英文读者的角度将译文作为独立的英语语篇来仔细审视,译文是有可能避免那些应该避免的问题的。(马会娟)

You were well advised to leave your pity at the door of Christopher Reeve's airy, sun-filled home, hidden amid the rolling meadows and white wooden barns of upstate New York. What struck you first, as he was steered into the room, was his commanding height: his throne-like wheelchair lifted his broad-shouldered bulk off the ground; sitting down, you found yourself tilting your head upwards to look at him.

The accident's power over him was diminishing, he said, as his ventilator sucked and hissed. He no longer snapped awake in the quiet hours, forced to confront, all over again, the fact that he had no sensation from the neck down. He didn't need to turn away when he was driven past the barn where he kept Buck, the thoroughbred horse from which he had been thrown in 1995, breaking his neck. But learning to live with his paralysis wasn't the same as resigning himself to it. "I've still never had a dream that I'm disabled," he said. "Never." He had vowed, controversially, to walk again by the age of 50. At the time, that deadline was three weeks away.

Walking by 50 had only ever been a hope, not a prediction, Reeve insisted. But what made the news of his death so acutely disorienting was the fact that, on some level, so many of us thought that, eventually - albeit a few years behind schedule - he might actually do it. Of course, he had always stressed that ordinary disabled people were the real superheroes in response to the inevitable movie-themed questions. But for the rest of us, the personal narrative was too seductive to resist: Superman, brought down to earth, ultimately triumphs again through sheer force of will.

一个英雄的生与死 作者:ceciliafei




生死英雄 作者:hongxiangmin




参考译文 英雄的生与死







从看过的稿子中显示了参赛者基本上做到了这一点,但是还有不足。比如漏译。这是一篇文字不长的节选,又是参加比赛,翻译之后,无论如何要认真核对一下原文,如果认真核对了,漏译是可以避免的。有些参赛者对人名的翻译也反映出译者很不认真。有的人干脆就不翻,原文照搬,这是不可以的。还有的译者按照自己的拼法翻译,结果译出来的名字五花八门,比如:克里斯多福李维(名与姓中间要有•)、克里斯朵夫瑞夫(名与姓中间要有•)、克里斯托弗里夫斯 等。扮演超人的演员是众所周知的公众人物,他的名字不可以随便翻译。应该是克里斯托弗里夫。



从第一句话的翻译也可以说明这个问题。You were well advised to leave your pity at the door„„有人译作:来到这里你便把对李维的同情丢在门外好了,有人译作:但是建议你不要带着同情踏进他的家,还有的人译作:你一定想过带着同情登门造访克里斯托佛里夫,还有:怜悯,是不需要被带进这个家门的等许多译法。根据朗文字典的解释,you would well be advised to do something,解释为: used to tell someone that it is wise to do something建议你最好做某事。这里虽然是 were,但还是译成你曾多次被人忠告为好。或者干脆像有的译者翻译的那样:你最好将怜悯留在克里斯托弗里夫的既通风又洒满阳光的家门口

再比如quiet hoursquiet hours通常指晚上11点到第二天凌晨。但英文中使用quiet hours后面跟着描述具体时间的名词,比如quiet hours in the early morningquiet hours in the midnight。我们这篇文章中的 quiet hours是泛指安静的时间,不一定非是夜深人静之时(当然也包括夜深人静”),因为主人公一天到晚呆在家里,白天也有很安静的时候,因此翻译为万籁俱寂更加贴切。类似的情况还很多,不再一一列举。




不少译者出的错误是因为不合逻辑。比如,好多译者把as he was steered into the room翻译成:他驾着轮椅驶入房间当他摇着轮椅进房间时。即使不考虑语法,仅从逻辑判断,也可以知道他是被别人推进来的。因为他全身瘫痪,如何”(“”)轮椅?类似的问题还有。其实这个问题不难解决,稍微动一下脑子即可。

(李尧) 自由心灵,简单人生





Free Mind And Simple Life 作者:tintinbook

In the deep night of Dec 3 2004, when I was surfing online, suddenly a name ‗Xingshen Chen‘ popped up from the screen. I searched out the photo I took with Mr.Chen two years ago when I interviewed him, and put it on the middle of bookshelf. On the wall behind Mr.Chen and me, showed by the photo, there is a round quartz clock, whose hands indicate that moment assuredly: 13 minutes and 4 seconds past 1pm, April 5, 2002.

It started raining from the midnight all the way through the noon that day. The rain presented a white world and everything inside was so wet, the streets, vehicles, trees, buildings, and umbrellas. Obviously it removed some light things of the city, noise, fickleness, and also the catkin.

It took about 20 to 30 minutes by taxi from West Railway Station of Tianjin to Nankai University, and the driver was a very warm-hearted middle-aged man with a rugged but lively face, and a high voice. He talked all the way with his pure Tianjin accent. When we mentioned Mr.Chen to him, he responded immediately by pouring his knowledge of him such as a renowned mathematician and a great talented man, who is well known by all the Tianjin people. The driver was full of pride and started looking for flower shops so that we could buy some flowers for Mr.Chen.

When we arrived in Mr.Chen‘s home and just sat down, Mr.Chen said, quite unexpectedly, that we should congratulate him on this occasion. Seeing us bewildered, Mr.Chen explained, after a short pause, that he had used to suffer from vein thrombosis, and was in hospital for about two months previously, but just in the morning of that day he went to take a test and the result showed the thrombosis disappeared. As we followed his words, we said it was really a good news. Mr.Chen was as complacent as a boy and said repeatedly ‗good news, indeed.‘

A Liberal Soul in a Simple Life 作者:pennie

Late at the night of Dec 3, 2004, I was doodling on the net when the characters ―Shiing-shen Chern‖ flashed across the screen. Then, I found out the photo I'd made taken with Mr. Chern when interviewing him two years ago, and put it right in the middle on the bookshelf. In the photo, the hands of the round quartz clock hung on the wall behind us accurately recorded the time of that moment: 01:13:04 p.m., Apr. 5, 2002.

The rain on that day started when I was still in a dream and kept pouring till noon, turning the earth into a vast

expanse of whiteness, with the streets, vehicles, trees, roadside buildings, and unfolded umbrellas all drenched. Apparently it washed off the spreading poplar catkins, as well as the just as light hullabaloo and hastiness saturating the bazaar.

It was about 20 or 30 minutes‘ride from Tianjin Western Station to Nankai University. The middle-aged taxi driver, rough-looking but vivid in facial expressions, was ardent in chatting with us all the way in a high and loud voice with his pure Tianjin accent.

At our mention of Mr. Chern, he proceeded immediately, ―Shiing-shen Chern? Yeah, I‘ve heard of him, a great mathematician! He is so gorgeous! All the Tianjingers who are a little informed know about him. Come to think of it, Shiing-shen Chern is really a genius.‖ While priding himself on that, the driver kept looking right and left at the both sides of the road, busy in locating a flower shop for us to buy flowers for Mr. Chern.

No sooner had we seated ourselves after arriving at his home than Mr, Chen claimed, taking us by quite a surprise, ―You should congratulate me today.‖ Noticing our puzzled look, he paused for a little while before explaining, ―I had suffered from venous thrombosis and was even hospitalized for about two months not so long ago. But this morning after I went through a medical examination, I found, to my joy, the thrombosis has gone.‖ Catching on, we immediately hastened to express our congratulations: ―We‘re glad to hear that. It‘s good news!‖ Exultant like a child, Mr. Chern boasted again and again: ―Yeah, it sure is! good news! Good news!‖

参考译文 中译英

A Mind of Independence, A Life of Simplicity

Late at night on December 3, 2004, I was surfing on the Internet when three Chinese characters, namely Shiing Shen Chern, flashed across the screen…… I took out the photo of Mr. Chern and me taken in my interview with him two years ago, and placed it right on the top middle of my bookshelf. On the wall behind Mr. Chern and me hangs a round-face quartz clock reading 13 minutes 4 seconds past one o‘clock, April 5, 2002 -- a precise record of that very moment.

The rain started to fall that day in my sleep, and it was still pouring down splish- splash at noon with the sky being shrouded in a curtain of mist. The rain drenched everything: the streets, vehicles, trees, buildings along the streets and umbrellas held up here and there. The rain apparently swept away much of the restlessness and hustle and bustle of the city as well as the restless fluff that would have otherwise been floating in the air.

We took a taxi to Nankai University from Tianjin West Railway Station, a journey that would take us about twenty to thirty minutes. The taxi driver, a middle-aged man with a rugged complexion and expressive features, was very friendly and helpful. He had a real big voice, chatting with us constantly in typical Tianjin dialect as he drove along. We talked to him a bit about Mr. Chern, which brought an immediate response from him: ―I‘ve heard of him, a great mathematician, absolutely incredible! Anyone in Tianjin with a bit of common sense would have surely heard of him. What a great talent! ‖ The driver kept talking with an air of pride, looking around out of the car from time to time, and searching for a flower shop along the street. He meant to drop us for a bouquet of flowers to be presented to Mr. Chern.

The moment we were seated at the home of Mr. Chern, he said to us quite unexpectedly: ―I deserve your congratulations, chaps!‖ Seeing that we were somewhat puzzled about what he said, Mr. Chern paused for a second and explained: He had suffered from thrombosis and had been hospitalized for two months not long before. On the morning of that very day of our visit, he went to the hospital for another checkup, which showed no sign of thrombosis whatsoever in his body. We finally got to know what had happened and responded immediately by saying that it was indeed good news and something to be happy about. With a smug expression on his face, Mr. Chern was as happy as a child and said again and again: “Of course, of course!”(陈小全)

专家点评 中译英



本次汉英翻译原文选自梁东元先生《陈省身:自由心灵,简单人生》一文中的前四段。梁东元先生是总装备部创作室的创作员,获知陈省身先生去世的消息,他在《南方周末》上发表了这篇旧文,以作悼念。笔者最初对本文标题的译文是Keeping an Open Mind, Leading a Simple Life,原因是英语中to have/keep an open mind的意思是to wait until you know all the facts before forming an opinion or making a judgement,另外也有willing to think about other people's ideas and suggestions的意思。陈省身是世界知名的大数学家,他所取得的成就当然离不开对真理的追根寻源,离不开对别人思想的吸纳和总结,他当然是个具有开放思想的人,这就是我当时对自由心灵的理解,上面的英译文也是在此基础上作出的。后来经过了与他人商议以及对陈省身了解的加深,又觉得自由心灵表明的是陈省身的一种人生态度,他是一位做自己的事,对各种诱惑保持一颗平常心,面对尘世风雨游刃有余的人,因此,我又把本文标题改译为An Easy Mind, A Simple Life,英语中easy mind所传达的大致就是这样的意思。


由此可见,作者文章标题中所传达的意思与我最初的想法是不同的,所谓自由心灵指的是陈省身先生在科学研究中所奉行的一种独立思考、独立工作的精神;简单人生也并非指陈先生的生活简朴,而是说在他的身上找不到丝毫的世故,他是个简单而又专一的人。因此,我把本文标题的英译文最后确定为A Mind of Independence, A Life of Simplicity。《美国传统词典》对simplicity 的定义是the property, condition, or quality of being simple or uncombined(简单,简易简单的或非结合的特征、状况或性质);根据该词典simplicity 一词还有另外一层意思:lack of sophistication or subtlety; naivety(不世故或不施诡计;天真)。因此,用a life of simplicity作为简单人生的译文应该是比较合适的。

我之所以把自己翻译本文标题的思考过程写出来,用了远不止八百字论述了只有八个字的标题翻译,就是为了向参赛选手表明,在翻译文章、书籍或任何其他文字的标题时,必须要把握住其内涵,然后才能做到准确理解,在理解的基础上将其适当译出。一般人们认为,翻译中的理解困难大多出现在英译汉当中,汉语毕竟是我们的母语,理解上的困难不会太多,其实也不尽然,有些东西我们只是没有太多去理会是否真的懂了,我本人对本文标题的理解过程就是一个很好的例证。我相信参赛选手大多没有看到文章的全文,这在很大程度上限制了对文章标题的有效理解,因为在大家所翻译的四段文字中,并没有表明文章标题内涵的信息。在大家的来稿中,大多把简单人生翻译为simple lifea simple life,应该说意思基本是对的,因为simple life可能所指的范围很广,其意义要看具体的语境而定。而问题主要出在自由心灵的翻译上,大家所给出的free mind, free soul, liberal soul, free heart等译文都不够好,实际上英语母语人士很少使用这样的搭配,我查到的一个含有free soul的例子似乎与鬼魂游荡有关,另有一部奥斯卡获奖影片的片名就是Free Soul,把它翻译为自由心灵也无可厚非,但影片讲述的是一对男女私奔的故事。我倒是觉得如果把自由心灵译为free spirit似可被接受。


陈省身是世界著名的大数学家,他的英文名字早已约定俗成,只要稍微查一下便知道是Shiing Shen Chern,而在大家的来稿中只有极个别人采用了这一译名,绝大多数人使用的是汉语拼音。按照有关规定,已有固定英文姓名的中国科学家、华裔外籍科学家以及知名人士,应使用其固定的英文姓名,这其中当然包括陈省身。一些其他人士包括:李政道(T.D.Lee)、杨振宁(C.N.Yan)、丁肇 中(S.C.C.Tin)、林家翘(C.C.Lin)、吴瑞(R.J.Wu)、丘成桐(S.T.Yau)、李四光(J.S.Lee)等。在英译汉中其实也有个回译问题,在上期的英译汉比赛中,扮演超人的演员名字本应译为克里斯托弗里夫,而参赛者的译文却五花八门。应当指出,回译问题不仅仅体现在人名的翻译上,在笔者审稿经历中就遇到过有人把“1915年巴拿马万国博览会随意翻译的情况,其实,该说法首先是从英语翻译成汉语的,在翻回英语时,应还其本来面目。后来经过查证才知道,“1915年巴拿马万国博览会的英文说法是:The 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition





1.The rain started early in the dream and kept clattering until noon on that day.

