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中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec


中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec

  Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

  Section A Grammar focus 4a-4c

  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim:

  1) Master the new words or phrases: African, speech, in public

  2) Grasp different sentences structures of used to like Did you use to? What did you use to?

  3) know the function of use to for what often do in the past or the state

  Ability aim:

  Through the different ways of practice, use the kinds of pattern used to skillfully

  Emotional aims:

  Students understand that things are developing and changing, cultivate positive mentality.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Summarize the different sentence patterns used to

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Use the kinds of pattern used to skillfully

  Teaching Methods:

  Task-based method, situational method

  Teaching Aids:


  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Leading-in

  Story about Candy Wang

  T: Nice to see you, every one! Lets begin our class! Today I bring a story for you, do you want to listen to it?

  S: Yes!

  T: Please listen to the tape carefully, after that, please pay attention to these questions:

  ① Who is Candy Wang? whats her background?

  ② What are changes of Candy Wangs life

  ③ What is Candy Wangs advice to young people who want to succeed?

  T: Can you give me answers? Emily?

  S: She is a young Asian pop star. She used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. She didnt use to be popular in school, but now she get tons of attention everywhere she go. She told us :You have to be prepared to give up your normal life, require a lot of talent and hard work if you wanted to be successful.

  T: Very good. From the story we know that things are developing and changing, if you want to success, you should change you used to be and work or study hard.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Listen to the story again, read and complete the sentences about Candy.

  T: Listen to the story again, read and complete the sentences about Candy.

  T: Who shows your sentences? Charles.

  S: ①She used to be shy, but now shes not shy anymore. ②She used to sing to deal with her shyness, but now she loves singing in front of crowds. ③She didnt use to popular in school, but now she gets lots of attention. ④She used to hang out with friends, but it is impossible now. ⑤She didnt use to be careful about what she says or does, but she is now.

  2. Discus to get the rules and functions of used to

  T: Fine, these sentences are all on the ppt, discuss in group. Five in a group, find the rules and functions

  T: Are you OK? Who can show us? Alice.

  S: The sentence patterns are used to be adj. and used to v. used to means that what often do in the past or the state. didnt use to means that what do not often in the past or the state.

  T: Beautiful. We know that used to represents the habitual action or state of being in the past. It emphasizes to compare past with now, suggests that the habitual action or state of being is not now. to is the infinitive symbol which followed by a verb. It was just used in simple past tense, there is no change in person and number. In the positive sentence the pattern is S +used to + do sth. Such as Mr. Wang used to be a worker. Li Ping used to get up earlier. S+ didnt use to+ do sth. is the negative form, pay attention didnt adding use. Such as He did not use to swim in this river, but he swims here now. Here another negative form S + used not to + V., in this pattern, used is a modal verb, in the negative sentence you can add not behind it. Also used not could abbreviate usednt or usent. He didnt use to swim in the river is equal to He used not to swim in the river. Do you understand?

  Ss: Yes, we do .

  T: So clever! Please read this table loudly on the ppt.. Boys read the right line, girls read the left line. Begin!

  中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec 1

  Ss. .

  T: Well done! Please observe this table, what do you find? You can discuss with your partner. 2 minutes later, I will ask you to tell me.

  T: Eva, please.

  S: We get normal question and answer formats . Did + S +use to +V.? If S do, Yes, S did / If S dont, No, S didnt.

  T: Good! Please be careful in this question and answer formats, Used +S+ to+V.? If S do, Yes, S used to, here to is saved. / If S dont, No, S didnt. here to is omitted. Are you clear? All right, did you find any else? Mark?

  S: We get another question and answer formats.- S+ used to do sth. , didnt +S? If S did, Yes, S did / If S didnt, No, S didnt..

  T: Nice! We call like -- You used to be short, didnt you?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt the disjunctive question(反义疑问句). It means that the askers opinions are not sure, ask others advice.

  Step 3 Consolidation

  1 Write sentences about the past using used to in 4a as quickly as you can .

  T: Lets do some exercise. Please write sentences about the past using used to in 4a as quickly as you can.

  T: Have you got them? All right, Ill ask some of you to answer. This line is from Eric, then one by one, please.

  Ss: ①Grace used to watch a lot of TV. She didnt use to watch a lot of movies. ②My mom used to have curly hair. She didnt use to have straight hair. ③Jerry used to read books on European history. He didnt use to read books on African culture. ④Sandy used to teach British English. She didnt use to teach American English

  T: Well done! You are all right, lets clap to them. But do you know what are the meanings of European, African and British? Candy?

  S: The people are lived in Europe, Africa and England.

  2 Work on 4b.

  Activity 1: Write sentences with used to, didnt use to or Did use to?on the notebook or blackboard.

  T: So clever you are! Now look at another table on PPT. Its the information about Emily.

  Could you write some sentences with used to, didnt use to or Did use to? in 5 minutes? Then show them for us on the blackboard.

  中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec 2

  T: Are you Ok? Linda?

  S:① Emily didnt use to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she loves carrots and tomatoes. ②Emily used to listen to pop music, but now she enjoys country music. ③Emily used to watch scary movies, but now she hates them. ④Emily didnt use to read a lot of books, but now she reads at least six books a year

  Activity 2: Make dialogues with your written sentences in pair work.

  T: Wonderful! Could you make dialogues about Emily in pair work? If you do, please role play. Lets begin oral practice.

  T: Have you finished? Any volunteers? Chris and Jack?

  Ss:--Nice to see you Emily! Did you use to like carrots and tomatoes?

  --No, I didnt. but now I love them.

  T: Excellent! They talked about Emilys habits ever. Anyone else? You two, please!


  3 Group work, work on 4c

  Activity 1 Read the contents of the table

  中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec 3

  Activity 2 According to own situation choose in the proper form.

  Activity 3 Ask members in own group choose in the proper form.

  中学英语教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSec 4

  Activity4 Find any situations to talk about what they used to be afraid of or now each other.

  For example:

  A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark?

  B: No, I didnt. But I used to be afraid of being alone.

  C: Did you use to be afraid of flying?

  D: No, I didnt. But I used to be afraid of high places.

  Step 4 Summary and homework

  Activity1 Summary

  Encourage the students to summary what they have learned, the teacher may give some help if necessary

  Activity 2 Homework.

  Think out the differences in these sentence structures. Share thoughts in next lesson.

  ①Sb. used to do/be. ②Sb. be (get) used to doing sth. ③Sth. be used to do/ for doing sth.

  Blackboard Design:

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  Teaching Reflection:






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