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  文献、资料来源:Laser display design and production 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:

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  翻译日期: 2017.02.14

  Laser display design and production Display technology is the use of electronic technology to provide flexible transform visual information technology. Laser display technology, known as the fourth generation revolutionary display technology of laser display technology, known as the fourth generation revolutionary display technology. Laser display is widely used in TV, projector, public information screen, digital cinema, home theater, pilot training, big screen command display system, water curtain

  imaging performances and other fields, in the successful realization of miniaturization, but also can be applied in mobile phone projection, individualized helmet display system.


  Reportedly, the display industry is an important part of information industry. Laser display with high color saturation and three color laser as the display light source, a color gamut range, long service life, environmental protection, energy-saving advantages, so that the display system comprehensive performance substantially span, is considered to be a revolution in the field of display.

  Laser display colors, color performance ability is flat TV 2 ~ 3 times; the service life is flat TV light source more than 10 times; the production process is environmentally friendly, no waste water, waste gas, waste discharge. In addition, the laser source is the core device composed of semiconductor material, each 18 months performance can be doubled and the cost is reduced by half, its cost reduction potential is tremendous. These advantages make the laser display to the rapid speed of development.


  Reportedly, the display industry is an important part of information industry. Laser display with high color saturation and three color laser as the display light source, a color gamut range, long service life, environmental protection, energy-saving advantages, so that the display system comprehensive performance substantially span, is considered to be a revolution in the field of display.

  Laser display colors, color performance ability is flat TV 2 ~ 3 times; the service life is flat TV light source more than 10 times; the production process is environmentally friendly, no waste water, waste gas, waste discharge. In addition, the laser source is the core device composed of semiconductor material, each 18 months performance can be doubled and the cost is reduced by half, its cost reduction potential is tremendous. These advantages make the laser display to the rapid speed of development.

  Current situation analysis

  The domestic status quo

  Chinese laser display technology level completely in sync with the world. In China the concept first laser display, laser display technology leader, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Xu Zuyan under the leadership of academician, laser display technology research projects after 3 National 863 project, and contained more than 10, in 2003 to obtain major breakthrough, has launched many generation of laser TV principle prototype. In 2006 the group completed the research phase of the mission objectives, 2007 laser display technology begins to enter industrialization stage.

  Foreign status

  As the next generation display technology competition the focal point, SONY,

  Panasonic, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, EPSON, Samsung and other well-known

  international showed giant, have increased in the laser display field development. Since 2005 there have been many companies introduce laser television concept prototype. According to the United States of America laser focus world professional media optimistic forecasts, 2010 before and after laser display technology in the world will form a $57000000000 / year in industrial scale.

  In recent years, the International German, Japan and the United States, South Korea and other countries have invested enormous human and material resources for the full color laser display technology research. Japanese industry calls it the human visual revolution in

  history, and to the power of the state, a well-known multinational companies to participate in joint development. In 2005, the Japanese Sony company in Aichi Expo launched a large-scale laser theater, show its technology development achievement; 2006 March, Japan Seiko Epson Corporation announced and the United States Novalux strategic cooperation, common

  development of laser display technology; 2006 February, Japan's Mitsubishi Electric

  announced the launch of laser TV prototype, and initially set up the industrialization program, to seek in the the future high technology competition to occupy the strategic commanding elevation. Laser show beyond all dispute to become a monochrome display, color display, digital display after the next generation display technology.

  Different display devices based on different physical principles. Any electronic display method is to change the optical properties of certain. Active display device is the device of self-luminous display device; passive by external light irradiation and the realization of display. There are a number of display method is the use of light refraction, diffraction and polarization to achieve.

  Display device:

  Display device by a display device and relevant circuits, used by the display device can be divided into different, electron beam display device, flat panel display device and

  projection type display device. The display processor is constituted of a display device is an important component, its function is to buffer, timing, control and coordinate transformation, data insertion and deletion, image changes, rotation, shift and various other data control. The display processor includes a refresh memory, its capacity to accommodate one or more digital data, to fit the vision requirements. In a display device such as a keyboard input device, a graphics tablet,,, trackball and lever, is man machine combination method, used to strengthen the function of display device.

  Laser is a kind of energy is highly concentrated, highly monochromatic coherent light source, with several different color, in a display of attention. In the military and public place of entertainment, use of the holographic principle can form stereoscopic image holographic display. However, the practical application of laser display by the light intensity and efficiency of a certain limit.

  Display software:

  In a computer controlled display device, display software is an important component in a computer system, is based on the software compiled. Interactive display device capable of interacting by the graphic software. Interactive graphic display software generally consists of basic graphics software, special graphics software and application software is composed of three parts. In a display system in certain applications, requires the application of

  three-dimensional rotation technique. 3D rotation, zoom and cross-sectional profile technique in medical, construction design and mechanical design display applications is very useful, is a complicated problem to display software.

  Display system:

  Depending on the application, by one or more, one or a plurality of display device is composed of the availability of visual information electronic system. It received from various electronic equipment or system signal. Display system generally need to be equipped with the appropriate input device and the necessary recording equipment, in order to realize man machine contact and for later investigation by.

  Electron beam tube display device in display technique is still occupied the main

  position, but all board or wall display device (i.e., a matrix display ) superiority, will get developing quickly. Projection display technology has been flat screen display replaces the trend. Display software in intelligent display device is very important. Graphic language standardization, the wide application of computer display has a huge impact, thus great

  attention. Computer display technology development will promote the development of display software.