本句early一词没有必要使用,意思也不清楚;in the dream应该为in my dream;until noon表示雨到了中午就不再下了,显然与原文意思不符。另外,不能用clattering表示下雨或下雨时的哗啦声响,该词的意思是a rattling sound as of hard things striking together,例如,我们可以说a clattering typewriter,也说the clattering sound of dishes。为了说明问题,再举几例:

1)Three pairs of footsteps clattered on the pavement, out of step, like three clocks.

2)A small train trundled slowly by, wheels screeching and clattering over a set of points.

3)He experienced a tremendous thrill when he heard the tinkle of money and saw a glittering stream of silver coins clattering down the chute.


2.The rain had started when I was still in my dream on that day, and wouldn‘t stop well after noon.

when I was still in my dream是个连续的过程,因此前面没有必要使用过去完成时态,wouldn’t stop well after noon也不够好。

3. The rain on that day started when I was still in my dream and the clattering continued when it was already noon.

同第一句一样,不能说clattering continued,这显然是用词不当。

4. The rain on that day started when I was still in a dream and kept pouring till noon……

in a dream最好改为in my dreampouring till noon最好改为pouring down till noon,当然till noon表达的意思也与原文不符。

5. That day, rain started when I dreamed and kept drizzling till noon.

rain前面应加上定冠词,drizzling下毛毛雨,与原文中哗啦啦下个不停意思不符,till noon如前所述,意思当然也是错误的。


下列译文使用了walkwalkingride,表明译者没有理解原文的意思。根据原文,所谓大约要走二三十分钟指的是乘出租车,而不是走路。天津西站应译为Tianjin West Railway Station,下面的五句参赛译文都没有译对。

1. It was about twenty or thirty-minutes‘ walk from Tianjin West Station to Nankai University.

2. From the West Tianjin Railway Station to Nankai University, it‘s about half an hour‘s ride.

3. It was about 20 or 30 minutes‘ride from Tianjin Western Station to Nankai University.

4. It was twenty to thirty minutes walk from Tianjin West-station to Nankai University.

5. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes‘ walking from the Tianjin West Station to Nankai University.



1. Even a child in Tianjin knows something of him.

2. Even the young kids in Tianjin know him!

3. Chen Xingshen? Oh, I know. He is a great mathematician. Everybody knows him here!


汉语中的方才,刚刚的意思,甫一坐定刚刚坐下的意思,下面译文的译者把当成是和文章作者一起去陈省身家的那个人了。After Fu was seated in Mr. hen’s room, Mr. Chen said rather unexpectedly to us:



1. How could anyone in Tianjin who knows enough of the world never heard of his name!

How could anyone后面应该加动词原形或可以被接受的其他形式,但后面却是heard of

2. Seeing us bewildered, Mr.Chen explained, after a short pause, that he had used to suffer from vein thrombosis……

主语+ used to 表示过去怎样,曾经he had used to suffer属基本用词错误。

3. ……in the morning of that day he went to take a test……

不应该说in the morning of,而应该说on the morning of;to take a test表示检查身体也不合适。

4. we said it was really a good news.


5. I took out the photo taken with Mr. Chen two years ago……

6. I searched the picture taken with Professor Chen……

7. I found out the photo I'd made taken with Mr. Chern……

8. I found out our photo taken two years ago when I interviewed him.

9. I found out my photo with Mr. Chen……

10. I searched out a photo that I had taken with Mr. Chern……

11. I then dug out the photo that I took with Mr. Chen……

参赛译文中找出我和陈先生的合影的翻译虽然说得过去,但大多不够准确。英语中给他照张像可以说to take a photo of him他的一张照片可以说a photo of him玛丽和丈夫的合影可以说a photo of Mary with her husband。因此,我和陈先生的合影可以说a photo of Mr. Chern with mea photo of myself and Mr. Cherna photo of Mr. Chern and I等。用to take out 即可表示找出,上面的6—11找出的翻译都不够好。

12. On the wall behind us hang a round quartz clock, which indicated clearly that moment: thirteen minutes and four seconds past one o‘clock pm, April 4th, 2002.

本句主语clock为第三人称单数,因此hang应加上s,而在以which 引导的定语从句中却又使用了过去时态,没有道理。本句应该使用一般现在时态,因为这句话所表示的是个事实。另外,时钟表示时间通常要用动词read,而来稿中使用的动词五花八门,如markindicateshowpoint outkeep 等等。最后需要指出的是,一只圆形的石英钟按照英语习惯应该说成a round-face quartz clock,而参赛选手很少有人这样用。

13. Chen Xingshen? Of course I know him. (knowknow of 之间的区别问题。)

14. “You should celebrate me today.” (用词不当)

15. Every Tianjiner who knows some common senses knows him.

(to know some common senses没有这样的说法,knows him表示认识他,与原文意思不符,天津人应为Tianjinese)

16. „„we had reason enough to congratulate him.(没有这样的说法)

17. That morning, he had gone to see a doctor again(时态错误)

18. „„streets, cars, trees and buildings„„(cars不能代表所有车辆)

19. „„he explained that he used to had veinal thrombus.(不定式后面要用动词原形)

20. He had very big voice and was pretty warm. (应该说a very big voicepretty warm不是热情的意思。)


【原文一】我正在网上游走, „

在大家的稿件中,除了说I was surfing /browsing(on)the internet/ on line 的情况外,还有使用ramblingdoodlingroamingwandering等情况。这些词的使用笔者也都见过,实际上更常见的情况是说scouring the Internet。对此我的想法是,要尽量使用那些最常见、最规范的说法,因为词与词之间必然有其差别,在我们不甚了解其差别的情况下,应保守一点为好,以免出错。例如,doodling是指在网上画东西,并不是网上浏览的意思。


这句话的意思是放在书架最上面一层的中间,因此英译文最好是put it right on the top middle of my bookshelf

【原文三】天地间白茫茫一片, „..

有许多人使用了a vast expanse of whiteness,应该说,这是英语里描写景物的一个地道说法。例如,2004215日发表在St. Petersburg Times上的一篇散文里就有这样一段文字:It was dawn now, and the road gradually began to disappear. We were in a vast expanse of whiteness that covered and sculpted all things that used to be familiar. The wind and snow had contoured the large trees dotting the landscape and formed ghoulish figures with eerie, outstretched arms.


1. It was dusk; the whiteness of the bedcover shone in the gloom.

2. The snow was smothering everything in whiteness, deadening all sound.

3. She drank thirstily and when she put the bottle down, there was milk all over her lips, the bright whiteness of it shining on her face.

无论是林海雪原之白,暮色中房间里的被单之白,还是大雪覆盖万物之白或是唇边留下的牛奶之白,所有的都是真正的白色。而我们这里所说的天地间白茫茫一片并不是真正的白色,而是雨雾茫茫的意思。因此,笔者认为应该避开whiteness,换一种说法。例如我们可以说:The rain was still pouring down splish-splash at noon with the sky being shrouded in a curtain of mist. 或者说:The rain was still driving hard at noon, creating a misty and hazy atmosphere between heaven and earth..


参赛译文中有诸如opened umbrellaunfolded umbrellasopening umbrellas等说法,其中有对有错,但都不如将其译为the umbrellas held up here and there好,该译文给人留下了想象的空间,因而也比较生动。



1. Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.

2. However, it was her restlessness that has resulted in her resurfacing in the affairs of the Empire.

3. Uncertainty and unfocused disillusionment can be read into the social restlessness of the later 1930s.

从以上三个例句中我们可以看出,restlessness有对现状不满,为满足自己欲望四处奔忙的意思,在商品大潮的冲击下,我们今天社会上的许多人就有这样的心态。另一方面,restlessness又是一个略带贬义色彩的词,因此我认为用该词表达浮躁的意思比较合适,而字典中所给出的fickleness并不太合适,它的基本意思是不忠诚,易变,朝三暮四,例如一个经典例句是Women are fickle市面上的喧嚣英语中有现成的说法:the hustle and bustle of city life。另外,许多人把扬絮翻译为catkin,殊不知该词并不是在空中飘荡的飞絮,请看下面的例句:

A blackbird sang from a hazel tree with swinging yellow catkins; buds were just beginning to open into miniature bright green leaves.

实际上,catkin上面的绒毛才是飞絮,英语中的fluff一词就有这样的意思。在翻译此句时,有的译者用了The restless catkin floating in the air was washed off,也有的用了the flying catkin,实际上漫漫扬絮在原文作者描述的场景中并不存在,译文中使用了floating in the airflying似乎逻辑上有点问题。我们再看一下参考译文:

The rain apparently swept away much of the restlessness and hustle and bustle of the city as well as the restless fluff that would have otherwise been floating in the air.

笔者认为,fluff that would have otherwise been floating in the air避免了上述的逻辑问题,另外,the restless fluff与浮躁同样轻飘飘的意思也表达了出来。



We took a taxi to Nankai University from Tianjin West Railway Station, a journey that would take us about twenty

to thirty minutes.



1. He is a diminutive but solidly built man of just 5-foot-3 with a fair, rugged complexion and brown hair.

2. Bob Werner, a self-described techie diver, looks like a man of the sea, with a rugged complexion and what looks like a two-day old beard.

3. He was of medium height, with dark hair and handsome expressive features.

4. His expressive features convey emotion and vitality more eloquently than words.


I deserve your congratulations.更符合英语表达习惯。


something to be happy about是地道的英语,与汉语中喜事意思差不多。


With a smug expression on his face, Mr. Chern was as happy as a child. 其中with a smug expression on one’s face是英语中比较固定的表达方式。


使用了Of course, of course!,是因为陈省身是在回答作者说的It is indeed good news and something to be happy about




(陈小全) Although she was never an ardent follower of any formal religion, my mother‘s own faith endured throughout her life: her faith in love, her faith in the miracle of nature, and her faith in the goodness of life. She honored this second chance at life at every opportunity that presented itself and most of all at the end of her life, through her work for UNICEF.

Sometimes a near-death experience can free us of the shackles that life slowly trains us to wear. We come to realize what‘s worth the sweat and what isn‘t. Although she had no memory of her childhood near-death experience, the knowledge of it, coupled with the fertile ground of an already self-effacing nature, were the roots of the humility that graced her entire life.

I never heard her say, ―I did this,‖ or ―I‘ve done that.‖ Toward the end of her life, throughout the UNICEF years, I would hear her say regularly, as the world listened to her, ―I can do very little.‖ I never heard her say that she liked any of her performances. When people complimented her, she would always shy away and ultimately explain how those who surrounded her were the reason for her success.

Bessie Anderson Stanley wrote, ―To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.‖ By Ms. Stanley‘s standards, my mother‘s life was a success: She was graced with good choices. The first choice she made was her career. Then she chose her family. And when we, her children, were grown and had started our lives, she chose the less fortunate children of the world. She chose to give back. In that important choice lay the key to healing and understanding something that had affected her throughout her entire life: the sadness that had always been there.

Her choices healed the sadness of a little girl who didn‘t know her father for most of her life and yet who yearned

and longed for that warm embrace, that reassurance that you are loved and that you matter. When I look back, that is just what she gave to Luca and me: the reassurance that we were loved and that we mattered. This was the most valuable essence, the roots that live and grow forever inside you. She truly was a wonderful mother and friend.

