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  1 龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance

  2 庙会 temple fair

  3 年夜饭 Lunar New Year reunion dinner

  4 清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day; Qingming Festival

  5 扫墓 Tomb-sweeping

  6 赏菊 appreciating chrysanthemum

  7 赏月 watching the full moon

  8 狮子舞 lion dance

  9 压岁钱 Ya Sui Qian; suppressing age money

  10 秧歌舞 yang ge dance

  11 植树节 Tree-planting Day

  12 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival

  13 月饼 moon cake

  14 重阳节 Double-Ninth Festival

  15 十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac

  16 版画 engraving

  17 贝雕画 shell carving picture

  18 彩塑 painted sculpture

  19 瓷器 porcelain; china

  20 刺绣 embroidery

  21 雕刻 carving

  22 宫灯 palace lantern

  23 国画 Chinese painting

  24 剪纸 paper cutting

  25 景德镇瓷器 Jingdezhen porcelain

  26 木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving

  27 木刻画 wood engraving

  28 皮影 shadow puppet

  29 中国水墨画 Chinese ink and wash painting

  30 唐三彩 tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

  31 辞旧迎新 ring out the old year and ring in the New Year

  32 年底大扫除 the year-end household cleaning

  33 灯谜 lantern riddle

  34 登高 hill climbing

  35 拜年 paying a New Year call

  36 鞭炮 firecracker

  37 年画 (traditional) New Year painting

  38 舞龙 dragon dance

  39 元宵 sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour

  40 元宵节 Lantern Festival

  41 花灯 festival lantern

  42 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

  43 恭喜发财! May you be prosperous!

  44 守岁 stay up late on New Year’s Eve

  45 陶器 pottery; earthenware

  46 图章 seal

  47 微雕 miniature engraving

  48 象牙雕刻 ivory carving

  49 京剧 Peking opera

  50 京剧人物脸谱 facial make-up in Peking opera

  51 生 male character

  52 末 middle-aged male character

  53 净 “painted face” character

  54 旦 female characters

  55 丑 clown

  56 木偶戏 puppet show

  57 独角戏 monodrama; one-man play

  58 皮影戏 shadow play

  59 秦腔 Qinqiang; Shaanxi opera

  60 火候 heat control

  61 切片 cut into slices

  62 切条 cut into strips

  63 切丝 cut into shreds

  64 切丁 dice

  65 切碎 mince

  66 磨碎 grind

  67 大/旺/武火 strong heat

  68 中火 medium heat

  69 小/微/文火 gentle heat

  70 煎 pan-frying 71 炒 stir-frying

  72 爆 quick-frying

  73 炸 deep-frying

  74 烩 stewing

  75 太极 Tai Chi

  76 折子戏 opera highlights

  77 哑剧 dumb show; mime; pantomime

  78 单口相声 monologue comic talk

  79 双口相声 witty dialogue

  80 口技 vocal imitation

  81 说书 monologue story-telling

  82 杂技 acrobatic performance

  83 叠罗汉 making a human pyramid

  84 特技 stunt

  85 踩高跷 stilt walk

  86 马戏 circus performance

  87 除夕 New Year’s Eve

  88 春节 Spring Festival

  89 春联 Spring Festival couplets

  90 七夕节 Double Seventh Day

  91 粽子 traditional Chinese rice-pudding; rice dumpling

  92 美食节 gourmet festival

  93 中餐烹饪 Chinese cuisine

  94 四大菜系 four major Chinese cuisines

  95 粤菜 Cantonese cuisine

  96 淮扬菜 Huaiyang cuisine

  97 鲁菜 Shandong cuisine

  98 川菜 Sichuan cuisine

  99 八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding

  100 臭豆腐 strong-smelling preserved bean curd

  101 粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour

  102 地方风味小吃 local delicacy; local flavor snacks

  103 刀工 cutting technique; the skill of cutting up vegetables and meat

  104 熏 smoking

  105 煨 simmering

  106 煮 boiling

  107 烘 baking

  108 烤 roasting

  109 蒸 steaming

  110 红烧 braising (with soy sauce)

  111 涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton

  112 羊肉串小摊 mutton barbecue stall

  113 佛教 Buddhism

  114 佛寺 Buddhist temple

  115 佛经 Buddhist scriptures

  116 道教 Taoism

  117 道观 Taoist temple

  118 道士 Taoist priest

  119 蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg

  120 火锅 hot pot

  121 八仙 the Eight Immortals

  122 嫦娥 Chang?e (the Chinese moon goddess)

  123 伏羲 Fu Xi (God of Fishery and Husbandry)

  124 福禄寿三星 the three gods of

  fortune, prosperity and longevity

  125 共工 Kung Kung (God of Water)

  126 后羿 Hou Yi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns)