  A new image reconstruction technology makes full use of the advantages of the laser itself. In the light of the dissemination method, laser light source with the traditional

  incandescent lamp has a fundamentally different: ordinary incandescent light in all directions

  and laser emission, will all the light gathering in a parallel beam of light. In addition, the laser projector than traditional projector can express more color range, to provide more clear images. High definition allows the laser projector can be used for traditional projector is not applicable in some areas. The current widely used with halide lamp traditional projector

  cannot arbitrarily to around the room projection, projection lens compensation because only a very small distortion, so in principle should show near the axis of the projector, generally located in the center of the room. Laser irradiation in a vertical or horizontal angle of the screen, the effect is the same, no distortion. Even odd projection geometry, such as an arch screen, or even a circular screen, laser projection in any place will not produce ambiguous phenomenon. Laser projector such characteristics for annular projection to create a better future. In practical application, laser technology and many other advantages: compact

  projection head and laser unit can be separated; the laser unit can be hidden in the room, only the small projection head is exposed outside; the inclined projection distortion can be very simple correction etc..

  Laser display is red, green, blue ( RGB ) of three primary colors of laser light source for the display technology, can the true reproduction of the objective world rich, bright colors, and provide more powerful expressive force. Compared with natural light color gamut, a conventional display device can only reproduce the human eye can see colors in 30% and currently under development in the laser display can cover 90%, the huge potential for us to laser display technology of the future is full of expectations, so the laser display is known as the human visual revolution in history.

  Supporting conditions

  Laser technology laser display industry 's main support conditions. This requires that we strengthen the development of laser technology, especially in the laser technical breakthrough, because the laser has a direct influence on the effects of laser display. At present our country is in this respect is relatively deficient, is still mainly to imports.

  Laser technology is another major supporting conditions is investment. Laser display industry is a research and development process of long compared to the industry, long-term investment in research and development is a lot of enterprises can afford, so need government invested scientific research funds for research and development. Only in this way can we ensure the laser technology of rapid development.

  Industry chain

  Laser display industry chain is very long, the semiconductor chip from the R D and production of semiconductor laser research and development production to R D and

  production of laser TV affect microelectronics, optical and electrical appliances, white black appliances fields. The downstream industries have terminal products manufacturing industry ( for example displays, projectors and other equipment production ), the upstream industry semiconductor device production. Increase strength to drive laser display industry

  development will be able to drive a lot of high-tech industry development.

  Restricting factors

  China is now the development of laser display industry has encountered some difficulties, as follows:

  In 1, the semiconductor laser weak industrial base is the leading cause of our laser display with high power semiconductor laser rely mainly on imported from abroad is main reason, especially in high power semiconductor lasers extension and chip technology greatly limits the domestic development of laser display technology.

  In 2, the laser display technology has just completed the research phase of the mission, is entering the stage of industrialization. Due to the lack of industry chain, industry key link mechanism is not perfect and other reasons, all of the technology and market lack enough understanding, so the laser display is in the technology without the condition of product.

  In 3, terminal enterprises difficult to organize the complete laser display technology chain and industry chain

  In 4, upstream development force is dispersive, capital throws inadequacy, low-level repeat construction serious. First of all, as the downstream terminal products manufacture of China's color TV enterprises because of historical reasons, it is difficult to organize the

  complete laser display technology chain and industry chain. Secondly, as the upper reaches of the enterprise, as the development of scattered strength, insufficient R D investment, resulting in uneven level, low-level repeat construction serious.

  Policies and measures

  By means of laser display in the high-end market, special ( including all kinds of

  Engineering ) demonstration application, create market demand, expanding the size of the

  market, and promote the development of all kinds of social resources in the downstream areas, investment, form a complete mature laser display industry chain.

  Union, downstream enterprises in the fields of laser display industry alliance,

  organization, and make full use of our country in the color gamut, decoherence shimming technology and index of advantage, develop the relevant standards, for China's laser display industry group to provide protection.

  Improve the industrial chain, industrial union organization at the same time, government support is also essential, it will reduce the production cost, improve the technical chain has played a positive role.

  Increase innovation strength, encourage technical innovation in the field of innovation behavior, reward, through various measures to stimulate the laser technology innovation.

  Through the combination of production and research advance of laser display industrial key technology researchers will work extends to the industrialization of technology and technology research and development, for the production of manufacturers including system design, integration and key components of production process, relatively complete industrial technology solutions, and through the early entry in the local market, technology and product demonstration, creating a market demand and to the relevant manufacturers to promote technology solutions.

  Seize the international display industrial upgrading opportunities, as soon as possible to achieve laser show ( TV ) industrialization, as soon as possible to achieve the display industry upgrading.

  By the relevant government departments, organization support, relying on the advantage of units, as soon as the breakthrough of low cost integrated all-solid-state RGB light source, the standardization of shimming a decoherence device large-scale production technology and techniques, to construct the complete mature laser show ( TV ) technology chain.

  By means of a laser show ( TV ) in the high-end and special market ( including all kinds of Engineering ) demonstration application, expand the size of the market, and promote the development of all kinds of social resources in the downstream areas, investment,

  construction of complete laser show ( television ) industry chain.

  Laser display technology research and development:

  Laser display technology research and development can be divided into 4 stages: the concept stage, development stage, early stage and industrialization scale industrialization stage. Laser display concept in the last century 60's, countries around the world scientists try to laser technology will be applied to the display light source research. Chinese Academy of engineering, Xu Zuyan first in the domestic the laser display concept, and made a preliminary study. But then the laser development level, project progress is slow. The last century 90's, along with the solid-state laser materials developed, greatly promoted the laser display

  technology research, 2003 laser display technology research to obtain historic breakthrough, through RGB three color of visible light laser successfully mixed into white light, and






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