奥黛丽.赫本,一个优雅的精灵 作者:pzlylb






奥黛丽赫本,优雅的精灵 作者:darkfighter



我从没听她说过我做了这、我做过那之类的话。在她生命快要走到尽头的时候,在为联合国儿童基金会奔波的日子里,我经常听到她说,就如她对整个世界说的那样,我能做的太少了。我也从来没听她说过喜欢自己的表演。别人称赞她时,她总是害羞回避,最后解释说她周围的人才是让她成功的原因。 贝西安德森斯坦利写道:能常常开怀大笑;能赢得有识之士的敬重和小孩子的青睐;能博得坦诚的评论家的赞赏,对不义友人的背叛则一笑置之;能发现别人的好;能留给世界些须美好,那怕只是一个健康的小孩,一小片花园,或者对社会改革有所贡献;只要世上哪怕有一个人因你的存在而活得更好——那你就算成功了。按照斯坦利女士的标准,我母亲的一生是成功的。她因为她的选择而光彩夺目。首先,她选择了她的事业,接着,家庭。然后,当我们这些她的孩子长大成人开始独立生活后,她又选择去帮助世界上那些不幸的儿童。她选择了回报世界。这个重要选择的背后,就是她能治愈和理解那影响了她一生的东西——始终挥之不去的悲伤——的关键。












标题的翻译可以稍微灵活些,在不违背原意的情况下,宜多考虑译入语国家的审美习惯。因为标题放在最显眼的位置上,一语不慎,导致全篇误解。标题Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit中的Audrey Hepburn多译作奥黛丽赫本之类,基本正确。如果有约定俗成的译法,则可沿用旧译。问题出在对同位语An Elegant Spirit的处理。概括起来,大约有四种译法,下分述之。








这段选文摘录自著名演员奥德丽赫本(《罗马假日》女主角)之子有关其母亲生活的回忆录。出题人没有提供相关的背景知识和文章的上下文,所以译者需对选文中的每个句子都要很敏感,体味出其中的暗示含义,复原出可能的上下文背景知识,才能够把握住其他句子的基本含义,否则在准确理解句意方面是有一定难度的。例如赫本曾死而复生的经历可以从第二自然段中的状语从句Although she had no memory of her childhood near-death experience看出来。这一点弄懂了,才能够明白第一段中的this second chance at life这个短语有二度生命的意思。若干译者在翻译第一段中的She honored this second chance at life at every opportunity that presented itself and most of all at the end of her life, through her work for UNICEF时卡住了,就是因为没有利用原文中的上下文语境的相关自我阐释。所以有的译者译成了她在生活中任何时候都很珍视这第二次机会,就译得稍嫌含糊。另一位译者未拘泥原句而意译成她珍视生命给她生存在这个世上的第二次机会,虽有增词略过之嫌,在表达深层语义上似更显豁。这就是活用了上下文提供的暗示性背景知识。当然,这类意译要特别小心,要掌握好分寸,不宜到处滥用。


英汉两种语言反映着英汉语民族不同的逻辑模式,这尤其表现在语序或句子成分的修饰语被修饰关系上。在英汉对译过程中,要解决这个问题,常常借助于分句法翻译技巧,即将原文句子分割成若干意义单位,以便在符合译入语表达习惯的前提下,可以灵活地调整语序。例如Sometimes a near-death experience can free us of the shackles that life slowly trains us to wear这个句子中的宾语the shackles带了一个宾语从句that life slowly trains us to wear。应征者多半是不改变语序地从头译到尾。在大多数的情况下,译文也不算错,但是读起来,总觉得味道不如原句的语势强,如有的译者译作:有时,濒临死亡的经历会使我们摆脱掉生活长期给我们套上的枷锁。这译文粗看起来也没有什么大问题。但是如果我们仔细甄别,会发现原文的slowlytrains两个词的含义没有准确表达出来。Slowly不宜译成长期trains不宜简单地译作套上Trains暗示我们本不愿套上枷锁,但是生活本身无可逃避,日复一日、年复一年,我们试图反抗生活的棱角终于慢慢被磨平,我们终于习惯了披枷带锁。Slowly则强调了这个习惯过程。因此,参考译文采用了分句法,颠倒了原文语序,将原文的宾语从句在译文中译作状语从句,放在句首,凸现了原文中生活过程与枷锁的关联的描述,更符合汉语的表达方式,逻辑上也更清楚。整个句子译作:尽管生活的磨砺慢慢使我们习惯于戴上枷锁,但有时一次濒死的经历就足以让我们从这些枷锁中解脱出来。当然,分句译法这种翻译技巧也要看具体情况,不是句句如此。如果原文语序不加更动,而原汁原味可以保留,则最好还是不更动语序的好。


(辜正坤) 绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运

北京获得2008奥运会的举办权是世界对北京的认同和信任。根据为人的和谐发展,以促进建立一个维护人的尊严的和平社会的奥林匹克宗旨,北京提出了绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运的举办理念。 绿色奥运,就是将环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件。北京正在各个领域里努力推广环保工作,积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,大幅度提高首都环境质量,建设生态城市。北京2008奥运将以绿色清新的面貌出现,为世界环保运动注入新的动力。



Green Olympic, Hi-tech Olympic, People‘s Olympic


Beijing’s success in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is a proof of international recognition of and confidence in Beijing. In accordance with the goal of Olympism - "to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity", Beijing has put forward the concepts of the Beijing Olympic Games: Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics, People‘s Olympics.

Green Olympics means that priority will be given to environmental protection in the planning, designing and construction of Olympic venues and facilities. We will try our best to promote environmental treatment, actively join in activities aimed at improving the ecological environment, in an effort to drastically improve the environmental quality of the capital and build it into an ecological city. Beijing will show a fresh and green appearance in 2008 Olympic Games, which will bring new drive to international environment protection movement.

Science and technology is the source power which can drive civilization of Human being. China, an old-line country, has had a high position in the world‘s technology history. Today, Chinese people are not only sharing the harvest of technology and civilization with people from rest of the world, but promoting the science and technology in all kinds of field as well. High-tech Olympics means that we will closely follow the latest high-tech developments home and abroad and integrate the high-tech achievements nationwide so as to host a magnificent sports event in high-tech achievement. In doing so, Beijing‘s capacity in high-tech innovation will be improved and the application of high-tech achievements in production and people‘s life promoted. Beijing Olympic Games will be a window to showcase our high-tech achievements and innovative capacity.

The 2008 Olympic Games that we will host in Beijing is also a People‘s Olympics. We will take the opportunity to popularize the Olympic spirit, promote the traditional Chinese culture as well as deepen the understanding and enhance the trust and friendship among the peoples of different countries. We will always give first consideration to the need of people, especially the athletes and provide favourable natural and cultural environments and quality services for visitors from all over the world. Centered on the 2008 Olympic Games, we will organize a series of diversified cultural and educational programs in succession in the future, which will make the 2008 Olympic Games a grand ceremony for all people.

Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People‘s Olympics


Beijing‘s success in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is the manifestation of trust and recognition of the world. In line with the tenet of the Olympic Games: ―to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of Man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity‖, Beijing proposes the concepts of ―Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People‘s Olympics‖

The concept of Green Olympics is to put environmental protection as a priority in the planning and construction of the Olympic infrastructure. In order to improve remarkably the capital‘s environmental quality to build an ecologically balanced city, Beijing is intensifying its efforts in promoting the environmental protection in every field and playing an active role in the actions aimed at the ecological environmental improvement. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will appear green and fresh, to lend a new impetus to the world‘s environmental protection.

Technology is the propelling power for the progress of human‘s civilization. The ancient China had been possessing an important place in the history of the world‘s science and technology. And today‘s Chinese people not only share with the whole world their achievements in these two areas, but also drive forward their universal advancement. So the concept of High-tech Olympics is intended to reflect the latest sci-tech development by aggregating nationwide the fruits of scientific and technological innovation, thus to present a sporting gala of high scientific and technological content; to enhance Beijing‘s ability for innovation in these two areas, and forge ahead with the industrial application and popularization of new and high sci-tech results, making this Games a window on those results and that kind of ability.

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will also be a humanistic pageant, aiming to boost the spread of the Olympic spirit, carry forward Chinese fine cultural heritages, and enhance the trust, friendship and understanding among people of different countries. Adhering to the ―people-oriented‖ principle, the Games will create a humanistic environment with athletes the focus, to provide all-directional and high-standard service to the guests from the world over. Centered round the Games, a series of colorful and various cultural and sporting activities will be carried out in succession, turning the Games into a cultural extravaganza celebrated by the whole nation.

参考译文 中译英

Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics

The fact that Beijing has been awarded / Beijing‘s success in winning the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games shows the world‘s recognition and trust of Beijing. As ―the goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity,‖ Beijing has proposed / put forward, in harmony with this spirit, the concepts of Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics.

Environment-friendly Olympics requires that environmental protection (should) be given priority / taken as the first consideration in the planning and construction of Olympic infrastructures and facilities. Beijing has been pressing ahead / forward / on with environmental protection in every field by launching various projects to improve the city‘s ecological environment, with a view to considerably raising the environmental quality of the capital so as to eventually build / turn it into an ecology-friendly city. The 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing will present itself as a refreshingly Green Olympics, which will add momentum to the worldwide endeavor / drive for environmental protection.

Science and technology empowers the progress of human civilization. Ancient China had once held an important place in the history of scientific and technological development. Today, the Chinese people, while sharing the technological accomplishments with the rest of the world, are contributing their part in all fields to propelling the advance of science and technology in the world. The technology-geared Olympics will showcase the latest development of science and technology, and display the achievements of technical innovation throughout the country. It will appear as a great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications. The Beijing Olympics in 2008, intended as a show-window for displaying high-tech achievements and innovation progress, will enhance Beijing‘s capacity of technical innovation, and promote the industrialization of high-tech fruits and their wide application in people‘s daily lives.

The Games of the 29th Olympiad to be hosted by Beijing will be a gala gathering featuring a culture-oriented massive sport event.It will extensively incarnate the Olympic spirit, disseminate the brilliant Chinese culture, and enhance the understanding, trust and friendship among the peoples all over the world. Upholding the ―putting people first‖ principle and adopting the ―sportsman-centered‖ approach, the Beijing Olympiad will create an atmosphere filled with humane care, rendering a full range of quality services to guests and friends from the four corners of the earth / globe. Against the backdrop / in the context of the 2008 version of Olympic Games, a rich program of events in a variety of forms will be staged, which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation.




准确 (loyalty) -- 外宣工作中的翻译有一个突出的特点,即基本上都是中译外,也就是把大量有关中国的各种信息从中文翻译成外文,通过图书、期刊、报纸、广播、电视、互联网等媒体以及国际会议,对外发表和传播。这一特点决定了这类翻译的首要标准是传达原文的意思必须准确。

通顺 (readability) -- 对于从事外宣工作的翻译人员来说,最应该注意的是要潜心研究外国文化和外国人的心理思维模式,善于发现和分析中外文化的细微差异和特点,时刻不忘要按照国外受众的思维习惯去把握翻译。这就是要求英译文要尽量做到地道一些,符合英语的表达习惯, 为外国读者所喜闻乐见。

变化 (variety) -- 由于对外宣传的内容主要涉及政治、经济、商业、社会等等方面,题材一般都比较严肃,中文通常都缺乏生动性,所以在将其翻译成英文时应尽量注意语言表达的丰富性和多样性,这样更加符合这类题材的英语风格,可读性更强一些。





1. “绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运不同的翻译方法可以在网上查到,从中做出适当的选择。例如,“Green OlympicsSci-Tech Olympics, and Humanistic Olympics;” "green Olympics", "high-tech Olympics" and "humanistic Olympics" 等等。其中“Green Olympics, Technology Olympics and Cultural Olympics ”是比较好的选择,翻译的意思比较到位,非常简明扼要。奥组委的一位负责人在前不久的一次讲话中就是这样翻译的:"Green Olympics, Technology Olympics and Cultural Olympics are the three concepts of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games"。但是green Olympics2000年的悉尼奥运会使用过;technology Olympics 也被悉尼奥运会采用过。顺便指出,technology Olympics 有可能被误解为大型的技术博览会。据报道,美国德克萨斯州的Austin市去年就举办了一个大型的信息技术交流会,其名字就叫IT OlympicsCultural Olympics这个口号则被2004年雅典奥运会采用过。我们似乎有必要提出一种新的说法。"Environment-friendly Olympics, technology-empowered Olympics and culture- enriched Olympics"的翻译方法是我于2001年在第六期《中国翻译》上发表的(《汉英/英汉疑难翻译的特效处理》一文),有些网站已转载。《人民日报》海外版的一篇报道中也用了"the three concepts of "environment-friendly Olympics, culture-enriched Olympics and technology-empowered Olympics"



4.“奥运会可以用不同的表达方式:The Olympic Games, the Olympics, Olympiad

5.“2008年北京奥运会可以用不同的表达方式:2008 Olympic Games, the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in BeijingThe Beijing Olympics in 2008, the Games of the 29th Olympiad, The 2008 version of the Olympic Games

6.“绿色奥运可以用不同的表达方式:Green Olympics, Environment-friendly Olympics,还可以翻译为Ecology-friendly Olympics Ecologically congenial Olympics

7.“科技奥运可以用不同的表达方式:Technology-geared Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics, a great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications, 或者High-tech-sophisticated Olympics

8.“人文奥运可以用不同的表达方式:Culture-enriched Olympics, a culture-oriented massive sport event, 还可以翻译成culture-highlighted Olympics


lAs ―the goal of Olympism is

lin harmony with this spirit,

lby launching various projects with a view to considerably raising

lso as to eventually build

lwhich will add momentum to

lwhile sharing the technological accomplishments

lIt will appear as a great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications.

lintended as a show-window for displaying

lrendering a full range of quality services

lwhich will culminate in an international cultural pageantry

10.在表达方面,要尽量使用比较地道的英语表达方式,例如:in harmony with the Olympic spiritto incarnate the Olympic spiritthe “putting people first” principlethe “sportsman-centered” approachagainst the backdrop of / in the context of,等等。



1. 参赛者中有不少人把人文奥运翻译成 People′ s Olympics 人文奥运是不是指人民的奥运会”?当然,属于人民的奥运会可以理解成全民性的奥运会。这种提法有一定的道理,由于中国的确具有地大和人多的特点,体育和健身活动开展得非常广泛。这个提法表明了体育运动在中国已走进了全民性的广阔天地。不过,对于具有800年建都史的北京来说,归根到底,人文奥运这个口号里的人文一词其文化内含是更重要的。也就是说,在北京举办奥运会,要突出宣传的是这座古城独特的历史底蕴和文化风貌。因此,用People’s解释人文奥运似乎是不可取的。


人们通常从狭义上理解文化一词,实际上文化不仅仅是指语言、文学、艺术等活动;从广义上讲,它还包括许多其他内容。英语中的“culture”一词同汉语中的文化一词都有一个共同的特点,那就是包容性特别强。“Culture” may be defined as “the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour„ language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, and other related components„” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1989).

