李枫 毕设翻译
3.1 Introduction
In axial-flow compressors, the stage pressure rise is very dependent on the axial flow velocity. To achieve the design pressure ratio in the minimum number of stages, a high axial velocity is essential; in many aircraft engines, compressor outlet velocities may reach 170 m/s or higher. It is,of course, impractical to attempt to burn fuels in air flowing at such high velocities. Quite apart from the formidable combustion problems involved,the fundamental pressure loss would be excessive. For example, for an air velocity of 170 m/s and a combustor temperature ratio of 2.5, the pressure loss incurred in combustion would be approximately 25% of the pressure rise
achieved in the compressor. Thus, before combustion can proceed,the air velocity must be greatly reduced, usually to about one-fifth of the compressor outlet velocity. This reduction in velocity is accomplished by fitting a diffuser between the compressor outlet and the upstream end of the liner.
In its simplest form, a diffuser is merely a diverging passage in which the flow is decelerated and the reduction in velocity head is converted to a rise in static pressure. The efficiency of this conversion process is of considerable importance because any losses that occur are manifested as a fall in total pressure across the diffuser. In long diffusers of low divergence angle, the pressure loss is high due to skin friction along the walls,as shown in Figure 3.1. Such diffusers are, in any case, impractical
because of their extreme length. On all aircraft engines, and also on many industrial engines, length is crucial, and it is essential, therefore, that diffusion is accomplished in the shortest possible distance. With an increase in divergence angle, both diffuser length and friction losses are reduced, but stall
losses arising from boundary-layer separation become more significant.Clearly, for any given area ratio, there is an optimum angle of divergence at which the pressure loss is a minimum. Usually this angle lies between 6° and 12°.
From a designer’s viewpoint, an ideal diffuser is one that achieves the required velocity reduction in the shortest possible length, with minimum loss in total pressure, and with uniform and stable flow conditions at its outlet.Sufficient experimental data are now available to design such a
diffuser,provided that the inlet velocity profile is symmetrical and not too peaked.Unfortunately, on many engines, the compressor outlet velocity profile is both peaked and asymmetric and is also subject to appreciable variation with changes in engine operating conditions. Under these circumstances,stable flow conditions cannot always be achieved, with the result that some engines are plagued by various deficiencies, such as a lack of consistency in the temperature distribution at the combustor exit and an increase in exhaust gas pollutants.
There is no lack of reliable experimental data on the performance of conventional conical diffusers. Available data on two-dimensional and annular diffusers are less comprehensive, and nearly all these data are summarized in a few important papers. Unfortunately, the performance charts presented in these papers are for boundary-layer-type inlet flows, developed in approach sections, which differ appreciably from the compressor-generated flows encountered in combustor diffusers. Moreover, in comparison with conventional diffusers, there are a number of additional geometric parameters that strongly affect the performance of combustor diffusers, such as the size and shape of the liner and its position relative to the diffuser exit. This complex interaction between the liner and diffuser explains why there are no general performance charts for combustor diffusers comparable to those for conventional diffusers.
At the present time, there is no completely general and accurate method for predicting
combustor-diffuser performance. However, much useful progress has been achieved with numerical modeling techniques, which can now successfully predict the gross features of flow fields in combustor diffusers.
3.2 Diffuser Geometry
The geometry of straight-walled diffusers may be defined in terms of three geometric parameters, as shown in Figure 3.2. Area ratio, AR, is an obvious choice as a major parameter because it is directly related to the primary function of the diffuser in achieving a prescribed reduction in velocity. Some form of nondimensional length is a logical selection for another because, as pointed out by Sovran and Klomp [1], in combination with the area ratio,such a length defines the overall pressure gradient; the principal factor in boundary-layer development. Usually, either the wall length, L, or the axial length, N, is used as a characteristic length; it is expressed in nondimensional form by dividing by a
representative inlet dimension.