  127 《孙子兵法》 The Art of War

  128 《三字经》 Three-Character Scriptures

  129 旗袍 cheongsam

  130 中山装 Chinese tunic suit

  131 唐装 Tang suit

  132 孔子 Confucius

  133 儒教 Confucianism

  134 儒家文化 Confucian culture

  135 孔子庙 Confucian Temple

  136 墨家 Mohism

  137 法家 Legalism

  138 《春秋》 The Spring and Autumn Annals

  139 五经 The Five Classics

  140 《史记》 Historical Records

  141 《诗经》 The Book of Songs

  142 《书经》 The Book of History

  143 《易经》 The Book of Changes

  144 《礼记》 The Book of Rites

  145 四书 The Four Books

  146 《大学》 The Great Learning 147 粥 porridge; congee

  148 芋头 taro

  149 葱油饼 green onion pie

  150 油条 deep-fried dough sticks

  151 豆浆 soybean milk

  152 馒头 steamed bun

  153 锅贴 pot sticker

  154 花卷 steamed twisted roll

  155 包子 steamed stuffed bun

  156 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck

  157 拉面 stretched noodles

  158 馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup)

  159 豆腐 tofu; bean curd

  160 烧饼 clay oven rolls

  161 皮蛋 century egg

  162 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean

  163 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius

  164 《孟子》 The Mencius

  165 《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

  166 《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia


  167 《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror

  168 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber

  169 《西行漫记》 Red Star Over China

  170 《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  171 《水浒传》 Water Margin

  172 《西游记》 Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West

  173 《红楼梦》 A Dream in Red Mansions; The Story of the Stone

  174 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

  175 牌坊 memorial archway

  176 释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni

  177 大雄宝殿 the Great Buddha’s Hall

  178 藏经楼 depositary of Buddhist sutra

  179 素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant

  180 罗汉堂 Arhat Hall

  181 观音 Guanyin; Goddess of Mercy

  182 地藏 God of Earth

  183 四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians (at the entrance to a Buddhism temple)

  184 关帝庙 temple of Lord Guan

  185 民间艺术 folk art

  186 高雅艺术 refined art

  187 戏剧艺术 theatrical art

  188 电影艺术 film art

  189 六艺:礼,乐,射,御,书,数 the classical six arts: propriety, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic

  190 朦胧诗 misty poetry

  191 武侠小说 martial arts novels

  192 言情小说 romantic fiction

  193 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing

  194 五言绝句 five-character quatrain

  195 七言律诗 seven-character octave

  196 历史文献 historical document

  197 年糕 rice cake

  198 米羹 rice balls

  199 麻花 fried dough twist

  200 炒面 chow mein

  201 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork

  202 黄帝 Yellow Emperor

  203 夸父 Kua Fu (a fabled sun-chasing giant)

  204 女娲 Goddess of Sky-patching

  205 盘古 Pan Gu (creator of the universe)

  206 神农 Patron of Agriculture

  207 禹 Yu (the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty)

  208 祝融 God of Fire

  209 塔 pagoda

  210 琉璃塔 glazed pagoda

  211 舍利塔 dagoba; stupa (a pagoda for Buddhist relics)

  212 钟楼 bell tower

  213 鼓楼 drum tower

  214 阁 pavilion

  215 烽火台 beacon tower

  216 华表 ornamental column

  217 爱国主义精神 patriotism

  218 文化产业 culture industry

  219 文化事业 cultural undertaking

  220 文化交流 cultural exchange

  221 文化冲突 culture shock; cultural conflict

  222 乡村文化 rural culture

  223 民族文化 national culture

  224 表演艺术 performing art

  225 文化底蕴 cultural deposit

  226 华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestor

  227 同宗同源 be of the same origin

  228 中国文学 Chinese literature

  229 中国武术 Chinese martial arts; Kung Fu

  230 中国书法 Chinese calligraphy

  231 哲学家 philosopher

  232 明清两代 the Ming and Qing dynasties

  233 江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

  234 水乡景色 riverside scenery

  235 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

  236 《龙须沟》 Longxu Ditch

  237 样板戏 model opera

  238 地雷战 mine warfare

  239 《贵妃醉酒》 Drunkened Concubine

  240 《霸王别姬》 Farewell to My Concubine

  241 《荒山泪》 Tears of Huangshan

  242 《群英会》 Gathering of Heroes

  243 借东风 borrow the East Wind

  244 越剧 Yue opera

  245 川剧 Chuan ju; Sichuan opera

  246 四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China

  247 火药 gunpowder

  248 印刷术 printing; art of printing

  249 造纸术 paper-making technology

  250 指南针 compass

  251 中国结 Chinese knot

  252 青铜器 bronze ware

  253 武术门派 styles/schools of martial arts

  254 习武健身 practice martial arts for fitness

  255 古代格斗术 ancient form of combat

  256 武林高手 top martial artist

  257 气功 qigong; a system of deep breathing exercises

  258 空手道 karate

  259 拳击 boxing

  260 击剑 fencing

  261 汉学家 sinologist

  262 考古学家 archaeologist

  263 人类学家 anthropologist

  264 历史学家 historian

  265 地理学家 geographer

  266 进化论 the theory of evolution

  267 无神论 atheism

  268 宿命论 determinism

  269 启蒙运动 Enlightenment

  270 辩证法 dialectic

  271 形而上学 metaphysics

  272 寺庙 temple

  273 桂花 sweet osmanthus

  274 中药 TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)