人文奥运指的是文化”(Culture)意义上的奥林匹克也是有客观根据的:首先,文化一直是被奥运会所重视、所认同的概念,有着广泛的东西方观念基础。国际奥委会下面还设有专门负责文化发展的机构。其次,在中华文化的涵义中,人文一词也蕴涵着的意义,因为文化是与人不可分离地融为一体的,讲文化也就同时要讲人。另外,奥运会举办城市北京是一个历史非常悠久、文化底蕴十分丰富的古都。这一点是悉尼、亚特兰大等其他奥运城市无可比拟的。由此可见,如果从文化的意义上理解人文奥运,它既具有与全球沟通的共性、又有中华文化的个性。这个概念, 既便于在文化语境方面多种文化之间的广泛沟通与交往,又易于凸现中华文化的人文精神,帮助世界各地的朋友们了解他们头脑中神秘的东方大国,让他们留下独特的北京奥运的文化印象(顺便提以下,网上有许多关于研究人文奥运内涵的资料)。在探讨了对人文奥运的理解以及汉语中的文化一词和英语中的“culture”一词的涵义之后,我们再来看一个把动词enrich用于描述奥运会的例子:Athens Olympics provides food for thoughtThe golden aura of ancient Greek culture and the fact that Greece is the birthplace of the Olympics greatly enriched the charm of the 2004 Athens Games.

综上所述,所以我们可以把人文奥运翻译为culture-enriched Olympics或者culture-highlighted Olympics

在《北京2008奥运论坛》上就有 “Thoughts on the Beijing image of culture-enriched Olympics through contemporary Chinese cultural concepts”的发言。

还有一些卷子中把人文奥运翻译为human-oriented OlympicsHumanistic Olympics的。可是humanistic这个词并不像汉语的人文包容性那么广、灵活性那么强。它不能反映人文奥运的深刻内涵和实质,这样翻译既不能准确传达中文原文的意思,也不能体现北京奥运的特点。这里需要对中文的人文一词和英语的humanistic一词的用法做些比较分析。像汉语中的人文主义人文学者人文科学人文荟萃人文景观人文环境人文心理学人文地理学这些词中的人文概念在英语中是不相同的,它们分别是:humanism, humanists, human studies/the humanities, a gathering of talents, historic and cultural sights, human environment, humanistic psychology, human geography. 形容词humanistic是与名词humanism 相关的,而humanism指的是欧洲文艺复兴时期的一个重要思潮,它反对宗教教义和中古时期的经院哲学,提倡学术研究,主张思想自由和个性解放,肯定人是世界的中心。它是资本主义萌芽时期的先进思想。从这个角度来看,用“humanistic”来形容“Olympics”是不大合适的。


3.有的卷子中,把绿色奥运,就是将环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件这个句子中的设施首要条件翻译为priorityinfrastructure很好, 值得我学习和借鉴。对于北京正在积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,应该理解为北京的人民正在参与„„”北京正在组织„„”Beijing is joining 这类说法不妥。

4.对于北京2008奥运将以绿色清新的面貌出现不能按字面上的意思来翻译,说Beijing will show a green and fresh appearance。建议用Beijing will take on / project an environmentally refreshing look / image。有的参赛者在这一点上也动了脑筋。

5.“科技奥运将反映„„,集成„„,推出一届高科技含量的体育盛会这一句也要注意:“反映to showcase;“集成也是display的意思,不是integrate„ 比如可以说 a display of concentrated high-tech achievements nationwide;“推出在这个上下文中是appear as而不是launch,因为句子的主语是科技奥运”;高科技含量的体育盛会也不应该翻译为in high-tech achievementwith high-tech content; fraught with high-tech applications比较好。


7.北京奥运会将坚持以人为本”(put the people first),以运动员为中心(sportsmen-centered),构建体现人文关怀的环境,为八方来客提供全方位的优质服务。北京市奥组委主任刘淇同志在一次关于首都建设发展规划的报告中曾指出:按照人文奥运的要求,我们将始终不渝地坚持以人为本的思想,在重视人类共性特征的同时,又充分重视不同国家、不同民族间的差异,为全体参与奥运会的人们创造祥和、友好、融洽的文化氛围。英语中的human-centered approach 就是首先考虑人的因素。构建体现人文关怀的环境应翻译成 cultivate/foster an aura/atmosphere of humane concern / care之类的意思,不要翻译为build/construct an environment等。

8.最后一句中的围绕这届奥运会可以表述为under the umbrella theme / program of the 29th Olympic Games。这个句子也有翻译得不错的,例如:Centered round the Games, a series of colorful and various cultural and sporting activities will be carried out in succession, turning the Games into a cultural extravaganza celebrated by the whole nation.

(丁衡祁) A cart drove between the two big stringybarks and stopped. These were the dominant trees in that part of the bush, rising above the involved scrub with the simplicity of true grandeur. So the cart stopped, grazing the hairy side of a tree, and the horse, shaggy and stolid as the tree, sighed and took root.

The man who sat in the cart got down. He rubbed his hands together, because already it was cold, a curdle of cold cloud in a pale sky, and copper in the west. On the air you could smell the frost. As the man rubbed his hands, the

friction of cold skin intensified the coldness of the air and the solitude of that place. Birds looked from twigs, and the eyes of animals were drawn to what was happening. The man lifting a bundle from a cart. A dog lifting his leg on an anthill. The lip drooping on the sweaty horse.

Then the man took an axe and struck at the side of a hairy tree, more to hear the sound than for any other reason. And the sound was cold and loud. The man struck at the tree, and struck, till several white chips had fallen. He looked at the scar in the side of the tree. The silence was immense. It was the first time anything like this had happened in that part of the bush.

人树 作者:noteszhang


马车上的男人跳下来,天已经很冷了,灰蒙蒙的天空中聚着一朵残云,西边天际泛着紫铜色,空气中甚至能嗅到寒霜的气味,他用力搓着双手取暖,冰冷的皮肤摩擦着,发出的挲挲声越发衬出此刻的寒气逼人,四周寂静无声。林子里的小动物们眼光被这里发生的事情吸引过来,小鸟从枝头向下窥望着。男人从马车上拎下一捆东西,一条狗抬起腿,一脚踩在了一个蚂蚁窝上,那匹马汗淋淋的,嘴巴有气无力地耷拉着。 男人抽出一把斧头,向一棵毛乎乎的树砍起来,并不为了要做什么,只是想听听响声,发出的声音清脆响亮,他砍啊砍啊,直到几片白色的木屑片崩落下来,他停下来看树干上的砍痕。四周寂静得几乎让人感到无法呼吸,这片树林里,还是头一遭发生这样的事情。

人之树 作者:pennie

一辆马车赶到两棵大桉树之间后停了下来.那片林地里主要都是这种树, 他们高耸于枝叶交错的灌木丛之上,在简朴中尤显挺拔壮观.马车就这样擦着树木枝繁叶茂的那侧停了下来.那匹像那棵树一样,长了一身浓毛,愣头愣脑的马,抽了下鼻子就驻足不前了.

坐在车上的人于是下了车.他搓了搓手,因为天气已经变冷. 灰暗的天空中一些冷色的云块凝为一团,西边呈现出紫铜色.空气中能闻得出寒霜的味道.那人搓着手时,冰冷的皮肤发出的摩擦声更加凸显空气的寒冷和那里的幽寂.枝头的小鸟望了下来,动物的目光也被这里的动静所吸引.那人从车上卸下了个包裹. 一只狗抬起腿踩在一个蚁丘上.而那匹马耷拉着嘴唇,浑身汗浸浸的.

那人接着拿出斧头, 朝一棵枝叶浓密的树砍去,不过是想听听发出的声响,不为别的.声音清冽而响亮.那人砍着砍着,直到几片白木片掉了下来,然后看着树上的砍痕.四周是无边的静寂. 这样的事情在那片林地还是头一遭.

参考译文 英译中 人树




(胡文仲 李尧 译)

专家点评 英译中



《安娜卡列尼娜》、《父与子》、《约翰克利斯朵夫》„„),译好了会使全书大放光彩。比如《廊桥遗梦》(原文是Bridges of Madison County《麦迪逊县的桥》),《魂断蓝桥》(原文是Waterloo Bridge《滑铁卢桥》),都是很好的翻译。《人树》的翻译也动了好多心思。《中国大百科全书外国文学卷》中将其翻译为《人类之树》,台湾有过一个译本,名为《人之树》。我和胡文仲教授都认为The Tree of Man,实际上并无所属关系,而且照字面译成中文也不对,什么叫人类”?我们考虑到作者怀特是现代派文学大师,他的作品都有浓厚的象征主义色彩。在The Tree of Man中,怀特以树的繁衍生息象征人的世代相传。树如人,人如树,这一主题贯穿全篇,因此,我们觉得翻译成《人树》最为贴切。




翻译一本书,特别是翻译像《人树》这样的经典之作,必须尽可能传达出原文的风格。怀特作为现代派文学大师,文字虽然艰深,但也非常优美、朴实(尽管这一小段还看不出这一特点),我们应该用尽可能优美的现代语言表现出它的神韵,而不是用自己喜欢的文体来翻译。比如有一位译者对原文的理解应该说相当准确,但是他用近乎文言文的语言来翻译,原作的风采荡然无存。试想如果这本洋洋50万言的长篇小说完全用这样的语言翻译出来,会是怎样的局面。我们所处的毕竟不是林纾的时代,绝大多数读者喜欢的毕竟是当代的白话文,何况原著是当代文学的经典,为什么非要用早已过时的语言来翻译呢? (李尧) When nations are faced with great catastrophes, it is common for the accusations to start flying before the dust even settles or any debris has been cleared.

Commentators are quick to raise a cry over government action or lack thereof, or whether a disaster could have been averted or its deadly consequences mitigated. This is especially true when many lives are lost and many more are at stake, and society is forced to cope with something terrible for the first time.

There is always a steep learning curve when it comes to responding to calamities of this kind, and Mother Nature does an expert job of keeping us on our toes. The ability to expect the unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials.

The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why.

New policies, organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation. Expensive new technologies will be deployed and bureaucrats shuffled around. The world of officialdom will appear to be in control, actively responding to needs and crises as they arise.

As a society, the people of Thailand have demonstrated that they can come together and help one another in times of crisis. But we must now work much more resolutely to prepare for possible disasters, no matter how high or low their probability. We cannot just focus on the next tsunami because it is likely that the next big catastrophe could be something totally different and unexpected. We must prepare for the worst, no matter what form it takes.

为最坏做准备 作者:tengteng








做最坏的打算 作者:hongxiangmin






整个泰国人民向世人展示了他们在危难时刻能够团结一致,相互帮助。但是,我们现在必须以更大的决心去预防可能发生的各种灾害,不论其可能性是大还是小。我们不能只盯着下一次海啸, 因为下一次大灾害可能以完全不同的形式出现,而且难以预料。不管它以什么形式出现,我们必须做最坏的打算。

参考译文 英译中 做好最坏的准备







专家点评 英译中






1learning curve这个短语是工具书上有据可查的专业术语,意思很明确,就是学习曲线steep learning curve就是陡峭的学习曲线,意思是很快学到某种知识。我在翻译此文时,也曾斟酌再三,甚至为了更忠实于原文,也译过陡峭的学习曲线,但是这种译法,非专业人士不大容易看懂,而文章恰恰是写给非专业人士的一般读者,因此不如译成人们总是能够迅速学会应对的方法为好。有位译者译成总会使我们的认识出现飞跃,也很好。由此可见,所谓忠实要以读者看懂为前提,牺牲读者利益的宁信而不顺,就失去了翻译的意义和价值。

2Mother Nature。许多译者译成大自然母亲大自然妈妈大地母亲人类母亲——大自然等等,似乎非把Mother译出不可。其实字典上对Mother Nature有专门的解释:“(孕育万物的)大自然。因此译成大自然即可。

3no matter how high or low their probability。绝大多数参赛的译者都把它译成无论可能性高还是底可能性大还是小出现的概率是高是低有多大或多小。总而言之,一定要把高、低,大、小译出来。其实,只要按照我们中国人的习惯,译为无论其发生的可能性有多大足矣。

4As a societythe people of Thailand„„society无疑有团体社会团体之意,但是在本文中机械照搬,翻译成作为一个团体,泰国人民„„”作为一个社会团体,泰国人民„„”就不对了。因为这里指的是全体泰国人民,一个国家,一个民族,而不是一个团体。译成作为一个社会,更贴近原文,包括了国家民族的意思。倘若译成作为一个国家(民族),泰国人民„„”,从中文看不顺。我选择了社会”(society)这一最根本的含义,既照顾了原文,又满足了译文的需要。

5perfect example,字面上看可以译成完美绝妙理想,不少译者也正是这样译的,但是放在本文,译成很好就可以了。

6,标题的翻译也很能说明直译意译的关系。本文的题目,我以为直译为做好最坏的准备最为贴切,不必煞费苦心去意译。不少译者译成未雨绸缪防患于未然。其实这种译法没有很好地函盖原文的意思。未雨绸缪也好,防患于未然也罢,只是说对灾害作好准备,没有prepare for the worst的意思,所以不足取。









New Challenges for Chinese Economy in 2005


Investment, exportation and consumption are often dubbed as the troika pulling China‘s economy growth in recent


Firstly, we will discuss about exportation. With China‘s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), the spread between its exports and imports has been narrowing gradually. In the first half of this year, there was even a brief period of trade deficit for the first time since China became a WTO member. According to experts, the trade surplus is expected to be only around 10 billion yuan this year. By 2005, the trade surplus will further decline when China fulfils more of the commitments made on its entry into WTO.