A third parameter is the divergence angle, 2θ, which is not an independent variable, but is related to the other parameters by for two-dimensional units, and for conical units.
Sovran and Klomp [1] recommend the use of L/ΔR1 as the characteristic dimension for annular diffusers, where L is the average wall length, and ΔR1 is the annulus height at the diffuser inlet. This gives an expression for area ratio that is similar to the expression for conical units when the inlet radius ratio approaches zero, and similar to the expression for two-dimensional units when it approaches unity. Thus, the performance characteristics of all three types of diffuser may be plotted on a single set of coordinate axes as,for example, in Figure 3.3.
3.3 Flow Regimes
The first systematic study of flow patterns in diffusers was carried out by Kline et al. [2]. Tests were conducted on two-dimensional diffusers with straight walls, and the inlet flow conditions, the wall length, and the throat width were held constant. They observed that as the divergence angle is progressively increased from zero, a number of different flow regimes are found, which can be described as follows:
1. No ―appreciable‖ stall, with the main flow well behaved and apparently unseparated.
2. Transitory stall, whereby eddies are formed that run along the diffuser,some in close proximity to the wall. These eddies assist the diffusion process by transporting lethargic air away from the boundary layer and replacing it with more energetic air from the main core of the flow. This is a region of pulsating flow.
3. Fully developed stall, where the major portion of the diffuser is filled with a large triangular-shaped recirculation region, extending from the diffuser exit to a position close to the diffuser throat.
4. Jet flow, in which the main flow is separated from both walls. The separation begins slightly
downstream from the throat, and the flow does not reattach until well downstream from the diffuser. Jet flow occurs only at high angles of divergence.
3.4 Performance Criteria
The function of a diffuser is to reduce velocity and to convert kinetic energy or dynamic pressure into a rise in static pressure, as shown schematically in Figure 3.4. To assess the efficiency of conversion, it is necessary to define the quantity of available dynamic pressure. This is usually based on a mean velocity, u, which is obtained directly from the continuity equation as The dynamic pressure is then obtained as The pressure loss in the diffuser is defined as
where ΔPdiff includes both the internal energy loss and the effects of redistribution of velocity between inlet and outlet.
For one-dimensional incompressible flow we have
From Equations 3.7 and 3.8, the rise in static pressure is given by Several useful parameters for expressing diffuser performance can be derived from this equation.
3.4.1 Pressure-Recovery Coefficient
The pressure-recovery coefficient Cp is calculated as A nondimensional coefficient of ideal static pressure rise, Cpideal, is derived directly from this equation as
压恢复系数Cp作为无因次系数理想的静态压力上升计算, Cpideal,直接从这个方程推导
This equation shows that Cpideal is dependent solely on area ratio to which it is related by a law of diminishing returns.
这个方程表明, Cpideal仅仅与依赖面积比的收益递减规律有关。
3.4.3 Overall Effectiveness
This is the ratio η of the actual pressure rise to the maximum theoretically obtainable, i.e., Thus, η is related to Cp by the equation Typically η varies between 0.5 and 0.9, depending on the geometry and flow conditions [6].
3.4.4 Loss Coefficient
This is usually defined as where the over bar denotes a mass-flow weighted value derived from a detailed traverse across the duct.
The value of λ depends largely on the type of diffuser employed. Typical values of λ for
combustor diffusers range from around 0.15 for ―aerodynamically clean‖ faired diffusers to around 0.45 for dump diffusers of high liner/depth ratio (DL/h1) containing a normal complement of support struts and fuel injectors. For vortex-controlled diffusers (VCD), reported values of λrange from 0.05 to 0.15.
λ的值在很大程度上取决于扩散器的类型。典型值λ的燃烧室柔光镜范围从约0.15“空气清洁”流线型的扩散器0.45左右转储柔光镜高班轮/深度比(DL / h1)包含一个支持层和喷油嘴的正常补充。为涡控制扩散器(VCD)报道的λ值从0.05到0.15不等。
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