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Passage 1更多新概念综合测试题

Food is much important to our health. 1. ___________ http://wendang.chazidian.com

Everyone need to eat well if he or she wants 2. ___________ to have a strong body.

Our minds, like bodies, always need the 3. ___________

best food. This kind of food is a knowledge. 4. ___________ When we will get older, we should enjoy reading 5. ___________ and learning about all kinds of things. If 6. ___________

we just receive answers without thinking 7. ___________

about it, we'll never learn well. When we 8. ___________

study on the right way and get knowledge 9. ___________

on our own, we enjoy learning, we

also learn much and understand better. 10. __________

Passage 2更多新概念综合测试题

Radio and television are very useful on the 1. ___________ world. They may be seen everywhere. Thousands 2.___________ and thousands people watch TV. Perhaps even more 3. ___________ people listen to radio. Television, of course, is 4. ___________ more useful than radio. On TV we can see that is 5. ___________

happening around us. However, radio is no disappeared, 6. ___________ it is still with us. It can be done very small. It 7. ___________ is easy to take. You can put one in your pocket 8. ___________ and listen to in the bus or on your bike when 9. ___________ you go to work. And radio is much more cheaper 10. __________ than television.

Passage 3更多新概念综合测试题

A teacher could make classes lively and 1. ___________

interested. Once he asked his class to watch 2. ___________ carefully first and then do everything he do. 3. ___________ He held up one of his finger and dipped it 4. ___________

into a cup in a mixture. Then he took it 5. ___________

out the cup and put a finger in his mouth 6. ___________

and sucked it with smile. Then he told 7. ___________

the students to do again. Each student made a 8. ___________

face after he did that the teacher had done. 9. ___________


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he had dipped into the cup.

Passage 4

I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last 1. ___________ it has reached to me. I am very glad to know that 2. ___________ everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. 3. ___________ Things here are same now as they were before. The 4. ___________ final examination will take place in next week. So 5. ___________ I am now busy preparing for my lessons. It's nice 6. ___________ to think that the summer vacation is coming 7. ___________

near. I can't say much I want to see you all again 8. ___________ I am looking forward to spend summer days with you. 9. ___________ Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home. 10. __________ Passage 5更多新概念综合测试题

When we buy a postage stamp to put up 1. ___________

a letter, we are paying a post office for 2. ___________ taking the letter. The post office cannot do 3. ___________ its work on nothing. Post offices have to 4. ___________ be built. Postman and people who work 5. ___________

in the post offices have to be paid. The 6. ___________

train, ship or plane which brings our letters 7. ___________ have to be paid. When buy the stamp, we 8. ___________

are often paying for our shares of the 9. ___________

expenses. This called "postage" as you know. 10. __________ Passage 6更多新概念综合测试题

It was very late when we came out the cinema. 1. ___________ We knew the last train will leave at 11:50. So 2. ___________ we ran as fast as we could to the station. 3. ___________ It was just quarter past 11 when we arrived 4. ___________

in the station, but the trains often leave a 5. ___________ little late and there was a train stood at 6. ___________ the platform. So we got in. We waited 7. ___________

for half a hour, then we got out. We found a 8. ___________


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said to us.

Passage 7

Forests are very important. Without it we 1___________

will have not trees. And trees give us wood. 2. ___________

With wood people can make many things. People 3. ___________

need these things so that they can live good. If 4. ___________

we have no trees, we can't build house. Almost 5. ___________

everything in our homes is made of woods. When 6. ___________

there is green trees around us, we have fresh 7. ___________

air. It is good to health. Forests can save 8. ___________

soil, so everyone should take good care for 9. ___________

forests in order that have large and better trees. 10. ___________ Passage 8更多新概念综合测试题

Fred lives with six hundred wild animal on a small island. 1. ___________ Ever since he left school, he traveled all over Africa 2. ___________ collected animals for his zoo. He hoped to collect two 3. ___________ animals of each kind on his island. Fred told me that when 4. ___________ he was out looking for water last week (there is no enough 5. ___________ water on the island), he found oil. He needs the money 6. ___________ for his zoo, and a little oil will buy enough water in a 7. ___________ lifetime; but he knows that if he tells anybody about it, 8. ___________ it will be the end of his zoo or his life's work. So, if I 9. ___________ know my friend, I will not tell others about what he found. 10. ___________ Passage 9更多新概念综合测试题

Oxford is an old town which is about 60 mile from London. 1. ___________

Unlike modern university towns, which you usually find the 2. ___________ university on the edge of the town, Oxford's centre is a 3. ___________ university; and for all around the crossroads at the very 4. ___________ heart of Oxford, are gray stone colleges and other university 5. ___________ buildings. In the centre you can also find interested old 6. ___________ restaurants. Unlike all English towns, there are parks, and 7. ___________ one 'The Parks' are the home of university cricket(板球) in 8. ___________ the summer months. On the edge of Oxford you can see industrial 9. ___________




Passage 10 http://wendang.chazidian.com areas in one direction; and for another, beautiful suburbs(郊区). 10.