Now let‘s look at investment. Governmental investment accounts for the predominant part of the total investment volume in recent years as China has exercised an active fiscal policy by issuing a large amount of government bonds. According media reports, with China‘s adoption of a steady fiscal policy from the year of 2005, the value of government bonds issued in 2005 is expected to drop by 30 billion yuan compared with this year. Moreover, the fall in non-governmental investment and investment by banks related to such a direct drop also cannot be underestimated because governmental investment through issuing bonds tends to have a powerful effect in terms of driving other investment activities. Some officials of the statistics authorities claimed there are signs indicating non-governmental investment is taking off, but is the investment boom sustainable? Is it artificially triggered by regional governments or driven by spontaneous forces? All these remain unknown variables.

Last but not the least, we come to consumption. Stimulating consumption effectively has been a long-standing problem. The current consumption rate of the country has slid to a 25-years-low of 55.4%. It appears how to stimulate consumption has become one of the major challenges faced by the Chinese government.

New Challenges Face China‘s Economy in 2005


We often say figuratively that China‘s economic growth in the past few years mainly relies on three carriages: investment, export and consumption.

Let‘s see export first. As China joined the World Trade Organization, the difference between its export and import are diminishing. And trade deficit appeared for the first time in the first half of this year for a short period. According to some experts‘ estimation, trade surplus of this year will be only around RMB 10 billion yuan. By 2005, the trade surplus will be even less as more and more commitments for joining WTO are realized. Obviously, net export will not be the main momentum for economic growth.

Let‘s see investment next. In the past few years‘ investment, with a proactive fiscal policy, and a large amount of treasury bond being issued, the governmental investment has been playing a leading role. According to relevant media‘s report, after prudent fiscal policy has been practiced in 2005, the issuance of national debt will decrease RMB 30 billion yuan compared with this year. Directly reduced treasury bond investment is RMB 30 billion yuan, but since treasury bond investment has strong leading effect, other related bank investment, non-governmental investment decrease due to the 30 billion yuan decrease of treasury bond cannot be overlooked either. Some statistics officials claimed that non-governmental investment has shown evidence of start-up. However, whether the launched non-governmental investment can last long, and whether it is promoted by local government or it is a spontaneous force is still unknown.

Let‘s see consumption finally. Stimulating consumption has always been a tough issue. Now China‘s consumption rate has fallen to the lowest point of 55.4% in the past 25 years. It seems that how to stimulate consumption has become one of the biggest challenges for the Chinese government.

参考译文 中译英

Chinese Economy to Meet New Challenges in 2005

We often figuratively say that China‘s economic growth in the past few years has been driven by a ―troika‖, the ―three horses‖ being investment, export and consumption. (Investment, export and consumption are figuratively described as the three horses of a troika hauling China‘s economic growth in recent years.

Let‘s take a look at export first. The imbalance in volume between China‘s import and export has been gradually diminishing ever since China‘s accession to the WTO. In the first half of this year, China even ran a transient trade deficit, which is the first of its kind in history. It is estimated by experts that China‘s trade surplus this year is

expected to be only about 10 billion yuan. With its WTO accession commitments being fulfilled one after another, China‘s current trade surplus with other countries is likely to be further reduced by 2005. Obviously, the ―net export‖ approach will no longer be one of the major driving forces for China‘s economic growth.

Let‘s now turn to investment. As a prominent player in China‘s investment activities, the central government has issued a large amount of treasury bonds in the past few years in line with the proactive fiscal policy it has adopted. It is reported that the amount of treasury bonds to be issued by the government in 2005 will drop by 30 billion yuan since China is about to carry out a sound fiscal policy by 2005. As investment in treasury bonds can produce strong rippling effects, a reduction of 30 billion yuan in bond investment from the government will considerably discourage investment from banks and private sources, which is really something we can‘t afford to overlook. Officials from China National Bureau of Statistics claim that there are already signs of private investment initiatives being launched. It will, however, remain to be seen just how far those initiatives can go and whether those initiatives are the results of self-motivation or the results of a local government-induced squeeze.

Let‘s finally take up consumption. The hardest nut for China to crack for a long time is how to stimulate consumption. China‘s current consumption rate has slipped to 55.4%, the lowest point in 25 years. It seems that how to effectively promote consumption has become one of the daunting challenges the central government has to meet.

专家点评 中译英




比喻在不同语言及文化背景下的差别很大,在翻译时如何处理在我国翻译界一直存在着不同看法和做法(如归化和异化之争)。有些比喻在一种语言中顺理成章,如将其直译为另一种语言则根本不能被接受。例如,在有些语言中,人们是用喉咙去爱别人的,这在汉语里根本不能被接受。因此,我们在翻译时只好将喉咙改成,因为我们是用去爱别人的。在法语中土豆就是地里的苹果,如果我们不知道法语中的这一说法,便不知道地里的苹果为何物。汉语中我们有月亮代表我的心之说,因为月亮在我们的文化中与思念思乡紧密相连。曾有一位英国人想表达大彻大悟时想到了月亮,他觉得汉语里应该有类似的联想,我告诉他根本没有那么回事儿。 另外,存在于源语中的某种比喻可能在译入语中根本不存在,而同样的意思却可以在译入语中找到不同的比喻来表达,如果出现这种情况,我们有时只好以,将原文的意思译出。例如,有人就将汉语里的班门弄斧翻译为to teach fish to swim。其实两中文化中几乎相同的比喻也是存在的,我们汉语中所说的沧海一粟在英语里就有类似的表达,即a drop in the ocean。还有另外一种情况,源语中的某种比喻虽然不存在于译入语中,但直接翻译过来并不影响人们的理解,有时甚至使译入语中增添了一种鲜活的表达,例如雨后春笋便是一例(见王佐良《英语文体学论文集》第109)

马车比喻拉动经济增长的动力在英语中似很难见到,但我们将其直译成英语并不妨碍母语人士的理解。因此我认为,大家在翻译时所使用的three carriagesa troikathree carts,以及three wagons等在理论上都是可以被接受的,而问题是哪种表达更好,更能够体现原文的意义。另一方面,汉语是一种非常简洁、概括性强但不够精确的语言,依赖语境的程度较高。例如,擂台赛第二期中的从天津西站到南开大学大约要走二三十分钟,在翻译时就有人使用了walkwalking,这恰好说明了汉语笼统、不够精确的特点。我们在翻译时采用符合英语习惯、较精确但有些罗嗦的表达应该是可取的,如我们可以将其译为 We took a taxi to Nankai University from Tianjin West Railway Station, a journey that would take us about twenty to thirty minutes。同样,本次擂台赛中的三驾马车也容易产生歧义。那些使用three carriagesthree cartsthree wagons的译者显然将其理解为三辆马车。不过也有人将三驾马车理解为由三匹马拉动的同一辆马车,如那些使用了troika一词的译者。再看下面的例句:布什政府的外交政策的制定和执行好比一辆三驾马车,赖斯将在其中发挥辕马作用。(“三驾马车在这里指的是一辆马车)

再看另一例句:欧洲三驾马车欲接近伊朗,可提供民用核技术。这里的三驾马车指的是法国、德国和英国。如果我们将这句话翻译成英语,是否可以用three wagons之类的表达呢?从逻辑上讲似乎没有问题,三个不同的国家似乎应该被比喻为三辆马车。但英语里却不这样说,诸如the troika of the European Unionthe EU troikathe EC troika的说法随处可见。当美国决心攻打伊拉克,法国、德国和俄罗斯共同极力反对的时候,媒体也将这三国说成是the anti-US troika

字典里对troika 一词的定义是:a Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast或者a team of three horses abreast,显然troika指的是由三匹马拉动的同一辆马车三匹并肩前进的马。我个人认为,可以把中国经济的发展比喻为一辆前进的马车,而投资、出口和消费则是并驾齐驱的三匹马,形成一股合力,共同拉动中国经济的增长。因此,我本人更倾向于使用troika而不是three wagons之类的说法。


国内英文媒体大多使用a prudent fiscal policy表达稳健的财政政策的概念,这一译法已被广泛使用,也不会产生理解上的问题。那么,稳健的财政政策的涵义是什么呢?《人民日报》2004127日刊载了财政部部长金人庆的文章。文章称,实行稳健的财政政策(也就是经济学讲的中性财政政策),政策核心是松紧适度,着力协调,放眼长远。具体说来,要注重把握控制赤字、调整结构、推进改革、增收节支十六个字。因此我们可以说,稳健的财政政策的基调依然是积极主动的,并没有消极保守的意思。而prudent policy有时却有这样的涵义。请看下面的例子:

US prudent policy about climate changeThe US Administration has come under criticism within many European countries and within the American community of environmentalists for adopting what is considered to be too relaxed a view toward the question of global climate change, more particularly toward the prospect of a substantial warming of the surface of the earth sometime during the next century.

另外,我国经济界有人认为,稳健的财政政策更应该说成是谨慎的财政政策,政府选择了稳健一词可谓用心良苦,是为了寻求一种平衡与引导。由此看来,在翻译稳健的财政政策时,除了可使用与中性财政政策意义相关的sound一词外,也可以使用prudent这个词,只是用sound更加策略一些。不过就我所知,翻译界也有人认为,稳健的财政政策就应该翻译为a prudent fiscal policy。因此,我所倾向使用的a sound fiscal policy也只是一家之言。


我们先来看一段解释贸易顺差贸易逆差的文字:A positive balance of trade is known as a trade surplus and consists of exporting more than one imports. A negative balance of trade is known as a trade deficit and consists of importing more than one exports. Neither is necessarily dangerous in modern economies, although large trade surpluses or trade deficits may sometimes be a sign of other economic problems.

trade surplus trade deficit在上段文字中是被解释的术语,positive balance of trade是对trade surplus的解释,而negative balance of trade是对trade deficit的解释。有些译者在翻译贸易顺差时使用了favorable balance of tradeadverse trade balanceactive trade balance;在翻译贸易逆差时使用了unfavorable trade balance等。其中active trade balance的正确性很值得怀疑,其他说法在字典里虽然可以查到,因此不能说是错的,但经常阅读经贸类文章的人都知道,trade surplustrade deficit是最常用的说法。我们为什么不去使用那些最常用、不太可能引起争议的术语呢?

积极的财政政策国内外英文媒体几乎全都使用proactive fiscal policy,而参赛译文使用positive financial policyactive fiscal policy的情况却大有人在,由于financialfiscal在概念上是有区别的,因此positive financial policy能够被接受的可能性微乎其微;active fiscal policy虽然间或在网上见得到,但其是否规范也值得怀疑。稳健的财政政策国内英文媒体大多使用prudent fiscal policy,国外英文媒体或使用prudent fiscal policy,或使用sound fiscal policy;而在谈论中国以外国家的经济时,大多使用sound fiscal policy。参赛译文中对稳健的财政政策的翻译可谓五花八门,如steady financial policysteady fiscal policymoderate fiscal policysteady and healthy fiscal policystable financial policy等,这些用法应该说都不够妥当。另外,对民间投资”(如译为folk investmentnon-governmental investmentcivilian investment)消费率”(如译为consumer spending rateconsuming rate)等短语的翻译也都有些问题。



1. As China joined the World Trade Organization, the difference between its export and import are diminishing.(首先是意思不够准确,还有个difference后面加are的小错误。)

2. We often compare investment, exportation and consumption as three carriages that mainly fuel China's economic growth during these years.(compareas通常不搭配使用。)

3. To begin with the exportation, thanks to accession to WTO, the quantitative gap between import and export is getting shrink, even at first half of this year the trade deficit has briefly appeared first time in history.(整个句子词不达意,To begin with the exportation, thanks to accession to WTOexport is getting shrink的表述都是错误的。)

4. The media reports that through executing steady and healthy fiscal policy in 2005, the issuance of national debt will reduce 30 billion RMB in comparison with this year’s.(姑且不谈其他错误,reduce后面应加上介词by)

5. the issuance of national debt will decrease RMB 30 billion yuan compared with this year. (错误性质同上,decrease 后面应加上介词by)

6. a large amount of national debts have been issued, which makes the government investment plays a leading parts in the overall investment.(plays parts中的两个s都应去掉。)

7. Let’s take export as first. With China’s access to WTO, the gap between export and import is gradually diminishing, „„(Let’s take export as firstWith China’s access to WTO的说法都有问题。)

8. It is reported by medias that in 2005, after the stable and healthy financial policy is carried out, the issued national debt will be less 30billion than the year of 2004, and the investment of national debt will be reduced 30 billion directly.(media 的复数是mediae,其实根本没有必要使用该词,说It is reported that即可。the issued national debt应改为national debts to be issued in 2005,不过national debts涵盖范围更广一些。)

9. By now, the expenditure rate has dropped to the lowest point of 55.4% since 25 years ago in China. (expenditure rate应改为consumption rate,没有since 25 years ago这样的说法。)

