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from College Confidential


1) 2013.3

facsimiles ______ credible _______ counterfeit _______ lucrative _______

redress _______ palliative _______ sanguine _______ resilience _______ inane _______ arduous _______ stilted _______ affectation _______

emanates _______ connoisseurs _______ prototypes_______ simulations_______ - Studies of Insects in Suriname

- Author was everything except -> gullible not 'stymied‘

- What did great mean? -> eminent

- studies in Suriname were -> more problematic

- Casual look -> superficial (not spontaneous)

- scale -> dwarfed by her environment

- what was meant by lines 12-14 -> less successful than her customary methods of research

- Why does author use all this descriptive language -> to convey a setting

- Cairo

Purpose of Passage -> Formative Period of development "A" not ―E‖ ―profound regrets‖ Salt in Water -> Effortless Activity

Teachers saw him as a prodigy because of -> Extraordinary Intellect (not conduct) Action of the headmaster -> specific instance of general pattern

He felt -> Sense of Entitlement (not Grandeur )

Mother viewed Son -> Autonomy

Aftereffect -> melancholy (not dread)

Last paragraph describes him as -> Nomadic

- Apollo 8

- Purpose of passage -> describe experience

- Picture time? -> diligent by inflexible

- The spaceship was a tank -> provide a sense of the challenge

- Anders initially felt - disoriented

- Final Paragraph -> unrealistic expectations

- craters and hills -> support a generalization

Double Long Passage:

- Clasical Music Passage

- "Signs" -> indications

- Both passages focus on -> how classical music is regarded

- How do passages differ -> Passage 2 supplies different perspective

- Passage 1 reacts to first line in passage 2 -> non-judgmental way of categorization? - Passage 2 -> Provides different opinion (nothing explicitly stated in passage 2 bashes passage 1)

- Who is most like the unconverted? ->culturally literate

- What do listings in magazines show? -> unfortunate dichotomy

- Cult -> pretentious

- hold TV Orchestras -> support

- Quote in Passage 2 -> shows a specific opinion about the topic



- songs were example of something that was -> ―personally meaningful‖

- Both passages talk about -> how people regard a specific type of music

- Question about what would author of passage 2 say about death of classical music -> ongoing but not ominous

- Question with diner mood or shoppers: No consensus***

(imo it's the diner's mood)

it talked about the death of true classical music

- Short Passages:

- Grandma

Grandma -> eccentric

Chrysanthemums and tea -> more suitable activities

- Culture

primary purpose -> cultural identities not preestablished

quotation marks -> either "antiquated usage" or "legitimacy of terms", no consensus**

Double Short Passages:

- Happiness:

- What would author of passage 2 say about people who are happy -> They didn‘t seek it. - What would author of passage 1 say about ―condition‖ -> can only be achieved through increasing stimulation

- Author of passage 2 agrees with 1 because happiness doesn't last

2) Sentence Completion










ribald VS droll








Reading Comprehension:

Acupuncture (2 passages)

objective evaluation




On attitude of scientists -- Excited On broken toys, cracked stuff --

On thingness -- Fixed nature

On infinity symbol -- limitless potential

On steep learning curve -- far from perfection

On “credo” -- apt but clumsy

On what best describes plastics -- Mystery man

On absolute quick-change artistry -- unrestricted

Vibration theory of odor perception (2 passages)

On definition of impressions -- notions

smell of anise or buzz of the molecules

On relationship between P1 and P2 -- P2 mocked P1’s claim

Bijah Prince (the pre-revolutionary freedman and his family)

Purpose of the last paragraph-- continue an explanation

The secret to Passage based is to always imagine its being said by an intellectual but

bratty individual who is riding his horse that is dead.

The author describes the quest as all of the following EXCEPT: -- perilous

“Lot” most likely refers to: -- parcel

Then, it would be the one with Lucy.

General consensus is “informed speculation.”

Could go either way but I put rudimentary hypothesis (not basic because he has support)

the silence refers to him disappearing.

informed speculation VS piecemeal

piecemeal story deepening mystery

When does the silence end? (When baby momma gets ready for labor, sugar daddy comes home)

Reference passage:

The story of Bijah & Lucy

In 1997, my husband and I returned to live in Vermont, just a few miles away from where we first met as college students, and where we had ended up renting an old farmhouse together during our senior year. We never expected to move back there, but 25 years after our graduation, I visited an old friend after a college reunion, and the next thing we knew we were having a house built down the road from her. Something—we didn’t yet know what—seemed to have



called us to this place.

Shortly after we settled in, my mother asked me if I knew about a black man named Abijah

Prince who’d also lived in Guilford, centuries earlier, and sent me a mention of him from a book.

