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外文报告:SWS-Watch List AM-130521


外文报告:SWS-Watch List AM-130521

本研究报告仅通过邮件提供给 泰信基金 泰信基金管理有限公司(research@http://wendang.chazidian.com) 使用。1
Please refer to the last page for important Disclosures. 1SWS RESEARCH Co.,LTD
No.99 Nanjing Rd.(E) Shanghai China

Macro Ins ight

N / A

Inves tment Strategy

Yang Shaohua
Tel: 86-21-23297386

Wang Sheng
Tel: 86-21-23297448

Liu Li
Tel: 86-21-23297218

SWS Conviction Buy Lis t (May 21-May 27): Top picks for the next 3
months .
Over the past trading week, stocks on our Conviction BUY List posted an absolute
return of 3.20%, outperforming the Shanghai Composite Index by 0.61%. Over the
past four trading weeks, our recommended stocks posted an absolute return of
7.44%, outperforming the Shanghai Composite Index by 4.86%. So far this year,
stocks on our List have gained cumulative absolute return of 11.14% and
cumulative excess return of 10.13%.
In this issue, we maintain our constituent stocks unchanged.
We now highlight the following 24 companies, which are Ping An Insurance
(601318), China Pacific Insurance (Group) (601601), Kangmei Pharmaceutical
(600518), China Minsheng Banking Corporation (600016), Fujian Superpipe
(300198), Sinopec (600028), Shanghai Jahwa United (600315), BlueFocus
Communication Group (300058), Gree Electric Appliances (000651), Industrial
Bank (601166), Poly Real Estate (600048), Dongjiang Environmental Company
(002672), Tasly Pharmaceutical Group (600535), CITIC Securities Company
Limited (600030), Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (600887), COSCO Shipping
(600428), SAIC Motor (600104), Bank of Nanjing (601009), Selen Science and
Technology (002341), Shanghai Luxin Packing Materials Science & Technology
(002565), Shenzhen Capchem Technology (300037), Henan Shuanghui Investment
& Development (000895), Jiujiujiu Technology (002411), and Shandong Longlive
Bio-Technology (002604).

Sector Watch

N / A
May 21 AM, 2013
SWS Wat ch Li st

本研究报告仅通过邮件提供给 泰信基金 泰信基金管理有限公司(research@http://wendang.chazidian.com) 使用。2
http://wendang.chazidian.com SWS Watch List

Please refer to the last page for important Disclosures.

SWS Univers e

Zhou Xuhui
Tel: 86-21-23297712

Liu Li
Tel: 86-21-23297218

TBEA (600089): PV indus try has touched the bottom. Photovoltaic
(PV) power s tation bus ines s and polys ilicon bus ines s help boos t
performance turnaround.
On the evening of May 20, JA Solar Holdings (NASDAQ:JASO) announced its
1Q13 earnings results. Due to more-than-expected gross margin improvement, the
stock price of JA Solar Holdings surged over 70%, the biggest growth since 2013.
Our comments are as follows:
1. It is certain that PV industry has reached the bottom level.
PV industry faces two turning points: firstly, it faces market transfer from European
market to Chinese/American/Japanese market; secondly, it tends to achieve grid
parity instead of being driven by government subsidy.
2. Domestic PV power station business and polysilicon business will be the biggest
Europe will likely impose AD/CVD duties in the preliminary verdict. In our views,
China will take two measures to deal with this situation: 1. China may launch
AD/CVD investigations on overseas polysilicon. In such case, domestic polysilicon
producers will gain benefits; 2. China will expand domestic market to offset the
negative effects. If so, domestic PV plants builders will be the beneficiaries.
3. Currently, TBEA (600089) is our top pick in the PV industry due to:
Strong competitiveness: TBEA is a leading PV power station builder. In 2012, it built
PV power stations with total installed capacity of 450MW. In 2013, it is expected to
build power stations with installed capacity of 1000MW. Additionally, 12K tons
polysilicon project will enter the commissioning stage. It is expected that the cost of
the new project will drop to USD13/kg in 3Q13.
High performance resilience: In 2012, net income attributable of PV industry
amounted to –RMB120M. In 2013, losses will be eliminated along with performance
turnaround. Net income attributable of PV industry is hopefully expected to reach
about RMB170M, implying 30% earnings resilience.
High valuation safety margin: We estimate TBEA’s (600089) 2013-2015 EPS to be
RMB0.53, RMB0.68 and RMB0.78, representing PEs of 15x, 11x and 10x,
respectively. TBEA is significantly undervalued as compared with other power
equipment companies (average valuation: 25times) and other PV companies
(average valuation: 30-100times).