  275 文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization

  276 跆拳道 taekwondo

  277 柔道 judo

  278 坚硬光滑的瓷器 hard-glazed porcelain

  279 无与伦比的文学创作 unsurpassed literary creativity

  280 笔画 stroke

  281 汉语的四声调 the four tones of Chinese

  282 平声 level tone

  283 上声 rising tone

  284 仄声 falling-rising tone

  285 去声 falling tone

  286 四合院 courtyard

  287 篆刻 seal cutting

  288 工艺 workmanship/craftsmanship

  289 手工艺品 handicraft

  290 泥人 clay figure

  291 美猴王 Handsome Monkey King

  292 七十二般变化 seventy-two different forms

  293 金箍棒 golden cudgel

  294 弼马温 the Protector of the Horses

  295 托塔李天王 Heavenly King Li with a Pagoda in Hand

  296 五行山 Five Elements Mountain

  297 金 metal

  298 木 wood

  299 水 water

  300 火 fire

  301 土 earth

  302 都江堰 Dujiang Weir

  303 河伯 River Uncle

  304 雷公 the Thunder God

  305 象形文字 pictograph

  306 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery

  307 寓言 fable

  308 神话 mythology

  309 传说 legend

  310 公历 Gregorian calendar

  311 阳历 solar calendar

  312 阴历 lunar calendar

  313 天干 Heavenly Stems

  314 地支 Earthly Branches

  315 闰年 leap year

  316 二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms

  317 传统节日 traditional holidays

  318 才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  319 中华文明 Chinese civilization

  320 中外学者 Chinese and overseas scholar

  321 修道士 monk

  322 尼姑 nun

  323 罗汉 arhat

  324 财神爷 the God of Wealth

  325 门神 Door Gods

  326 玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor

  327 炉火神 the Fire God

  328 土地神 Local God of the Land

  329 封神榜 Granting Titles to Gods

  330 灶王爷 the Kitchen God

  331 药王 the King of Medicine

  332 王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven

  333 齐天大圣 the Great Sage Equalling Heaven

  334 花果山 Mountain of Flowers and Fruits

  335 水帘洞 Water Curtain Cave

  336 扣除通货膨胀因素 adjust for inflation

  337 宏观调控 macroeconomic regulatory

  338 社会主义新农村 new socialist countryside

  339 依法 be pursuant to the law

  340 生产力过剩 surplus production capacity

  341 通车 be open to traffic

  342 节能 energy conservation

  343 第三产业 tertiary industry

  344 商业化 commercialization

  345 失业 unemployment

  346 消费方式 pattern of consumption

  347 过度工业化 over-industrialization

  348 能源和资源消耗 drain of energy and resources

  349 提供更多的就业机会 offer more job opportunities

  350 收支平衡点 breakeven point

  281 汉语的四声调 the four tones of Chinese

  282 平声 level tone

  283 上声 rising tone

  284 仄声 falling-rising tone

  285 去声 falling tone

  286 四合院 courtyard

  287 篆刻 seal cutting

  288 工艺 workmanship/craftsmanship

  289 手工艺品 handicraft

  290 泥人 clay figure

  291 美猴王 Handsome Monkey King

  292 七十二般变化 seventy-two different forms

  293 金箍棒 golden cudgel

  294 弼马温 the Protector of the Horses

  295 托塔李天王 Heavenly King Li with a Pagoda in Hand

  296 五行山 Five Elements Mountain

  297 金 metal

  298 木 wood

  299 水 water

  300 火 fire

  301 土 earth

  302 都江堰 Dujiang Weir

  303 河伯 River Uncle

  304 雷公 the Thunder God

  305 象形文字 pictograph

  306 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery

  307 寓言 fable

  308 神话 mythology

  309 传说 legend

  310 公历 Gregorian calendar

  311 阳历 solar calendar

  312 阴历 lunar calendar

  313 天干 Heavenly Stems

  314 地支 Earthly Branches

  315 闰年 leap year

  316 二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms

  317 传统节日 traditional holidays

  318 才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  319 中华文明 Chinese civilization