10. The consuming rate in our country now has fallen down to 55.4%, the lowest point in last 25 years. (应去掉down一词。)


1. At present, China‘s consumption rate has drop to 55.4%, which is the bottom of the past 25 years.

2. In conclusion, how to stimulate consumption has become one of the most serious challenge facing our government.


本次翻译比赛涉及到一些经济方面的术语,如果我们经常阅读一些英语经贸类文章,就不会对它们感到陌生,也就会在翻译时将它们信手拈来。诸如trade deficittrade surplusnet exporttreasury bonds以及consumption rate等术语,在今天的商品经济社会中,早已跳出了专业的范畴,成为了人们应该了解的常识的一部分。阅读经贸类文章还可以使我们熟悉一些与数字相关的表达,例如在表达增长时,英语可使用的词汇就有很多,如increase, rise, grow, jump, leap, soar, amount to, shoot up, skyrocket等等;表示减少或下跌的词汇也很多,如decrease, fall, reduce, drop, slide, slip, shrink, dip等等。另外倍数百分比等的表达在我们翻译经贸类文章时也是个不可能回避的问题。我个人的体会是,我们可以把含有相关表达关键词的句子多收集一些,并对这些句子进行对比研究,这样就能从中找到规律,最后达到掌握这些词汇句法表达的目的。只要我们花一点力气做这项工作,就能够在写英语或翻译时知道如何下笔。 (陈小全)


现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学,人数在急剧增加。他们的家长对国外的教育抱有不切实际的幻想。外国院校举办的教育展览把国外的学校说得天花乱坠,使他们听了介绍之后便心动变为行动。 可是,把小孩子送到国外学习并不一定会带来好的结果。许多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他们很难溶入国外新的环境。由于在文化上难以适应,即缺乏在国外陌生环境下生存的能力,他们往往会受到所谓文化震荡的冲击。缺乏必要的观察能力,使他们难以理解东道主国家人民的行为表现,他们也就无法与当地人打成一片。缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会使自己感到孤立。




Be Cautious about Sending Your Children to Study Abroad


Nowadays, sending teenagers to study abroad has become more and more popular, and the number is increasing sharply. Parents have unrealistic illusions about foreign education. Education exhibitions held by foreign schools and colleges often boast of their schools, prompting parents to turn their thoughts into actions.

However, sending children to study aboard doesn‘t necessarily produce desirable results. Many students fall short of adaptability and flexibility, which means they can hardly integrate into the new environment abroad. Having difficulty in adapting to foreign cultures, or lacking the ability of living in a strange environment, they often suffer from the so-called ―cultural shock‖. Lack of the essential ability of observation makes the children hard to understand behaviors of the people in the host country, thus they can‘t mix well with the local people. Lack of adaptability and the ability to communicate would certainly make them feel isolated.

Feeling lonely and being unable to take care of themselves in daily life, they often get homesick and lapse into depression. Moreover, since they haven‘t laid a good foundation for their study, they can‘t adapt themselves to the study in a foreign language environment. They lack the ability of independent learning, so they fail to make the desired progress.

Thereupon, many of them have to give up the hard-earned learning opportunity halfway. Hence, sending children to study abroad when they are still too young is not necessarily a good thing.

If parents want their children to see the elephant abroad, they can let their children attend short-term overseas tour study programs, stay at foreigners‘ families, take summer vacation courses, and have some traveling there. But there must be some specially arranged teachers in the teams to keep company with the children and provide guidance and help all along.

Cautions on Sending Teenagers Abroad for Education


Nowadays in China, it has become more and more popular for parents to send their teenage children to study abroad, and the number of these teenage students is soaring. These parents have unrealistic expectations for overseas education. After hearing extravagant descriptions of overseas educational institutions at their own international higher education exhibitions, these ardent parents immediately turn their good wishes into action. However, sending children to study abroad may not necessarily bring out good results. Since many students lack adaptability and flexibility, they can hardly accustom themselves to a strange foreign environment. Due to their difficulty in adjusting to another culture, i.e. lacking the ability to live in unfamiliar alien countries, the students are very likely to experience ―culture shock‖. Due to inadequate cultural awareness, the students can barely understand the behaviors and conducts of the natives in the host country, and naturally they fail to be accepted by the local community. Without adaptability and communication skills, they will inevitably feel isolated.

Feeling lonely and incapable in taking care of themselves in daily life (due to too much parental care or overindulgence), teenage students will often feel homesick and get depressed. More importantly, without solid foundation for learning, they cannot adjust themselves to education in foreign languages. Incompetent for independent study, these students cannot get the progress they expected.

As a result, many of these teenage students have to drop out, giving up their precious opportunities in education. Therefore, sending children, who are still too young, to study abroad is not necessarily a good choice.

To broaden their children‘s horizons in a foreign country, parents can let them together take short-term

international travel study programs. In such programs, the children can stay at the home of foreigners, attend summer schools, and make excursions around where they sojourn. However, it is necessary to have tutors who provide supervision and guidance throughout the programs.

参考译文 中译英 Mind the Pitfalls of Sending Young Children Abroad to Study

There is a growing trend of sending teenage students abroad to study – the number has been increasing dramatically. Their parents are fantasized by myths about education offered in foreign countries. They are attracted by the educational exhibitions presented by foreign universities and colleges, which paint many rosy pictures and tell many glow tales prompting them into actions.

However, sending young children to study abroad may not predict result in success. Many young students lack adaptability and flexibility. They find it hard to adapt themselves to new circumstances and situations. Because of the lack of cultural toughness – the ability to succeed in an alien culture, they are easily subject to the suffering of what is called ―culture shock‖. Without adequate perceptual ability – the ability to understand why the host-country people behave as they do, they find it difficult to empathize with them. And due to the lack of self-orientation, the ability to communicate and interact effectively with host-country nationals, they tend to find themselves isolated.

Feeling lonely and being unable to manage their daily lives well – as they are often spoilt at home by their parents – they often become homesick and feel sad. And more importantly, because these young students don‘t have a sound academic foundation and the ability to pursue study in a foreign language, they don‘t know how to work independently and often fail to make the progress they desire.

So a lot of them have to give up their hard-earned chance of studying abroad and return home. Therefore it may not be a good idea at all to send children to study abroad at too early an age.

If young students want to broaden their vision of the world, it is advisable to send them abroad in groups for short home-stay study programs. They can live with a host family, attend a summer school, and join in excursions in and around the host city. But these groups must be accompanied by a designated teacher who can provide orientation, guidance and assistance all the way.

专家点评 中译英


总的情况:这次翻译的质量和效果不错,英文的意思比较清楚通顺,各种错误相对比较少。有些人行文比较流畅,用词相当讲究(比如paint too rosy a picturethey often get homesick and lapse into depressionimmerse themselves in the new environmentsurvive in an alien environment),反映了较好的翻译水平。

不足的方面是,多数人还是拘泥于中英文词汇之间字面意思的转换,没有能摆脱中文字面的影响。在语言的运用方面,多数人都是着眼于单词本身,而较少考虑上下文和表达习惯。比如,对于标题,绝大多数人都是翻译为 Be Prudent / Cautious to Send„ 翻译成Be Prudent / Cautious about Sending 的人比较少。Think twice before sending your children to study abroad 是较好的选择,但 Look before you leap to send your children to study abroad 应该改为Look before you leap if you want to send„与当地人交往interact比用intercourse 更好,“适应adapt (to)不是adopt

我本来期望大家多用一些比较地道的表达方法,因为很多要翻译的内容都能从互联网上查到英文的参考资料,比如 cross-cultural adjustment, culture shock, home-stay programs等等。



1.mind the pitfalls = beware of the pitfalls:谨防陷阱或暗礁

2. are fantasized by myths aboutfantasize – 臆想,幻想 to think about something very pleasant that is unlikely to happen e.g. Don’t fantasize about looking for the perfect job – it’s unrealistic. 抱有不切实际的幻想可以翻译为 fantasized bymyth – 这个词有多个意思:1神话;2根本不可能存在的人或事物a person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable;3 错误的认识 an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true 例如Most people think that bats are blind, but this is in fact a myth. 有的人把Ten Big Myths about Copyright翻译成版权的十大神话”(应译为关于版权认识的十大误区”);也有人把误区翻译为mistaken areas, 这些都是不对的。

3. paint many rosy pictures and tell many glow tales „ prompting them into action 说得天花乱坠、绘声绘色,使他们心动变为行动; prompting 这个现在分词短语表示一个结果状语。

4. adapt themselves to new circumstances and situations = adjust themselves to the new environment

5. cultural toughness = cultural adaptability / flexibility. It is an important aspect to be developed by anyone needing to study or work across different cultures. The cultural adaptability index concerns with how a person is perceived in relation to four critical areas: Attitudes (Respect and Cooperativeness), Awareness (Perceptiveness and Empathy), Knowledge (Curiosity and Learning), and Skills (Communication and Collaboration). Students with cultural adaptability will find their work environment more open, more dynamic, more effective, more productive, and less hostile.

6.alien culture 陌生的环境 culturally new environment / circumstances and situations

7.culture shock:文化冲击Confusion and disorientation caused by contact with a civilization other than one’s own. Cultural customs and habits differ greatly throughout the world, so international students have to learn to overcome culture shocks. 推荐一篇网上文章:“International Students Coping with Culture Shock‖ by Katherine Schneider

8.perceptual ability = perceptive skills: 洞察力、判断力

9. empathize with: 体谅、理解(他人)to imagine and share another person’s feelings, experience, etc. e.g. Doctors must empathize with their patients. Chinese and foreign partners of joint ventures must learn how to empathize with each other. “打成一片也可以是 identify oneself with the local people / immerse oneself in the alien atmosphere

10.self-orientation 自我调整适应能力

11.interact effectively with host-country nationals: 顺利地与东道主国家的人民打交道, to immerse in the alien culture

12. have a sound academic foundation = develop a firm academic base 打下坚实的学习基础

13.pursue study in a foreign language: 用外语进行学习,此处指在国外/外语环境中求学

14.hard-earned chanceYou should value your hard earned money / credibility. 你要爱护你那来之不易的金钱 / 信誉。 Trust is hard earned but easily spent. 信任得来不易但失去容易。

15.broaden their vision of the world 拓展他们的视野: e. g. You will learn the basics of HR management and its development, enabling you to broaden your vision and enhance your managerial abilities in market economy.

16.home-stay study programs = host family programs,也可以说home-stay study tours / trips: 在当地人家中住宿的一种短期学习安排,比如这个来自新西兰的例子:

Our priority criteria are that the hosts are warm and kindly and the house of comfortable standard. All Home-stays are within walking distance of the school. This may mean 25 minutes walking which New Zealand students do all the time. Students will have their own fully furnished room, all meals including a lunch to bring to school, and their laundry done.

Students should know the following about living with a New Zealand family:

It is hoped the student will be one of the family and spend time talking and socializing with them.

There are no servants in New Zealand. We all share household chores. Students will be expected to help wash or dry dinner dishes and to keep his/her room tidy.

Students must be thoughtful in their use of hot water, electricity and telephone. Hours on the Internet are forbidden unless the student gets the hosts' agreement to install his own telephone line (and pay for it).

Students must keep regular hours. They are here to study. Weeknights should be spent studying and if students go out at weekends they must tell their hosts where they are going and they must be home at the time specified by the hosts.

17.designated teacher / supervisor: 指定 / 指派的老师 / 导师

18.provide orientation „ all the way: 这里的orientation入门指导定向引导,它也可以指新生周新生入学教育”(orientation week),其基本意思是情况介绍We invite you to attend an orientation (情况介绍会)at Clifton High School on Monday, January 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. We will be discussing important issues concerning your child's educational future. Topics such as graduation requirements, local, state and national testing, scheduling procedures, course content, career and/or college requirements, and building facilities will be addressed.


(丁衡祁) 垃圾资源的回收再利用





让我们都做具有环保意识的消费者,身体力行三个再: 即再节约、再利用、再循环。环境保护要从我做起,从小事做起。

Recycling of Waste Resources


Each day we throw away garbage in large amount. But a great deal of garbage may be recycled and 30%-40% of garbage is worthy of being recycled. After being treated, garbage can turn into useful things and be given a new life. If we treasure and recycle resources to the best of our abilities, the precious deposits of the Earth would not be hollowed out.

Take Beijing as an example. 12,000 tons of life garbage is produced here each day and 5 million tons each year, averaging 500 kilograms per person. The 5 million tons of garbage would encircle the 48-kilometer-long Third Ring Road for more than 20 times if piled up along 5 meters high and 1 meter wide. According to statistics, 1,500 tons of waste paper, 1,500-2,000 tons of plastic garbage, 800,000 fast food packs and 1,500 tons of waste glass are thrown away each day in Beijing.

At the present time, the waste that can be but is not recycled each year amounts to a worth of 25 billion Yuan in our country, including about 3 million tons of waste steel and 6 million tons of waste paper. The recycling rate for plastic waste is less than 3% and for rubber 31%. The 6 billion waste dry batteries thrown away each year alone contain more than 70, 000 tons of zinc and 100,000 tons of manganese dioxide.

