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  1. According to the text, starry flounder differ from most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder

  [A] are not basically bilaterally symmetric.

  [B] do not become asymmetric until adulthood.

  [C] do not all share the same asymmetry.

  [D] have both eyes on the same side of the head.

  2. Which of the following best describes the organization of the text as a whole?

  [A] A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected.

  [B] A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed.

  [C] A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified.

  [D] A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory.

  3. The text supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

  [A] Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed?

  [B] Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral?

  [C] Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral?

  [D] How do the eyes in flatfish migrate?

  4. Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the text?

  [A] A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin.

  [B] A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit.

  [C] A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price.

  [D] A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill.

  5. Which of the following phrases from the text best expresses the authors conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?

  [A] Most striking (line 3, paragraph 1)

  [B] variation is adaptive (line 2, paragraph 2)

  [C] mechanically disadvantageous (line 7, paragraph 3)

  [D] evolutionary red herring (line 9, paragraph 4)



  Until about five years ago, the very idea that peptide hormones might be made anywhere in the brain besides the hypothalamus was astounding. Peptide hormones, scientists thought, were made by endocrine glands and the hypothalamus was thought to be the brains only endocrine gland. What is more, because peptide hormones cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, researchers believed that they never got to any part of the brain other than the hypothalamus, where they were simply produced and then released into the bloodstream.

  But these beliefs about peptide hormones were questioned as laboratory after laboratory found that antiserums to peptide hormones, when injected into the brain, bind in places other than the hypothalamus, indicating that either the hormones or substances that cross-react with the antiserums are present. The immunological method of detecting peptide hormones by means of antiserums, however, is imprecise. Cross-reactions are possible and this method cannot determine whether the substances detected by the antiserums really are the hormones, or merely close relatives. Furthermore, this method cannot be used to determine the location in the body where the detected substances are actually produced.

  New techniques of molecular biology, however, provide a way to answer these questions. It is possible to make specific complementary DNAs (c DNAs) that can serve as molecular probes seek out the messenger RNAs (mRNAs) of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones, the cells will contain these mRNAs. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them, then the c DNAs should still bind to these mRNAs, but should not bind as tightly as they would to m RNAs for the true hormones. The cells containing these mRNAs can then be isolated and their mRNAs decoded to determine just what their protein products are and how closely the products resemble the true peptide hormones.

  The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNA probes should also be much faster than the immunological method because it can take years of tedious purifications to isolate peptide hormones and then develop antiserums to them. Roberts, expressing the sentiment of many researchers, states: I was trained as an endocrinologist. But it became clear to me that the field of endocrinology needed molecular biology input. The process of grinding out protein purifications is just too slow.

  If, as the initial tests with cDNA probes suggest, peptide hormones really are made in brain in areas other than the hypothalamus, a theory must be developed that explains their function in the brain. Some have suggested that the hormones are all growth regulators, but Rosens work on rat brains indicates that this cannot be true. A number of other researchers propose that they might be used for intercellular communication in the brain.

  1. Which of the following titles best summarizes the text?

  [A] Is Molecular Biology the Key to Understanding Intercellular Communication in the Brain?

  [B] Molecular Biology: Can Researchers Exploit Its Techniques to Synthesize Peptide Hormones?

  [C] The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Immunological Approach to Detecting Peptide Hormones.

  [D] Peptide Hormones: How Scientists Are Attempting to Solve Problems of Their Detection and to Understand Their Function?

  2. The text suggests that a substance detected in the brain by use of antiserums to peptide hormones may

  [A] have been stored in the brain for a long period of time.

  [B] play no role in the functioning of the brain.

  [C] have been produced in some part of the body other than the brain.

  [D] have escaped detection by molecular methods.

  3. According to the text, confirmation of the belief that peptide hormones are created in the brain in areas other than the hypothalamus would force scientists to

  [A] reject the theory that peptide hormones are made by endocrine glands.

  [B] revise their beliefs about the ability of antiserums to detect peptide hormones.

  [C] invent techniques that would allow them to locate accurately brain cells that produce peptide hormones.

  [D] develop a theory that account for the role played by peptide hormones in the brain.

  4. Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a drawback of the immunological method of detecting peptide hormones?

  [A] It cannot be used to detect the presence of growth regulators in the brain.

  [B] It cannot distinguish between the peptide hormones and substances that are very similar to them.

  [C] It uses antiserums that are unable to cross the blood-brain barrier.

  [D] It involves a purification process that requires extensive training in endocrinology.

  5. The idea that the field of endocrinology can gain from developments in molecular biology is regarded by Roberts with

  [A] incredulity.

  [B] derision.

  [C] indifference.

  [D] enthusiasm.







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