  320 中外学者 Chinese and overseas scholar

  321 修道士 monk

  322 尼姑 nun

  323 罗汉 arhat

  324 财神爷 the God of Wealth

  325 门神 Door Gods

  326 玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor

  327 炉火神 the Fire God

  328 土地神 Local God of the Land

  329 封神榜 Granting Titles to Gods

  330 灶王爷 the Kitchen God

  331 药王 the King of Medicine

  332 王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven

  333 齐天大圣 the Great Sage Equalling Heaven

  334 花果山 Mountain of Flowers and Fruits

  335 水帘洞 Water Curtain Cave

  336 扣除通货膨胀因素 adjust for inflation

  337 宏观调控 macroeconomic regulatory

  338 社会主义新农村 new socialist countryside

  339 依法 be pursuant to the law

  340 生产力过剩 surplus production capacity

  341 通车 be open to traffic

  342 节能 energy conservation

  343 第三产业 tertiary industry

  344 商业化 commercialization

  345 失业 unemployment

  346 消费方式 pattern of consumption

  347 过度工业化 over-industrialization

  348 能源和资源消耗 drain of energy and resources

  349 提供更多的就业机会 offer more job opportunities

  350 收支平衡点 breakeven point 351 预算 budget

  352 预算约束 budget constraint

  353 预算线 budget line

  354 补偿预算线 compensated budget line

  355 资本 capital

  356 资本存量 capital stock

  357 资本产出比率 capital output ratio

  358 资本主义 capitalism

  359 需求变化 change in demand

  360 供给量变化 change in quantity supplied

  361 供给变化 change in supply

  362 集体谈判 collective bargaining

  363 商品 commodity

  364 商品组合 commodity combination

  365 国有企业/公共事业单位 state-owned/public enterprise

  366 寄宿制学校 boarding schools

  367 远程教育 distance education

  368 最低生活保障 basic cost of living allowances

  369 稳健的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

  370 所得税 income tax

  371 期货市场 futures market

  372 高附加值 high value-added

  373 残酷的竞争 cut-throat competition

  374 堵塞漏洞 plug up loopholes

  375 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

  376 科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development

  377 社会主义和谐社会 harmonious socialist society

  378 逆向选择 adverse selection

  379 资金分配 the allocation of funds

  380 配置效率 allocative efficiency

  381 需求价格弹性 the price elasticity of demand

  382 平均成本 average cost

  383 资本平均产量 average product of capital

  384 劳动平均产量 average product of labor

  385 平均收益 average revenue

  386 平均总成本 average total cost

  387 平均可变成本 average variable cost

  388 基年 base year

  389 双边垄断 bilateral monopoly

  390 收益 benefit

  391 黑市 black market

  392 边界点 boundary point

  393 资本主义经济 capitalist economy

  394 集体经济 collective economy

  395 计划经济 planned economy

  396 管制经济 controlled economy

  397 农村经济 rural economy

  398 自由经济 liberal economy

  399 混合经济 mixed economy

  400 政治经济学 political economics

  401 保护主义 protectionism

  402 初级成分 primary sector

  403 私营成分 private sector

  404 公共成分 public sector

  405 经济渠道 economic channels

  406 经济平衡 economic balance

  407 经济波动 economic fluctuation

  408 约束 constraint

  409 消费者 consumer

  410 消费者行为 consumer behavior

  411 消费者选择 consumer choice

  412 消费者均衡 consumer equilibrium

  413 消费者优化 consumer optimization

  414 消费者偏好 consumer preference

  415 消费者剩余 consumer surplus

  416 消费者理论 consumer theory

  417 消费 consumption

  418 消费组合 consumption combination

  419 收入消费曲线 income consumption curve

  420 消费可能性前沿 consumption possibility frontier

  421 消费集 consumption set

  422 消费空间 consumption space

  423 经济衰退 economic depression

  424 经济稳定 economic stability

  425 经济政策 economic policy

  426 经济复苏 economic recovery

  427 控股公司 holding company

  428 增长率 rate of growth

  429 经济趋势 economic trend

  430 经济形势 economic situation

  431 生活标准 standard of living

  432 购买力 purchasing power; buying power

  433 短缺 scarcity

  434 停滞 stagnation

  435 欠发达 underdevelopment

  436 欠发达的 underdeveloped

  437 发展中的 developing

  438 商品市场 commodity market

  439 商品空间 commodity space

  440 公用财产 common property

  441 比较静态分析 comparative static analysis

  442 补偿需求函数 compensated demand function

  443 补偿原则 compensation principles

  444 收入补偿变量 compensating variation in income

  445 竞争 competition

  446 竞争性市场 competitive market

  447 互补品 complement goods

  448 完整信息 complete information

  449 完整性 completeness

  450 交换的最优条件 condition for efficiency in exchange

  451 生产的最优条件 condition for

  efficiency in production

  452 规模报酬不变 constant returns to scale

  453 连续性 continuity

  454 连续函数 continuous function

  455 合同曲线 contract curve

  456 重负损失 dead-weights loss

  457 成本递减产业 decreasing cost industry

  458 规模报酬递减 decreasing returns to scale