When not long afterward, my husband later ran across another mention of Bijah, I knew I

wanted to know more about this man. I hadn’t realized at first that Bijah was the husband of the legendary Lucy Terry—the poet and storyteller who had defended their rights in the highest courts—and that they had lived just down the road from where we now had settled. Why would former slaves build a life for themselves and their children in Vermont, a state that still remains one of the whitest in America? I began taking notes, foolishly thinking that I could track the entire story down in a matter of months, and that I could do the whole thing from my little village, with occasional trips to Massachusetts. As the months turned into years, and the short drives turned into overnight stays in several states, my husband and I began to feel that we were being pushed from behind, by some unknown force, along a trail with the Princes’ names on it.

The public record of the marriage of Abijah Prince and Lucy Terry, dated May 17, 1756.

At the head of the trail was the legend of Lucy Terry and her husband Abijah Prince. Retold for over a century and a half, it began with his birth in Connecticut in 1706 and her arrival in New England as an African child around 1729. It told of his youth spent in a minister’s house in western Massachusetts, and hers nearby in the tiny town of Deerfield, Massachusetts, as slaves. It told how she was a favorite with everyone because of her powers of speech, and that they married and raised a free family in a house that children flocked to, in order to hear her talk. It said Bijah was given land in Vermont so they moved there, only to be attacked by neighbors; Lucy went to court to protect their property, arguing the case herself, and won. It said that after Bijah’s death she moved across the state where it all happened again, this time sending her to argue her land rights case before the Supreme Court. Every year until her death in 1821 she rode back to his grave, nearly blind, to visit with him. How much of what had been written about them was true?

A simple mention of Bijah—as people often called him—turned into a seven-year quest, much of it full time, for the truth about Bijah and Lucy. A grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities gave me a year to research, and when that ended I asked my husband to join the search, and soon it became his full-time job. We spent our days tracking them down in town offices, court records, and archives, reading fading ink and mouse-chewed legal dockets, and we spent our evenings trying to make sense of what we found. We were living double lives: the Princes’and ours.

The more we looked, the more the seemingly unanswerable questions mounted, buried in the depths of time, during warfare, obscured by misinformation. Some of them were about the simplest aspects of their daily life, and some were about the legend itself: What did they look and sound like? Could they read and write? Who were their friends? Did they go to church? How did they pass their evenings with their children? Did Lucy really successfully argue a case in the Supreme Court? Other questions concerned the lives of black people, slave and free, in the backwoods of New England. How did they acquire land? Could they shop in stores or drink in taverns? How could they become free? The answers proved to be astounding.



Over the years, as the most complete story of any early African American family began to unfold, it seemed that something, or someone, was guiding us. Things that no one could discover began to turn up, often in unlikely places. “Why us?” I kept asking, as wonderful documents, long hidden, appeared as if by magic. I got my answer two years into the search. As unimaginable as it was, the answer lay in my own family history.

The sarcastic tones of the Luca passages were pretty funny

Reference Passage:

A sumptuous, scintillating stew of sixty four short fictions about appetite, food, and the objects of our desire

All great meals, it has been said, lead to discussions of either sex or death, and The Devil's Larder, in typical Cracean fashion, leads to both. Here are sixty four short fictions of at times Joycean beauty--about schoolgirls hunting for razor clams in the strand; or searching for soup-stones to take out the fishiness of fish but to preserve the flavor of the sea; or about a mother and daughter tasting food in one another's mouth to see if people really do taste things

differently--and at other times, of Mephistophelean mischief: about the woman who seasoned her food with the remains of her cremated cat, and later, her husband, only to hear a voice

singing from her stomach (you can't swallow grief, she was advised); or the restaurant known as "The Air & Light," the place to be in this small coastal town that serves as the backdrop for

Crace's gastronomic flights of fancy, but where no food or beverage is actually served, though a 12 percent surcharge is imposed just for just sitting there and being seen.

Food for thought in the best sense of the term, The Devil's Larder is another delectable work of fiction by a 2001 winner of The National Book Critics Circle Award.

Stone Soup

- goes from admiration to appreciation of usefulness

- “hard” light = intense

- The author mentions two instances of light to: emphasize its short-lived nature

-describe memories as he washes the stone to- something along the lines of describing sensory experience y images from his past

3) 2013.11

Version 1

Rebellion _______ tension_______ humdrum _______ serendipity _______

serene _______ slanted _______ anticipation _______ cogent _______

popular _______ resistant _______ chastened _______ contrite _______

tenacious _______ eradicated _______ spurious _______

Version 2

exploitation _______ scintillating _______ parsimony _______ didactic _______







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