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基于社会责任视角的中国广告与公关功能比较研究--优秀毕业论文 参考文献


Presented study accents the importance of corporate social responsibility in the
corporate communication that consist of advertising and PR and improve the theoretical
viability in connection with the Chinese culture in Chapter-8. Moreover, this study
evaluates the functional significance in the comparativeness of advertising and public
relations considering corporate social responsibility (CSR). It can assist policy makers

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
of China for implications and institutionalization. As it broadens the possibility of
corporations’ role in national development, in overall common good and harmony of the
society through patronizing corporate communication practices into Confucius system
that dominantly governed by dialogue, contract, philanthropy and principles of market.
The study looks into widely debated corporate-ethics problem in the functional practices
of advertising and public relations and signifies their scope in functional comparative
analysis taking the view of CSR. It furnishes multi-dimensional approach for society,
government, and corporations. The study proposed implication in the form of Confucius
relational model in the unique national Chinese context.

The findings of the study emphasizes public relations have significance over
advertising and it also has similarities on implication and strategic level with corporate
social responsibility. The findings reveal that advertising as a variable economic
function and government regulations over advertising observe significant within the
advertising factors. The overall PR factors discovered significant, PR factors are
consistent in consonance with Carroll (1991) CSR pyramid of responsibilities of firms.
Corporate practices in which corporate communication (advertising and public relations)
considered by organization in ‘Confucius dynamism’ through ‘Li’ and ‘Ren’ found
significant relationship with PR in their functional comparison. Corporate relationship is
the comprehensive program when it encompasses ethical, legal, philanthropic, and
economic expectations of the Chinese society, which works as corporate social
responsibility factor in public relations. Dialogue, contract, philanthropy, and market
are the principles of Confucius that better correspond in Chinese knowledge system and
have potential of societal and system harmony. It is contributed by three fold
implications in the existing body of knowledge. Advertising damages Chinese society in
their existing functional pattern of practices of social, ethical, economic, moral and
regulatory aspects that taken into account and the role of public relations observe as a
healer. The role of public relations is re-structured in study in the form of statistical
model in accordance to Chinese local context. It contributes to identify the role of
corporations in practice of Confucius system in corporate communication in the form of

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
good relationship and common good of Chinese society with corporations. The findings
of the study contribute in the form of Confucius relational integrated model in the
existing body of knowledge. This model has unique feature of Chinese socio- strategic
implication of the corporate social responsibility. Finally, the functional
institutionalization of advertising and public relations is proposed by the researcher in

Key Words: Advertising, Confucius culture, China, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Public Relations

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
List of Abbreviations
3M – Man, market, and money
3BL- Triple bottom line (People, planet and profit)
ACFPR- Average Communication function of PR
Ad – Advertising
AMFPR- Average management function of public relations
APHILPR- Average Philanthropic behavior in PR
APRCSR- Average PR implication if there is no CSR
ATL – Above the line (Media)
AVDFPR- Average value driven function of PR
BBB – Better Business Bureau
BP – British petroleum
BRA- Beliefs about government regulation over advertising
BTL – Below the line (Media)
CR- Corporate responsiveness
CRM- Cause related marketing
CSP – Corporate Social Performance
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
CVS- Chinese value survey
DTCA – Direct to Consumer Advertising
EBA- Economic beliefs about advertising
FTC – Federal Trade Commission
GDP – Gross domestic production
IDV – Individualism
ILRF- International labor rights forum
IMC – Integrated Marketing Communication
LTO- Long term orientation
MAS- Masculinity

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
MBA- Moral beliefs about advertising
MNCs – Multi-national Corporations
PDI – Power distance index
PR – Public Relations
PRC – People’s Republic of China
PUA- Advertising belief about personal usefulness
RC – Relational Communication
ROI- Return on investment
SBA-Social beliefs about advertising
SEP- Social and Environment performance
SER- Social and environment reporting
SIM- Social issues in management
SMEs – Small and Medium Enterprises
SPSS- Social science package
TNCs- Transnational companies
UAI- Uncertainty avoidance
UK – United Kingdom
US – United States
WBSD- World business council for sustainable development
WTO- World Trade organization
WVS- World value survey

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Similarities and differences in PR and CSR process in Cutlip and Allen (1978)
and Clarkson (1995) Models
Table 4.1 Gender wise Sample Frequency and (%)
Table 4.2 Age of Sample in Years
Table 4.3 Level of Education
Table 4.4 Division of Occupation among Sample
Table 5.1 Mean and Frequency analysis on beliefs about advertising
Table 5.2 Appropriateness and divergence among advertising factors - model summary
Table 5.3 Analysis of variance of advertising factors - (ANOVA)
Table 5.4 Correlations among factors of advertising
Table 5.5 Coefficients

of advertising factors
Table 6.1 Mean and Frequency analysis- Public relations as CSR
Table 6.2 Appropriateness among advertising factors - model summary
Table 6.3 Analysis of variance of public relations factors - (ANOVA)
Table 6.4 Correlations among public relation factors
Table 6.5 Coefficients of public relations factors
Table 7.1 Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test of Philanthropic attitude about adv and PR
Table 7.2 Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test of Moral attitude about adv and PR -Ranks
Table7.3 Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test of Legal attitude about advertising and Public
Relations - Ranks
Table 7.4 Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test of Economic attitude about adv and PR- Ranks
Table7.5 Wilcoxon signed ranks test Social Behavior about communication in
advertising and PR - Ranks
Table 7.6 Relationship between means of advertising and public relations variables
Table 7.7 Non parametric independent test - behavior between gender.
Table 8.1 Inferences of conceptualization, institutionalization, theoretical and strategic
implication of the findings of the research.
Table 8.2 Correspondence of theoretical and strategic implication with dialogue in CSR

华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文
Table 8.3 Correspondence of theoretical and strategic implication with contract in CSR
Table 8.4 Correspondence of theoretical and strategic implication with philanthropy in
Table 8.5 Correspondence of theoretical and strategic implication with market in CSR

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List of Figures
Figure1.1: Statement of the Problem
Figure 1.2 Research process and phases
Figure 2.5 constructs of advertising
Figure 3.7 Two distinct functions of advertisements
Figure 3.6 Cultural biases in different socio economic settings.
Figure 3.1 Process of relationship of Organization with its publics/stakeholder
Figure 3.2 Similarities in public relations and CSR in Existing models
Figure 3.3 Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
Figure 4.1 Gender wise Sample
Figure 4.2 Age of Sample in Years
Figure 4.3 Level of Education
Figure 4.4 Division of Occupation among Sample
Figure 4.5 Locality demographics of sample
Figure 5.1 Graph of line fit of comparison of AEBA and ASBA on behavioral scale.
Figure 5.2 scatter plot diagram reflecting linear trend in the relationship of AEBA and
Figure 5.3 Graph of line fit comparison of AEBA and AMBA on behavioral scale.
Figure 5.4 scatter plot diagram reflecting linear trend in the relationship of AEBA and
Figure 5.5 Graph of line fit comparison of AEBA and ARBA on behavioral scale.
Figure 5.6 scatter plot diagram reflecting linear trend in the relationship of AEBA and
Figure 5.5 Graph of line fit comparison of AEBA and APUA on behavioral scale






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