  459 需求曲线 demand curve

  460 需求弹性 demand elasticity

  461 需求函数 demand function

  462 需求价格 demand price

  463 折旧 depreciation

  464 差分方程 difference equation

  465 微分方程 differential equation

  466 差异商品 differentiated goods

  467 边际收益递减 diminishing marginal return

  468 指数 index number

  469 产业均衡 industry equilibrium

  470 劣品 inferior goods

  471 拐点 inflection point

  472 信息成本 information cost

  473 创新 innovation

  474 制度经济学 institutional economics

  475 保险 insurance

  476 利息 interest

  477 利息率 interest rate

  478 投资 investment

  479 劳动需求 labor demand

  480 劳动供给 labor supply

  481 劳动价值论 theory of labor value

  482 工会 labor union

  483 边际效用递减 diminishing marginal utility

  484 直接法 direct approach

  485 直接税 direct tax

  486 间接税 indirect tax

  487 折扣 discount

  488 分配 distribution

  489 劳动分工 division of labor

  490 耐用品 durable goods 491 经济成本 economic cost

  492 经济效率 economic efficiency

  493 经济物品 economic goods

  494 经济人 economic man

  495 经济模型 economic mode

  496 经济利润 economic profit

  497 生产的经济区域 economic region of production

  498 固定投入 fixed input

  499 流量 flow

  500 波动 fluctuation

  501 免费品 free goods

  502 资源自由流动 free mobility of resources

  503 总体均衡 general equilibrium

  504 一般商品 general goods

  505 家庭 household

  506 人力资本 human capital

  507 不完全竞争 imperfect competition

  508 收入约束 income constraint

  509 收入分配 income distribution

  510 收入效应 income effect

  511 财务效应 finance effect

  512 缺乏效率 inefficiency

  513 经济调节 economic regulation

  514 经济租金 economic rent

  515 交换 exchange

  516 经济学 economics

  517 交换效率 exchange efficiency

  518 经济 economy

  519 规模经济 economy of scale

  520 排斥性 exclusion

  521 企业家 entrepreneur

  522 企业家精神 entrepreneurship

  523 进入壁垒 entry barriers

  524 均衡条件 equilibrium condition

  525 均衡价格 equilibrium price

  526 均衡产量 equilibrium quantity

  527 公平 equity

  528 最低工资 minimum wage

  529 资源误置 misallocation of resources

  530 垄断竞争 monopolistic competition

  531 垄断剥削 monopolistic exploitation

  532 垄断,卖方垄断 monopoly

  533 买主垄断 monopsony

  534 垄断均衡 monopoly equilibrium

  535 必要条件 necessary condition

  536 必需品 necessities

  537 净需求 net demand

  538 机会成本 opportunity cost

  539 最佳选择 optimal choice

  540 参数 parameter

  541 完全竞争 perfect competition

  542 工厂规模 plant size

  543 过度供给 excess supply; oversupply

  544 期望 expectation

  545 期望效用 expected utility

  546 期望值 expected value

  547 支出 expenditure

  548 显性成本 explicit cost

  549 外部收益 external benefit

  550 外部成本 external cost

  551 外部经济 external economy

  552 外在的不经济性 external diseconomy

  553 外部性 externalities

  554 要素市场 factor market

  555 生产要素 factors of production

  556 要素替代 factor substitution

  557 固定成本 fixed cost

  558 宏观经济学 macroeconomics

  559 边际的 marginal

  560 边际收益 marginal revenue 561 边际成本 marginal cost

  562 市场出清 market clearance

  563 市场需求 market demand

  564 市场经济 market economy

  565 市场均衡 market equilibrium

  566 市场失败 market failure

  567 市场机制 market mechanism

  568 市场结构 market structure

  569 市场分割 market separation

  570 市场调节 market regulation

  571 市场份额 market share

  572 微观经济学 microeconomics

  573 私人财产 private property

  574 生产者均衡 producer equilibrium

  575 生产者理论 producer theory

  576 产品 product

  577 产品差异 product differentiation

  578 产品集团 product group

  579 生产效率 production efficiency

  580 生产函数 production function

  581 公共收益 public benefits

  582 公共选择 public choice

  583 公共商品 public goods

  584 风险 risk

  585 社会收益 social benefits

  586 社会成本 social cost

  587 社会偏好 social preference

  588 讨价还价 wheel and deal

  589 个体户 self-employed households/people

  590 个人所得税 individual income tax

  591 个体工商业者 individual industrialists and businessman

  592 股份制 the joint stock system

  593 环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim

  594 互动广告 interactive advertisement

  595 汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

  596 货到付款 cash on delivery

  597 金融机构 financial institution

  598 经济技术开发区 an economic and technological development zone

  599 经济特区 a special economic zone

  600 总成本 total cost

  601 总效应 total effect

  602 总支出 total expenditure

  603 总固定成本 total fixed cost

  604 总产量 total product

  605 福利标准 welfare standard

  606 零成本 zero cost

  607 零利润 zero economic profit

  608 按揭贷款 mortgage loan

  609 抵押贷款利率 mortgage rate

  610 按劳分配 distribution according to one’s performance

  611 白手起家 start from scratch

  612 白条 IOU note (IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)