Fund Derivatives

N / A
本研究报告仅通过邮件提供给 泰信基金 泰信基金管理有限公司(research@http://wendang.chazidian.com) 使用。3
http://wendang.chazidian.com SWS Watch List

Please refer to the last page for important Disclosures.
Dis clos ure:
The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst. The analyst declares that neither he/she nor his/her associate
serves as an officer of nor has any financial interests in relation to the listed corporation reviewed by the analyst. None of the listed corporations
reviewed or any third party has provided or agreed to provide any compensation or other benefits in connection with this report to any of the analyst, the
Company or the group company(ies). A group company(ies) of the Company confirm that they, whether individually or as a group (i) are not involved in
any market making activities for any of the listed corporation reviewed; or (ii) do not have any individual employed by or associated with any group
company(ies) of the Company serving as an officer of any of the listed corporation reviewed; or (iii) do not have any financial interest in relation to the
listed corporation reviewed or (iv) do not, presently or within the last 12 months, have any investment banking relationship with the listed corporation
Undertakings of the Analyst
Equity Analyst
I am conferred the Professional Quality of Securities Investment Consulting Industry by the Securities Association of China and have registered as the
Securities Analyst. I hereby issue this report independently and objectively with due diligence, professional and prudent research methods and only
legitimate information is used in this report. I am also responsible for the content and opinions of this report. I have never been, am not, and will not be
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The Company fulfills its duty of disclosure within its sphere of knowledge. The clients may contact compliance@http://wendang.chazidian.com for the relevant
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Introduction of Share Investment Rating
Security Investment Rating:
When measuring the difference between the markup of the security and that of the market’s benchmark within six months after the release of this report,
we define the terms as follows:
Buy: with a markup more than 20% better than that of the market;
Outperform:With a markup 5% to 20% better than that of the market;
Neutral: with a markup less than 5% better or worse than that of the market;
Underperform: with a markup more than 5% worse than that of the market.
Industry Investment Rating:
When measuring the difference between the markup of the industry index and that of the market’s benchmark within six months after the release of the
report, we define the terms as follows:
Overweight:Industry performs better than that of the whole market;
Neutral: Industry performs about the same as that of the whole market;
Underweight:Industry performs worse than that of the whole market.
We would like to remind you that different security research institutions adopt different rating terminologies and rating standards. We adopt the relative
rating method to recommend the relative weightings of investment. The clients’ decisions to buy or sell securities shall be based on their actual situation,
such as their portfolio structures and other necessary factors. The clients shall read through the whole report so as to obtain the complete opinions and
information and shall not rely solely on the investment ratings to reach a conclusion. The Company employs its own industry classification system. The
industry classification is available at our sales personnel if you are interested.
HSCEI is the benchmark employed in this report.

Dis claimer:
This report is to be used solely by the clients of SWS Research Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The Company will not deem any
other person as its client notwithstanding his receipt of this report.
This is the brief translation of the Chinese version of the original report. Whilst we are not the professional translator, the translation is only prepared for
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The clients understand that the text message reminder and telephone recommendation are no more than a brief communication of the research opinions,
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Save and except as otherwise stipulated in this report, the contactor upon the first page of the report only acts as the liaison who shall not provide any
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http://wendang.chazidian.com SWS Watch List

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