When a rabbit sees something danger, it runs away. Its 1. ___________ tail moves up and down as it runs. The other rabbit see 2. ___________ this tail moved up and down. They know that there is 3. ___________ danger, and they run, too. Many other animals use this 4. ___________ kind of language. When a bee has found some food, it go 5. ___________ back to its home. It can tell other bees where the food 6. ___________ is with speaking to them, but it does a little dance in 7. ___________ the air. This tells the bees at home there the food is. 8. ___________ Some animals say things by make sounds. A dog barks 9. ___________ when a stranger goes near. A cat purrs when pleased. 10. ___________ Passage 11

Have you ever noticed how much a number twelve is used? 1. ___________ Aruller is a foot long has twelve inches. On a calendar 2. ___________ (日历), you can see twelve months in each year. A clock 3. ___________ face is numbered from one to twelve for the hour. Each day 4. ___________ is two times of twelve, or twenty-four, hours long. We buy 5. ___________ eggs by dozen. In a store you may have seen a dozen 6. ___________ pencils hold together by a paper wrapping or a dozen 7. ___________ oranges in a paper bag. Stores also buy things with lots 8. ___________ of twelve dozens, or by the gross. One gross is made of 9. ___________ twelve dozens, and one hundred and forty-four pieces. 10. ___________ Passage 12

It's unfair更多新概念综合测试题

Once there lived a man who was such lazy that 1. ___________

no job was fit him. In order to make a living he 2. ___________ went to the neighbour of his for help one day. The 3. ___________ neighbour advised to him to be a cemetery caretaker 4. ___________ (守墓人) as it was the easiest job one could find. 5. ___________ The lazy man delighted and soon became a cemetery 6. ___________ caretaker. And to everybody's surprise he gave up 7. ___________ his job three days before he got it. "It's unfair." 8. ___________ he said to the neighbour angry. "In the cemetery all 9. ___________ the others are lying still when I am the only one 10. ___________



who has to stand."

Passage 13 http://wendang.chazidian.com

Before he was teacher, Bob told me what he 1.___________

would like to be a lawyer when he was at school. 2. ___________

He had worked hard at his lesson and tried to 3. ___________

enter into a famous university, but something unhappy 4. ___________ happened in his family, that made it necessary for 5. ___________

him to working for a living. As a young man, he had been 6. ___________ a bus-driver, a dustman and a salesman. But he spends 7. ___________

his spare time studying and finally became college teacher . 8. ___________ "Young people," he often said, "are full with wishes 9. ___________ and hopes after they step into the society." 10. __________

Passage 14更多新概念综合测试题

That Saturday when I entered in an underpass, I 1. ___________

heard a beautiful sound. It makes me very happy. 2. ___________

It was darkness there, but I could judge where the sound 3. ___________ came from. I walked towards the corner. An old man was sitting 4. ___________ there, wears shabby clothes. He was playing erhu. "Oh, it is 5. ___________ a beggar," I thought. At that moment a man came by dropped. 6. ___________ one Yuan in the beggar box. The old man stopped 7. ___________

to say "Thank you". He then groped(摸) on the ground. 8. ___________ While he found the box, he picked up the money. He felt 9. ___________ it and smiled. What beautiful the music was! It was 10. ___________ played by a blind person. I just admired him.

Passage 15

Some day a rich man, Tom, was salvaging(打捞)something 1. ___________ from a well. Some passer – bys asked, “What on 2. ___________

the earth have you lost?” The rich man answered, “Oh, 3. ___________ I had dropped all my property(财产)in the well.” Soon 4. ___________ a lot of people were drawn nearly. Everyone guessed, “I 5. ___________ wonder if he has lost his diamond ring or some other 6. ___________ treasure.”

All of sudden, Tom held up a key and cried out 7. ___________

to joy, “I have found it at last! I have found all 8. ___________ my property!”

Seen the key, everyone was greatly disappointed. 9. ___________






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