  613 搬迁户 relocated families

  614 粗放式管理 extensive management

  615 地球村 global village

  616 地区差异 regional disparity

  617 电话会议 teleconference

  618 电视直销 TV home shopping

  619 电子商务认证 e-business certification

  620 风险投资 risk investment

  621 通货紧缩 deflation

  622 扩大内需 expand domestic demand

  623 对外招商 attract foreign investment

  624 反对铺张浪费 oppose/combat extravagance and waste

  625 反倾销 anti-dumping

  626 扶贫、脱贫 poverty reduction and elimination

  627 逃避银行债务 evasion of repayment of bank loans

  628 半拉子工程 uncompleted project

  629 包干到户 work contracted to households

  630 包工包料 contract for labor and materials

  631 保健食品 health foods

  632 保护性关税 protective tariff

  633 保税区 bonded area

  634 保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas

  635 保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings

  636 奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

  637 比较经济学 comparative economics

  638 变相涨价 disguised inflation

  639 不良贷款 non-performing loan

  640 不正之风 unhealthy tendency

  641 市场多元化 a multi-outlet market

  642 仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

  643 上海证券交易所 the Shanghai Stock Exchange

  644 实体经济 the real economy

  645 售后服务 after-sale service

  646 私人企业 private enterprise

  647 投诉热线 complaint hotline

  648 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity

  649 外商独资企业 wholly foreign-owned enterprise

  650 外向型经济 export-oriented economy

  651 外资 overseas investment

  652 一次付清 pay in full

  653 一次性杯子 sanitary cup

  654 一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks

  655 一次性拖鞋 disposable slippers

  656 增值税 the value-added tax (VAT)

  657 昼夜服务 round-the-clock service

  658 掺水股票 water-down stocks

  659 产品结构 product structure

  660 产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure

  661 长线产品 product in excessive supply

  662 超前消费 over consuming; excessive consumption

  663 城乡信用社 urban and rural credit cooperative

  664 科技兴贸 vitalize trade by science and technology

  665 走向全球 going global

  666 外经贸战略 the foreign trade and economic strategy

  667 出口加工区 export processing zone

  668 出口退税制度 export tax refund system

  669 出口退税 refunding export taxes

  670 出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports

  671 创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park

  672 经济转轨 the economic transition

  673 经济兴旺 an economic boom

  674 劳务输出 export of labor services

  675 招聘会 a labor fair; a job fair

  676 耐用消费品 durable consumer goods

  677 内耗 internal friction

  678 农副产品 agricultural and sideline products

  679 牛市/熊市 a bull/bear market

  680 欧元 Euro

  681 泡沫经济 bubble economy

  682 配套政策 supporting policies

  683 票房 box office

  684 平均主义 equalitarianism

  685 平面设计师 graphic designer

  686 商业银行 commercial bank

  687 长城 the Great Wall

  688 秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

  689 兵马俑 Terra-cotta Warriors

  690 大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda

  691 丝绸之路 the Silk Road

  692 敦煌莫高窟 Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang

  693 华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring

  694 五台山 Wutai Mountain

  695 九华山 Jiuhua Mountain

  696 峨眉山 Mount Emei

  697 泰山 Mount Tai

  698 黄山 Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain

  699 故宫 the Imperial Palace

  700 天坛 Temple of Heaven 701 午门 Meridian Gate

  702 和亲 intermarriage

  703 农民起义 peasant uprising

  704 进入没落和衰败的时期 enter a period of decline and decay

  705 全盛期 heyday

  706 加速了王朝的解体 hasten the disintegration of the dynasty

  707 朝贡制度 tributary system

  708 忽必烈 Kublai Khan

  709 土地私有制 private ownership of land

  710 父系社会 patriarchal society

  711 分封制 the system of enfeoffment

  712 三省六部制 the system of Three Councils and Six Boards

  713 争霸 strive for hegemony

  714 大运河 the Grand Canal

  715 护城河 moat

  716 回音壁 Echo Wall

  717 九龙壁 the Nine-Dragon Wall

  718 黄帝陵 Mausoleum of Yellow Emperor

  719 明十三陵 the Ming Tombs

  720 苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens

  721 西湖 West Lake

  722 九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley

  723 日月潭 Sun-Moon Lake

  724 乐山大佛 the Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain

  725 旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Period; the Old Stone Age

  726 新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; the New Stone Age

  727 社会地位 social status

  728 远古时代 ancient times

  729 近代 modern times

  730 原始资料 original data

  731 古代文明 ancient civilization

  732 统一货币 standardize the currency

  733 登基 ascend the throne

  734 篡夺权力 usurp the power

  735 …在位期间 during the reign of...

  736 大臣 minister (of a monarchy)

  737 三品以上的官 officials above the third rank

  738 世袭制度 hereditary system

  739 由…继任 be succeeded by...