Where has all the garbage we throw away each day gone? Landfill is a main waste disposal method in our country. However, it takes long for refuse to decompose in dirt and the toxic substance in the refuse is likely to infiltrate into our drinking water. If we sort and recycle garbage, we will greatly alleviate the harm that refuse does to the


Let‘s bear environment protection in mind as consumers and earnestly practice what we advocate, that is, to retrench, reuse and recycle. Environment protection should be promoted by each individual oneself and from minor matters.

Recovery and Reuse of Waste Resources


Every day we dump a large amount of garbage. However, much of it, about 30%--40% of the garbage can be taken back and reused. After proper disposal, waste can be turned into useful resources, endowed with new life. If we value resources and recycle them to the best of our ability, the treasure of the earth won‘t be exhaustible.

Take Beijing for example. Every day the garbage produced from people‘s daily life amounts to 12,000 tons, making the yearly garbage reach as much as 5,000,000 tons. That means, on average each one produces 500 kilograms of waste a year. If the 5,000,000 tons of garbage were piled in cubes of 5 meters high by 1 meter wide each along the Third Ring Road of Beijing, then it could circle the 48-kilometer-long Third Ring Road for 20 times. It is estimated that in Beijing every day people throw away 1,500 tons of used paper, 1,500—2,000 tons of waste plastic, 800,000 snack boxes and 1,500 tons of useless glass.

At present in our country every year 25 billion Yuan‘s worth of waste, though it could be reused, is not employed, among which are 30,000,000 tons of waste steel and 6,000,000 tons of used paper. The recovery ratio of waste plastic is below 3% and waste rubber that has been taken back accounts for 31%. Every year we dump 5 billion waste dry batteries, which alone contain 70,000 tons of zinc and 10,000 tons of manganese dioxide.

Where has the garbage we dump every day been sent? The garbage disposal method our country adopts most is landfill. However, it takes a very long time for the garbage to break up underground, What‘s worse, toxic stuff is likely to permeate our drinking water. If we sort, recover and reuse the garbage, it will greatly alleviate the harm done to the environment.

Let us be consumers who have the consciousness of protecting the environment, earnestly practicing the three ―re‖s we advocate: retrench, reuse and recycle. Actually, environment protection starts from everyone with trivial deeds.

参考译文 中译英

Recycling Turns Trash to Treasure

We generate huge loads of garbage everyday. However, a large proportion of the trash -- about 30-40% of it -- can be recycled. After proper treatment wastes can become useful, regaining a new life. If we value our resources and try our best to go recycling, the resources of our earth will not be exhausted.

In Beijing 12,000 tons of household garbage is generated daily, the yearly total being 5 million tons and the per-capita average 500 kilos. If we heap up the 5 million tons of wastes to form a dam 5 meters in height and 1 meter in width, it can circle the 48 kilometer-long Third Ring Road of Beijing over 20 times. Statistics show that people in Beijing throw away 1,500 tons of waste paper, 1,500–2,000 tons of waste plastics, 800,000 styrofoam lunch boxes and 1,500 tons of waste glass everyday.

At present, the discarded reusable wastes in our country are valued at 25 billion yuan every year. About 3 million tons of waste iron and steel as well as 6 million tons of waste paper are disposed of without being reused. The recycling rate of waste plastics and waste rubber is only below 3% and 31% respectively. In the 6 billion waste batteries thrown away every year alone we can obtain as much as over 70,000 tons of zinc and 100,000 tons of manganese dioxide.

Where has the garbage gone that is produced everyday? In our country garbage is mainly trucked to the landfill sites, but it takes a long time for the trash disposed of this way to decompose underground. And as some of the substance is hazardous, its toxic effects can affect our drinking water sources. However, if we go in for sorting-out and recycling programs, then the chance of our environment being contaminated will be reduced greatly.

So let us be environmentally aware consumers and practice the ―3 Rs:‖ Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Environmental protection calls for everyone‘s effort in everyday routine.


专家点评 中译英



1.Recycling Turns Trash to Treasure:通过再生变废为宝;旧货市场门口就可以摆放这样的标语:Trash and Treasure (你不要的东西对我来说是个宝贝);这样翻译,既体现了原文的意思又符合英语的表达习惯,而且Trash and Treasure还体现了头韵法的语音效果。中文标题的原文比较平淡,而英语译文却比较生动,这就是翻译的创造性的表现。大家对标题的翻译过于拘泥于字面,似乎动脑筋不够,如:Recycling and Reuse of Garbage Resources

2. garbage:垃圾箱dustbin, litterbin litter basket(英式英语);garbage can trash-can(美式英语); 垃圾车dust-cart(英式英语)garbage truck(美式英语);请勿乱扔垃圾Please do not (leave) litter. 有一些人只注重字面上的对等,把大量垃圾翻译为 a lot of garbage, but much of it, 须不知,在这里的上下文中大量应该翻译为 large / huge / enormous / loads / quantities / amounts

3.a large proportion of „ -- about 30-40% of it -- „:这样安排句子结构比较合理

4. go recycling:开展再循环再利用;也可以翻译为go in for recycling programs (参加废物回收再利用的活动)precious deposits/ valuable natural resources of the earth will not deplete.

5. household garbage:生活垃圾 kitchen/garden/household refuse;工业垃圾industrial garbage

6. the yearly total „ and the per-capita average „:句子结构这样安排比较平衡

7. heap up „ to form a dam „: “堆放开去是指堆成一个大垻的形状,也可以说stack „ (up) into a dam

8. statistics show:也可以说 according to statistics

9. styrofoam lunch boxes:这儿的餐盒是指一次性的,disposable lunch boxes;styrofoam 是发泡聚苯乙烯;也有人把聚苯乙烯翻译为polystyrene;但翻译为fast food boxes不够好

10. discarded reusable wastes:被扔掉的可以再利用的废品

11. are valued at:也可以说 the value of „ stands at „

12. disposed of:处理掉,get rid of; 垃圾处理refuse disposal

13. as much as:起强调作用

14. trucked to the landfill sites:运送到(垃圾)填埋场去

15. the substance is hazardous:有毒害的物质;decompose 是使某物质腐烂,dissolve 是溶解Salt dissolves in water; degrade 是指由复杂到简单的降解;degrade molecules into atoms; catabolize 是指生理上的分解代谢

16. toxic effects(产生)毒副作用,也可以说 hazardous effects

17. However, if we go in for sorting-out recycling programs,„ being contaminated „:句子结构这样安排比较妥当

18.go in for sorting-out and recycling programs 这种说法比较符合英语的表达习惯

19. environmentally aware consumers:有环保意识的消费者, 也可以翻译为environment-friendly consumers

20. 三个”three R’s – reduce, reuse recycle可以在网上查到

21. Environmental protection calls for everyone’s effort in everyday routine.:也可以翻译成To protect the environment we must get everyone involved and act through our day-to-day habits. 下面这些字面上的翻译不但意思上不够好,而且从我做起,从小事做起的语言特征也没有表现出来:should begin/start with me in small/petty/trivial things/matters


A Few Words about the Utility of Philosophy

Now let us see what intellectual virtues philosophy can provide in the subjects of ethics. The pursuit of philosophy is founded on the belief that knowledge is good, even if what is known is painful. A man imbued with philosophic spirit, whether a professional philosopher or not, will wish his beliefs to be as true as he can make them, and will,

in equal measure, love to know, and hate to be in error. This principle has a wider scope than may be apparent at first sight. Our beliefs spring from a great variety of causes: what we were told in youth by parents and school-teachers, what either embodies or allays our fears, what ministers to our self-esteem, and so on. Any one of these causes may or may not lead us to true beliefs. Intellectual sobriety, therefore, will lead us to scrutinize our beliefs closely, with a view to discovering which of them there is any reason to believe true. If we are wise, we shall apply solvent criticism especially to the beliefs that we find it most painful to doubt, and to those most likely to involve us in violent conflict with men who hold opposite but equally groundless beliefs. If this attitude could become common, the gain in diminishing the acerbity of disputes would be incalculable.

There is another intellectual virtue, which is that of generality or impartiality. I recommend the following exercise: In a sentence involving words that arouse powerful but different emotions in different readers, try replacing them by symbols, A, B, C, and so on, and forgetting the particular significance of the symbols. When, in elementary algebra, you do problems about A, B and C going up a mountain, you have no emotional interest in the gentlemen concerned, and you do your best to work out the solution with impersonal correctness. But if you thought that A was yourself, B your hated rival and C the schoolmaster who set the problem, your calculation would go askew, and you would be sure to find that A was first and C was last. In thinking about problems where emotional bias is bound to be present, only care and practice can enable you to think as objectively as you do in the algebraic problem.

It is not to be supposed that young men and women who are busy acquiring valuable specialized knowledge can spare a great deal of time for the study of philosophy, but even in the time that can easily be spared without injury to the learning of technical skills, philosophy can give certain things that will greatly increase the student‘s value as a human being and as a citizen. It can give a habit of exact and careful thought, not only in mathematics and science, but in questions of large practical import. It can give an impersonal breadth and scope to the conception of the ends of life. It can give to the individual a just measure of himself in relation to society, of man in the present to man in the past and in the future, and of the whole history of man in relation to the astronomical cosmos. By enlarging the objects of his thoughts it supplies an antidote to the anxieties and anguish of the present, and makes possible the nearest approach to serenity that is available to a sensitive mind in our tortured and uncertain world.

关于哲学功用之小议 作者:darkecho





参考译文 英译中


现在我们来看看在伦理学方面哲学可以提供什么样的理智性优点。人们追求哲学是因为确信知识是有益的,即便所追求到的知识可能会令人痛苦。凡具有哲学精神的人——不管他是不是职业哲学家——总是会在力所能及的范围内使自己的信念成为真理,总是会同等程度地热爱真知、憎恨谬误。这个道理的实际应用范围比其表面上显示的应用范围要广一些。我们的信念植根于诸多因素:有我们少年时代的父母和学校老师告诉我们的东西,有标志我们恐惧者,有使我们坦然者,也有让我们自尊自敬者,如此等等。这些因素中的任何一个因素都可能导致我们获得正确的信念或错误的信念。因此,只有清醒的理智才会引导我们仔细考察我们的信念,让我们发现其中哪些信念有理由使人相信它们是真理。如果我们真是明智的,那么,对那些我们最不情愿怀疑的信仰,对那些最有可能造成我们与持相反的无理信念者相互激烈冲突的信念,我们就最应该进行瓦解性批判。如果人人抱有这样的态度,则各种尖锐争端自会逐渐消弭,可谓益处无穷。 哲学还有另一个理智性优点,这就是概括性强、不偏不倚。例如下面的做法,就颇值得推荐:假设一个句子中有若干可触发不同读者强烈的、多样情绪的词汇,请试以ABC之类的符号代表,并请忘记诸符号所代表的特定含义。如果你在做有关ABC三人登山比赛的初等代数题,同时你对这些登山者并没有什么感情,那么你就会以不偏不倚的正确性尽你所能得出答案。但是如果你设想A代表你自己,B代表你所憎恶的对手,而C代表出题的老师,那么你的计算就会出偏,你的运算结果肯定是A捷足先登,而C则姗姗来迟。在思考难免会受情感性偏见纠缠的问题时,就像你解代数题一样,只有小心谨慎和循序渐进才能使你客观地思考。




专家点评 英译中 关于此次翻译竞赛的简评







原文标题A Few Words about the Utility of Philosophy是我根据罗素的这三段文字内容临时给出的标题。从文章本身的上下文语气来看,罗素不是在为哲学家们写作,而是为不太懂哲学的普通人、尤其是青年男女写的。因此,标题应该喻俗,应该浅显易懂,不要有太浓的学究味,译作《小议哲学的用途》,是可以接受的。当然也可以译作《浅谈哲学的用途》、《漫谈哲学的作用》、《哲学效用略论》、《哲学用途琐谈》、《哲学功用略论》、之类。

2、典型译例处理之二:This principle has a wider scope than may be apparent at first sight. 句中的principle这个单词,绝大多数的译者直译成原则,看起来似乎忠实,实际上别扭,在上下文中不协调。原因是没有考虑到该词承接着上一个句子大意,而上一个句子是在陈述一种原理一样的东西。但如果译为原理,虽然比原则好一点,依然显得是个大词。最好是译作道理这一类字眼。所幸的是其中有一位参赛者将此词译作了道理,但是其全句翻译却又错了:这虽是显而易见的道理,却有着更广阔的含意。此句最好译作:这个道理的实际应用范围要比其表面上显示的应用范围要广一些。

3、典型译例处理之三:In thinking about problems where emotional bias is bound to be present, only care and practice can enable you to think as objectively as you do in the algebraic problem. 这个句子中的practice(实践、练习)一词虽然含义表面很简单,其实很难译得得体。原因是该词须与thinking(思考)do in the algebraic problem(解答数学题)两种行为中的至少一种取得搭配上的协调。许多参赛者将之简单译成实践,是不妥当的。实际上practice除了实践、练习这类含义外,还有反复演算按部就班地工作按惯例进行常规性工作等意思。如果将该词与解代数题这种行为搭配,则宜选反复演算之类的用语;如果将该词与思考这种行为搭配,则宜用按惯例进行按部就班的实践之类的用语。参考译文用了循序渐进字眼,即承此意。当然,由于这是理论类翻译,译者在使用语义最佳近似翻译标准时,可以自由地完全不管原文的句型,例如将之意译作:在思考难免会受情感性偏见纠缠的问题时如果你想尽量客观,那么你就得像反复演算代数题时一样小心谨慎。这里,将反复演算进行了大搬家,移位到代数题前,可使搭配更协调,但是句子的整体含义并未受到伤害。

4、 典型译例处理之四:and you would be sure to find that A was first and C was last.有的译者译成你就会发现A最先完成,而C最后完成。不对。可能译者误解成了做练习题,但这里谈的是爬山的行为。说最先完成了爬山的行为,很别扭。这里又涉及到语义最佳近似问题。类似的情形,在中文里常常用捷足先登姗姗来迟这样含义对立的用语来表示,这里不妨搬用,虽然在字面上和原文似乎相差较大,但在内在精神上、意趣上是一脉相通的:你的运算结果肯定是A捷足先登,而C则姗姗来迟。小结:

总起来说,绝大多数参赛者的表现都颇有成绩,显示出相当的外语能力和翻译技能。但是汉语表达,还是不够理想。获奖的译者水平尚未与大多数译者拉开距离,这给遴选获奖者带来麻烦。当然这与文本本身的难度或许有关。以后的文本,应该在难度上有所增强,这样才能使最高水平的译者脱颖而出。从这个角度来说,出题人的思路也应该有一个新的突破。希望今后的翻译比赛会在层次上、格局上有更好的进展。 (辜正坤2005524日于北大) 借用成功之道








获奖译文 中译英

Success by Borrowing


Whether a man is wise or not, is often reflected by the way he deals with problems. It is no doubt a good way to success by using others‘ wisdoms to achieve one‘s own success.