  740 朝廷 the imperial court

  741 甲骨文 oracle bones

  742 母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society

  743 封建(制度)的 feudal

  744 朝代 dynasty

  745 秦朝 Qin Dynasty

  746 汉朝 Han Dynasty

  747 唐朝 Tang Dynasty

  748 宋朝 Song Dynasty

  749 元朝 Yuan Dynasty

  750 明朝 Ming Dynasty

  751 清朝 Qing Dynasty

  752 秦始皇 Emperor Qinshihuang; the First Emperor of Qin

  753 皇太后 Empress Dowager

  754 汉高祖刘邦 Liu Bang, founder of the Han Dynasty

  755 大使馆 embassy

  756 大禹治水 King Yu tamed the flood

  757 武王伐纣 King Wu Attacked King Zhou

  758 周公东征 Duke Zhou’s Eastward Conquest

  759 春秋五霸 the five overlords of the Spring and Autumn Period

  760 战国七雄 the seven powerful states of the Warring States Period

  761 大泽乡起义 the Dazexiang Uprising

  762 赤壁大战 Chibi Wars

  763 淝水之战 the Battle of Feishui

  764 隋朝大运河 the Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty

  765 贞观之治 the Benign Administration of the Zhenguan Reign Period

  766 开元盛世 the Flourishing Kaiyuan Reign Period

  767 战国时期 the Warring States Period

  768 文成公主 Princess Wencheng

  769 慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi

  770 皇帝,君主 emperor; monarch 771 诸侯 vassal

  772 皇妃 Imperial Concubine

  773 宰相 prime minister in feudal China

  774 太监 eunuch

  775 少数民族 minority nationality

  776 祭祀 offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors

  777 西域 the Western Regions

  778 士大夫 literati and officialdom (in feudal China)

  779 学者 scholar

  780 诗人 poet

  781 政治家 statesman

  782 扩大领土 extend the domain

  783 夺取政权 seize the power

  784 屈服于统治 submit to the rule

  785 孙子 Sun-tzu

  786 李小龙 Bruce Lee

  787 都察院 the Court of Censors

  788 刑部 the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China

  789 内务府 Imperial Household Department

  790 翰林院 Imperial Academy

  791 科举制度 imperial examination system

  792 钦天监 The Imperial Board of Astronomy

  793 闭关政策 exclusion policy

  794 战后的 postwar

  795 永久佃户 permanent tenant

  796 大使 ambassador

  797 松赞干布 Songtsen Gampo

  798 康乾盛世 the Golden Age of Three Emperors

  799 虎门销烟 the Destruction of Opium at Humen

  800 洋务运动 the Westernization Movement

  801 中日甲午战争 Sino-Japanese War of 1894—1895

  802 北伐战争 the Northern Expedition

  803 两万五千里长征 the Long March of 25 000 Li

  804 七七事变 the July 7th Incident of 1937

  805 平型关大捷 the Victory at Pingxing Pass

  806 台儿庄战役 the Taierzhuang Campaign

  807 重庆谈判 the Chongqing Negotiations

  808 解放战争 the War of Liberation

  809 分成两个阶段 divide into two phases

  810 击退 beat back

  811 中央集权制 centralism

  812 吃“大锅饭” eating from the same big pot

  813 关系户 closely-related units

  814 外出打工人员 migrant workers

  815 基层监督 grass-roots supervision

  816 基础税率 base tariff level

  817 婚介所 matrimonial agency

  818 婚外恋 extramarital love/affair

  819 婚纱摄影 wedding photography

  820 黑心棉 shoddy cotton

  821 机器阅卷 machine scoring

  822 即开型奖券 scratch-open ticket/lottery

  823 价格听证会 public price hearings

  824 甲A球队 Division A Soccer Team

  825 家政服务 household management service

  826 假账 false accounting

  827 中国传统文人 Chinese traditional literati

  828 地方的军事官员 regional military governors

  829 中央任命的官员 centrally appointed officials

  830 在以前的朝代中 in the previous dynasties

  831 行政目的 administrative purposes

  832 行政区域 an administrative district

  833 海上贸易 maritime commerce

  834 唐朝的思想 the Tang ideal

  835 三国 the Three Kingdoms

  836 南北朝 the Northern and Southern Dynasties

  837 五代 Five Dynasties

  838 八路军 the Eighth Route Army

  839 新四军 New Fourth Armies

  840 区域军阀 regional warlords

  841 预示着…的衰退 herald the decline of...

  842 菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project

  843 温饱工程 Decent-Life Project

  844 安居工程 Economy Housing Project

  845 山洪 mountain torrents

  846 无土栽培 soilless cultivation

  847 生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture

  848 农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labor

  849 超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice

  850 水位 water level

  851 低洼地区 low-lying areas

  852 淹没农田 inundate the cropland

  853 大桥倒塌 bridge collapsed

  854 红宝书 little red book

  855 终生职业 job-for-life

  856 铁饭碗 a secure job

  857 中国电信 China Telecom

  858 中国移动 China Mobile

  859 “十二五”规划 the 12th Five-Year Plan

  860 中国电脑联网 Chinanet

  861 人工智能 artificial intelligence

  862 生物技术 biotechnology

  863 克隆 clon

  864 试管婴儿 test-tube baby

  865 《神农本草经》 Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic

  866 针灸 acupuncture

  867 推拿 medical massage

  868 切脉 feel the pulse

  869 基因突变 genetic mutation

  870 基因工程 genetic engineering

  871 一国两制 One Country, Two Systems

  872 三个代表 the Three Represents Theory

  873 全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)

  874 人大代表 NPC representative

  875 人大常委会 National People’s Congress Standing Committee

  876 法制观念 awareness of law

  877 法治国家 a country with an adequate legal system

  878 公务员 civil servant

  879 官僚主义作风 the bureaucratic style of work

  880 和谐并存 harmonious coexistence

  881 南南合作 South-South Cooperation

  882 南北对话 North-South Dialogue

  883 西部大开发 Development of the West Regions

  884 转基因食品 genetically modified food (GM food)

  885 3D/三维电影 three-dimensional movie

  886 三峡工程 the Three Gorges Project

  887 希望工程 Project Hope

  888 民族精神 national spirit

  889 求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences

  890 物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilization

  891 小康社会 a well-off society

  892 小康水平 a well-off level

  893 与时俱进 keep pace with the times

  894 综合国力 the overall national strength

  895 共同愿望 common desire/aspiration

  896 加强舆论监督 enhance the supervision by the public opinion

  897 借调 temporarily transfer

  898 扩大中等收入者比重 raise the proportion of the middle-income group

  899 智力密集型企业 intelligence-intensive enterprise

  900 外资企业 overseas-funded enterprise

  901 下岗职工 laid-off worker

  902 三角债 chain debts

  903 素质教育 education for all-round development; quality-oriented education

  904 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project

  905 社会治安情况 public security situation

  906 改革开放 the reform and opening-up policy

  907 民族国家 nation state

  908 西气东输 West-to-East natural gas transmission project

  909 可持续性发展 sustainable development 910 计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 911 虚拟现实 virtual reality

  912 网民 netizen (net citizen)

  913 电脑犯罪 computer crime

  914 电子商务 e-commerce

  915 网上购物 shopping online

  916 应试教育 exam-oriented education

  917 学生减负 reduce study load

  918 总裁助理 assistant president

  919 综合治理 comprehensive treatment

  920 下海 go into business; plunge into the commercial sea

  921 离线,下线 off line

  922 未婚子女 unmarried children

  923 夫妻关系 conjugal relation

  924 患难夫妻 couple who go through thick and thin together

  925 信息革命 information revolution

  926 信息高速公路 information superhighway

  927 多媒体信息服务 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)

  928 电子管理 e-management

  929 办公自动化 Office Automation (OA)

  930 信息高地 information highland

  931 信息检索 information retrieval

  932 五好家庭 the five-virtue family

  933 统筹兼顾 make overall plans and take all factors into consideration

  934 文化适应 acculturation

  935 新新人类 New Human Beings

  936 信息港 information port

  937 摇钱树 cash cow

  938 形象小姐/先生 image representative of a product or a brand

  939 易拉罐 pop can

  940 虚拟网 virtual net

  941 职业培训 job training

  942 人才交流 talent exchange

  943 人才战 competition for talented people

  944 职业文盲 functional illiterate

  945 智力引进 recruit/introduce talents

  946 智商 intelligence quotient(IQ)

  947 早恋 puppy love

  948 直系家庭 stem family

  949 大家庭 extended family

  950 四世同堂 four generations living under one roof

  951 破裂的家庭 broken family

  952 家长 patriarch

  953 家长制 patriarchal system

  954 家长统治 patriarchy

  955 家庭关系 family relationships

  956 家庭规模 family size

  957 孝(道) filial piety/duty

  958 孝顺 show filial obedience

  959 孝子,孝女 dutiful son/daughter

  960 独生子女 the only child in a family

  961 媒人 matchmaker

  962 配偶 spouse

  963 以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

  964 舆论导向 direction of public opinion

  965 招生就业指导办公室 Office of Admissions and Employment

  966 证券营业部 Stock Exchange

  967 人口老龄化 aging of population

  968 人口出生率 birth rate

  969 全国人口普查 nationwide census

  970 人口激增 population explosion

  971 预期寿命 life expectancy

  972 社会公益活动 public welfare activities

  973 提供各种便民服务 provide various convenient services

  974 活动中心 recreational center

  975 道德标准 ethical standards

  976 青春期 puberty

  977 在职博士生 on-job doctorate

  978 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency

  979 教育界 educational circle/world

  980 教育投入 input in education

  981 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education

  982 高考 university/college entrance examination

  983 高校扩招 the college expansion plan

  984 大学城 college/university town

  985 初等教育 elementary education

  986 教育事业 educational cause

  987 政治思想教育 political and ideological education

  988 大学社区 college community

  989 高等教育 higher education

  990 高等学府 institution of higher education

  991 老弱病残 the aged, the weak, the sick, and the disabled

  992 退休者 retiree

  993 退休金 pension

  994 军属 soldier’s dependants

  1010 喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear

  1011 现代企业制度 modern enterprise system; modern corporate system

  1012 先发制人战略 pre-emptive strategy

  1013 县级市 county-level city 1014 先入为主。 First impressions are firmly entrenched. 1015 先下手为强 catch the ball before the bound






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19、引入实践活动 优化教学策略——以“项目学习”优化初中物理教学的策略研究--2500--王珊珊
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第16章 滚动轴承Word


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