Liu Bei, a figure in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, could not compare to Zhuge Liang in wisdom, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in kongfu, but he had with him very strong coordinating abilities which made him distinctive from others and helped attract those talents to his sides. From this we can see that discovering others‘ talent and using it to one‘s own purpose probably means that one has found the power to success.

Besides borrowing others‘ wisdom, borrowing others‘ money reasonably is undoubtedly a wonderful way to achieve success.

Daniel , is a famous billionaire in America. But until he was 40, he was no more than a poor man. After decades of idle life, he finally discovered a good way to use others‘ money to earn his own fortune. In the first place, the persuaded banks to offer him a loan, with which he bought a cargo boat, and refitted it into a tanker and rent it. Then, he used the tanker as mortgage to get another loan and bought another cargo and refitted it into a tanker and rent it. In the years following, he kept on borrowing, buying and renting, and his business prospered day after day. Later his way of making money got on a new high. He gathered a group of people to design a boat, and even before the keel was fixed in, he went to a transporting company and managed to talk it into renting the still not existing boat. He brought the contracts signed with the transporting company to a bank and used the future rent as mortgage to get a loan and built the boat. Several years later, he paid back the loan with interests and the boat became his own. In a stricter sense, he didn‘t spend a cent in the whole process.

When short of the ―capital‖ to success, one could borrow others‘ financial and physical resources to get one‘s success in the condition that one should not violate the law and ethnic code.

参考译文 中译英Borrowing a Way to Success

The way (how) one does things often reflects their wisdom. It is also a way to success to borrow other‘s wisdom for one‘s own goal.

Take Liubei, the Emperor of the Shu Han Kingdom in China‘s Three Kingdom Period (220-280), for example. As a matter of fact, Liu was much less learned than his Prime Minister Zhuge Liang and his martial arts were obviously inferior to his generals such as Guan Yu or Zhang Fei. However, he possessed a unique strong point: his capacity in coordinating the people under him, thus he was able to attract those fine people to serve him. Therefore, we can see, anyone who is good at discovering other‘s talent and make it serve oneself can often find a way to success.Besides wisdom, reasonably borrowing other‘s wealth is also an ingenious way to success.

Daniel Lovello, an American billionaire, was still a poor nobody at forty. After muddling along without any success for decades, he suddenly became discerning and came to a great apprehension: he discovered a way of making a fortune by borrowing others‘ money. First he persuaded the bank to give him a loan. Then with the money he thus borrowed he bought a cargo ship, which he remolded into an oil tanker and rented out. He then got a second loan form the bank by mortgaging that tanker and bought another cargo ship, which he also remolded into an oil tanker and rented out. In the years followed, Lovello repeated this practice time and again and saw his

business grow bigger and bigger.

Then Lovello hit upon a smarter idea of borrowing money: he hired someone to design a ship for him. At the same time he found a shipping company to lease his new ship to even before the keel of the ship was assembled. Then, only by mortgaging this still non-existing ship was he able to borrow the money from the bank to start the actual building of the ship. A few years later he repaid the loan and its due interest and the ship became his own. But strictly speaking (in the strict sense) , Lovello had never spent a cent of his own.

When one lacks ―capital‖ to success, it is all right for them to borrow such capital—either financial (capital) or intellectual (capital)---to achieve one‘s success on the premise that such borrowing does not violet laws or run counter to moral principles.


专家点评 中译英 给大家提一些汉译英方面的建议


首先谈谈标题的翻译。Getting success through borrowing之类的译法带有明显的翻译腔,因为get success(还有人译成make success)不符合英语习惯说法。以success为宾语的动词有achieve, bring, end in, enjoy, ensure, guarantee, have, lead to, result in, notch up等。有人译将整个标题做a borrowed way to success,从语法上说没有问题,但是这样译让人觉得这篇文章讲的是借来的某个方法,而不是一篇故事性的记叙文,还不如套用borrowing one’s way to success的说法。还有不少人翻译时常常忽略介词的用法,许多人把成功之道译成(a) way of / for success,这里应该用to。但有人译成ways to succeed,把to 错看成动词不定式的符号,也是不对的。To通向的意思,类似的用法包括a solution to the problem (解决问题的方法)a key to the lock(开锁的钥匙)the secret to success(成功的秘密)等。请注意下列说法中正确的介词: 北京介绍” introduction to Beijing(不用 of)

世界之窗”window on the world(不用of)

世界报道”report on the world(不用of)

根据他的意见”in his opinion(不用according to)

根据有关法律”under concerned law(不用according to)

与某人离婚”be divorce from somebody(不用with)

现在文章的标题不一定非用名词性短语不可,英美报刊文章也越来越多采用句子做标题, 但一般用现在时。 此文开头的一个人就要仔细处理。这里是一种泛指,可用代词one(意思是anyone),用a man 排除了女性,不够确切;但用one man是不对的,因为one强调的是数目,one man 是相对于two or more men的概念。这里还要指出:若干年前和one/ everyone 连用时可用his,但自从女权运动人士提出意见后不少人改用his or hers (常写做his/her),但是这种用法有点太罗嗦,现在一般该用 their,如:Everybody brought their books. 正式英语中也这么用。

有无智慧中的有无无须译出成whether one has wisdom or not,英语更强调简洁,能用简单句表明意思的尽量不用复合句。

英语文章比较讲究衔接和前后呼应,第二段举诸葛亮为例,加上take„for example 可使文章结构紧凑。《三国演义》是一本历史小说,将其改成历史上的事既可以使问题简化也没有篡改内容。至于其中的人物和事件,在中国几乎家喻户晓,但是考虑到英语译文读者,英译时最好加上简单的注释。(很遗憾,有好几位把诸葛亮译成Zhu Geliang,应该打手心!)此外,文才”“武功之类说法可考虑从意思上译,千万不要追求结构上一个词一个词的对等。有人把刘备(文才)不如诸葛亮错误地译成Liu Bei was no better than Zhuge Liang (in „)No和比较级连用强调的是相反的意思,这样译的含义是诸葛亮不怎么样,刘备也好不到哪里去,回译为中文是刘备和诸葛亮一样糟。


He is no more than fifteen.意思是他只有/最多不过15”(强调还小着呢)

There are no fewer than fifteen mistakes的意思是错误多达15


将第一段中智慧和这里的都译为wisdom可以使文章前后有呼应。有人将译成talents,用词本身未尝不可,但和borrow搭配不合适。又,英语一般尽量避免文字重复,所以这里的合理地借用他人之’”无须重复动词borrow (和其修饰语)。后面关于反复买船出租的叙说也要避免重复,至于译成he kept on buying and leasing ships,意思完全走样了(请查词典中keep on doing something)

不成气候无所事事地’”之类的说法不太好译,直译不通,也不能从汉英词典上抄定义往译文里填,而是要将意思表达出来,但是要尽量确切一些,比如有人用a small potato,这里就不适合,因为small potato的意思是小人物,并不强调一事无成,倒有点相当于汉语的小萝卜头”;good for nothing的意思也不一样。下一段中的上了一个新台阶是现代汉语中常用说法,更要按照上下文内容灵活处理。有人照字面译成reached a higher step不符合英语习惯说法,还有人译成stepped up his trick (to make money)和原文意思不一样。其实这里只是表示更好更聪明的意思,故译可简单为„hit upon a better/smarter idea of borrowing (to borrow) money

选词是一个重要的问题。Mark Twin说过:The difference between the right word and the almost right word is really a large matter---‘tis the difference between the lightning and lightning bug. 比如,诸葛亮的优点就不能说成是virtue;不少人用的merit也不对,因为merit 主要指已经完成的事或已经取得的成就。再比如,将货船改为油轮中的字,见到的译稿中用的动词有changealterrebuildturn (into)adaptreorganizerefit, re-equip,等,都不确切;convert一词尚可,但强调指改变某物的用途,不一定进行改装。又如charterrentleasemortgagehire (out)等词,意思是不一样的,这里哪一个才是合适的,应查清楚确切意思后选用。还有人将最后一段中的本钱译成cost,严格讲不对,因为cost成本的意思。利息一般用单数interestinterests往往表示利益的意思。巧妙地译成sensibly, nimbly, 显然是没有弄清楚这些词的确切意思。汉译英当然少不了要查汉英词典,但是在选定某个词前还应查一下英英词典,看看有关的定义和例句,弄清确切意思和用法。还有人连borrowlend都分不清楚,那更是基本功的问题了。

此外,我们前面已提到过,搭配是一个重要的问题,不能从中文习惯用法去推想,比如英语不说make wealth, 而说 make moneymake a fortune;至于make his business, make success之类完全是Chinglish;还有人将创造成功译成create success,也不符合英语习惯搭配(这方面可以参考搭配词典,特别向大家推荐外语教学与研究出版社出版的英语版《牛津英语搭配词典》)

有人将“()说服银行给他一笔贷款译成He persuaded the bank to offer/grant him a loan. 这里犯了一个逻辑错误,一个人作出某种offer或一个机构grant一笔钱,都是自愿主动之为,而不是别人 persuade的结果。



(陈德彰) 一元敲开的门








获奖译文 中译英

Door Knocked Open with One Dollar


A newly graduated university girl came to a company to apply for a job of accountant. At the interview, the girl was immediately turned down because what the company wanted was a senior accountant with experience. However, she did not therefore leave dejectedly. She said to the interviewer in earnest, ―Please give me an opportunity to take the written examination.‖ The interviewer, unable to dissuade her, allowed her to do so. It turned out that she passed the written examination successfully. Finally, the personnel manager interviewed her in person.

The girl‘s highest grade in the written examination won her the favor of the personnel manager. However, the personnel manager became a little disappointed when the girl said frankly that she had had no working experience as an accountant except that she had once taken care of the finance of the student union at the university. Unavoidably, the personnel manager had no choice but to say to her, ―That is all for today‘s interview. We will call to inform you if there is a result.‖

The girl stood up from her seat, took out one dollar from her pocket and gave it to the personnel manager with both hands, ―Do give me a call please, whether I am employed or not.‖ The personnel manager was taken by surprise at the moment, but he regained his nerve immediately and asked, ―Why do you think that we are not going to call those who are not employed?‖

“Just now you said that you would call to inform if there were a result, which implied there would be no call for those not employed.‖ The personnel manager seemed to become greatly interested in the girl, and went on to ask, ― What would you like to know if I were to call and tell you the bad news?‖ ―Then please tell me why I am not up to the requirements of your respected company, and I would try to improve. As regards the one dollar, it is the payment that I should make for the phone call, because it does not fall into allowable expenditure of the company to call those who are not employed. Please do give me a call.‖

The personnel manager smiled at once, ―Please take back your dollar. I will not make the call. Now I formally inform you that you are employed. You can come to work tomorrow.‖

Thus, the girl knocked the door of opportunity open with one dollar.

参考译文 中译英 Knocking the Door Open with One Yuan

A girl just graduated from college went to a certain company to apply for the position of an accountant. However, she was immediately turned down as that company wanted to hire a senior accountant with much working experience. But she was not disheartened and begged the examiner, ―Please give me another chance and let me take the written exam.

See the girl in such an earnest the examiner agreed to let her take the written exam. It so happened that the girl passed the written exam. Finally the human resources manager of the company decided to conduct the final interview.

As the girl rated the top one in the written exam, the human resources manager had a favorable opinion of her. But the girl said frankly she had had no working experience, and the only experience about bookkeeping she had was running the finance of the students‘ union in college. The human resources manager was somewhat disappointed and could only told her,―So much for today‘s interview. We‘ll phone you if you shall be given the job.

The girl got up on her feet and produced from her pocket one yuan, which she handed to the manager with both hands. ―Please phone me whether I shall be hired or not,‖ she said to the human resources manager. The latter was surprised but soon recovered to ask her, ―How do you know we don‘t phone those who shall not be hired?

“Just now you said you will phone me if I shall be given the job. This implies you won‘t phone those who are.






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